WTC Collapses

How do you think the World Trade Center Collapsed?

  • Terrorist controlled aeroplanes crashing into them (like on the footage)

    Votes: 18 43.9%
  • Remote controlled aeroplanes to manipulate a war on false grounds

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Demolitions charges rigged by the government to manipulate war

    Votes: 9 22.0%
  • Allah!

    Votes: 2 4.9%
  • People keep flogging a dead horse!

    Votes: 12 29.3%

  • Total voters
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Kevin Ryan and NIST's 2004 Analysis of Structural Steel Update

This post is in response to the 9th and final part of shaman_'s post 393 in this thread.

scott3x said:
I'm talking about their 2004 interim NIST report, which is the one that Kevin Ryan was looking at at the time. In that report, they state that most of the steel hadn't gone beyond 250C..

1. They don’t state that in the report at all but I have tried repeatedly to get that through to you. Those figures are from the paint samples only. You refuse to comprehend anything that damages the conspiracy.

Alright, I went looking for the original document that I believe Kevin Ryan saw. Kevin Ryan's site,, links to an article that includes his letter to NIST. Below his letter are his references. His third one is the following:

Within this document from NIST, it states:
"Most perimeter panels (157 of 160 locations mapped)saw no temperature T > 250 °C, despite pre-collapse exposure to fire on 13 panels "

Perimeter panels, not paint samples. I rest my case.

2. If it was an interim report then it probably wasn’t “final” conclusions, was it genius?

Ofcourse. Much like Astaneh's "tentative conclusions", they still needed working on. What I'm trying to get across to you, however, is that that's the information that Kevin Ryan was working with at the time.

scott3x said:
5 trusses where the plane crashed into the building? That all you got?

That answer is all you have got? You wanted to see evidence; you saw it, now you are challenging me for more.

Yes, I did want to see your evidence. Apparently, you want me to believe that on the basis of a few trusses that have apparently lost some fireproofing where they were literally cut (even on those trusses it seems that, away from the cut, the fireproofing was -still on-), the rest of the fireproofing must be all gone as well. Sorry shaman_, but it just doesn't stand up to scrutiny.

You spend the entire discussion backed into the corner don’t you Scott?

What a curious if vaguely insulting statement. Could you go into further detail as to what you mean by 'backed into the corner'?
This post is in response to the 4th part of shaman_'s post 362 in this thread.

The twin towers characteristics: how they were like controlled demolitions and unlike destruction by fires, round 3

I mean in recent posts. Look, if you've already countered my points on my site, why can't you simply link to your counters?
This is a stupid childish game that you play. Are you going to tell me that I have never discussed thermite, witness testimony of bombs, ejection of materials during the collapse, squibs, pulverised concrete, symmetrical collapse, molten metal ect ect ect.. These are points we have been over many times and now you are challenging me to link to each one. Are you really trying to imply that you don’t remember discussing these things?

I'm trying to distill the most important arguments for the controlled demolition hypothesis, as well as bring up issues that still need to be worked on.
You’re probably going to filter out any debunking and claim victory! Are you going to include the comments from this document?

As Headspin mentioned in post 222, it was a "steel framed multi storey floating casino that was washed inland by hurricane katrina". And if it were already extremely damaged, why the need for explosives at all?
What a stupid question. To finish it off. That thing is a barge and it looks like four stories.

They were both multi story buildings, atleast, unlike the Mccormick place warehouse, which had no 'core' per se and thus the roof cave in made much more sense; scientifically speaking, it's too bad it didn't have multiple stories as I think it would have resoundingly shown that the rest of the stories wouldn't have pancaked down at near free fall speed without the type of help that the casino had. This whole 'pancake collapse' theory has only been used once in all of history- on 911.
.. so once again you are implying that something happening for the first time is suspicious. Irrefutable evidence…

767s haven’t crashed into many high rise buildings either.

