WTC Collapses

How do you think the World Trade Center Collapsed?

  • Terrorist controlled aeroplanes crashing into them (like on the footage)

    Votes: 18 43.9%
  • Remote controlled aeroplanes to manipulate a war on false grounds

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Demolitions charges rigged by the government to manipulate war

    Votes: 9 22.0%
  • Allah!

    Votes: 2 4.9%
  • People keep flogging a dead horse!

    Votes: 12 29.3%

  • Total voters
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fluff counters are easily countered and yes, duration does matter

This post is in response to the 1st part of shaman_'s post 882 in this thread.

scott3x said:
shaman_ said:
That was the statement that Mackey was rebutting! You can’t respond to it with the very comment he was responding to!

Sure I can.

Scott, Imagine that you posted a criticism of some of Mackey’s claims, as a rebuttal I just cut and pasted the original claims that were being criticized. That is what you are doing. That is closer to trolling than discussing.

That depends. Consider:
Kevin Ryan says that 2+2=4

Mackey Ryan says that no, 2+2=17

I come in and simply state that Kevin's original answer is right, as it follows the laws of mathematics, where Mackey's clearly didn't. Frequently, Mackey Ryan's "rebuttal" are nothing more then fluff; sometimes even I can see that.

shaman_ said:
scott3x said:
Mackey's 'debunking' is nothing of the sort. I see that you don't get the point.

What you have is an assertion based on some comments made by the people he is criticizing.

An assertion based on some sound arguments made by the person he is 'rebutting', yes.

shaman_ said:
scott3x said:
The point is that flashovers are instant. 120 and 600 seconds, aka 2 and 10 minutes, is way longer then a flashover would take.

Whether you want to call it a flashover or not, NISTs workstation tests noted periods over high temperatures (800+) for much longer than two minutes.

NIST's workstation tests were clearly tweaked, as Steven Jones and others have made clear. Don't you think it rather curious that the -physical- models of the WTC steel never collapsed?

shaman_ said:
scott3x said:
I can put my finger over the flame of a lighter for an instant and it really doesn't do much. You can torture a man if you put it for longer durations. I really don't want to know what would happen if it was held under someone's finger for 10 minutes. Buildings and the fires needed to 'hurt' them are on a different scale, but the same principle applies; duration can frequently mean quite a bit.

Strange examples.

Why do you think that?

A roaring fire over 800C for twenty minutes can do quite a bit of damage to a building.

It wouldn't do much to steel on the few floors of WTC building that had the fires, but perhaps to a weaker structure, such as the Windsor Tower in Madrid, it could produce a gradual partial collapse.

shaman_ said:
scott3x said:
shaman said:
scott3x said:
shaman_ said:
Mr. Hoffman here again complains about the “megawatt super-burner,” but the author reminds Mr. Hoffman that the “super-burner” was only active for the first 600 seconds of tests 1, 2, and 4, and the first 120 seconds of tests 3, 5, and 6. Readers may ignore these time periods if desired as they do not affect our conclusions...

I find it hard to believe that it wouldn't affect his conclusions. And who is Ryan including when he states 'our conclusions'?

It’s probably the government because clearly they are paying him to say these things.

Really? Could you please present me the evidence for this?

Sarcasm scott.

Ah, ok. Anyway, my point on duration making a big difference still stands.
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From my understanding..from the "official story" this is what caused the towers to fail:


The extremely light weight floor joists, who's job it was to prevent the lightweight outer box of columns from bowing in or out. When enough of these joists sagged and became disconnected from the outer wall, it allowed the outer columns to bow, buckle, and fail...starting the collapse.

The structure of these joists is so delicate, that "core temperature" vs. surface temperature is irrelevant. How much difference in temperature would there be in a 1" steel rod (green arrow) from the core to the surface? In my opinion, that rod indicated by the green arrow was probably the first thing that failed. Blown on fireproofing would have a hard time sticking to a surface like that, and once it got hot enough, it would allow the top rail (blue arrow) and bottom rail (pink arrow) to sag. Pulling on the connections (yellow arrows) until they failed. IMHO

If the fires were so hot the could destroy floor slabs then how did this happen?

