WTC Collapses

How do you think the World Trade Center Collapsed?

  • Terrorist controlled aeroplanes crashing into them (like on the footage)

    Votes: 18 43.9%
  • Remote controlled aeroplanes to manipulate a war on false grounds

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Demolitions charges rigged by the government to manipulate war

    Votes: 9 22.0%
  • Allah!

    Votes: 2 4.9%
  • People keep flogging a dead horse!

    Votes: 12 29.3%

  • Total voters
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then you have surely seen how some of those columns were butt jointed together. this type of joint is not exactly the strongest there is.
it doesn't take much effort on my part to question the entire construction.
how did you distinguish between core and perimeter columns?

in one of the links you posted the firemen were asking for a blue ribbon investigation for that very reason.
so he was surprised it came down so fast and so completely from an ordinary building fire?
1. It turns silver when it hits the plate and cools.
so if it was aluminium flowing out of the building, why did it not cool and turn silver when it flowed over the steel and concrete before it fell out of the window?
2. Aluminum can glow when heated enough. Look at the photos.
do you mean the photos of molten iron? they do not demonstrate anything about molten aluminium in daylight, or have you retracted that point now?
3. It was unlikely be pure aluminium flowing out of the building anyway.
aluminium has been experimentally shown not to mix with other materials. Why have the anti-truth movement not been able to produce a simple youtube experiment that shows how impure aluminium can glow orange in all these years? the answer is obvious.
Ah, ye of little tabloid knowledge :p...

You made no question in your previous response to me.

I did actually answer that question, even though it wasn't asked in your previous response. From post 117:
"The Global Positioning System (GPS) is a space-based radio-navigation system that generates accurate positioning, navigation and timing information for civil use at no cost."

I'll give you a hint where you should focus your attention: accurate

From what I know, there is no evidence which suggests that the plane had to hit a precise spot, but furthermore, with what I've mentioned above, I believe it could have been fairly precise.

Not unless the explosives on the plane include a nuke of some sort. You can't just take down a steel framed high rise with explosives in only one particular spot unless the blast is from a nuclear weapon. There have been arguments made that a nuclear weapon -was- used, but it certainly didn't go off when the plane hit. Lesser explosives may well have gone off at that time, but not nearly enough to bring the building down.

I never said the operation was an easy one. But there's a fair amount of evidence that those who had the capability to do it may well have done it:

Sure. However, as I mentioned, unless the bombs were nukes, it simply couldn't have brought down the WTC buildings.

Dude you wouldn't need a nuke. Look at the massive world war 2 battleships, those things had an incredible amount of steel in them 12 inches at the thickest part. And i don't mean hollow twelve inches i mean solid twelve inch blocks of armor. Yet all it took to obliterate a chunck of the ship was a well placed torpedo. Now fast forward to the wtc. Those towers were significantly less fortified in the area of the attack. Now if a several hundred pound torpedo can take out 12 inches of solid steel, is it not hard to see a multi ton airplane taking out 1 inch of steel?

Now here is my reasoning for why it wasn't a conspiracy.

One, when a plane going 400-500+ some odd miles per hour slams into a solid building its not like throughing a rock through a window where the window is broken and the rock is okay. The plane gets shredded into pieces the largest being around the size of a table the average being the size of a binder. So this would have likely obliterated any explosives inside the plane.

Two, when there is a 3000+ degree fire raging around the inside of a building, specifically around C4 in the building. Something awesome happens. The C4 actually catches fire and burns, it doesnt explode. This is because there are no more than two ways to detonate C4, heat AND pressure, and electrically. And since your explosions didn't go off until hours later, the C4 would have burned to a crisp.

three, Thermite burns when it is in the proximity of a 3000+ degree fire. If the explosion did not go off until a few hours later than the thermite would have burned after 10 minutes, which means that the thermite or thermate (truly there is practically no difference other than thermate is easier to ignite) would never have existed. Also, thermate would burn horzantally into the steel than vertically downwards, gravity does not change just because it needs to explain something.
This post is in response to fedr808's post 263 in this thread.