It's just a matter of setting the charges up a little differently.
That’s not the point. Your argument is that it must be a controlled demolition because it looks like one. When I say it doesn’t quite look like, you retreat to well its possible. Are you abandoning the “it looked like one” argument?

At some point (not soon) you are going to have to think about the logic of a master super conspiracy of smashing planes into buildings and then demolishing in such an obvious manner. If they really could get absurd amounts of bombs and thermite into the building they are capable of making it more convincing than that. Why would they need to demolish the damn building anyway? It is absurd.

this post is in response to the 5th part of shaman_'s post 362 in this thread.

The Luminaries of the 9/11 Truth Movement, Round 4

So you say. I have a feeling, however, that if you had found a 9/11 truther with characteristics such as yourself,
I would respect that person more than you. You play games to avoid facing the failure of your argument and those of your heroes.

It's not as bad as 'idiot', 'moron' or 'stupid'.

Surely, if I would just stop disagreeing with you, you'd be more civil Fortunately for this debate, I don't put any such conditions on you. Anyone who knows me knows that I am a person of high integrity and honesty.
You certainly might be in everyday life. When it comes to debating you are not. Deep down you know I am right.

This post is in response to the 6th part of shaman_'s post 362 in this thread.

The Architects and Engineers for 9/11 Truth site

Originally, you said there were urban activists. I'd forgotten that you'd mentioned it in the plural, however, and that slip almost went unnoticed. But most importantly, why did you bring up the urban activist if you felt that it was 'not the point'?
No you’re not getting it. There were several fishy professions. That was but one of the ones I mentioned. You said “but there is only one of those” as if that matters. There were other dodgy professions padding out the list of ‘architectural and engineering professionals’.

They have included all engineers. Even if the engineers in question have nothing to do with architecture (such as software engineers). That's not 'padding' anything, that's simply including all engineers. I have already stated that I think it would have been more meaningful to have a list of people who that only had architects and engineers with diplomas related to building design, but there's a difference between not selecting the best criteria and padding out a list with people who don't fit said criteria.
Well I considering it to be padding out the list when they have people who don’t even work in a relevant field. If they had 500 structural engineers then I might be impressed. They don't. They have architects, electrical and software engineers.

Alright, how about we simply agree that the criteria for their 'architects and engineers' list could have been better and not all 9/11 truthers (or official story believers for that matter) are as informed as they could be?

Then quit telling me to scan through your previous posts for information that you should be linking to yourself.
Don’t you have a memory?

Perhaps you're unaware of all the times I've repeated the same points over and over again to you and to others. That's fine. I will happily repeat them to you 100 times more if that's what it takes, or link to them if they're already nicely said in a previous post, as I've done before. Like a good lawyer, I don't expect you to make my case for me.

Do you feel the same way concerning thermate as well or is that possibility atleast a little more on the credible side for you now?
No I don’t think thermite is as silly as nuclear weapons. Rating the theories I don’t find convincing isn’t really a worthwhile exercise though.

This post is in response to the 7th part of shaman_'s post 362 in this thread.

Kevin Ryan and his former employer Underwriter Laboratories, Round 4

I never said my logic was flawless. However, you will note that I dropped that theory when I felt that there wasn't enough evidence to support it.
You only dropped it for the equally absurd flyover theory!

Yes, yes, they certify the car not the car door. You think that's a victory for you?
Just trying to be accurate. Something Ryan should have made more effort to do.

In all honesty, it would be far better for a 'we had nothing to do with it' argument if they had only tested the steel and not the assemblies. Atleast then they could say that it's possible the people who did the assemblies are the ones who were lax. The assemblies are the 'end of the line'- anything- whether it's the steel or the assembly of the steel components that's wrong, should be able to be seen at that point.
No you’re not getting it. If the assemblies have been damaged and the fireproofing removed, then the results of their tests are no longer relevant.

I've already shown you evidence that:
1- the fireproofing wasn't removed to any substantial degree.
You posted a claim from a truther that the fireproofing wouldn’t be removed as there wouldn’t have been enough energy and I showed you a picture with fireproofing removed……..

