Would you use torture ?


If a terrorist prisoner had knowledge of new terrorist actions, that would kill thousands of innocent people .
Would you then accept to torture the prisoner, to get this information and save people ???
No torture would be going against human rights -

Article 5.

No one shall be subjected to torture or to cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment.
Nope, no torture ...or even harsh questions! The prisoner might get scared and nervous and have a heart attack.

Nope, I'd let all those thousands of innocent people die without doing a single thing to try to help them. The rights of that one terrorist suspect is worth much more than the rights of all of those thousands of innocent people's rights to life.

Baron Max
It might sound stupid to you Baron but the law is the law and those rights are in place so the rest of us can have good lives. They would be as well ripping those rights up if they were to start using torture on terrorists, why not use it on criminal gangs aswell, or even the general population. Yeah thats it. Lets give the police the right to torture civilians so they know more about the community and what is going to happen.
DarkThorn said:
It might sound stupid to you Baron but the law is the law and those rights are in place so the rest of us can have good lives.

And does that include those thousands who are going to die at the hands of ONE person who's rights you so jealously advocate?

Baron Max
i have tortured somebody before while they were kidnapped in my house, to get information out of them, it does work i used old chinese torture methods,

hitting the soles of the feet with bamboo sticks,

and dripping candle wax onto various bodyparts,

both leave no permanent scarring or marks,

and yes before anybody asks, it was for a very valid reason that i did this, it is a very complicated situation, but i had to do it to get information about a drug movement a few years back in east london,

and about the terrorist, i dont know it depends who he was going to kill, if it was thousands of ignorant westeners then maybe id let them die,

but if i did want to save them, i would do anything to get the info out, probably old chinese torture, including white noise sleep deprevation, simple brain washing methods, candle torture, bamboo feet torture, its all good,
i know a good one with a taser on low power and a long section of metal wire and some water,

Questions like this are always posted in black and white terms.

Sure, if we KNOW the terrorist has this knowledge and we KNOW he won't reveal it except under torture, and we KNOW that thousands of lives will be saved, then torture seems fair enough.

But in the real world, we never KNOW a suspected terrorist has particular knowledge. We can never be sure he will reveal the truth under torture (as opposed to just telling us what we want to hear). We can't be sure anything will be gained from torture.

What we CAN be sure about is that once we start condoning torture, it will be used. And we can't be sure it will always be used only against guilty people. This is how police states begin. Initially, the torture is always "justifiable". Then, gradually, it becomes used for other purposes. People are tortured just because they disagree with the ruling powers.

By voting for torture, you're determining what kind of society you want to live in. All you torture advocates, you assume it will never be YOU in the chair. But you can't be sure.

Admitting to criminal activities on the internet is probably unwise.

I hope the police catch up with you.
Baron Max said:
And does that include those thousands who are going to die at the hands of ONE person who's rights you so jealously advocate?

Baron Max

They are going to die then aren't they. What if the terrorist doesn't actually have the information you want? What if he is willing to die anyway so he doesn't give two squirts of piss whether you torture him to death or not? It seems like a big waste of energy to me. Not to mention against the law and a hypocritical way of doing things. I mean fighting violence with violence doesn't seem right to me.
I don't know though. Maybe i will enjoy living in a world where no one is free to speak their minds for fear of being interrogated and tortured? It might be exciting trying to give opinions in secret.

Infact under new laws here in Britain am i not in effect a terrorist suspect since i am stating that what they do is justified? Shit, maybe they will torture me to see what i know. Nothing! :eek:
DarkThorn said:
No one shall be subjected to torture or to cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment.

Except if someone does something terrible to your loved ones.

EmptyForceOfChi said:
and about the terrorist, i dont know it depends who he was going to kill, if it was thousands of ignorant westeners then maybe id let them die,

It seems you have something against ignorant people... but not everyone in "West" is ignorant.

James R said:
I hope the police catch up with you.

Why do you hope that?
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c7ityi_ said:
Except if someone does something terrible to your loved ones.

I didn't right the article. If someone did something terrible to my loved ones i would expect the Scottish judiciary system to make sure they were punished properly. I wouldn't torture them or expect the government, army or whoever else to torture them either. Torture is illegal according to the International Declaration of Human Rights and rightly so.

I don't agree with torture anywhere in the world, terrorists shouldn't use it and neither should governments order their militaries to use it.
I generally disagree with violence altogether but it happens and if one side is justifying their violence then so the other side has to do the same. If i could stop it all now i would.
DarkThorn said:
I wouldn't torture them or expect the government, army or whoever else to torture them either.

I'm sure there is at least one situation where you would torture them. Use your imagination and imagine the worst thing possible.

Torture is illegal according to the International Declaration of Human Rights and rightly so.

What is right and wrong depends on where, when and why it is done.

If i could stop it all now i would.

Everyone would. No human wants evil, still it exists, because people are not themselves.
c7ityi_ said:
I'm sure there is at least one situation where you would torture them. Use your imagination and imagine the worst thing possible.

Ok if my daughter was blown up by terrorists i would be angry but i wouldn't seek revenge violently just justice.

If my daughter was ever sexually abused and had to live the rest of her life emotionally scarred then i may resort to torturing the cunt who did it. Infact i would so you got me on that one.
DarkThorn said:
If my daughter was ever sexually abused and had to live the rest of her life emotionally scarred then i may resort to torturing the cunt who did it. Infact i would so you got me on that one.

Well, well. It seems that your idealistic case against torture has been overturned by your own words. See? If there is a case for it with you, then there is also a case for someone else ...it's just a matter of opinion and degree, isn't it?

And please don't misunderstand me ...to say what you said above is only being honest and realistic. Idealists can't or won't put themselves in such situations, so they're able to remain foolishly idealistic, never allowing the realities of life interfer with their staunce idealism.

Baron Max
c7ityi_ said:
No human wants evil, still it exists, because people are not themselves.

I think there are many humans who want evil ...they just want it on THEIR terms, not someone else's!

But I also think ye're wrong in saying that evil exists because people are not themselves .....I think those people are evil because they ARE being themselves!

Baron Max
john smith said:
Maybe Baron, but how could we possibly know this for sure?

Is there anything that you really know "for sure"? Is the sun coming up tomorrow morning? ...are you sure?

I've lived a long, long time, and I've found very damned few things in life are "for sure". It's not always easy to accept things like that, but it's true.

Baron Max
James R said:

Admitting to criminal activities on the internet is probably unwise.

I hope the police catch up with you.

thanks mr snitch,

how can they prove anythign i woud just say im lying, and they have no witnesses you cant prove anything i know the law,


c7ityi_ said:
Except if someone does something terrible to your loved ones.

It seems you have something against ignorant people... but not everyone in "West" is ignorant.

Why do you hope that?

hey i was joking about the western thing, i am western i live in london and was born here, and i know not everyoe is ignorant, but atleast 80% of the human race are idiots and ignorant, ile stick by that one,

Baron Max said:
Is there anything that you really know "for sure"? Is the sun coming up tomorrow morning? ...are you sure?

I've lived a long, long time, and I've found very damned few things in life are "for sure". It's not always easy to accept things like that, but it's true.

Baron Max

i have known since childhood that not many things are "for sure" damn who knows if anything is for sure,

but in the reality we reside in at the moment, people are evil by nature, i know people who are just nasty plain evil ,and thats who they really are deep down,
