WTC Collapses

How do you think the World Trade Center Collapsed?

  • Terrorist controlled aeroplanes crashing into them (like on the footage)

    Votes: 18 43.9%
  • Remote controlled aeroplanes to manipulate a war on false grounds

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Demolitions charges rigged by the government to manipulate war

    Votes: 9 22.0%
  • Allah!

    Votes: 2 4.9%
  • People keep flogging a dead horse!

    Votes: 12 29.3%

  • Total voters
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This is in response to the 2nd part of shaman_'s post 103 in this thread.

Originally Posted by scott3x
Some steel structures, sure, but not steel framed high rises, sorry.

Do you visit reality often? The steel on the Madrid tower collapsed due to the fire.

The Windsor tower in Madrid only suffered a partial collapse:

This, after the fire had burned fiercely for almost a day, unlike the 1 and 2 hour fires in the WTC towers. Again, a picture makes it clear how fierce the fire was:

As 9/11 Research sums up:
Because the Windsor fire produced a partial collapse, some have argued that it validates the official account of the collapses of WTC Buildings 1, 2, and 7. Because the same fire was so massive and did not produce total collapse, others have cited it as evidence disproving that account.

Steel Versus Steel-Reinforced Concrete

In fact, comparisons between the Windsor tower and the WTC Towers are limited because of the very different structures of these buildings. The Twin Towers and Building 7 were both 100% steel-framed, with large wide-flange columns and box columns, some measuring over four feet wide and fabricated of steel up to five inches thick. Severe fires in other skyscrapers which, like the WTC Towers, were 100% steel-framed, have not produced even partial collapses.


It was a high rise that was only left standing due to its concrete core.

Once again, to set the record straight on the WTC towers' cores:
The design was a "tube in a tube" construction where the steel reinforced, cast concrete interior tube, was surrounded with a structural steel framework configured as another tube with the load bearing capacity bias towards the perimeter wall with the core acting to reduce deformation of the steel structure maximizing its load bearing capacity. All steel structures with the proportions of the WTC towers have inherent problems with flex and torsion. Distribution of gravity loads was; perimeter walls 50%, interior core columns 30% core 20%.

So there you have it. A tube in tube, steel reinforced, cast concrete interior tube, surrounded by a structural steel framework configured as another tube. Combined, they accounted for half of the gravity load.

If steel structures can collapse due to fire there is no fundamental difference when a tall steel structure collapses due to fire.

I already debunked your 'all steel structures are alike' argument in post 57.

Originally Posted by scott3x
Due to explosives, yes.

Yet there is no evidence for explosives.

Here is evidence that explosives were used:

And here is evidence that explosions were heard and seen:

Originally Posted by scott3x
If so, they put the explosives a bit higher then the bottom. It doesn't change much.

They don’t do that in demolitions do they?

The WTC demolitions clearly weren't ordinary demolitions. Nevertheless, the amount of characteristics that they share with demolitions makes it clear that they were, indeed, demolitions.
This post is in response to the 3rd and final part of shaman_'s post 103 in this thread.

Originally Posted by scott3x
As Headspin said in another forum:
people seem to forget there were many reports of witnesses reporting explosions and bombs before and during the towers "collapse" - firefighters, journalists, police, first responders, workers in the buildings, people on the scene etc. Also reports of bombs in the building and at the world trade centre prior to collapse

Here's a good video with such supporting evidence, check it out at about 1:40:

Can’t watch videos from work.

Perhaps next time you're home you could take a look...

I’m guessing you are going to present me with more cherry picked witness testimony. We’ve been though this many times. We have even looked at individual cases. People saying they heard an explosion that sounded like a bomb isn’t surprising at all considering what happened that morning and taking into account that there was a bomb attempt only a few years earlier. There are many explanations for these noises that have nothing to do with bombs.

Alright, you say we've been through this many times. Just cite me a link or 2 so I can review...

Originally Posted by scott3x
Originally Posted by shaman_
It also didn’t collapse perfectly as it damaged nearby buildings when it fell. So no it wasn't the same as a controlled demolition.

Leave perfection to the gods.

So it didn’t collapse into its own footprint.

Architects and Engineers for 9/11 truth believe it did. I don't know the details of the damage it did to other buildings and how much a normal controlled demolition would do to nearby unprotected buildings, but the WTC 7 collapse was fairly similar to a normal controlled demolition from what I've heard.

Originally Posted by scott3x
Even a demolition expert has that it had "absolutely" been imploded:

Ofcourse, said demolition expert doesn't live in the U.S. and thus didn't have to deal with the type of political fallout that would have occured had this been the case.

