Would a Plan annul God’s & our free will?

this answer remind me of the conversation i had about random..
we only call it random when it gets to complex to calculate..
what if gods 'plan' includes free will..


Then the plan would end with A & E.

A new time line and all bets are off.

Perhaps that is why God got pissed when A & E ignored his sorry ass.

Then the plan would end with A & E.
why would it?
Perhaps that is why God got pissed when A & E ignored his sorry ass.
or perhaps god created us with the ability to make our own choices,he set up the apple for us to see that we can make our own choices,
as far as god being pissed, some kids need to be kicked out to grow up..
Exactly and that is why I am asking theists how they solve it because I think it is impossible to solve.


So does that mean if a theist told you that its a paradox- then you will stop making all these threads? :D

Peace be unto you ;)
Perhaps. That would just make us puppets in God great puppet show.
a predetermined non-deterministic show, from our POV at least.
Is it even moral for God to sit back and allow some poor girl to get raped or some child to be murdered? I think not and any court of the land would also find him guilty of collusion or guilty of omiting to move his sorry ass and prevent it. Yuck, what a view you have of god. Are you following that immoral idiot?
by allowing men on the street, courts are allowing that girl to get raped.:D

Further, what of Gods free will in that show. What if he decided not to be so foolish as to sacrifice his son and do the smart and loving thing of just forgiving man outright without demanding that we murder his son?
am not christian.

Theist think the plan fixed. God himself cannot change it. No free will for God.

you're going off track, i told you in my first post, god has free will and so do we, stop wasting server space.
Are you saying God did not even want her and just used her.

Now that is cold. can God even get it up without desire for a woman.

Wow, that is working in a mysterious way. Seven times too.



P S. I apologize. I have this thing about abusing fools that comes over me when I am around one. Please don't tell your water walker on me. I am trying to cure myself and suffer fools better.


you're a liar. you think i have to tell god that? you're not even a good liar.

you continue to assign human attributes to god, and anyone with a lick of sense will continue to tell you that is incorrect. which makes it obvious that you're not looking to be correct; you're looking to be an asshole. what astounds me is your ability to remain arrogant despite everyone around you pointing out your errors.

what about love? oh that's right, you think that love is an emotion or a hormonal response perhaps...a hard dick. you think it's contingent upon lust and coveting.

you're wrong. and that's why you're going to hell. :)
If God changes his mind constantly then there can be no plan right?

As to the free will God seems to give, agreement does not enter into it as a free choice if --agree with me or burn forever is that choice. That is not free choice. it is coercion and a threat.


what seems to you like a plan, because of your very limited perspective, is actually law, which is not subject to the constraints of time and space.

i thought this was obvious, but i was giving you too much credit, when i referred to humans' minds changing constantly. god (the father) isn't human. god is law. god has perfect knowledge, and isn't subject to the constraints of time and space like we are. certainly you can see how if you had perfect knowledge, and weren't subject to the constraints of time and space, then you would never have a reason to change your mind. perhaps you can't see that. but nevertheless, it's still true.

obviously law doesn't change it's mind, or we wouldn't be able to study it or make decisions based on it. law simply manifests, so regarding free will, god's decision is law, and yours is what to do with yourself in regards to it. and it is so obvious. you can recognize it and abide in it, or you can transgress it for whatever reasons you choose. transgression results in suffering and death in this physical realm. i suppose that since our spirits don't die with your bodies, that it can only result in eternal suffering in the spiritual realm. but whatever you might choose, it is clear that you do determine your own destiny according to law. you won't have anyone else to blame. my guess is that you just don't like the law. that's YOUR problem.
why would it?

Because you cannot have the next effect of your plan if you take out the preceding cause.

When you replied with this, I assume you planned to reply to whatever Ii wrote, just as I plan to reply to your next.

If I did not reply, then your plan is foiled.

or perhaps god created us with the ability to make our own choices,he set up the apple for us to see that we can make our own choices,
as far as god being pissed, some kids need to be kicked out to grow up..

That would mean that he set things up so that he could punish A & E.

Would you set things up to have your children fail at something just so that you could beat the crap out of them?

If so you are as without morals and couth as your God.