2- even without fireproofing, even the initial floor wouldn't have done more then sag a bit.
Huh? What have you based this on? The steel on the Madrid tower did more than sag a little. The roof on the McCormick place collapsed in thirty minutes! A steel toilet paper factory collapsed after a fire. A steel toy factory collapsed after a fire. A bridge with steel supports collapsed after a gas tanker crashed. That’s kind of a problem for your theory….

He did nothing of the sort and has said as much. But the -real- tragedy here is that UL wanted to distance itself from his beliefs when they were so insightful.
They weren’t insightful. His letter, which even made mention of melting steel, was trying to establish that the fire didn’t go over 250C! The evidence for higher temperatures is overwhelming. Insightful?

Yep- it's included in this post (you won't have to search all of sciforums to find it . If you disagree with what I've said before in this post (as you probably will), we'll take it up next post.

No investigation would ever be enough in the eyes of you religious fanatics. If another investigation happened and nothing was found you would never waver from your faith. Evidence and reason mean nothing to you.

Ah, the all seeing shaman has spoken eh ? Tell me shaman_, why -did- you choose that nick?.
It’s just an internet nick I’ve used for over ten years. It causes some confusion. I wasn’t an evil-close-minded-psuedosceptic-materialist-wanna-be-debunker when I started using it.

This post is in response to the 8th and final part of shaman_'s post 362 in this thread.

'Normal' office fire tests, Round 4

You know, perhaps I was being a little too charitable when I said that you weren't an official story fanatic. Not the worst of them to be sure, but fanatics tend to think that their claims are self evident, without a need for explanation...

I should have been more precise- I've never seen you acknowledge when I've pointed out your flawed reasoning.


I'm tired. I'll plead no contest to this one. I think it's rather irrelevant, considering the fact that the UL tests done for NIST made it clear that the steel wouldn't have collapsed.
Do you mean the test done on assemblies with fireproofing!?
You are in a corner here with nowhere to go. You can try but you cannot avoid the evidence. Do not say again that it is clear that the fires wouldn’t have reached temperatures near 1000C.

You have not mentioned the other fire tests presented to you either.

Yes, I am. You're right, nothing to do with the Cardington fire tests. They have to do with the WTC towers (remember them?).
Poor response nanoscott. We are discussing particular issues of WTC. Jumping to different issues of 911 when things get tough is still changing the subject.

I'll concede that the Cardington fire tests managed to get the metal up to 900C. Now will -you- concede that the tests conducted to see if the WTC should have collapsed due to fire made it clear that they shouldn't have?
What are you talking about? Which tests were those?

In one of the Cardington tests, there was a section which wasn’t shielded. It started softening and buckling!

Probably because they were even more irrelevant then the Cardington fire tests...
Now you are really looking a bit sad. Just concede and stop trying to argue the point.

It has been painstaking shown to you that normal fires can reach temperatures near 1000C. In one of those fires the steel was unprotected and started buckling. You cannot possibly pretend again that you haven’t seen this information…

See, if I'd been in your place, I would probably have said something like "do you have any evidence to support your claim?". But fanatics aren't really all that interested in hearing the opponents claims; they're much more interested in insisting that they're false, perhaps engaging in a few personal attacks and leaving it at that...

NIST is the one who started with the paint samples. 9/11 research is the one who brings them up. I'm simply quoting 9/11 research, which brings them up.
.. and yet you make no attempt to even understand what you are bringing up, or why it doesn’t show the maximum temperature of the WTC fire.

How many of those core column fragements did they analyse? Or did they ship them all off before getting a chance?
It was an inconclusive test. There is however other evidence which gives a much clearer indication to the temperatures of the fires.

You fail to understand this and keep bringing up the paint tests as if that is the only evidence of the temperatures. It’s not.

Not by a long shot.