So he is relying on youtube videos to give us his “expert” evaluation.

I'm not sure what the source of the video he saw was. I don't see why it should matter, however; there are some very good videos regarding the demolition on youtube. The youtube video above is a video of the demolition expert in question.

One demolition youtube expert, thats it? I can’t watch the video at the moment to see him but one is pretty weak.

I presented the list of more then 500 architects and engineers, but apparently that's weak for you as well. There's just no satisfying you I guess...

Originally Posted by scott3x
Not addressing something doesn't mean I have ignored it; you simply hadn't brought it up before. I will look into this.

Even your hero Ryan said it takes a lot of preparation.

Indeed. I did look into it and posted a theory I found in post 100.

Yes, the final nail in the official story. How did they know it was going to collapse?

Watch the videos I presented regarding WTC7 foreknowledge. One showed a firefighter saying that the leaning building was unstable.

Can you show me those WTC 7 videos again? I'd like to learn more about this knowledgeable firefighter...

The building looked so damaged that firefighters think it will collapse so they back off, and then it does. How can you actually think that is suspicious?!

You may want to read the following article:
9/11 First Responder Heard WTC 7 Demolition Countdown

SLC comes up with some lame counters, but I believe the article holds the day.

Originally Posted by scott3x
Architects and Engineers for 9/11 Truth founder Richard Gage makes it clear just how damning for the official story that is in this video.

Does this video involve cardboard boxes? :D

You can rest easy- no cardboard boxes were hurt in the clip ;)
This post is in response to the 1st part of shaman_'s post 247 in this thread.

I've decided I'll start naming a few of the threads (or parts thereof) I respond to if they have a consistent theme.

shaman_'s views on my discussions regarding 9/11

Originally Posted by scott3x
I assure you that I'm not reading via braille :p. I read, but I don't just read. I analyze the reading for logical consistency and if it passes muster...

After your proclamation that the evidence points to a missile hitting the pentagon or your theorizing that nuclear devices may have been involved in 9/11 I don’t have much confidence in your analysis.

When I found that the evidence was scarce concerning these theories, I let them go. As you may know, however, I am still not sure regarding the nuclear device possibility, but since there are so few people who support this possibility and I haven't really seen anything that I could call hard evidence, I have let it go for now. In your case, however, I have found that you still cling to the official story of 9/11 despite its numerous holes.

Originally Posted by scott3x
I present what I've read in this forum. At times, after some criticisms here and further analysis on my part, I may come to the conclusion that a particular theory is mistaken or deserves more study before proposing it as what you might call my 'main' ideas. That is, the ideas that I feel most confident about. This doesn't mean that my ideas can no longer be challenged. It's clear that they are still challenged. Nevertheless, the fact that this dicussion has continued for years and, in sciforums' case, for thousands of posts, may make you consider the possibility that perhaps there really -is- something to these alternate theories regarding 9/11.

The ‘something’ is a human fascination with conspiracy theories. People want to believe in them just as people want to believe in ESP, religion and alien visitation. The evidence isn’t there but that doesn’t stop people believing in it.

Even the official story is a conspiracy theory. From Wikipedia's Conspiracy theory entry:
"A conspiracy theory is a hypothesis that alleges a coordinated group is, or was, secretly working to commit illegal or wrongful actions, including attempting to hide the existence of the group and its activities."

This is why I prefer using the term 'alternate theory/theories' to 'conspiracy theory/ies'.

Originally Posted by scott3x
Honestly, if I wanted to preach, I would do so in a 9/11 alternate story web site...

You don’t want to preach to the converted, you want to proselytize.

Wikipedia defines proselytism as:
"the practice of attempting to convert people to another opinion and, particularly, another religion."

I'll go for the 'opinion' one, I don't personally belong to any institutional religion. I see nothing wrong with trying to persuade people that a certain story is false if I believe it to be so. And surely you realize that you are proselytizing in this fashion as well? Otherwise, why bother arguing with me?

Originally Posted by scott3x
Originally Posted by shaman_
You will never stray from the comfort of your pitiful conspiracy sites.

Well, you might not like this 'conspiracy site', but I think it's not so bad myself ;)

You don’t get your information from here. You bring information here to defend your story.