Dude you wouldn't need a nuke. Look at the massive world war 2 battleships, those things had an incredible amount of steel in them 12 inches at the thickest part. And i don't mean hollow twelve inches i mean solid twelve inch blocks of armor. Yet all it took to obliterate a chunck of the ship was a well placed torpedo. Now fast forward to the wtc. Those towers were significantly less fortified in the area of the attack. Now if a several hundred pound torpedo can take out 12 inches of solid steel, is it not hard to see a multi ton airplane taking out 1 inch of steel?

Not hard at all. However, taking out an inch of WTC steel wouldn't bring it down :p. No one believes that the planes alone could have taken the buildings down and there is ample evidence that the ensuing fires weren't going to do it either.

Now here is my reasoning for why it wasn't a conspiracy.

One, when a plane going 400-500+ some odd miles per hour slams into a solid building its not like throwing a rock through a window where the window is broken and the rock is okay. The plane gets shredded into pieces the largest being around the size of a table the average being the size of a binder. So this would have likely obliterated any explosives inside the plane.

Even if there were explosives in the plane, it clearly wasn't enough to bring down the buildings.

Two, when there is a 3000+ degree fire raging around the inside of a building, specifically around C4 in the building.

Whoa, hold the press. Where'd you get this 3000+ degree fire from?

Something awesome happens. The C4 actually catches fire and burns, it doesnt explode. This is because there are no more than two ways to detonate C4, heat AND pressure, and electrically. And since your explosions didn't go off until hours later, the C4 would have burned to a crisp.

First of all, in the case of WTC 2, the collapse occured 56 minutes after the plane crash. For WTC 1, it was less then 2 hours (102 minutes to be precise). And second of all (and most importantly), I have seen no hard evidence that explosives were in the planes...

three, Thermite burns when it is in the proximity of a 3000+ degree fire. If the explosion did not go off until a few hours later than the thermite would have burned after 10 minutes, which means that the thermite or thermate (truly there is practically no difference other than thermate is easier to ignite) would never have existed. Also, thermate would burn horizontally into the steel than vertically downwards, gravity does not change just because it needs to explain something.

First of all, not even NIST is claiming that the fires reached 3000+ degrees. This would invalidate the idea that the thermite burned up after 10 minutes. Not sure where you're getting this idea of the thermite burning up in 10 minutes. Perhaps you had read that the -jet fuel- burned up in 10 minutes. This is something that is widely believed to have happened, both from NIST -and- the alternative theory movement. As to thermate (not to be confused with thermite), it can indeed burn horizontally, as Steven Jones has demonstrated.
This post is in response to fedr808's post 267 in this thread.

Originally Posted by Headspin
They could have disguised the explosives to look like arab passports.

well. A passport bomb would be tiny. It probably could not even blow up a plane let alone a tower.

Quite right. Don't mind Headspin, he's just being sarcastic :)
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I could have described it as a "barge", but before you know it, one of the conflabulators around here would have redefined it as a "canoe". I'm sure you know how it works.

We are talking about two buildings 1360 feet tall with 210 foot square footprints that were supposedly totally destroyed by machines that could fly. This partly has to do with the relative density of the objects. The NIST says the south tower stopped the plane in 0.6 seconds. The people who designed that barge knew it had to float even if they also knew they would use a steel frame. That frame did not have to be strong enough to support 25 stories so bringing it up in relation to this issue is nonsense.

This is in response to the first part of shaman's post 256 in this thread.

Originally Posted by scott3x
He tentatively concluded that the fires were 'most likely' due to fire...

You are still completely misrepresenting what he said. I am getting sick of it Scott.

At times it can be difficult to accept the fact that others see things differently then oneself. If you wish, you can take a break from this conversation and reflect upon the fact that people will not always agree with your way of seeing things.

The word ‘tentative’ was used when giving a detailed explanation of the cause of the collapse. It was not used when describing if the fires were responsible.

Look, why don't we just agree on what merriam webster says concerning the term 'tentative':
1 : not fully worked out or developed <tentative plans>
2 : hesitant , uncertain <a tentative smile>

He said

"I certainly don't buy into any of the conspiracy stuff," he says. "Those are lightweight buildings," he adds. "There was no need for explosives to bring them down”

He said that afterwards. I'm quite interested as to why he hardened his position after his report. I'm also interested in his apparent claim that steel vaporized in the twin towers. As you know, I've emailed him concerning this matter. As I believe you also know, he has yet to respond.