Constantly backing up one's claims adds credibility

This post is in response to the 2nd part of shaman_'s post 882 in this thread.

scott3x said:
Says the man who is frequently too lazy to even reference the evidence for his own claims.

I do it quite a lot Scott. The problem is that when you have no response you challenge me to summarize everything. Challenging me to show where I have discussed claims made by Steven Jones or the AE911 claims is a good example as between them they make up the bulk of this thread and the previous one which went over 100 pages. I am not going to link to a couple of hundred posts for you.

Linking to 1 would probably be sufficient.

shaman_ said:
Then you complain that I ‘won’t back up my claims’.

I call them like I see them.

shaman_ said:
scott3x said:
Personally, I've found that the best thing that Mackey does is, as Jim Hoffman so aptly put it:
"generating masses of criticism of the targeted information using arguments with superficial plausibility -- the emphasis being on quantity -- , factual distortions, and logical fallacies."

Mackey addresses the supposed logical fallacies in his most recent version. He devotes a chapter to Hoffman’s claims. Perhaps you should read it.

I'm not all that interested in reading fluff. However, if you'd like to excerpt a portion of Mackey's writings to make a point, as you've done in the past, that'll be fine.

shaman_ said:
Scott I don’t religiously worship Mackey and I’m sure he has at some point made mistakes.

I'll say :p.

The point is that many of the times when I have used him as a reference you have just claimed that he has been discredited and posted a comment like the one above. I am just saying make sure you address the content.

When you excerpt from his writings in order to make a point, I generally do address the content. I'm not going to go reading his fluff without a good reason though.

shaman_ said:
scott3x said:
shaman_ said:
So no... you can't just ignore the things [Mackey] says.

I don't ignore a fair amount of them. Neither have many others. I don't ignore what you have to say either.

But you pass over key points and continue on as if they didn’t matter.

Then bring the key points up again. I do this when -you- ignore key points.

You seem to think that spamming the same stuff over and over makes up for your inability to support your confident claims.

Sigh. If I bring up the same passages, it's because -you- have missed -my- key points. You see, unlike you, I will repeat the same point again, perhaps highlighted the second time round, so that you can get it on the second round.

If you posted rarely I wouldn’t bother pinning you down on this but you have the most posts in the thread, with big letters, and more than a little arrogance.

What are the big letters? Just the titles or all the text? I have all the text default to rather large for me, as I don't like the really small text. But I'm not sure if all you see is the titles big or the whole message.

shaman_ said:
scott3x said:
shaman_ said:
scott3x said:

At the outset of the article, a good point is made:
Following the publication of these, Mackey generated Version 2 of his essay. More than 300 pages in length, this version has lengthy fallacy-rich sections addressing Thurston's and Ryan's articles almost line-by-line.

This review will never be a complete reply to Mackey's essay. An attempt to create such a reply would be misguided since it would lend legitimacy to Mackey's method: generating masses of criticism of the targeted information using arguments with superficial plausibility -- the emphasis being on quantity -- while employing a vast array of propagandistic techniques, factual distortions, and logical fallacies. The rationale behind that method seems clear enough: create a smokescreen of baseless arguments and distractions, clothed in claims of intellectual superiority and scientific legitimacy, such that the audience might be reassured that there is no need to look at the evidence of controlled demolition.

Where was the good point in that?

I quoted the part I find to be most relevant, but on reflection, I find that it has many other good points as well.

Don’t just randomly spam text Scott. If you actually have a point, make it.

1- Mackey's Version 2 of his rebuttal has " lengthy fallacy-rich sections addressing Thurston's and Ryan's articles"

2- Jim Hoffman's review will never be a complete reply to Mackey's essay; an attempt to create such a reply would be misguided since it would lend legitimacy to Mackey's method: generating masses of criticism of the targeted information using arguments with superficial plausibility -- the emphasis being on quantity -- while employing a vast array of propagandistic techniques, factual distortions, and logical fallacies.