I get my information from here and elsewhere, which proves your idea that I never 'stray' from alternate theory sites to be unfounded.
In fact, comparisons between the Windsor tower and the WTC Towers are limited because of the very different structures of these buildings. The Twin Towers and Building 7 were both 100% steel-framed, with large wide-flange columns and box columns, some measuring over four feet wide and fabricated of steel up to five inches thick. Severe fires in other skyscrapers which, like the WTC Towers, were 100% steel-framed, have not produced even partial collapses.

If you check the dimensions you will find that a WTC tower was more than 12 times the size of the Windsor Tower. So what does that say about how much stronger it had to be to support all of that weight and do it against the wind?

If you check the dimensions you will find that a WTC tower was more than 12 times the size of the Windsor Tower. So what does that say about how much stronger it had to be to support all of that weight and do it against the wind?


Yeah, lots of good points. However, it seems the detractors have decided to move to other issues...
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There were many people in the WTC buildings, so if any bombs were planted wouldn't they be noticed? Also take note of how high the bombs must have been planted if so.
There were many people in the WTC buildings, so if any bombs were planted wouldn't they be noticed? Also take note of how high the bombs must have been planted if so.

What if there were a 30 hour power down to, at the very least, finish up the placement of explosives?

Even with the power down and the shutting down of video cameras as a result, there were still some suspicious going ons, as former twin tower employee Forbes makes clear in the above video.
Yeah, lots of good points. However, it seems the detractors have decided to move to other issues...

Yeah, debating is an ego game about points.

Physics is not.

So I presume people will be debating 7 years from now about something that should have been solved 6 years ago.
Yeah, debating is an ego game about points.

Physics is not.

So I presume people will be debating 7 years from now about something that should have been solved 6 years ago.

I think the main problem is that in general, there isn't all that much debate. I have found that I have a quality in me that attracts debate, but it looks like in this particular case that quality has only lasted so long. I think it was educational, and not just for the detractors; I learned a fair amount.

The issue, ofcourse, is a fairly emotional one and people can feel strongly about their personal beliefs, to the point that it can be, as shaman liked to say, like a religion. Some don't mind debating their religion, but many don't. Even in the case of those who do, they may be willing to debate it only so far and it looks like we may well have reached that point for the alternate theory detractors in this forum in any case.
There is another curious thing about this picture though.


FEMA put X's where big pieces of perimeter wall panels landed. I have seen pictures of what hit the Winter Garden and American Express Tower from various angles. It looks like it could have been 6 wall panels connected together. Since the steel was stamped during manufacture so its proper positioning could be determined during construction then FEMA should have been able to tell us the weight and where it came from on the tower.

So why didn't these EXPERTS supply information that obvious?

There is another curious thing about this picture though.


FEMA put X's where big pieces of perimeter wall panels landed. I have seen pictures of what hit the Winter Garden and American Express Tower from various angles. It looks like it could have been 6 wall panels connected together. Since the steel was stamped during manufacture so its proper positioning could be determined during construction then FEMA should have been able to tell us the weight and where it came from on the tower.

So why didn't these EXPERTS supply information that obvious?


It seems the experts prefer to be silent. Astaneh certainly never responded to my email regarding his apparent statement that there was vaporized steel and it's common knowledge that more then one of them has stated that they 'don't have time' to review Steven Jones work.

In this forum, atleast, it would seem that even relatively inexpert people don't have the time anymore. The bottom line is that for many, thinking that the government could have played a part in 911 is blasphemous. The idea is to treat those who feel this way as blasphemers, who should be worthy of ridicule. And never, -ever- question the official story. Instead, only question those who oppose it. Buy into the arguments of Ryan Mackey, who has been shown to make many spurious arguments but never acknowledges this fact. Ofcourse when all else fails, the best solution is to simply ignore the official story detractors completely. Instead of the 'if you can't beat them, join them', the argument goes 'if you can't beat them, ignore them'.

I suppose in a way it can be a bit cyclicle. But as Gandhi once said, when describing the stages of a winning strategy of nonviolent activism:
"First they ignore you, then they laugh at you, then they fight you, then you win."

I think that in a very real way, the fact that we had 9/11 is that so few understood what happened in Pearl Harbor. Here's to hoping we can clear up both matters now so that we don't get another repeat performance.
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no the aluminium is not glowing orange when it is poured. It maybe reflecting some of the orange glow from the container as a mirror or mercury would reflect the surrounding environment, but when it exits it very quickly changes to silver. it hits the pan silver. if you are going to claim that the heat is removed by the pan immediately and sufficiently for it to cool to a silver state, then bear in mind the stuff pouring from the wtc was flowing over a floor surface and between steel perimeter beams before falling from the window, yet it still exits into daylight and remains yellow on the way down. .
Which is why I don’t think it is pure aluminium.

of course it can if the temperature is high enough so that its very low (compared to other metals) 5% radiance outshines its very high (compared to other metals) 95% reflectivity. You will not get this glow in the orange spectrum in any kind of daylight though. In daylight any glow will be in the white spectrum
really? These pictures are in the day time. Go to the bottom.

