WTC Collapses

How do you think the World Trade Center Collapsed?

  • Terrorist controlled aeroplanes crashing into them (like on the footage)

    Votes: 18 43.9%
  • Remote controlled aeroplanes to manipulate a war on false grounds

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Demolitions charges rigged by the government to manipulate war

    Votes: 9 22.0%
  • Allah!

    Votes: 2 4.9%
  • People keep flogging a dead horse!

    Votes: 12 29.3%

  • Total voters
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I've heard that the speeds were even lower. Eduardo Kausel, Professor of Civil & Environmental Engineering, MIT, wrote a chapter in The Towers Lost and Beyond, A collection of essays on the WTC by researchers at MIT, in which he calculates the crash speeds of the planes hitting the twin towers. While he admits that he couldn't precisely calculate their speeds, he estimates that the plane hitting the North Tower hit at about 429 mph and the plane hitting the south tower hit at about 503 mph.

I used the NIST maximums of 473 mph for WTC 1 and 566 mph for WTC 2. Their estimates were 443+/-30 mph for WTC 1 and 542+/-24 mph for WTC 2.

I just wanted to show that even using the maximums for the 911 impacts, the kinetic energy of the analyzed impact, that the towers were designed to take and survive with only local damage, was much more energetic.

I have seen Eduardo Kausel's estimates and his methodology and it is fairly sound so I would not doubt that the actual impact velocities were lower than what the NIST estimates were. That makes the case for survival all the stronger since the towers were designed to take much more than even what seems to be the high estimate of the NIST. However, we also shouldn't forget that the NIST admits that the column damage due to the aircraft impacts was not that great and was not what caused the collapses, and that the jet fuel only ignited the fires and burned off within minutes. To maintain that they were naturally caused collapses their theory needs to have most of the fireproofing ripped off by the impacts and the office fires cause the collapses.
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There is nothing wrong with making a bit of money from the hard work that has been done to investigate what really happened on 9/11. Unlike the government's investigators, the 9/11 truth movement has had to rely on donations and sales of books, etc., in order to make it financially viable to put in the amount of time that many in the truth movement put in. I personally have never made a cent on it, but I certainly wouldn't mind doing so- as you know, my financial picture isn't exactly rosy :p.

There is nothing wrong with making a bit of money from the hard work that has been done to investigate what really happened on 9/11.

We already know what happened and the investigators do get paid because they are professional's.

There may be nothing wrong with being wrong and perpetuating deception but when it is the motivating factor it lessens credibility. It has been almost a decade anyway so the gravy train is waning.

I personally have never made a cent on it, but I certainly wouldn't mind doing so

I am sure you wouldn't but being honest is more important than your bank account. If you finish high school or get your GED and have a career it would be much more rewarding than latching onto some fantasies.

Those websites cost no more than 1K a year to run and the VAST majority are a few hundred dollars a year. I call shyster.
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People posting here may even be running them and advertising.

That would not be me. All of my efforts on the 911 issue have been pro bono.

In addition to my time, I actually had a real monetary loss for my efforts. At the request of Professor Graeme MacQueen I gave a talk in Walkerton, Ontario last June, and while I was reimbursed for my airfare and lodging I put the money out for car rental, food, and gas. It was about $400.
scott3x said:
There is nothing wrong with making a bit of money from the hard work that has been done to investigate what really happened on 9/11.

We already know what happened and the investigators do get paid because they are professionals.

Professionals at not seeing the truth perhaps :rolleyes:

John99 said:
There may be nothing wrong with being wrong and perpetuating deception but when it is the motivating factor it lessens credibility.

Definitely. Which, I'm sure, is why so many criticisms of the organizations involved in the official investigation have been popping up in the years since 9/11:
White House Ordered EPA to Lie About 9/11 Pollution Danger

And why haven't the 'official' 9/11 investigators said more about the wargames on that took place 9/11?:
Wargames Were Cover For the Operational Execution of 9/11

FEMA's "we were here before 9/11... or maybe we weren't" is also suspicious, to put it mildly.
FEMA was in New York the Night Before 9/11

FEMA's track record when it comes to dealing with matters of national consequence fared no better with Hurricane Katrina:
Critics question FEMA director's qualifications, MSNBC

FEMA chief resigns, but criticism goes on, San Francisco Chronicle

Report: Criticism of FEMA's Katrina response deserved, CNN

Some feel that FEMA is more then just a blundering giant:
Fema The Secret Government

John99 said:
It has been almost a decade anyway so the gravy train is waning.

