Xianity declining worldwide

You know ....

Medicine Woman

You know, one of the things that really annoys me about these dumb-assed topics of yours lately is that they seem plucked from the Quiet Hater's Review, and don't seem to make any larger point except to express your open disgust for Christianity.

Now, first off: The shorthand for "Christian" is "Xn." The shorthand for Christianity is "Xnty".

Wasting extra characters only indicates your need to provoke people by making disrespectful jokes out of them.

Secondly, your question is so myopic I really do question whether or not I would bother shouting to you to tell you that you're about to be hit by a truck. Some things are indicative of the needs of evolution.
With xianity declining around the world, what will the xians do when the myth is finally revealed?
I'll even tell you what's wrong with that question, M*W.

They myth has been revealed. And they don't seem to care! They never cared.

So the answer is that they will do the same thing they do every day: try to take over the world.

Stop and think for two seconds before you post a topic like this and ask yourself whether or not an eight year-old with dyslexia can figure out the answer in under five seconds. If the answer is yes, you probably don't need to waste your time or anyone else's acting like a pissed-off cheerleader denouncing what you loathe so enthusiastically.

You know, behavior like yours helps perpetuate Christianity. Thanks a freaking lot, M*W.

You know, even horsesh@t has a use.
Originally posted by Pakman
I'm not sure about Hinduism or Buddhism, but I can tell you that Islam is a religion of logic and reasoning. Stuff people can agree too. I'll give you an example.

In Christianity, it says that those who don't believe in Jesus Christ will go to hell. A guy can be the nicest guy in the world, but he never came upon religon. So he will go to hell. That is why Christians have to spread the word of the Son of God.

According to Islam, a man can have no religon, but if he has lived a life of good deeds, then he will go to heaven.

I'm not sure what the case is when man has come upon religion and refused on it. Perhaps Proud_Syrian or Ghassan Kanafani can answer that.

Also, correct me if I'm wrong on any parts about Christainity above. Thanks.

Hinduism and Buddhism also send a simliar message saying it doesn't matter how or if you pray, if you do good actions (deeds) you will be reincarnated into a good life.

Originally posted by okinrus Hinduism and Buddhism are not more logical. Hinduism's caste system is particualarly loathful.

The caste system isn't a part of Hinduism, it was a just a social division. The Manu Smrti isn't a religious scripture.
In Christianity, it says that those who don't believe in Jesus Christ will go to hell. A guy can be the nicest guy in the world, but he never came upon religon. So he will go to hell. That is why Christians have to spread the word of the Son of God.
It is more correct to say that some sects of christianity believe that.
Re: You know ....

Originally posted by tiassa
Medicine Woman

You know, one of the things that really annoys me about these dumb-assed topics of yours lately is that they seem plucked from the Quiet Hater's Review, and don't seem to make any larger point except to express your open disgust for Christianity.
M*W: I've never heard of "Quite Hater's Review," but now you've got me curious!
Now, first off: The shorthand for "Christian" is "Xn." The shorthand for Christianity is "Xnty".
M*W: I've never heard of these abbreviations. "X" is used widely in the RCC, so it should be of no offense to xians. Jewish use xtian and xtianity widely. I don't thing the "t" is necessary in the abbreviation since "X" stands for "Christ."
Wasting extra characters only indicates your need to provoke people by making disrespectful jokes out of them.
M*W: They are provoked even when spelling it out! I choose to abbreviate because I don't believe in it. If they choose to be provoked, that's THEIR problem! If they really believed that Jesus died for them, I find it hard to believe they would be provoked by anything a non-believer said! That tells me they must have a subconscious doubt about their salvation.
Secondly, your question is so myopic I really do question whether or not I would bother shouting to you to tell you that you're about to be hit by a truck. Some things are indicative of the needs of evolution.I'll even tell you what's wrong with that question, M*W.