Those pictures are not aluminium, they are iron! Whoever is putting out that information is simply lying to you.
That is true I didn’t look properly at that page. But I have posted several photos of glowing aluminum before those.

this is a fair point but doesn't apply with the experiment i have shown you, this experiment heats it to 1800F (1000C), way above the melting point of aluminium (1200F). it still pours out silver!
I have paused it and it looks like it is glowing to me. This is consistent with the other pictures.

you have small orange material droplets moving fast over a uniform grey background, mpeg compression works by blending in frames of data and blurring sharply contrasting colors. I would conclude those droplets are still orange. some are even orange despite mpeg color loss.

how do you know it is unlikely to be steel? or residue from a thermite reaction (as would be more accurately claimed by the other side of the debate)? why unlikely?
are you arguing from personal incredulity? .
Because there is no reliable evidence of molten steel and no evidence of temperatures that high. The temperature was certainly high enough to melt the aluminium.

There are many things it could possibly have been, some I mentioned in a previous post and these are more likely than steel as they don’t require supermegathermite, explosives or absurd temperatures for which there is no evidence. I don’t know what that stuff is but it is more likely to be aluminium mixed in with something than it is steel. What colour would steel turn as it falls and cools?

or do you have actual evidence that it is unlikely? What Jones experiment has done has disproven (debunked) NISTs speculation of what it was.

You presuppose that the extreme temperatures would have been caused by the office fires (and you conclude there would have been molten aluminium). You did not consider that the extreme termpature was a highly localised event (chemical reaction/thermate)
When you come up with credible evidence for a thermite demolition I will consider it.

that did not melt any aluminium. In any event, if there were molten aluminium in the vicinity it would have flowed away from the heat source at its melting point and still remained silver, way before managing to magically glow orange.
Why would it have flowed away from the heat source?

Keep in mind that the flow occurred after the bowing started and it was near the point of impact.
so if it was aluminium flowing out of the building, why did it not cool and turn silver when it flowed over the steel and concrete before it fell out of the window?
I don’t think it was pure aluminium. I don’t actually know what that material is. However it is a huge leap of faith claim that it must be steel. It is the same desperate rationalising we see over and over again. A witness said he heard a bomb so it must have been a bomb!

do you mean the photos of molten iron? they do not demonstrate anything about molten aluminium in daylight, or have you retracted that point now? .
As I said I have already posted several pics of orange aluminium. gallery.htm

They must all be reflecting the container…….

aluminium has been experimentally shown not to mix with other materials.
It wouldn’t even have to mix properly. The aluminium just had to carry the glowing material out of the building.

Why have the anti-truth movement not been able to produce a simple youtube experiment that shows how impure aluminium can glow orange in all these years?
They probably don’t consider it important. I have found very little regarding this particular issue.

Why haven’t the troother movement been able to come up with cohesive theory after all these years. We still have the crap like cherry picked testimony of bombs in the basement to prove the incendiary at the 80th floor caused a collapse!
This is in response to the first part of shaman's post 256 in this thread.

At times it can be difficult to accept the fact that others see things differently then oneself. If you wish, you can take a break from this conversation and reflect upon the fact that people will not always agree with your way of seeing things.
No scott you are dishonest and use immature and pitiful techniques to try and maintain your religion.

You aren’t the sharpest tool in the shed but you know full well what you are doing. Perhaps you now hope that if you keep using these tactics I will stop replying and you will have no opposition to your spamming of nonsense.

Look, why don't we just agree on what merriam webster says concerning the term 'tentative':
1 : not fully worked out or developed <tentative plans>
2 : hesitant , uncertain <a tentative smile>
You are taking idiotic to new levels. Look at the context which the word was used. Do you need me to post the definition of ‘context’?

Re-read the comment – “The word ‘tentative’ was used when giving a detailed explanation of the cause of the collapse. It was not used when describing if the fires were responsible.” Try to understand it and then read it again before you post a response.

He said that afterwards. I'm quite interested as to why he hardened his position after his report.
You don’t know that he hardened his position. Oh that’s right you believe you know what he is thinking. At no point did any of his conclusions support any of the conspiracy theories. From the very beginning he stated that he believed the fires were responsible.