Jim Hoffman argues that "The rationale behind that method seems clear enough: create a smokescreen of baseless arguments and distractions, clothed in claims of intellectual superiority and scientific legitimacy, such that the audience might be reassured that there is no need to look at the evidence of controlled demolition.". I myself am not sure if Ryan Mackey himself knows that his arguments are frequently baseless and so I'm not sure if the smokescreen he's creating is done in an effort to deceive or whether Ryan Mackey is simply deceived himself.
Backing up claims and explaining one's reasoning, Round 2

This post is in response to the 3rd part of shaman_'s post 882 in this thread.

scott3x said:
shaman said:
scott3x said:
That's just the appetizer. Here's the main course concerning the arguments that the WTC buildings were brought down by controlled demolition:

Yes, I know, I know, you've supposedly countered it somewhere. By all means, please point out these counters.

Scott those claims make up the vast majority of this thread and the previous one. To challenge me to link to the rebuttals is a [insult removed] game.

What's truly sad is that you won't (can't?) even link to a single post to your (imaginary?) rebuttals.

They make up a large portion of this thread! Look on nearly any page!

You don't even post on every page. I'm not going to be looking through the thousands of posts looking for rebuttals to the arguments I've made on my site. However, you don't have to rebutt the points on my site either; I'm sure you've got your hands full simply responding to my posts.

shaman_ said:
scott3x said:
shaman_ said:
scott3x said:
I still don't understand why you think that my tactics are immature and dishonest.

Yes you do.

And you know this because you:
(a) read minds?
(b) truly -do- have a magic 8 ball?

No because :
(a)You appear to understand English at least and
(b) I have told you many times.

You have told me what many times?
CptBork said:
If I recall correctly, it's discussed in the Popular Mechanics article. As to why I'd believe it, it's simply because I'm more inclined to believe the established, peer-reviewed academics at Popular Mechanics and what they say

Hmmm... You believe? On the basis of what? Authority?

Have you not, as a scientist, been inclined to look for the evidence that backs up their claims?
What evidence do they have?
Surely you would WANT to question this publication when it is HISTORICALLY linked to yellow journalism.

Mott (1941) defines Yellow Journalism in terms of five characteristics:[1]
scare headlines in huge print, often of minor news
lavish use of pictures, or imaginary drawings
use of faked interviews, misleading headlines, pseudo-science, and a parade of false learning from so-called experts
emphasis on full-color Sunday supplements, usually with comic strips (which is now normal in the U.S.)
dramatic sympathy with the "underdog" against the system.

Popular Mechanics is a Hearst Publication is it not?

Pulitzer and Hearst are often credited (or blamed) for drawing the nation into the Spanish-American War with sensationalist stories or outright lying. However, the vast majority of Americans did not live in New York City, and the decision makers who did live there probably relied more on staid newspapers like the Times, The Sun or the Post. The most famous example of the exaggeration is the apocryphal story that artist Frederic Remington telegrammed Hearst to tell him all was quiet in Cuba and "There will be no war." Hearst responded "Please remain. You furnish the pictures and I'll furnish the war."

You're a physics expert are you not? Well maybe you could point out what's wrong with the Newtonian physics in this:

The Missing Jolt: A Simple Refutation of the NIST-Bazant Collapse Hypothesis
Prof. Graeme MacQueen and Tony Szamboti

(Google it as I cannot post links. There is however, a link earlier in this thread.)
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Have you not, as a scientist, been inclined to look for the evidence that backs up their claims?
i have been following 9/11 since it happened.
i too thought the collapse looked suspiciously like a controlled explosion, but unlike scott and the others i had an open mind about the matter.
so with those two sentences in mind i went off in search of the evidence needed to prove one way or another what happened that day.

