Would a Plan annul God’s & our free will?

I agree that we are part of the evolving perfection that I am surprised that you see. I have often called us God WIP's or evolving perfection.

As to the rest of you beliefs in Jesus. As more of a Gnostic Christian than anything else, I cannot agree. Archetypal Jesus is a myth and we do not even know if some old Rabbi was named such. Remember that Constantine basically forced the trinity concept down Christian throat in 360. Jesus the divine is a human wish and nothing more. IMO.

Are you familiar with Candide. It speaks to the evolving perfection we both seem to believe in?


I believe Jesus was a real guy my friend and if he wasn't there were plenty of Joe's or Harry's that were crucified in a similar manner that could take his place as he was depicted. The story remains the same though " don't pick on little children just because they are not the same blood as you or stop beating on the red headed step child. I know you like his mom , but it is a package deal and that my friend is the myth of Jesus no one talks about. The Father giving glory to the son is all about we the fathers giving glory to our little Me's of heaven. Anyway it don't matter. The time of Jesus myth is coming to an end. He is the man of sin myth or no myth. The story depicts him as committing suicide and by that giving up his share in the glory of the living. Now what do you got to say about the Archetypal my pal and friend Muckluck , I mean Ti Malice, no I mean Melek Taus , That was not it I mean Milquat, shoot I meant Marduk or was that Melchizedek, no it was the guy that wrestled with the bull, what was his name , born on Dec. 25 under a rock or something. That one and only mystical "Mithra" those Mlk's are quite the bunch of wild and crazy guys, Yeah we should just call them all Crazy Man Micheal
god spoke to me, you don't like the answer, so now it's a dragon. you're an idiot.

Hey Crazy Mary what you doing , Hanging out , Kisses my dear , Your friendly neighborhood Dragon Me-Ki-Gal the scape goat loves you just like Jesus. Except I am more fun. Come to the dark side ! We have cookies
what seems to you like a plan, because of your very limited perspective, is actually law, which is not subject to the constraints of time and space.

i thought this was obvious, but i was giving you too much credit, when i referred to humans' minds changing constantly. god (the father) isn't human. god is law. god has perfect knowledge, and isn't subject to the constraints of time and space like we are. certainly you can see how if you had perfect knowledge, and weren't subject to the constraints of time and space, then you would never have a reason to change your mind. perhaps you can't see that. but nevertheless, it's still true.

obviously law doesn't change it's mind, or we wouldn't be able to study it or make decisions based on it. law simply manifests, so regarding free will, god's decision is law, and yours is what to do with yourself in regards to it. and it is so obvious. you can recognize it and abide in it, or you can transgress it for whatever reasons you choose. transgression results in suffering and death in this physical realm. i suppose that since our spirits don't die with your bodies, that it can only result in eternal suffering in the spiritual realm. but whatever you might choose, it is clear that you do determine your own destiny according to law. you won't have anyone else to blame. my guess is that you just don't like the law. that's YOUR problem.

The whole duty of humanity is to eat drink and be Merry, To experience joy. Me thinks Lori is in need of a little joy. Huggy Huggy Come on Group hug for Crazy Lori. What law? I don't see no cops , What pipe ? I don't have a pipe