The more you mention Astaneh the more stupid you look.

I'm also interested in his apparent claim that steel vaporized in the twin towers.
If you read his conclusions it is clear that he did not think that the steel evaporated. He wasn’t quoted saying it evaporated.

As you know, I've emailed him concerning this matter. As I believe you also know, he has yet to respond.
Why would he?

Certainly. I can easily imagine that Steven Jones would have said the same had he been in Astaneh's position.
Because he’s awesome!

The guy is a crackpot.

What's your point?
I am clarifying why he resigned. It does nothing to support the conspiracy religion.

I'll get to the rest of your posts when I feel like wasting some more time trying to reason with a religious nut.
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This is in response to the first part of shaman's post 294 in this thread.

Originally Posted by scott3x
At times it can be difficult to accept the fact that others see things differently then oneself. If you wish, you can take a break from this conversation and reflect upon the fact that people will not always agree with your way of seeing things.

No scott you are dishonest and use immature and pitiful techniques to try and maintain your religion.

1- What draws you to the conclusion that I am 'dishonest'?
2- Demonstrate that my techniques are 'pitiful'
3- How are you defining the term 'religion'?

You aren’t the sharpest tool in the shed but you know full well what you are doing.

And what is that, pray tell?

Perhaps you now hope that if you keep using these tactics I will stop replying and you will have no opposition to your spamming of nonsense.

In actuality, when you left, it got pretty quiet at first. For a time I thought the thread might die here. You may perhaps have missed my following statement posted in the "Pearl Harbor" thread, in a response to GeoffP:
" appears as if 9/11 official story supporters have gotten rather tired of defending it recently in this forum. I have said in the past that in all truth, it's not hardest when official story supporters argue with conspiracy theorists. In many ways, such an experience can be educational for everyone involved, as people familiarize themselves with the opponent's arguments, which frequently do require some research in order to come up with adequate counters. The hardest thing is when official story supporters, by conviction or by default, simply opt out of the debate altogether."
Headspin said:
no the aluminium is not glowing orange when it is poured. It maybe reflecting some of the orange glow from the container as a mirror or mercury would reflect the surrounding environment, but when it exits it very quickly changes to silver. it hits the pan silver. if you are going to claim that the heat is removed by the pan immediately and sufficiently for it to cool to a silver state, then bear in mind the stuff pouring from the wtc was flowing over a floor surface and between steel perimeter beams before falling from the window, yet it still exits into daylight and remains yellow on the way down. .
Which is why I don’t think it is pure aluminium.
so this is an admission that molten aluminium does not glow orange/yellow in daylight conditions. good.

shaman said:
Headspin said:
of course it can if the temperature is high enough so that its very low (compared to other metals) 5% radiance outshines its very high (compared to other metals) 95% reflectivity. You will not get this glow in the orange spectrum in any kind of daylight though. In daylight any glow will be in the white spectrum
really? These pictures are in the day time.
so now you are claiming molten aluminium can glow in daylight conditions. bad.

I have already told you that those pictures are molten iron not aluminium. you are repeating a disinformation lie, does the truth even matter to you?
you even admit it in your very next comment in the same post....

Headspin said:
Those pictures are not aluminium, they are iron! Whoever is putting out that information is simply lying to you.
That is true I didn’t look properly at that page. But I have posted several photos of glowing aluminum before those.

do you understand it yet - those are the same pictures of molten iron, that you quoted in post 230!
check it yourself so you do not repeat the lie again:

they are not aluminium, they are iron:

I have paused it and it looks like it is glowing to me. This is consistent with the other pictures.
under discussion is the color of the glow, not whether it is glowing or not. the colour of the glow is important because it indicates what the metal is, and what it isn't.

Headspin said:
you have small orange material droplets moving fast over a uniform grey background, mpeg compression works by blending in frames of data and blurring sharply contrasting colors. I would conclude those droplets are still orange. some are even orange despite mpeg color loss.

how do you know it is unlikely to be steel? or residue from a thermite reaction (as would be more accurately claimed by the other side of the debate)? why unlikely?
are you arguing from personal incredulity? .
Because there is no reliable evidence of molten steel and no evidence of temperatures that high.
molten steel? you should say "thermite residue", not "molten steel" otherwise you are misrepresenting your opponents position. its been pointed out to you several times. There is plenty of evidence for "thermite residue" that has been presented in this thread and you are well aware of. perhaps that is why you said "molten steel" instead of "thermite residue".