I suppose "all good things must come to an end". Still, good times eh?:
The Real Deal: 9-11 Profiteering

Blackwater Has Made Almost $1 Trillion in Iraq Since 2004

Ofcourse, the rich stealing from the poor in America is hardly new. Recently, we've been reminded that when the chips are down, the big guys are bailed out (at the taxpayer's expense), while the little guys are the ones who are left to fend for themselves. Here's a little more info on the subject of banks:
The Federal Reserve Fraud

John99 said:
scott3x said:
I personally have never made a cent on it, but I certainly wouldn't mind doing so

I am sure you wouldn't but being honest is more important than your bank account. If you finish high school or get your GED and have a career it would be much more rewarding than latching onto some fantasies.

I agree that it may well be a good thing if I finally get that high school diploma. But what if what you call fantasies are in fact realities? What if you simply haven't yet taken the metaphorical red pill?

John99 said:
Those websites cost no more than 1K a year to run and the VAST majority are a few hundred dollars a year. I call shyster.

The people running the web sites don't live virtually; perhaps the websites have more then one person in them. In any case, whether or not asking for 50k was justified (you still haven't linked to the site wherein you allegedly saw this- can you do so?), I think you'll agree that I've pointed out groups in this post who would laugh at that amount of money.
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The people running the web sites don't live virtually; perhaps the websites have more then one person in them. In any case, whether or not asking for 50k was justified (you still haven't linked to the site wherein you allegedly saw this- can you do so?), I think you'll agree that I've pointed out groups in this post who would laugh at that amount of money.

You linked to it. I think that is the problem, you see what you want to see.
We already know what happened and the investigators do get paid because they are professional's.

There may be nothing wrong with being wrong and perpetuating deception but when it is the motivating factor it lessens credibility. It has been almost a decade anyway so the gravy train is waning.

Professionals can spend 3 years creating a 10,000 page report on the destruction of two skyscrapers and not mention the total amount of concrete even though they do it for the steel. That is too stupid for high school dropouts.

That is fuckin' brilliant!

scott3x said:
The people running the web sites don't live virtually; perhaps the websites have more then one person in them. In any case, whether or not asking for 50k was justified (you still haven't linked to the site wherein you allegedly saw this- can you do so?), I think you'll agree that I've pointed out groups in this post who would laugh at that amount of money.

You linked to it. I think that is the problem, you see what you want to see.

I link to tons of things; I don't read every single thing in those links. If you see the link in question again, please let me know the url.
Scott likes the word "fluff", considers it an all-purpose rebuttal, Round 4

This post is in response to shaman_'s post 1726 in this thread.

Alright, will you simply admit that for now, the only logical argument you know of is that it was thermite or thermate?
Its not a ‘logical argument’ it is an assertion based on your faith. The point I am making is that there are potentially other explanations you’re just not interested in. I would need to know more about that photo to make any sort of guess as to what happened there. Where was it taken exactly? When was it taken exactly? Has the area around it been cleaned up? What combustibles were in the area when the car was burning? You are simply looking at a photo of a burnt car and going “oh well that must have been the thermite/thermate/superthermite/nanothermitewhateveritisthisweek “, and then mocking any possible alternatives. No actual attempt to consider the possibilities was made.

Yes, I have, or I would never have heard of the thermite/thermate argument.
So you can answer my questions then.

I simply believe that it's the only logical explanation I've heard of. And I believe it's the only logical explanation -you've- heard of as well.
As I have said I don’t know anything about the photo. I have only heard your assertion and ridicule that paper could have done it. I’m not jumping to conclusions like you do though.

I have a theory, as do you; yours in planes and jet fuel, mine is controlled demolition. Here's to hoping you can admit that on this issue, the only logical explanation that you or I know is that it was thermite/thermate.
Nonsense. There are plenty of possibilities. In enough combustible material surrounded the car it could have been burnt like that. On the front page of the papers here today there are cars that look a little like that. They were burnt in bushfires. The difference in that picture is that the car looks compressed as if something heavy was pushing down on it as well. Whatever debris was burning may have done this.

According to you thermite cuts through steel and thermate explodes. So which one was it?

Yep. But by the time it got down to ground level, it was generally aerosolized; so, not as concentrated. Anyway, here's a good video of what thermite is capable of:
Will watch it at home.

I never said you did. I said you linked to the guy who did. You did so back in post 185, wherein you linked to a ream of sites that I assume you felt were good stuff. The link is from one of your favourite sites actually. Here's the link in question:

In that page, it has the following link:
[Steven] Jones thinks vehicles around WTC site may have been set afire by "thermite dust." As opposed to, you know, paper.
Did you read the quote from the fireman?