They myth has been revealed. And they don't seem to care! They never cared.
M*W: My point exactly. The myth HAS been revealed, but they ignore it like it isn't there (like the Emperor's new clothes). Somebody has to keep reminding them about the myth they believe. It's religion that gets in the way of spirituality. These people have lost their souls. It's my mission to help them find it. If it offends you, I'm sorry. I was not put in this world to keep quiet.
So the answer is that they will do the same thing they do every day: try to take over the world.
M*W: They may try to take over the world, but I assure you their numbers are well in decline. They had a better chance of taking over the world 2000 years ago. Now, it's too late!
Stop and think for two seconds before you post a topic like this and ask yourself whether or not an eight year-old with dyslexia can figure out the answer in under five seconds. If the answer is yes, you probably don't need to waste your time or anyone else's acting like a pissed-off cheerleader denouncing what you loathe so enthusiastically.
M*W: Good point, however, in case you haven't noticed, there are several dyslexic 8-year-old members on sciforums, so I posted my queries directed at their mental level. I realize the more educated members would find this unbearable, but I hope you understand.
You know, behavior like yours helps perpetuate Christianity. Thanks a freaking lot, M*W.

You know, even horsesh@t has a use.
M*W: I don't see how my behavior would perpetuate this evil. You know, being members of sciforums is probably the most risque thing they could be doing. They obviously don't read anything else (or they wouldn't be xians!). We need more people who aren't afraid to speak their mind! You know, it really chaps my ass when I read how people hate the Muslims, when our clear and present spiritual enemy is xianity! Those of us who are non-xians, anti-xians, recovering-xians, need to stick together. In "unity there is strength." The world will be a better place when all the xians are eradicated, just like it was when smallpox was eliminated. I take this mission as seriously as I took xianity when I was one of them! I would have expected your support in this matter, tiassa. The xians were persecuted in Biblical times, why should now be any different? History repeats itself for the betterment of the world.
Re: Re: You know ....

Originally posted by Medicine*Woman
M*W: I don't see how my behavior would perpetuate this evil. You know, being members of sciforums is probably the most risque thing they could be doing. They obviously don't read anything else (or they wouldn't be xians!). We need more people who aren't afraid to speak their mind! You know, it really chaps my ass when I read how people hate the Muslims, when our clear and present spiritual enemy is xianity! Those of us who are non-xians, anti-xians, recovering-xians, need to stick together. In "unity there is strength." The world will be a better place when all the xians are eradicated, just like it was when smallpox was eliminated. I take this mission as seriously as I took xianity when I was one of them! I would have expected your support in this matter, tiassa. The xians were persecuted in Biblical times, why should now be any different? History repeats itself for the betterment of the world.

This is kind of harsh - you want to persecute and eradicate Christians? This sounds disturbingly like something Hitler wanted to do (and to a large extent - did do) to the Jews! As distasteful and just plain stupid as I perceive the Christian religion to be, there are many wonderful people I know for whom Christianity is a godsend, if you will, including two members of my own family. Okay, so they're typically not the sharpest knives in the drawer - but we will always have a certain percentage of the population that is less bright than the rest. You simply cannot go around eradicating everyone in the lower third - you'd just end up with a new lower range, until you eventually find yourself there. And what a fine kettle of fish that would be, eh?

I understand how you feel about having been duped when you were a Christian yourself. But please don't take it out on living, breathing, feeling human beings, most of whom have never done you any harm and never would. And remember also that you were once where they are now. Most people who follow the Christian path have been brainwashed into believing that way from the cradle. The Christian meme has survived as long as it has for a reason, and it will not be eradicated overnight. Many of them are figuring it out for themselves, just as you did. It just takes time and education, so be patient! :)
M*W: I've never heard of these abbreviations. "X" is used widely in the RCC, so it should be of no offense to xians. Jewish use xtian and xtianity widely. I don't thing the "t" is necessary in the abbreviation since "X" stands for "Christ."
That's funny M*W. The catholic church does not use the term "Roman Catholic Church" in any of their documents. I've never seen any chrisitans refer to themselves as X or Xian. In fact, I've only seen Satan worshipers use X. It's a tilted cross M*W.
"The xians were persecuted in Biblical times, why should now be any different? History repeats itself for the betterment of the world."