Jim Hoffman, in his article "Building a Better Mirage - NIST's 3-Year $20,000,000 Cover-Up of the Crime of the Century" handily debunks the idea that 120 to 600 seconds is a trifling amount:
************************************************** *
Temperatures of 800 ºC to 1,100 ºC (1472 ºF to 2012 ºF) are normally observed only for brief times in building fires, in a phenomenon known as flashover. Flashover occurs when uncombusted gases accumulate near the ceilings and then suddenly ignite. Since flame consumes the pre-heated fuel-air mixture in an instant, very high temperatures are produced for a few seconds. Note that this temperature range includes the 900 ºC recorded using the megawatt super-burner, so they must have had to pour on quite a lot of jet fuel.

The first section of the Report describing the fires deceptively implies that 1,000 ºC (1832 ºF) temperatures (rarely seen in even momentary flashovers) were sustained, and that they were in the building's core.

************************************************** *
The article goes on, complete with some good graphics. You might want to take a look:
That was the statement that Mackey was rebutting! You can’t respond to it with the very comment he was responding to!

I find it hard to believe that it wouldn't affect his conclusions. And who is Ryan including when he states 'our conclusions'?
It’s probably the government because clearly they are paying him to say these things.

Hadn't dealt with this one before (the rest of my response to Mackey I just copied from this post).
So I will post the same answers to your pitiful post I did the first time.

I don't have an answer to the above as of yet. I would like to stated, however, that Ryan Mackey has been thoroughly debunked in the past, as the following article makes clear:
Only in the eyes of a gullible lazy conspiracy theorist. Mackey’s document is pretty much the definitive debunking on all of Griffin’s claims and I think a few others are in there. The crackpots have returned fire with that one page and Mackey has addressed their comments in version 2.1 of his document.

So no Mackey has not lost any credibility and no you can't just ignore the things he says.

At the outset of the article, a good point is made:
Following the publication of these, Mackey generated Version 2 of his essay. More than 300 pages in length, this version has lengthy fallacy-rich sections addressing Thurston's and Ryan's articles almost line-by-line.

This review will never be a complete reply to Mackey's essay. An attempt to create such a reply would be misguided since it would lend legitimacy to Mackey's method: generating masses of criticism of the targeted information using arguments with superficial plausibility -- the emphasis being on quantity -- while employing a vast array of propagandistic techniques, factual distortions, and logical fallacies. The rationale behind that method seems clear enough: create a smokescreen of baseless arguments and distractions, clothed in claims of intellectual superiority and scientific legitimacy, such that the audience might be reassured that there is no need to look at the evidence of controlled demolition.

Where was the good point in that? They are making excuses why they are too scared or inept to reply to Mackey’s essay in entirety and then just whine on that he is debunking them.
Gregory Urich

This post is in response to the 1st part of shaman_'s post 394 in this thread.

Scott I have a document for you to read regarding your ae911 points.

The author (Gregory Urich) actually agrees that further investigation is required on a few of them so you may be a little more open minded to what he is saying.

Gregory Urich is certainly respected amoung some official story supporters (the fact that you're bringing him up reinforces that) and some conspiracy theorists. psikeyhacker once credited him with giving the most detailed analysis concerning his favourite topic, the distribution of masses and such, but found that more was still needed. However, this isn't to say that some of his claims haven't already been debunked. I'll quote from the above article:
1. Extremely rapid onset of “collapse”
The validity of this claim rests on the definition of “extremely rapid”. NIST provides evidence of growing instability 10 min prior to collapse including smoke expulsions from partial floor collapses and bowing of the exterior wall on the south side of WTC1.​

All NIST provides is a tweaked out computer model. They don't even model the actual collapse, instead leaving it at 'poised to collapse'; Steven Jones, in his article "Why Indeed Did the WTC Buildings Collapse?", deals with NIST's "poised for collapse" argument quite well:
What about the subsequent complete, rapid and symmetrical collapse of the buildings? What about the observed squibs? What about the antenna dropping first in the North Tower? What about the molten metal observed in the basement areas in large pools in both Towers and WTC 7 as well? Never mind all that: NIST did not discuss at all any data after the buildings were “poised for collapse.” Well, some of us want to look at ALL the data, without computer simulations that are “adjusted,” perhaps to make them fit the desired outcome.