Originally Posted by scott3x
then "resigned from the investigation team put together by the Federal Emergency Management Agency and the American Society of Civil Engineers because he didn't agree with the group's decision to keep findings secret until the initial inquiry was complete."

"Mr. Astaneh-Asl's says he felt the agreement violated his academic freedom”[/B]

Certainly. I can easily imagine that Steven Jones would have said the same had he been in Astaneh's position. What's your point?
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Originally Posted by Headspin
I could have described it as a "barge", but before you know it, one of the conflabulators around here would have redefined it as a "canoe". I'm sure you know how it works.

We are talking about two buildings 1360 feet tall with 210 foot square footprints that were supposedly totally destroyed by machines that could fly. This partly has to do with the relative density of the objects. The NIST says the south tower stopped the plane in 0.6 seconds. The people who designed that barge knew it had to float even if they also knew they would use a steel frame. That frame did not have to be strong enough to support 25 stories so bringing it up in relation to this issue is nonsense.

I'm not so sure about that. Put another way, as someone once said, if it were so simple to demolish even far weaker steel framed buildings (as opposed to one floor warehouses whose roofs don't need to support much weight), why not just set it alight and watch it self destruct? The madrid tower burned for many hours and yet, despite the fact that it was weaker in construction then the WTC buildings, it only suffered a partial collapse.
This is in response to the second part of shaman's post 256 in this thread.

Originally Posted by scott3x
He tentatively concluded that the fires were 'most likely' due to fire, then "resigned from the investigation team put together by the Federal Emergency Management Agency and the American Society of Civil Engineers because he didn't agree with the group's decision to keep findings secret until the initial inquiry was complete." Not very promising. But hey, atleast people in high places aren't getting sued. This seems to be of paramount concern to you...

I don’t give a damn who gets sued.

Then surely you agree that the group's decision was appalling?

How old are you Scott?

What does this have to do with the discussion at hand?
This is in response to the 3rd part of shaman's post 256 in this thread.

Originally Posted by scott3x
Originally Posted by shaman_
Originally Posted by scott3x
That, in turn, may have meant that he would have been suspended from his university, and seriously, who wants to lose their job? Perhaps this is why he never responded to me when I asked him about the vaporized steel. If he can just stay -quiet- enough about it all, perhaps he can continue his work as a professor.

You don't have any insight as to what the professor is thinking.

How would you know? You talk to him recently? I feel that my reasoning on his thought process may be valid. I've emailed him in an attempt to ascertain his viewpoint with more certainty, but as I've mentioned, I received no response.

Let me get this straight. You are claiming that you know what he is thinking. Is that what you are saying?

No. I'm asking -you- if that's what -you're- claiming.
This is in response to the 4th part of shaman's post 256 in this thread.

Originally Posted by scott3x
I feel that my reasoning on his thought process may be valid. I've emailed him in an attempt to ascertain his viewpoint with more certainty, but as I've mentioned, I received no response.

He probably thinks you are an annoying crackpot.

Why, because I want some clarification on his apparent statement regarding vaporized steel?
This is in response to the 5th part of shaman's post 256 in this thread.

Originally Posted by scott3x
He has certainly stated that he doesn't believe in alternative conspiracy theories. However, he has also apparently mentioned things like vaporized steel.

He was not quoted saying that and you know it. Stop being dishonest.

shaman, you really should be a bit more careful with what you conclude. Where did I say that he was quoted saying it?
This is in response to the 6th and final part of shaman's post 256 in this thread.

Originally Posted by scott3x
This is a logical conjecture based on the New York Times article I have mentioned previously. It would be swell if he would make a statement as to whether or not he told the reporter that steel had vaporized...

It wouldn't matter what he said. If he said it didn't vaporize you wouldn't believe him.