What? Are you really stupid enough to think that persecuting a group of people makes the world a better place?
The issue or the method? What is the issue, then?

I've never heard of "Quite Hater's Review," but now you've got me curious!
Don't worry about it. You're too much a literalist for the explanation to make any sense.
I've never heard of these abbreviations
Fair enough. Most people who had cause to use the abbreviations were of the mind to write the word out, anyway. The point, though, is to save you some letters.

Furthermore, nobody likes seeing ill-wishers reducing their identity to shorthand. It's like the debate about "Xmas". Maybe that one rings a bell.
They are provoked even when spelling it out!
Obviously not by the same issue, since said issue doesn't exist when the word is spelled out.

Yes, even I think it's petty, but it's all a matter of what your priorities are. We'll get to that in a moment.
I choose to abbreviate because I don't believe in it.
I'll take your word for it, as I don't see what the one has to do with the other.
If they choose to be provoked, that's THEIR problem!
That philosophy has served humanity so well. The Irish, for instance, amid a potato blight in the nineteenth century, were left to die and rot because their lamentations were characterized as "ingratitude".

It's the same principle. Apparently the Irish ingrates chose to be provoked where none was warranted.
If they really believed that Jesus died for them, I find it hard to believe they would be provoked by anything a non-believer said!
They're still human beings. Their feathers still ruffle when someone sets out to f@ck with them. Tolerance only works so far; if one intends malice, there's not much good in toleration, is there?
That tells me they must have a subconscious doubt about their salvation.
It comes with the territory. First off, they're human beings, Medicine Woman. Secondly, as I understood the teachings of my Christian elders during that period of my life, being cocksure about one's salvation is more than slightly problematic. In fact, I'm sure you can appreciate the significance of such an idea when we put it into the context of the Inquisition as a sublimation of doubts about one's salvation in order to feel more confident about what cannot be known. A proactive identification--one cannot leave the pagan to burn at risk of one's own immortal soul, for whatsoever thou do not do for the least of God's brethren . . . . And so the Inquisitors went forth with the presumption that they were saved and that their wisdom would reflect that salvation, thus allowing torture, rape, and murder to be sanctified as god's work. A similar device can be found in an examination of Spaniard encomienda in the Americas.
My point exactly. The myth HAS been revealed, but they ignore it like it isn't there (like the Emperor's new clothes).
Somebody has to keep reminding them about the myth they believe.
So rattling sabers is the best approach?
It's religion that gets in the way of spirituality.
I agree, but that is theirs to figure out insofar as we might be wrong on that count. Spirituality is largely illusory, anyway, so . . . I guess it's left to them to decide whether or not it's important.
These people have lost their souls
A sufficient dramatization that I accept and agree with.
It's my mission to help them find it.
If it offends you, I'm sorry.
Don't be. Unless it's important enough to you. I won't be offended if not.
I was not put in this world to keep quiet.
Neither was Sarah Brightman. But I'm sure that during their heyday Andrew Lloyd preferred to hear her singing instead of riding his ass like an overripe diaper. It's all a matter of what's important to you.
Now, it's too late!
Hopefully. We might, should we survive, revisit such an issue if Islamic terrorists set off a nuke inside the US, for instance.
Good point, however, in case you haven't noticed, there are several dyslexic 8-year-old members on sciforums, so I posted my queries directed at their mental level.
Okay, and should I pretend you were aiming for anything that you or I might agree conventionally is a positive end?

Did you want to communicate with the dyslexic 8 year-olds in order to help them learn to read, or to yell at them for being poor students?
but I hope you understand
The argument in the abstract makes sense. It does not reconcile with what I perceive in reality.
I don't see how my behavior would perpetuate this evil.
Then, quite frankly, you probably should take your mission back to committee and review the methodology.
You know, being members of sciforums is probably the most risque thing they could be doing. They obviously don't read anything else (or they wouldn't be xians!).
No, actually, turning off the computer, putting the Bible away, finding a partner, and shagging their brains out until they're happy for a while is probably the most risque thing they could be doing. Throw some hard drugs in there and hey ... it could get fun.

