Would it be okay for Obama to rape and murder?

I don't need to prove anything. By default everyone is an atheist.

Really? You have interviewed newborns? :eek:

Therefore all I need to do is try to show that the reasons for their conversion are unwarranted,

What you might actually be after are reasons for not being a Christian yourself.
Ha Ha Ha Ha you are the Greatest Sara . I tip my hat

The question wasn't well thought out. Politicians have diplomatic immunity. They are allowed to commit crimes and almost never held accountable for them, no matter how terrible the crimes may be, except by other politicians who stand to gain from punishing them and have the power to enforce such punishment.
Okay so everyones arguments are basically that rape and murder should be punished by the abortion of a widows unborn child a couple thousand years ago. But god was still merciful and loving back then. And the same god that aborts babies as a punishment for rape and murder, now wouldn't because he forgives the people that believe in him even though he is invisible, and those that don't will just burn in hell.

Yeah that sounds perfectly reasonable to me. Throw in a talking snake and some walking on water and you got yourself a sound and reasonable story to base your whole entire life on.
Yes of course. Not only could he rape and murder as he wished, he could enrol 50 other nations to do it - voluntarily and with no pressure - along with him. Which is why inspite of Abu Ghraib, inspite of hundreds and thousands of people killed or tortured, inspite of many thousands massacred, he is still free and respected as the President of the US and still raping, murdering and torturing as he desires, if not directly, then by proxy.

Mohammed killed and tortured thousands of people too, but people still revere him.
It's exactly those deeds that were respected in the past. These things we are complaining about now were very impressive to ancient people, signs of god's power and wrath.
I think it's interesting to re-tell the bible stories in a modern context. Kind of makes the immorality of it all a bit clearer to see.
It may indeed show that JeHoVaH is a jerk, but it does nothing to show he doesn't exist.
This isn't about moral right and wrong.
Power simply trumps everything else - it's in the nature of power.
The really interesting thing is that the sun used to be worshipped for that exact same reason.

Doesn't really seem like a good enough reason though does it?
Why not?
Power is overpowering.
Whether we like it or not, we are in awe of power.

The question is only whether we will intelligently embark on the search for the Most Powerful One, or whether we will settle for things that are powerful, but not the most powerful.
What's your point?

It seemed obvious to me...

The really interesting thing is that the sun used to be worshipped for that exact same reason.

Doesn't really seem like a good enough reason though does it?

Does the sun desire to be worshipped?
I'd say probably not. I doubt the sun has any desires...

Why not?
Power is overpowering.
Whether we like it or not, we are in awe of power.

The question is only whether we will intelligently embark on the search for the Most Powerful One, or whether we will settle for things that are powerful, but not the most powerful.
So, does something more powerful desire/require worship?
Where are you driving with this question of whether the Most Powerful One desires to be worshipped?

Why do you think it is relevant whether the Most Powerful One desires to be worshipped or not?
Just trying to understand why people have a desire to worship something. I mean, it can be awe inspiring, magnificent, beautiful, mysterious... whatever. But I'm not sure I understand the worship concept.

If you consider it irrelevant, then we apologize for the interruption and now return you to your regular programming.
Good point. It is pointless to worship something that doesn't even know you are worshipping it because it isn't a sentient being (a.k.a: the sun).

I don't understand the link between 'it's powerful ... THEREFORE we should worship it'.

I don't think it's as straight forward as that.