I'm not interested in bothering with your fluffsters, other to make some of their absurd claims clear.
You brought it up and wanted to argue about the claims. They are the ones making them. I guess its easier to challenge a point with someone who did not actually make it. ??

If anyone should be taking it up with him, it's you- you're the one who proudly linked to the page with said fluffster.
?? You are the one who is challenging the claim!?

What are you talking about? You don't even have an alternative.
Tell me why paper couldn’t do that?

How about if I say "It's the only credible answer either of us has at present"?
Its not.

That way, you can continue to pine for one that doesn't mess up your fantasy that the official story is the cat's meow.
It’s no different from arguing with a religious freak. “Explain to me how everything began! You can’t? See god did it”

Look, if all you said was that I have fluff answers, I wouldn't have reported any of your posts. I don't even call you a fanatic.
Your posts are every bit as offensive as anything I have ever said to you.

I personally think that the steel was explosively bent. You can believe that the steel is softened if you want. Tony Szamboti has made it clear that you can't tell what temperatures a piece of steel reached simply by looking it shape.
No he hasn’t “made it clear”. He has asserted that it is the case. This assertion is in direct contradiction to Astaneh.

Let's take a look at that article...
Oh god how many times.. The article where he compares the steel to the clocks in a Dali painting.

I'm not "cherry picking". I'm telling you why I believe what I believe.

The New York Times reporter(s) said that Astaneh is the one who claimed it.
It was paraphrase. If Astaneh said those words then quotes would have been involved.

Another New York Times article said that Jonathan Barnett said there had been evidence of evaporated steel; Jonathan Barnett was asked about it and he didn't deny it, but essentially seemed to imply that it was a mistake.
Show me him being asked about it and this implication.

He was never asked as to -why- he thought it was a mistake. I'd ask him myself if I knew his email address. In any case, the fact that Jonathan Barnett didn't deny it when asked about his comment strongly suggests that the New York Times didn't misinterpret Astaneh as well. It may well be that Jonathan Barnett's comment was actually because he had heard Astaneh talk of it. After all, Jonathan Barnett was investigating WTC 7 and no steel at all was saved from that building; so what could he himself have witnessed?
Steel which was partly dissolved from a eutectic solution.

If you are interested in what they saw why don’t you read their peer reviewed reports? They did not see evidence of evaporated steel.

Surely you are aware the a metal can melt and then resolidify later, reforming in shapes which suggest previous melting?
lol Steel is going to melt and then magically go back into the shape of a girder when it cools. He made it clear that the 'melting' he was referring to was very soft steel, not liquid.

He has made it clear that he -believes- that the jet initiated fires were responsible. He is not some infallible deity, you know.
Scott pay attention. You are using (paraphrase of) his comments to imply ridiculously high temperatures. When you actually look at what he says you will see that he didn’t see evidence of evaporated steel at all. He investigated and his opinion is totally consistent with the official story. So replying with “He is not some infallible deity, you know.” is missing the point. You are quoting some paraphrase but ignoring his actual words because they don’t fit your beliefs.

If he actually said those words then why was he not quoted saying them? More evidence of conspiracy?

You have yet to present any evidence which suggests otherwise. .
What? He has made it perfectly clear that the fires and the removal of fireproofing led to the collapse! He actually investigated the steel and this was his conclusion. You are the one who has no credible evidence for evaporated steel.

The twin towers core columns were cut up into pieces and the concrete was pulverized. Looks like they did a pretty good of breaking things with force to me...
Yeah all the material in a 110 story building should be perfectly intact after a total collapse……

I should have been more specific:
I don't recall him ever looking for any clues of explosives being used.
So if a structural engineer who specializes in structural damage caused by terrorist attacks is investigating for clues of the collapse and sees evidence of explosives he is going to miss it because he wasn’t specifically looking to explosive related evidence? Oh come on that is stupidity.

Actually, a few people did: Steven Jones and some colleagues of his. They found evidence that thermate was used.
He found chemicals which have explanations other than thermite arson.

NIST freely admits they never tested for thermite type compounds, though.
What they found was consistent with the official story.

I think they could still do so, if they wanted to. They've certainly never said they couldn't. And yet, they don't. They give some lame reasons as to why they didn't investigate to see if thermite was used. Robert Moore handily debunks their lame reasons in his peer reviwed paper, Statement Regarding Thermite, Part 1.

Thermate is an explosive, right? You are saying that there were explosives somehow vaporizing the steel in front of everyone’s eyes and these explosions were somehow not seen on any video?