i am convinced beyond a reasonable doubt that explosives were not used in the collapse of WTC 1 and 2.

i question scotts objectivity on the grounds that he could never tell me the possible reasons for the explosions that were heard, he "just assumes" it was explosives.
i also question psikeyhackrs competence on the grounds that he doesn't know the weight distribution. all of the factors needed to calculate the distribution have been published.

tony claims to be a structural engineer but i question his competence in regards to high rise buildings. his inability to answer my question of his experience with high rise buildings leads me to that opinion.
i am convinced beyond a reasonable doubt that explosives were not used in the collapse of WTC 1 and 2.

i also question psikeyhackrs competence on the grounds that he doesn't know the weight distribution. all of the factors needed to calculate the distribution have been published.
So tell us the weights of each of the 12 different types of perimeter wall panels and the number of each type and specify the source.

Tell us the total quantity of concrete in the towers and why some sources have 90,000 tons per tower and some have 425,000 cubic yards for both towers which would be 280,000 tons per tower at least.

Lots of stuff has been published. Lots of it contradictory or incomplete too.

My point of FALL OF PHYSICS is to show that changing the distribution of mass changes the collapse time therefore BELIEVING ANYTHING without being sure your data is correct is absurd. I have never been arguing for controlled demolition. I have been arguing against BELIEVING the planes did it without trustworthy data.

Considering that the Empire State Building was completed 70 years before the towers were destroyed and it is now 40 years after the Moon landing it is almost hysterically funny that the US can't explain exactly how a couple of planes weighing less than 200 tons nearly leveled a couple of buildings weighing over 400,000 tons in less than 2 hours. If that is what happened of course.

leopold99 said:
i went off in search of the evidence needed to prove one way or another what happened that day.

Did you find any?

leopold99 said:
i am convinced beyond a reasonable doubt that explosives were not used in the collapse of WTC 1 and 2.

Beyond a reasonable doubt? Well you must have found some pretty solid evidence. Care to share it?

leopold99 said:
i question scotts objectivity on the grounds that he could never tell me the possible reasons for the explosions that were heard, he "just assumes" it was explosives.

OK, fair enough. Do you not just assume that the explosions heard were due to things other than explosives?

leopold99 said:
i also question psikeyhackrs competence on the grounds that he doesn't know the weight distribution. all of the factors needed to calculate the distribution have been published.

Have they? Why hasn't the full data of weight distribution been released? Wasn't that information needed before they even built the towers?

leopold99 said:
tony claims to be a structural engineer but i question his competence in regards to high rise buildings. his inability to answer my question of his experience with high rise buildings leads me to that opinion.

So Tony may or may not have had any experience with high rise buildings. But does that automatically restrict him from forming any kind of scientific opinion?
Does one have to have direct experience in the field to have questions? to analyse, to find flaws in other hypotheses?
Does Stephen Hawking have any direct experience with black holes? Is he suddenly not capable of forming theories because he has no direct experience with the subject matter?

In my own opinion, you seem to be absolutely not looking at the subject objectively. You are choosing to believe in a theory, because it is backed by an authority. So how do you know that the data that you have read was actually produced by people in the field of structural engineering specifically based around the building of high-rise structures?
So tell us the weights of each of the 12 different types of perimeter wall panels and the number of each type and specify the source.

Tell us the total quantity of concrete in the towers and why some sources have 90,000 tons per tower and some have 425,000 cubic yards for both towers which would be 280,000 tons per tower at least.

Lots of stuff has been published. Lots of it contradictory or incomplete too.
all of the factors needed to compute weight distribution have been published.
apparently you know nothing about interpolation.
i will not haggle with you about this any longer.