In another part of the same article, Steven Jones comments on the 'expulsions of air' from WTC 7 thusly:
Horizontal puffs of smoke and debris are observed emerging from WTC-7 on upper floors, in regular sequence, just as the building starts to collapse. (The reader may wish to view the close-up video clip again.) The upper floors have not moved relative to one another yet, as one can verify from the videos. In addition, the timing between the puffs is less than 0.2 seconds so air-expulsion due to collapsing floors is excluded. Free-fall time for a floor to fall down to the next floor is significantly longer than 0.2 seconds: the equation for free fall, y = ½ gt2, yields a little over 0.6 seconds, as this is near the initiation of the collapse.

However, the presence of such “squibs” proceeding up the side of the building is common when pre-positioned explosives are used, as can be observed at The same site shows that rapid timing between explosive squibs is also common. (It is instructive to view several of the implosion videos at this web site.) Thus, squibs as observed during the collapse of WTC 7 going up the side of the building in rapid sequence provide additional significant evidence for the use of pre-placed explosives.

Will get to more of his points later...
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the word "discussed" does not mean "disproven", or "debunked"

that thread is a perfect example of how the usual crowd use lots of words without actually saying anything, not to mention flat out lie. they were exposed a long time ago.

oh, if you read the thread you know full well that it was debunked.

i know, "everyone is lying", except of course the ones who are making up the tales and unsubstantiated claims.

neither you, or scott, have answered any questions i (as well as others) have put forth that would end this charade in its tracks.

dont bother with the coward response of 'where, what questions' read the thread it all there.

are you here for honest debate, waste time or just spread disinformation?

if you answer with something intelligent or insightful so be it but don't waste my time because this has gone way beyond monotonous.

i really dont understand how one person gets perma banned for:

continual trolling and deliberately attempting to deceive readers on scientific topics

and you two get away with this consistently. trolling and avoiding posts or glossing over facts is what you came here to do. never participate in any other threads, except for a few but one or two out of a few thousand posts is meaningless.
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of course you know how to use authority to go crying to a mod when someone calls you a 'bad' name. is that part of your game as well?

then play with yourself.
oh, if you read the thread you know full well that it was debunked.

i know, "everyone is lying", except of course the ones who are making up the tales and unsubstantiated claims.

neither you, or scott, have answered any questions i (as well as others) have put forth that would end this charade in its tracks.

dont bother with the coward response of 'where, what questions' read the thread it all there.

are you here for honest debate, waste time or just spread disinformation?

if you answer with something intelligent or insightful so be it but don't waste my time because this has gone way beyond monotonous.

i really dont understand how one person gets perma banned for:

and you two get away with this consistently. trolling and avoiding posts or glossing over facts is what you came here to do. never participate in any other threads, except for a few but one or two out of a few thousand posts is meaningless.

you say "if you read the thread you know full well that it was debunked."
here are my comments on those jref posts, where was it debunked?
those jref posts were a total joke:

post 2
says nothing, dismissive.

post 3
dismissive, redirects to debunking sites.
lie - "no explosive sounds"
lie - "no melting of steel"

post 4
OP requests the debunkers to tackle the "truther" for him

post 5
strawman - pretends the discussion is about thermite, not nanothermite
trys to derail thread mentioning thermobarics.

post 6
falsely implies impossibilty of a thermite device.
falsely claims nanothermite was not in existence in 2001.

post 7

post 8

post 9
falsely claims the truther is saying the Fire department did 911.
nitpicks on nuances of words.
falsely implies the author of nfpa921 and other organisations has investigated the wtc for presence of thermite.

post 10
OP asks for clarity on post 9

post 11
bluff called, gives websites which is not what the OP asked for.
tries to answer a question by asking a question.

post 12
absence of evidence is not evidence of absence.

groupthink reinforcement. get in line troops.

post 14
speculation and nitpicking.
falsely implies there were investigators combing the rubble.

post 15
3 minutes of hate, bashing "the truthers" to reinforce groupthink.
lie about what "the truthers" ALWAYS talk about
bash the truthers.

post 16
confused rambling, finish with bashing "the truthers".