The Cardington report wasn't simulating the temperatures in the WTC buildings.
The last test was an office simulation. Can you not compute this? Are you unable to understand the words? The temperatures reached from burning office materials was, according to my report, over 1000C and the unprotected steel not far behind that.

Even more importantly, the steel didn't collapse in the Cardington tests.
For the 13434343435th time, the columns were shielded. In one of the tests a small part of a column was not shielded and it started buckling so they covered all the columns. In all the tests the beams sagged but if the columns were not shielded the structure would have probably collapsed very early on.

You don't see much, so I'm willing to bet that at the very least, a fair amount of it is.
A “fair amount” probably was dust. That's exactly what you would expect. If broken and smashed concrete being turned into dust equals demolition then it is clear that everything means demolition to you and you are basically living in your own world.
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For the 13434343435th time, the columns were shielded. In one of the tests a small part of a column was not shielded and it started buckling so they covered all the columns. In all the tests the beams sagged but if the columns were not shielded the structure would have probably collapsed very early on.
Notice how people throw in "probablies" so they can BELIEVE what they prefer.

The steel looked bare in the pictures of the Cardington tests that I have seen.

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Kevin Ryan's expertise and UL's and NIST's tests of -real- steel, Round 2

This post is in response to the 2nd and final part of shaman_'s post 1417 in this thread.

It's not 'meaningless spam'. Did you even read it?
Read the NIST FAQ.

“NIST’s findings do not support the “pancake theory” of collapse, which is premised on a progressive failure of the floor systems in the WTC towers (the composite floor system—that connected the core columns and the perimeter columns—consisted of a grid of steel “trusses” integrated with a concrete slab; see diagram below). Instead, the NIST investigation showed conclusively that the failure of the inwardly bowed perimeter columns initiated collapse and that the occurrence of this inward bowing required the sagging floors to remain connected to the columns and pull the columns inwards. Thus, the floors did not fail progressively to cause a pancaking phenomenon.”

You erroneously believe that if he wasn't involved in the testing of steel assemblies he must therefore not be an expert on the subject of the WTC steel. It's an erroneous belief and if you actually -read- what Kevin was saying instead of simply calling it spam you might realize this.
I have read everything you have posted Scott. I have read the conspiracy sites and debunking sites. You refuse to stray from the conspiracy sites and refuse to read any debunking, referring to it as fluff. Reading it with an open mind might actually cause some doubts but you are not interested in truth just preaching the religion.

I refer to it as spam because, when challenged you just keep posting text from your favorite site. Half the time it’s not even relevant to the point at hand (it wasn't this time). Yet when challenged you respond with “we are discussing 9/11 aren’t we?”. :rolleyes:

I’m the only one if the forum stupid enough to actually bother refuting your points.

I contend that they do. .
Why don’t we get the opinion of the janitors who worked at UL as well?

I could through the same banal point at you (your religion, etc., etc.), but I'm not into banalities. Kevin Ryan is someone who has written peer reviewed papers on the subject of the WTC collapses.
Peer reviewed? He writes articles for a conspiracy site and the other crackpots at the site endorse his work. Don’t think that throwing in ‘peer reviewed’ all the time somehow legitimizes his flawed claims.

The fact that he wasn't testing the steel assemblies doesn't lessen the fact that he knows his stuff in regarding to the WTC steel.
But according to you anyone who does a bit of research is an expert on something. That is absurd.

Weakening does not equal collapsing. There have been no test results of actual WTC type steel collapsing due to fire; this, despite the fact that some of the tests were under conditions significantly worse then was predicted to actually be the conditions within the WTC buildings at the time of the fires.
What are the details of these conditions?

Where did you get this '5 inches' number from? I certainly didn't provide it.
So you tell me what you mean by “essentially no fireproofing”

I'd like to know the answers to that myself. Perhaps I can find out.
You constantly make references to tests you don’t know a damn thing about.

Even in the very high temperatures reached in the Cardington tests, the columns didn't collapse.

I don't understand why you can't see just how important that is;
I have explained to you that they were shielded, often with reference to sources, many many times but you just ignore it. Can you imagine that having a discussion with such a person might get aggravating? Imagine they ignore facts they don't like and respond with "I don't understand why you can't see just how important that is" . Apart from sarcasm and calling you a religious fanatic I think I have been patient with you Scott.

it means that even if the steel had been unprotected pre collapse, the WTC buildings shouldn't have collapsed.
Once again, part of one of the columns wasn’t shielded and it started buckling when it reached 670C. So they made sure all the columns were shielded for the remaining tests.
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Notice how people throw in "probablies" so they can BELIEVE what they prefer.
If one column started buckling when it reached 670C and the temperatures of the steel went over that in most (all?) of the tests then it is not unreasonable speculation.