In the meantime, I fail to see what this brand of spite profits you, me, or anyone else.
We need more people who aren't afraid to speak their mind!
To what end? Take a look around Sciforums, which is littered with mediocre intellects moved to speak their minds. How many of them just want to bitch and moan and couldn't imagine the idea that solutions to human disagreements are, in fact, possible? Speaking minds is one thing. Saying anything coherent is another. And even more distant is saying anything coherent that is of positive use.

And all of this leads toward something. We're almost there, as you're setting the stage well.
You know, it really chaps my ass when I read how people hate the Muslims, when our clear and present spiritual enemy is xianity!
Christianity is a symptom. The enemy lies deeper within each person.
Those of us who are non-xians, anti-xians, recovering-xians, need to stick together.
I submit to you the example of Sciforums' atheists. They like to stick together, though mostly in name. Aside from the common label, they insist on such diversity that the word has no meaning. Fair 'nuff. Though, while sticking together is what good waffles do, I look to the basis of the common bond.
The world will be a better place when all the xians are eradicated, just like it was when smallpox was eliminated.
Nearly impossible. Absolutely impossible if one does not wish to set humanity back a couple millennia.

You may have noticed Raithere and I throwing around the term "disarming god" in various posts. Please give the idea some consideration: Disarming God.

If you can remove the sting from the Serpent, you need not kill it.
I take this mission as seriously as I took xianity when I was one of them
As gently and constructively as I can manage this one: That's your problem. That's your choice.

And I'll further soften that one, as we have arrived at a vital juncture:
I would have expected your support in this matter, tiassa.
In which matter?

A progressive, harmonious society of humans allowed to pursue their maximum potential contribution to the welfare and prosperity of the species? I'm there.

The extinction of Christianity? I have to nitpick terms.

I'll be happy if I can convince some Christians to merely accept the fact that they are, in fact, human beings.

Your methodology is disagreeable, Medicine Woman, both for the absence of rhetorical humanity and for the simple and observable fact that your methods function largely as a "call to arms". You sharpen "the enemy's" blade, encourage them to defend the faith in battle against the slings and arrows of persecutory zeal. Any human being is much more reasonable in a disagreement when s/he doesn't feel threatened.

You perpetuate Christianity by giving them a target to identify against; your actions result in a strengthening of the bond between Christians who imagine themselves resisting persecution. Your rhetoric justifies that perception of persecution. You empower Christianity to fight back at a time when it should be left to wander aimlessly about the pasture, wrecking the grass and occasionally getting all fouled up in the barbed wire fences.
The xians were persecuted in Biblical times, why should now be any different?
Because people are supposed to be smarter than the ancients.
History repeats itself for the betterment of the world
This only works out if humanity is capable of learning from history.

But, I know, I know. You're smart enough to know that ideological, memetic, or even real and literal genocide is a bad idea. And yes, I know. You're smart enough that I should trust you when you tell me that Christians are the one time an exception should be made.

What? What did I miss there?

Think of it this way: if a sex partner cheats on the other in order to be with you, are you going to believe it when the divorce is over and it's your turn to be the spouse and not the illicit affair?

I recommend Sir James G. Frazer's The Golden Bough. It's long, it's dry, and it's a headache in places. But I can sum up an essential theme for you right here: In the wood near the Lake Nemi there stood a tree, and around that tree could be seen, day and night, a solitary figure prowling about. This was Rex nemorensis, the King of the Wood. The, Queen ... uh ... well, the Queen was the tree itself. Throw in ... Virgil, I think? Anyway, this is the tale of the Golden Bough. The King of the Wood stayed with the tree, guarded her, and ruled over the forest ... such as it was. The office was his for life. However, the only way he could be replaced was the same way he took office: a runaway slave must break the golden bough from the tree in order to challenge him for the right to the title of King of the Wood. By the sword ascends the King, to the sword he shall fall.