...trolling means to provoke others into reacting emotionally:
wtc 7 - how does assymetric damage and fire cause a building to fall symmetrically into its footprint at freefall speed?

WTC 7 didn't fall at free fall speed.

Free fall speed is different for every thing, a Human body at free fall in the prone position does about 126 mph,

Bloomfield, Louis A. "What is Terminal Velocity?"How Things Work. University of Virginia. 23 December 1999.

"A person has a terminal velocity of about 200 mph when balled up and about 125 mph with arms and feet fully extended to catch the wind."

However, by diving or "standing up"in free fall, any experienced skydiver can learn to reach speeds of over 160-180MPH. Speeds of over 200MPH require significant practice to achieve. The record free fall speed, done without any special equipment, is 321MPH. Obviously, it is desirable to slow back down to 110MPH before parachute opening."

So what is the free fall speed of a building?

Joseph W. Kittinger - USAF Museum Gathering of Eagles. United States Air Force Museum, Wright-Patterson Air Force Base.

Freefall speed record.
614 mph [1][2] (988 km/h or 274 m/s)

So what is the free fall speed of a building?
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Gregory Urich is certainly respected amoung some official story supporters (the fact that you're bringing him up reinforces that) and some conspiracy theorists. psikeyhacker once credited him with giving the most detailed analysis concerning his favourite topic, the distribution of masses and such, but found that more was still needed. However, this isn't to say that some of his claims haven't already been debunked. I'll quote from the above article:

Gregory Urich has produced a spreadsheet with weights of concrete and steel on every level but I don't know how ACCURATE it is. He admits his perimeter column information is built on interpolation. The WTC perimeter columns were built of 12 different grades of modular panels. I see absolutely no reason why the NIST hasn't been able to tell us the number and weight of each type. But Urich makes excuses for the NIST talking about their limited budget.

He also doesn't try to explain how the falling top portion could possibly have stayed centered all of the way down instead of getting off center in a random fashion and crushing one side more thus causing it to get more off center and eventually falling off the side.

He also has a spreadsheet for computing collapse time but I don't see how he computes the energy necessary to crush each level.

WTC 7 didn't fall at free fall speed.

Free fall speed is different for every thing, a Human body at free fall in the prone position does about 126 mph,

We are talking about a building coming straight down in its own foot print. Wind resistance does not apply here. Terminal velocity is not free fall it is falling limited by air resistance.

There is no such thing as "free fall speed". It is free fall acceleration.

Gregori Urich, Part 2

This post is in response to the 2nd part of shaman_'s post 394 in this thread.

Continuing where I left off in my response to Gregory's Open letter to Richard Gage and AE911Truth:
2. Sounds of explosions and flashes of light witnessed near the beginning of the "collapse" by over 100 first responders

Surely, there were explosive sounds and flashes of light as there are too many witnesses to deny this. Nonetheless, the only videosof the collapseswith sound do not have any explosive sounds. In the following video, one can hear people talking and the sound of the collapse. In videosof actual demolitionsthe explosive charges are at least ten times louder than collapse sounds.Compare:

to these actual demolitions:

This evidence directly contradicts the controlled demolition theory, at least by conventional means. Nonetheless, the witness testimonies should be taken seriously. It is possible that people heard or saw something else, for example, reflections of lights from emergency vehicles or cars exploding.​

This is indeed a good point; the sounds don't hear like demolition charges. I have frequently postulated that this may be due to the fact that thermate simply doesn't sound like a conventional explosive (it certainly isn't a conventional explosive at any rate). Headspin/psikey, what's your take on this?