Did you find any?
Beyond a reasonable doubt?
Well you must have found some pretty solid evidence. Care to share it?
no. for the simple reason i will not give these people the ammunition they need to tweak and refine their model.
i've done that before and this mysterious substance called "nanothermite" started to make its appearance.
OK, fair enough. Do you not just assume that the explosions heard were due to things other than explosives?
Have they? Why hasn't the full data of weight distribution been released?
i haven't a clue, but the factors needed to calculate it has been.
Wasn't that information needed before they even built the towers?
yes. like i said above, all the factors needed to calculate it has been released.
So Tony may or may not have had any experience with high rise buildings. But does that automatically restrict him from forming any kind of scientific opinion?
no, it doesn't prevent him from forming an opinion.
whether that opinion is valid or not is another story.
Does one have to have direct experience in the field to have questions? to analyse, to find flaws in other hypotheses?
no. but a person needs to be knowledgeable to understand what is being stated.
Does Stephen Hawking have any direct experience with black holes? Is he suddenly not capable of forming theories because he has no direct experience with the subject matter?
no. but remember that you used the word "theory". to state these buildings were brought down by explosives is stating a fact, a fact that has no basis in reality.
In my own opinion, you seem to be absolutely not looking at the subject objectively.
then how do you account for the evidence i've found?
You are choosing to believe in a theory, because it is backed by an authority.
the evidence i've found is a fact, nothing theoretical about it.
So how do you know that the data that you have read was actually produced by people in the field of structural engineering specifically based around the building of high-rise structures?
it's not so much as what i've read but of what i haven't read that convinces me.
So how do I account for the evidence that you've found, that you won't share with others?

The evidence that you've found is a FACT? Nothing theoretical about it?

It's not so much as what you've read but what you haven't read that convinces you?

Did God bring down the twin towers?

Is that your answer?


Any hypothesis should be open to scrutiny. And once it has passed all levels of scientific scrutiny, then it might then just become fact.

What have you got to be scared of? Why should you be so scared to show this evidence? And what if people find new things that test your theories such as Nanothermite? Are you just going to rule that out? Without checking?

That's not objectivity.
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From the pages of the Authoritarians:

Bob Altemeyer said:
science energetically corrects itself. If a finding is misleading, say due to methodological error, other scientists will discover that and set things straight.
Every year a new batch of scientists graduates, and many of them take dead aim--as they were trained to do--on the scientific Establishment.

Bob Altemeyer said:
Once dogmatism turns out the lights, you might as well close up shop as a
civilization and pull up the covers as a sentient life form. You get nowhere with
unquestioning certainty. It’s thinking with your mind wide shut.
all of the factors needed to compute weight distribution have been published.
apparently you know nothing about interpolation.
i will not haggle with you about this any longer.


I think we can all agree that the NIST NCSTAR1 report is a published source.

I have been telling people for 2 years that it does not specify the total amount of concrete in the towers and not one person has provide the data and specified where it is in the reports though a number of peoplr keep saying, "It's there, it's there." LOL

So why don't you tell us the total quantity of concrete from the NCSTAR1 report and specify the report and page. I can do that for the steel if you want.

Every year a new batch of scientists graduates, and many of them take dead aim--as they were trained to do--on the scientific Establishment.
Is that why economics is not a science. LOL

Each new batch of economists can't find the depreciation lost by the last batch. :eek:

all you need to do leeray is to ask yourself one question, and that is "how can i convince myself of the manner in which these towers fell?".


Any hypothesis should be open to scrutiny. And once it has passed all levels of scientific scrutiny, then it might then just become fact.

I see nothing of the sort with regards to the 'official story'. When I see the 'official story' being challenged, I only ever see authoritarian aggression, appeals to authority, lies, and simple brushing aside of any evidence which works contrary to the 'official story'.

No scientific discussion or debate. People tend to get overly defensive when their beliefs are challenged. Which is why science isn't about belief.
Is that why economics is not a science. LOL

Each new batch of economists can't find the depreciation lost by the last batch. :eek:


Oh it's a science alright. These Economists know what's going on. It's the science of deception; the science of ripping off the little man. Why would they rock the boat? They just join in the fun.
I don't know? Are there any angry convenience store clerks here?

Is that what you do?

Sorry, I think you've got the wrong thread.
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