The larger point being that we still carry out this ritual today. The civilized version, of it, of course, is called a general election. But Hussein, Khomeni, Taylor, and a bunch of state officials are uneasy across Africa these days.

The future will be as we fashion it. If we fashion it by the sword, or by supremacy, or through eradication, we merely complete another cycle and begin anew, and we have learned nothing, and history repeats in vain.

Christianity cannot be eradicated. It cannot be ground under the heel. It cannot be slain. It can only be put in its proper place, its proper context. And, much as with other human beings, if that placement is not reasonably compassionate, the constraints of force will continue to limit society in the future.

Victory, to you or I, will come when Christian faith evolves--that is advances and progresses, not merely "changes"--to a point that Christians, like adherents of some other religions around the world, come to understand their faith better, and understand the value of working harmoniously in the world.

You can't win it without compassion and, eventually, reconciliation.

Remember when fighting against the irrational: humans are irrational. We tend toward the irrational. The most rational argument in the world will not be of any use unless it is implemented according to the most rational plan in the world. And that rational plan will necessarily have to account for the irrationality of human beings insofar as the rational plan may be able to properly exploit that irrationality.
They obviously don't read anything else (or they wouldn't be xians!). We need more people who aren't afraid to speak their mind! You know, it really chaps my ass when I read how people hate the Muslims, when our clear and present spiritual enemy is xianity! Those of us who are non-xians, anti-xians, recovering-xians, need to stick together. In "unity there is strength." The world will be a better place when all the xians are eradicated, just like it was when smallpox was eliminated. I take this mission as seriously as I took xianity when I was one of them! I would have expected your support in this matter, tiassa. The xians were persecuted in Biblical times, why should now be any different? History repeats itself for the betterment of the world.
Your obviously suffering some sort of emotional abuse because of your times being christian. Perhaps you have a distorted view of what christianity really means. We are not allowed to hate muslims. If we hate muslims, we do so by mistake.
They obviously don't read anything else (or they wouldn't be xians!). We need more people who aren't afraid to speak their mind! You know, it really chaps my ass when I read how people hate the Muslims, when our clear and present spiritual enemy is xianity! Those of us who are non-xians, anti-xians, recovering-xians, need to stick together. In "unity there is strength." The world will be a better place when all the xians are eradicated, just like it was when smallpox was eliminated. I take this mission as seriously as I took xianity when I was one of them! I would have expected your support in this matter, tiassa. The xians were persecuted in Biblical times, why should now be any different? History repeats itself for the betterment of the world.

I'm not Christian, but you're encouraging discrimination and segregation. You sound like a Hitler, except your goal is to eliminate the "xians". You seriously need some mental help before you start terrorizing people. It sounds like you have some kind of psychological disorder where you're really angry at your x-religion for disappointing you. You compare a group of innocent people to a small pox virus. Why do you want to kill innocent people because they're a nuisance to you?

Look at what some people are coming to, being so selfish to want to eliminate over one billion people for their own selfish purposes....what a sad world this is....
Originally posted by VitalOne
Look at what some people are coming to, being so selfish to want to eliminate over one billion people for their own selfish purposes....what a sad world this is....

I'm hoping what she meant was that Christianity should be eradicated - not Christians. But nothing radical is required - this will probably be a natural result of education, though certainly it won't happen overnight.
Originally posted by Nehushta
I'm hoping what she meant was that Christianity should be eradicated - not Christians. But nothing radical is required - this will probably be a natural result of education, though certainly it won't happen overnight.