What it now, I just replied so that you could so that I could beat the crap out of you because I love you.

That would mean that he set things up so that he could punish A & E.

Would you set things up to have your children fail at something just so that you could beat the crap out of them?

If so you are as without morals and couth as your God.

What it now, I just replied so that you could so that I could beat the crap out of you because I love you.


god set it up so that A & E could punish themselves if they wanted to and chose to.
god set it up so that A & E could punish themselves if they wanted to and chose to.

Wow, I hardly recognized that this was from you. No personal abuse. Thanks.

What kind of punishment would you give yourself or your children for becoming as Gods, knowing good and evil?

The Gnostic, Jewish and Hebrew views are that the fall was not a fall at all but an elevation for man from crude beast, so to speak, to fully human.

In light of this, do you think you are a better person for having a moral sense, knowledge of good and evil, or, do you think that you are a better person without a moral sense?

Wow, I hardly recognized that this was from you. No personal abuse. Thanks.

What kind of punishment would you give yourself or your children for becoming as Gods, knowing good and evil?

continuing to do evil in spite of the knowledge to be had and continuing to suffer.

The Gnostic, Jewish and Hebrew views are that the fall was not a fall at all but an elevation for man from crude beast, so to speak, to fully human.

In light of this, do you think you are a better person for having a moral sense, knowledge of good and evil, or, do you think that you are a better person without a moral sense?


i'm glad i know what i know.
continuing to do evil in spite of the knowledge to be had and continuing to suffer.

i'm glad i know what i know.

We are both hyper characters sweet cheeks and may be finished with our mutual third man in syndrome and may be ready to get to some interesting discussions but I need to know first if you can think.

If you want to bury the hatchet and get to it, give some kind of answer on my

"What kind of punishment would you give yourself or your children for becoming as Gods, knowing good and evil?"

Whatever you said above makes no sense.

You know the context and that I think God was an ass hole for arbitrarily punishing A & E with tons of consequences that they did not know about plus putting that original sin B S on the rest of us.

Would you have done the same?

I note that you feel that your moral sense has value. I agree100% so if you and I would both follow Eve and elevate ourselves, WTF was God doing doling out that punishment that he would also give to you and I as your words say that you too would eat of the tree of knowledge right along with me.

We are both hyper characters sweet cheeks and may be finished with our mutual third man in syndrome and may be ready to get to some interesting discussions but I need to know first if you can think.

i'm actually a very placid person, sweet cheeks.

let's see, i use language to convey ideas, and have figured out how to type it on a computer so i can post them on this forum. that's evidence of thought. did you really need me to sort that out for you or are you just being arrogant again? (rhetorical)


If you want to bury the hatchet and get to it, give some kind of answer on my

"What kind of punishment would you give yourself or your children for becoming as Gods, knowing good and evil?"

Whatever you said above makes no sense.

You know the context and that I think God was an ass hole for arbitrarily punishing A & E with tons of consequences that they did not know about plus putting that original sin B S on the rest of us.

Would you have done the same?

I note that you feel that your moral sense has value. I agree100% so if you and I would both follow Eve and elevate ourselves, WTF was God doing doling out that punishment that he would also give to you and I as your words say that you too would eat of the tree of knowledge right along with me.


the hatchet is in your head.

the consequence of sin is suffering and death. what you're referring to as a punishment is a consequence. the only way to "know" evil is to experience it.

it's impossible, and irrelevant, for me to say whether or not i would have done the same as A&E. i can't relate. i've never lived in a world (that i can recall) in which humans were in complete communion with god, and without sin. but knowing what i do now, i do desire to return to that state, and i believe i will.

A & E didn't know what good and evil was, they didn't know what death was, and they didn't know what a lie was. but they sure as hell found out. when god said if they ate they would die, god was right. now we know that, and i trust god. knowledge is great if you learn from it but honestly, the only silver lining i see to this cloud is the opportunity for redemption. jesus is his name.
Yep. We should all try hard to profit from the murder of an innocent man.

You are going to hell with that attitude.

You have answered my question on thinking quite well.

Yep. We should all try hard to profit from the murder of an innocent man.

You are going to hell with that attitude.

