Would it be okay for Obama to rape and murder?

Good point. It is pointless to worship something that doesn't even know you are worshipping it because it isn't a sentient being (a.k.a: the sun).

I don't understand the link between 'it's powerful ... THEREFORE we should worship it'.

I don't think it's as straight forward as that.

It's not "It's powerful ... THEREFORE we should worship it".

It is simply "It's powerful ... THEREFORE we worship it".

Power inspires awe. It's just the actual expression of this awe that may vary (anything from building temples to exclaiming "oh, this is so wonderful!").
I don't agree with your logic. I'm happy to leave it at that and let this thread die now.

Okay so everyones arguments are basically that rape and murder should be punished by the abortion of a widows unborn child a couple thousand years ago. But god was still merciful and loving back then. And the same god that aborts babies as a punishment for rape and murder, now wouldn't because he forgives the people that believe in him even though he is invisible, and those that don't will just burn in hell.

Yeah that sounds perfectly reasonable to me. Throw in a talking snake and some walking on water and you got yourself a sound and reasonable story to base your whole entire life on.

Be careful wad do say about Me snake now
Signal back up your logic with any sort of evidence and then I might consider it something other than a waste of time.
another anti-theist thread..
bigotry and prejudice and haters are alive and well..

just because a story is in the bible does not make it OK..alot of the stories are examples of how NOT to behave..