Okay, it was an error of semantics. I believe Christianity will be eradicated. That way, the truth will become known and will flourish. I'm a humanist, and even though I may come across as an anti-xian xader (which I am), I would defend their right to believe what they choose if they were being physically attacked for their beliefs. At the end of the day, it doesn't matter what they believe because it's a fairy tale. My words may be sharp, but my heart is soft. They're still a part of the human race, and the One Spirit of God still dwells within them, even if they don't see it. It is my mission to show them this. Doing it subliminally would be no better than what xianity has done in brainwashing them to their present beliefs. I believe in taking the bull by the horns. They can hate me now and thank me later.
At the end of the day, it doesn't matter what they believe because it's a fairy tale. My words may be sharp, but my heart is soft. They're still a part of the human race, and the One Spirit of God still dwells within them, even if they don't see it. It is my mission to show them this.

Essentially, you will attempt to replace one fairy tale with another. Nice work.

Originally posted by Medicine*Woman

At the end of the day, it doesn't matter what they believe because it's a fairy tale. My words may be sharp, but my heart is soft. They're still a part of the human race, and the One Spirit of God still dwells within them, even if they don't see it. It is my mission to show them this. Doing it subliminally would be no better than what xianity has done in brainwashing them to their present beliefs. I believe in taking the bull by the horns. They can hate me now and thank me later.

What you're doing is no better than Christians trying to convert people. Now you sound like a conquerer, who's goal is to convert people into believing what you want them to believe so that you can be happy. You let people's beliefs bother you too much because they aren't doing what you want them to do.

BTW, everything's a fairy tale; except science is made of lies constantly being replaced with new lies...
Originally posted by VitalOne
What you're doing is no better than Christians trying to convert people. Now you sound like a conquerer, who's goal is to convert people into believing what you want them to believe so that you can be happy. You let people's beliefs bother you too much because they aren't doing what you want them to do.
M*W: I want to give them a taste of their own poison.
BTW, everything's a fairy tale; except science is made of lies constantly being replaced with new lies...
M*W: Everything is an illusion, or is it a delusion?
Originally posted by Medicine*Woman
Originally posted by VitalOne
What you're doing is no better than Christians trying to convert people. Now you sound like a conquerer, who's goal is to convert people into believing what you want them to believe so that you can be happy. You let people's beliefs bother you too much because they aren't doing what you want them to do.
M*W: I want to give them a taste of their own poison.
BTW, everything's a fairy tale; except science is made of lies constantly being replaced with new lies...
M*W: Everything is an illusion, or is it a delusion?

You shouldn't express your anger with hatred. Hatred never makes a group accept or like you more. If you really want to send your message out there, you should think of it strategically. Approach it in away not frieghtning to Christians, so that they may accept it.
How does giving them a taste of their own poison help? Are you using it to relieve your anger?

BTW, It's more of an illusion, than a delusion...
Originally posted by VitalOne
You shouldn't express your anger with hatred. Hatred never makes a group accept or like you more. If you really want to send your message out there, you should think of it strategically. Approach it in away not frieghtning to Christians, so that they may accept it.
How does giving them a taste of their own poison help? Are you using it to relieve your anger?
M*W: Generally, I don't use anger in my life. I stay free from it. I don't hate anyone, not even xians. I dislike them for their stupidity. I also want to show them that they are wrong in their hatred for Islam. That's like the pot calling the kettle black. Why would I NOT want to frighten them? Look what their history has shown! Approaching it strategically is not what I want to do. I am not a manipulator. I tell it as it is. xians need to be punished for the past 2000 years' of blood-letting, bigotry, and pedophiles in the name of Jesus. It's time xians atoned for what their forefathers did in the Crusades, witch-hunts, Inquisition, and all the rest of the horrors of xianity. Their fierce misogyny killed 9 million innocent women in the name of Jesus during the Inquisition alone. Why should I forgive them for this atrocity? A lot of the women they burned at the stake were midwives and healers like myself. No, I'm not using this forum as a vehicle to relieve my anger. My anger will be relieved when there are no more xians. Why is it NOT okay to abhor evil?