You have answered my question on thinking quite well.


i've never questioned your thinking; it's been consistently wrong.

according to you he died in vain, and in your case that may be true. that's up to you. but for many, including myself, jesus is the only way out of hell.
i've never questioned your thinking; it's been consistently wrong.

according to you he died in vain, and in your case that may be true. that's up to you. but for many, including myself, jesus is the only way out of hell.

Since you are one that would try to profit from murder, this might go right by you but you might want to listen to a preacher on the issue.
he is not Catholic but I can link you to that as well if this one is not to your liking.


Those like you who already have God in a book will never find God.

Since you are one that would try to profit from murder, this might go right by you but you might want to listen to a preacher on the issue.
he is not Catholic but I can link you to that as well if this one is not to your liking.


Those like you who already have God in a book will never find God.


i know god personally through christ.

just for shits and giggles, what's your solution to rid the world of evil?
Those like you who already have God in a book will never find God.

um..she has had more than her share of posts which state she doesn't believe in the bible, she believes in God.

and why can't some get it that the bible is NOT God!?
i know god personally through christ.

just for shits and giggles, what's your solution to rid the world of evil?

The evil that is was created by God was it not?
Scripture says that all that is was created by God.

Why then would I want to get rid of one of God's gifts to mankind all in one fell sweep?

Just because you do not recognize it's present value does not mean that God and I do not. in terms of knowledge of it of course. Not in actuality.

I am not saying that we should not try to reduce the moral evils we see to the extend we can and if we happen to anniahelate some of them then well and good. Fact is, as long as there are humans there will be evil. We cannot get rid of all of the evil while insanity can still plague man. After a cure for that is found, we would have to evaluate what is left.

If you have a problem with evil then ask your God why he created it. he will speak to you and tell you if you are fervent in seeking an answer.

The evil that is was created by God was it not?
Scripture says that all that is was created by God.

Why then would I want to get rid of one of God's gifts to mankind all in one fell sweep?

Just because you do not recognize it's present value does not mean that God and I do not. in terms of knowledge of it of course. Not in actuality.

I am not saying that we should not try to reduce the moral evils we see to the extend we can and if we happen to anniahelate some of them then well and good. Fact is, as long as there are humans there will be evil. We cannot get rid of all of the evil while insanity can still plague man. After a cure for that is found, we would have to evaluate what is left.

If you have a problem with evil then ask your God why he created it. he will speak to you and tell you if you are fervent in seeking an answer.


god has spoken to me quite a bit over the years. that's why i said i'm glad i know what i know. i know god, and i understand what i do about love and sin because of it.

i knew you just wanted to put a positive spin on sin. you covet your precious and impeccable morals, and want to go on and on about them, but you don't want to talk about your sin do you? you want to play god, and you are not god. you want to pretend that the whole world is going to eventually repent, and over time, turn things around, all nice-nice like. why do you want to think that? what in the hell are you looking at, that makes you want to think that? it's a fucking fantasy man.

you're not a good spin doctor.

and the wages of sin is death.
um..she has had more than her share of posts which state she doesn't believe in the bible, she believes in God.

and why can't some get it that the bible is NOT God!?

because they don't know god. religion is the only thing they have to reconcile with. it's probably easier that way i think...trying to reconcile to a book rather than a god.

but i believe the bible. i believe it because i know god, and i haven't read anything in that book that contradicts what i know about god. as a matter of fact, that book has turned into the story of my life. much of my experience is substantiated in that book. all of it, at this point really. i mean, god tells me to get the book (and i have to dust it off) and read revelations, and in the middle of it tells me i'm the woman in the story about the woman and the dragon, and the chosen lady in 2nd john, and a tree of life at the very end of the book. not that god hasn't used a lot of other things to get a message to me, because god has, but it always comes back to jesus, and the bible. i forgave my father and half the fucking message was crystal. this isn't rocket science. people do not want to see the forrest through the trees. it's too fucking scary, so they just look at the trees.

people like "greatest i am" don't like the bible because it's not nice. and i've got news for everyone who gives a shit...

god isn't nice either.

so, i guess greatest is protesting, or maybe he's saying, "god isn't nice, so we can not be nice and it's ok", not sure. but whatever he's saying...much of it...is wrong.