True, but I wouldn't automatically disbelieve him either. I -would-, however, like a clarification as to why he didn't say anything concerning the New York Times report. But this is speculation. At present, he has never denied that he saw evidence of vaporized steel.

Originally Posted by scott3x
but for whatever reason, despite being asked to clarify his position by me and perhaps others, he hasn't.

He has clarified his position!

Not regarding his apparent claim that steel was vaporized.
This post is in response to shaman_'s post 186 from this thread.

Originally Posted by scott3x
The list of architects and engineers, complete with their numbers and addresses is far from meaningless. They can be verified easily enough. All you need is a phone. If they weren't behind it, I sincerely don't believe that they'd risk revealing so much about themselves. As to why they aren't writing papers for engineering magazines, are you sure none of them are? Simply because you or I haven't heard of it doesn't mean they haven't done it. I think it's understandable if few have done so, however. For one, why reinvent the wheel? The founder of Architects and Engineers for 9/11 truth, Richard Gage, was initially struck by the evidence that noted 9/11 author David Ray Griffin had gathered. Kevin Ryan had also begun to talk to David Ray Griffin and in fact allowed him to publish a copy of the letter that he'd sent to Frank Gayle's NIST before he was fired for writing said letter. Kevin Ryan has worked with Steven Jones on atleast one paper. Architects and Engineers also relies on Jim Hoffman's 9/11 Research page. In other words, all of these people are essentially working -together-.

I know. It is the blind leading the blind.

It is in great part the arguments of these 'blind' men that have been steadily countering your claims.

Originally Posted by scott3x
You must be looking at a list that includes people who aren't architects and engineers. The more then 500 architects and enginers can be seen here:

No check the site.

I did. Apparently it's you who wasn't looking closely...

There are more than 500 "architectural and engineering professionals". They have padded those numbers up with software developers, chemists, electrical engineers, urban activists.

That's in another list on their site- another 2889 people at last count. Here's the list you're thinking of, which includes architects, engineers and some if not all of the 2889 other supporters.
This post is in response to the 1st part of shaman_'s post 103 from this thread.

Originally Posted by scott3x
You focus on his job description and degrees, not on the man himself. At times, what is needed when it comes to taking on officialdom is not established credentials but the willingness to investigate things on one's own time and the -courage- to bring up politically dangerous issues. It's clear from articles like Propping Up the War on Terror that Kevin Ryan had both of these qualities and for that he was fired.

No he was fired for writing erroneous articles

The only error he may have made was due to NIST's interim report as I mentioned before.

which compromised the reputation of his current employer.

This I think I can agree to- it seems clear that his employer was either in on the 9/11 deception or (perhaps more likely) a coward and was stuck between a rock and a hard place- either he had to admit that their testing of the steel was flawed or they had to contradict the government's cronies. Neither option would look good to a coward, and so they chose a third option- firing the person who was bringing up the issue to begin with and denying that they tested the steel.

He chose to ignore any evidence of high temperatures and focused on the paint samples.

He was perhaps desperately trying to hold on to the idea that fire was indeed the only cause of the collapse, something that NIST's Frank Gayle was apparently also trying to do at the time. Any higher temperatures simply weren't credible in terms of being induced by jet induced fires alone and would necesitate another explanation- such as explosives.

From the above article - “I learned more about the issues, like the unprecedented destruction of the steel evidence and the fact that no tall steel-frame buildings have ever collapsed due to fire. And I saw video of the owner of the buildings, stating publicly that he and the fire department made the decision to "pull"---that is, to demolish---WTC7 that day,16 even though demolition requires many weeks of planning and preparation.

That paragraph again confirms that he is willfully ignorant.

How so?

That last sentence seems to invalidate the previous claim but anyway….

It does nothing of the sort. It only makes clear that the demolition had to have been planned well in advance of September 11th. I have already presented a story wherein 9/11 was being planned 11 months before 9/11.

I’m focusing on his qualifications because his opinion of what the temperatures should have been is irrelevant.

He had excellent qualifications, having read a lot on the subject of steel, that being the area that the company he worked for had played a part in, in regards to the WTC towers. How much of the above article did you read? I think that article is a powerful testament to his knowledge regarding the WTC collapses.
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