However, there is no denying that some heard what sounded like a series of rapid explosions even if they didn't sound like classical demolition explosives.

3. Squibs, or “mistimed” explosions, 40 floors below the “collapsing” building seen in all the videos

This argument would only favor controlled demolition if the pressures inside the building in a gravitational collapse are not sufficient or cannot propagate fast enough to cause the observed phenomena. To my knowledge, this has not been demonstrated.​

It has indeed been done. By Steven Jones, in his article "Why Indeed Did the WTC Buildings Collapse?", for WTC 7:
Horizontal puffs of smoke and debris are observed emerging from WTC-7 on upper floors, in regular sequence, just as the building starts to collapse. (The reader may wish to view the close-up video clip again.) The upper floors have not moved relative to one another yet, as one can verify from the videos. In addition, the timing between the puffs is less than 0.2 seconds so air-expulsion due to collapsing floors is excluded. Free-fall time for a floor to fall down to the next floor is significantly longer than 0.2 seconds: the equation for free fall, y = ½ gt2, yields a little over 0.6 seconds, as this is near the initiation of the collapse.

However, the presence of such “squibs” proceeding up the side of the building is common when pre-positioned explosives are used, as can be observed at The same site shows that rapid timing between explosive squibs is also common. (It is instructive to view several of the implosion videos at this web site.) Thus, squibs as observed during the collapse of WTC 7 going up the side of the building in rapid sequence provide additional significant evidence for the use of pre-placed explosives.


On to Urich's point 4:
4. Mid-air pulverization of all the 90,000 tons of concrete and steel decking, filing cabinets & 1000 people –mostly to dust

This claim is not correct and in no way favors controlled demolition over gravitational collapse. Engineers at Scholars for 9/11 Truth and Justice (STJ911), including Greg Jenkins, Tony Szamboti and Gregory Urich, have demonstrated that the upper bound for concrete pulverized to dust was 15%. We have also calculated that the amount of dust attributable to easily crushed materials like gypsum and SFRM (thermal insulation) was equivalent to 5 lbsper square foot over an area of 200 acres. We have also calculated that no extra energy source would be needed to create this amount of dust. The pressures approached 100,000 psi late in the collapse. How could these pressures not result in humans and other materials being crushed to dust?​


On what basis does he say that AE911Truth's claim is not correct? In any case, in regards to the calculations of Urich, Jenkins and Szamboti, I can't respond since it's precisely this calculation thing where I tend to get lost. Perhaps Headspin or psikey...
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i think people understand what is meant by "freefall speed" or "speed of gravity".

I find it difficult to explain in a simple way by including all the negligible variables. "freefall speed" are words that people understand.

the only thing that matters is a comparison with the timing of a known demolition, since we know that in a demolition, the support structures have all been instantly removed.
the difference between a skyscraper demolition and a pure physics/mathematical model is negligible.
scott, that first mpg you linked to is just plain dumb. it is just a building collapsing there are no charges and if it does anything it disproves what you are saying. it directly contradicts what you are saying.

HS, your post #547 and accusations have no grounds in this thread and you should not call people liars who are not here to defend themselves go there and do it if you are not afraid to.
the only thing that matters is a comparison with the timing of a known demolition, since we know that in a demolition, the support structures have all been instantly removed.
the difference between a skyscraper demolition and a pure physics/mathematical model is negligible.

the problem is that you are viewing controlled demos that are designed to take a building down and comparing them to a building coming down. of course there will be similarities, what do you expect?
the problem is that you are viewing controlled demos that are designed to take a building down and comparing them to a building coming down. of course there will be similarities, what do you expect?

What the hell does that mean?


Buildings are designed to stand up. There should be significant if not considerable differences between a controlled demolition and a building coming down for any other reason.

