Would you use torture ?

Baron_Max said:
Ahh, but that's okay with you as long as ye're one of the ones who makes all those determinations of "what's good for them", right?

Society decides what's good for people. Government is what enforces it. People say "stealing is bad, so is butt sex." So the government punishes infractions. But ultimately, what government decides upon comes from what people believe.

If everyone in the US thought drugs or prostitution or butt sex was alright, the laws prohibiting them would disappear.

You know, people say torture is wrong, but the government is trying to say it's right. Guess who is winning?

Baron_Max said:
Do you know how many unsolved murders there have been in the USA?

About 0.72 per 100,000 individuals, if only 20% of murders get solved. Kind of small, Baron.

Baron_Max said:
Is all of that what you call "good government"?

No, it's what I'd call "bad people".
" Originally Posted by Baron_Max
Is all of that what you call "good government"? "
..excluding those commited for war purposes and terrorist issues and what not- why is it the government that gets blamed of all the muders?
the people need to step up and take responsibility.

But when you look at this situiation, you either take a chance on one life or thousands. its obvious what the right choice is. and if he 'doesnt give two shits or a piss' if we torture him, then i guess it doesnt matter if I make myself goddamn sure of his involvement in any terrorist actions.
Paraclete said:
If a terrorist prisoner had knowledge of new terrorist actions, that would kill thousands of innocent people .
Would you then accept to torture the prisoner, to get this information and save people ???

It would depend entirely on the subject. For example, you would have to if it were MetaKron or Duendy because that's the only way you could any truth out of them. :D

Otherwise, no. For one thing, they would tell you anything - true or not - to get you to stop. Anything you wanted to hear.
Light said:
For one thing, they would tell you anything - true or not - to get you to stop. Anything you wanted to hear.

You don't understand interrogation methods and techniques, do you? If you did, you'd not make that statement so easily and with such certainty.

Baron Max
Hapsburg said:
"government by, for, and of the people."
Thus, bad people, bad government.

Yeah, so true. But the idealists of the world would have you think that those same people, forming a government, would create a benevolent body! I.e., if 50% of "the people" are "bad people", then a government formed by "the people" would probably be about 50% bad, wouldn't it?! :)

So therefore, .........government should be formed by ONLY "good" people. Now ....where do you suppose we can find all those "good" people? And more importantly, how can we prevent all those "bad" people from running for elected office and from voting? :)

Baron Max
Baron Max said:
You don't understand interrogation methods and techniques, do you? If you did, you'd not make that statement so easily and with such certainty.

Baron Max

Actually, Baron, it would surprise you. :) I was a psychology professor, remember? And because of some study I had done along those lines (it had intrigued me ever since Korea), I was "loaned" from college to one of those "three-letter" agencies for the specific purpose of helping establish some of the techniques still in use today. Yes, some involved drugs but NONE involved torture. That was something the military and their contractors did pretty much on their own.
If torture never produces any valid or useful information, why has it been used for all the gazillion years of human existence?

Baron Max
Baron Max said:
If torture never produces any valid or useful information, why has it been used for all the gazillion years of human existence?

Baron Max

Oh yes, it can provide useful information. But just like anything else of that sort, it has to be confirmed by external sources.

It's just usually frowned on in this "age of enlightenment" much like legal executions by dismemberment would be.
If torture never produces any valid or useful information, why has it been used for all the gazillion years of human existence?

Because torturers aren't very bright people.
Torture is also a method of deterrence, keeping those with an alternate agenda at bay. Psychological warfare is a bitch