The steel looked bare in the pictures of the Cardington tests that I have seen.
In the picture I have of the aftermath of the office test there is definitely something on the columns. I can find the link later if you like.
That is on the other side of the planet.

Gravity works different over there. :D


With the clowns we had explaining the building collapses in NYC, I could see them using that excuse if they needed it. How do they still keep a straight face?
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According to ..

The 34-storey TVCC, which required 92,000 sq m of external and internal Rheinzink cladding, consists of a 1,500-seat theatre, audio recording studios, digital cinemas, news release and a five-star hotel with ballroom and function facilities and a generous spa. The hotel tower was designed as a reinforced concrete frame plus core.

Lessons are learnt from incidents like WTC.
According to ..

The 34-storey TVCC, which required 92,000 sq m of external and internal Rheinzink cladding, consists of a 1,500-seat theatre, audio recording studios, digital cinemas, news release and a five-star hotel with ballroom and function facilities and a generous spa. The hotel tower was designed as a reinforced concrete frame plus core.

Lessons are learnt from incidents like WTC.
What amazes is the degree to which people think WORDS explain things. Reinforced concrete just means steel inside the concrete. How much steel and how much concrete at each level? I have no idea what that "frame plus core" means.

The Windsor Tower in Madrid and the Twin Towers, Round 2

This post is in response to the 1st part of shaman_'s post 1579 in this thread.

scott3x said:
Sigh. The upper part of the concrete frame -did- collapse.

No you are still confused. The concrete framing did not collapse. The only structural element that collapsed was the steel perimeter columns.

shaman_, where are you getting this idea that there were steel perimeter columns? Once again, I will quote to you from 9/11 Research's article on the subject, The Windsor Building Fire, which you yourself have used to back up your claims at times; I have bolded certain parts for you:
Steel Versus Steel-Reinforced Concrete

In fact, comparisons between the Windsor tower and the WTC Towers are limited because of the very different structures of these buildings. The Twin Towers and Building 7 were both 100% steel-framed, with large wide-flange columns and box columns, some measuring over four feet wide and fabricated of steel up to five inches thick. Severe fires in other skyscrapers which, like the WTC Towers, were 100% steel-framed, have not produced even partial collapses.

In contrast to the WTC Towers, the Windsor building was framed primarily in steel-reinforced concrete, with columns of concrete reinforced by thin sections of rebar. 4 The concrete pillars in the Windsor building are clearly visible in the photographs showing the intact core exposed by the collapsed facade. The very light construction of the perimeter, described below, makes it clear that the core was the main load-bearing component of the building.

shaman_ said:
scott3x said:
Yes, so did the thin sections of rebar reinforcing it. Even so, it took hours from a very intense fire to do it; and it did so -gradually-.

Had it been constructed like the WTC things would have most certainly been very different.

To be sure- it wouldn't have even suffered a partial collapse.

shaman_ said:
Then again it wasn’t smashed into by planes either……

Even official story supporters Bazant and Zhou make it clear that the impact of the planes was something that the towers were designed for, as Steven Jones makes clear in his paper Why Indeed Did the WTC Buildings Collapse?:
The 110-story towers of the World Trade Center were designed to withstand as a whole the forces caused by a horizontal impact of a large commercial aircraft. So why did a total collapse occur? (Bazant and Zhou, 2002, p. 2.)​

Correct — jet collisions did not cause collapses — we can agree on that. MIT’s Thomas Eager also concurs “because the number of columns lost on the initial impact was not large and the loads were shifted to remaining columns in this highly redundant structure” (Eager and Musso, 2001).

shaman_ said:
scott3x said:
shaman_ said:
Steel without fireproofing is more susceptible to fire than concrete. The two examples support that.

Not a chance. Not sure what your second example is, but I believe your first one is the concrete frame, which was only thinly reinforced with steel.

You are claiming that concrete is more susceptible to fires than steel is that correct?


shaman_ said:
Why do they fireproof steel then and not concrete?

Actually, I'd like to know the answer to that one myself. My guess is that in modern buildings, steel carries the load and is thus much more important than the concrete.

shaman_ said:
Why do they cover steel in concrete when constructing buildings?

Do they really do that in modern buildings? I think that Tony or perhaps Headspin or psikey might know the answer to this question.

shaman_ said:
You have no idea what you are talking about here scott.

The fact that I don't know a few things in no way implies that I have "no idea" what I'm talking about. You clearly have a hard time accepting that the Windsor tower had a concrete frame, but I don't level the same accusation on you...
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