That is the major problem with this entire mess. Opinionated people that don't know squat about physics trying to pretend that they do.

scott, that first mpg you linked to is just plain dumb. it is just a building collapsing there are no charges and if it does anything it disproves what you are saying. it directly contradicts what you are saying.

HS, your post #547 and accusations have no grounds in this thread and you should not call people liars who are not here to defend themselves go there and do it if you are not afraid to.

I have just kicked my self in the ass, Hell I have worked with thermite in the military, and it doesn't explode, it burns with a very loud hiss, thermite is not a explosive, it is a flammable.

The reason that a building that has been prepared for controlled demolition is not a control for a building collapse, is that the building is stripped all windows, doors, and any none supporting structures, and just watch the strings of charges that go off, they are timed, and sequenced to control the fall and flow of debre, it sound like a machine gun going off, ripples of shots.

A controlled demolition building is a totally stripped building, and WTC 7 was not.
HS, your post #547 and accusations have no grounds in this thread and you should not call people liars who are not here to defend themselves go there and do it if you are not afraid to.
oh for pete's sake! what fake righteous indignation!
you have been off the bat calling people "whores" and using all sorts of other provocations, you don't seem to be able to justify your opinions and arguments on the topic, so you make it personal, its an old game you play.
"When you have no basis for an argument, abuse the plaintiff" - Marcus Tullius Cicero

you used that thread to claim nanothermite was debunked, you said "if you read the thread you know full well that it was debunked."
I went through each post and gave you details of each one, nowhere in there was nanothermite debunked, and so again i will ask - where was it debunked? which post did you find convincingly disprove nanothermite?
I have just kicked my self in the ass, Hell I have worked with thermite in the military, and it doesn't explode, it burns with a very loud hiss, thermite is not a explosive, it is a flammable.

The reason that a building that has been prepared for controlled demolition is not a control for a building collapse, is that the building is stripped all windows, doors, and any none supporting structures, and just watch the strings of charges that go off, they are timed, and sequenced to control the fall and flow of debre, it sound like a machine gun going off, ripples of shots.

A controlled demolition building is a totally stripped building, and WTC 7 was not.
what do they do in uncontrolled demolitions?
what do they do if they bring down a building to deceive people into thinking it came down by fire? do they salvage the doors and pipes to make money on the side prior to the event? i don't think so. non-sequitur.
did they strip the moscow apartment buildings in 1999, did AQ strip the wtc in 1993?

thermite can be designed to explode using nano technology.
On to Urich's point 4:
4. Mid-air pulverization of all the 90,000 tons of concrete and steel decking, filing cabinets & 1000 people –mostly to dust
This claim is not correct and in no way favors controlled demolition over gravitational collapse. Engineers at Scholars for 9/11 Truth and Justice (STJ911), including Greg Jenkins, Tony Szamboti and Gregory Urich, have demonstrated that the upper bound for concrete pulverized to dust was 15%. We have also calculated that the amount of dust attributable to easily crushed materials like gypsum and SFRM (thermal insulation) was equivalent to 5 lbsper square foot over an area of 200 acres. We have also calculated that no extra energy source would be needed to create this amount of dust. The pressures approached 100,000 psi late in the collapse. How could these pressures not result in humans and other materials being crushed to dust?


On what basis does he say that AE911Truth's claim is not correct? In any case, in regards to the calculations of Urich, Jenkins and Szamboti, I can't respond since it's precisely this calculation thing where I tend to get lost. Perhaps Headspin or psikey...
do we need a calculation? he says "The pressures approached 100,000 psi late in the collapse. How could these pressures not result in humans and other materials being crushed to dust?"
but what we know is that human remains, 700 very small bone fragments were found on the roof of the Deutsche Bank Building which was 565 feet high.
so any talk of pressures during "late collapse" cannot explain the bone fragments created during the early stages of collapse. Also, the plane crash debris did not spray the roof of the deutsche bank, so these bone fragments came from the early collapse process.
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