BTW, It's more of an illusion, than a delusion...
Originally posted by Medicine*Woman
M*W: Generally, I don't use anger in my life. I stay free from it. I don't hate anyone, not even xians. I dislike them for their stupidity. I also want to show them that they are wrong in their hatred for Islam. That's like the pot calling the kettle black. Why would I NOT want to frighten them? Look what their history has shown! Approaching it strategically is not what I want to do. I am not a manipulator. I tell it as it is. xians need to be punished for the past 2000 years' of blood-letting, bigotry, and pedophiles in the name of Jesus. It's time xians atoned for what their forefathers did in the Crusades, witch-hunts, Inquisition, and all the rest of the horrors of xianity. Their fierce misogyny killed 9 million innocent women in the name of Jesus during the Inquisition alone. Why should I forgive them for this atrocity? A lot of the women they burned at the stake were midwives and healers like myself. No, I'm not using this forum as a vehicle to relieve my anger. My anger will be relieved when there are no more xians. Why is it NOT okay to abhor evil?

Maybe you should visit a Christian church in your community sometime, and just spend some time watching the people there. Which of those good people took part in this blood-letting you describe? Is it the sweet little white-haired old lady who sits in the front pew with the placid smile on her face? Maybe it's the young couple with the two energetic toddlers that they can barely keep from disrupting the service? Maybe it's the middle-aged man who is bored senseless and would clearly prefer to be doing most anything else, and whose wife keeps nudging him awake throughout the sermon? Or the giggling teenaged girls whispering secrets to one another in the back pew, in between the warning glares from their annoyed mothers? No - not one of these innocent people participated in the horrors of Christianity's past.

Christians are just people, like you and me. They have their own private hopes and dreams, doubts and fears, worries and woes - just like everyone else. What makes them so evil in your eyes? Is it simply because they inherited a ridiculous belief system that's so deeply ingrained in their psyches that they'll never shake it loose in this lifetime? That really isn't their fault, you know. And making them martyrs won't help your cause at all.

I really believe humanity is outgrowing Christianity - just give it a chance. Remember the story about the contest between the sun and the wind to see which one could make the man take off his jacket? Be the sun - not the wind. :)
Originally posted by Nehushta
Maybe you should visit a Christian church in your community sometime, and just spend some time watching the people there.
M*W: Nehusta, I see you have an idealistic view of life. Christians may "be people, just like you and me," as far as their humanness goes. I don't doubt anything you say, and you express yourself well. It's just the "ridiculous belief system that's so deeply ingrained in their psyches" that needs to be deprogrammed in THIS lifetime. Whether they're dead or alive, they're all martyrs for their cause. Even the living are dead! I'm NOT the one making them martyrs. They've given up their soul so willingly!
I really believe humanity is outgrowing Christianity - just give it a chance. Remember the story about the contest between the sun and the wind to see which one could make the man take off his jacket? Be the sun - not the wind. :)
M*W: I know you are right. "Humanity is outgrowing Christianity." Why don't they see it happening around them? Why are they so blind? It's not that I hate them, it's just that I can't make them see the error of their ways. Believing they have a savior that died for their sins is an abomination. It's blasphemy. It's apostasy. There is a lot of evil in this world. The biggest evil is xianity. If Jesus even lived, he didn't die on the cross. He died at a very old age of natural causes. They believe in a hopeless fantasy. It's like adults still believing in the tooth fairy! The savior they're waiting for to come and save their lost souls isn't coming. Their souls are lost, and there is no hope for them. I cannot quietly stand by and watch this happen. I may not be able to change the world all at once, but I'd be content knowing that I made some sense to one of them at a time. And I know it won't happen overnight. What I say today may not be remembered for years, but I have no doubt that what I say will be remembered at some point in time, and they will see that it was the truth. The myth is already being revealed, but they're in denial. As they say, ignorance is bliss...but for how long can one remain truly ignorant? How much longer can 1/3 of the world's population continue to believe in fairy tales? I may not be able to do much to makes this percentage smaller, but I must keep the message of the One Spirit of God going as long as I can.