There are many things it could possibly have been, some I mentioned in a previous post
what things? i don't recall reading about "other things"? you will of course have provided previous examples of other fires producing yellow/orange molten material pouring out of a building fire? or is it just wild speculation unsupported by previous fire cases?

shaman said:
and these are more likely than steel as they don’t require supermegathermite, explosives or absurd temperatures for which there is no evidence. I don’t know what that stuff is but it is more likely to be aluminium mixed in with something than it is steel. What colour would steel turn as it falls and cools?
remember we are talking about thermite residue, not molten steel, so lets see how your argument works now - "it is unlikely to be thermite residue because that would require thermite" surely you now see the bad logic in what you say?
You admit you do not know what it is, so this is an admission that you are arguing from personal incredulity, rather than scientific observations.
Thermite residue would appear exactly as seen in the video - flowing yellow-orange molten metal.

When you come up with credible evidence for a thermite demolition I will consider it.
Why don't list the expected observations of a thermite compound and which of these were not observed, and why the observations for thermite as already presented to you are not "credible". It is not sufficient just to state "not credible" without a reason for stating so, otherwise that would just be a "no its not" argument.

Why would it have flowed away from the heat source?
aluminium would have flowed when it melted, ie at 600C, ie when it was silver.
This is in response to the second part of shaman's post 294 in this thread.

Originally Posted by scott3x
Look, why don't we just agree on what merriam webster says concerning the term 'tentative':
1 : not fully worked out or developed <tentative plans>
2 : hesitant , uncertain <a tentative smile>

[snip base insult] Look at the context which the word was used. Do you need me to post the definition of ‘context’?

Re-read the comment...

First of all, will you just -stop- with the personal attacks already? It gets -really- tiring. I've decided to report you; it's a first for me. Now to see if something is actually done about it.

It was the title of a section of his work, not a 'comment'. I stand by what I said. His conclusion was tentative, as I have outlined above. He makes it clear in his statement below the 'tentative conclusions' title that he isn't sure as well:
"Based on the field investigation and study of drawings and other design related documents, it is the opinion of the author that the highly redundant exterior tube of the World Trade Center with many closely spaced columns was able to tolerate the loss of many columns and support the gravity while almost all occupants who could use a stairway escaped to safety. The collapse of the towers was most likely due to the intense fire initiated by the jet fuel of the planes and continued due to burning of the building contents."

So there you have it. In his opinion, it was 'most likely'. In other words a tentative conclusion, one that required further analysis, which is why, after some citizen pressure, the government finally did a bit more work. But this time they got some people who are arguably part of the conspiracy (the government financed NIST) and so perhaps didn't have to worry that they would also write something like 'tentative conclusions'.
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This is in response to the 3rd part of shaman's post 294 in this thread.

Originally Posted by scott3x
He said that afterwards. I'm quite interested as to why he hardened his position after his report.

You don’t know that he hardened his position.

It seems to me from his later comments that he did.

Oh that’s right you believe you know what he is thinking.

No, I thought that -you- were intimating you knew what he was thinking. I mentioned that in a previous post, but perhaps you haven't seen it.

At no point did any of his conclusions support any of the conspiracy theories.

When did I say that they did?

From the very beginning he stated that he believed the fires were responsible.

When did I say otherwise? The point I'm mentioning is that despite all of this, he -also- apparently stated that some of the steel had -vaporized-. If he's not even a conspiracy theorist, this should be a great concern to you. Instead, you just brush it off, saying that it's not worthy of investigation.

[snip base insult]

When are you -ever- going to stop with these insults?
This is in response to the 4th part of shaman's post 294 in this thread.

Originally Posted by scott3x
I'm also interested in his apparent claim that steel vaporized in the twin towers.

If you read his conclusions it is clear that he did not think that the steel evaporated.

No, it's not.

He wasn’t quoted saying it evaporated.

I never said that he was. But a New York Times reporter said that he'd claimed it and Astaneh never denied that he'd claimed it. He also didn't respond when I asked him about it via email.

Originally Posted by scott3x
As you know, I've emailed him concerning this matter. As I believe you also know, he has yet to respond.

Why would he?

To clarify the matter.
This is in response to the 5th part of shaman's post 294 in this thread.

Originally Posted by scott3x
Certainly. I can easily imagine that Steven Jones would have said the same had he been in Astaneh's position.

Because he’s awesome!

The guy is a crackpot.

Your penchant for insulting people at the drop of a hat when it comes to non official 9/11 theories is well known. It tarnishes your credibility to put it mildly.
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