Would a moral God step up to his responsibilities?

Yes. He's done wrong. Period. He created Lucifer, the fallen angel, the angel of fear, and the beast.
In other words you're retracting your earlier claim.

Fix his mistakes? What's done is done. In the end that mistake will be taken care of in biblical fashion. He can fix his mistakes.
So god isn't all-knowing.

but he has made few, only one by my count.
Yep, just the one. Lucifer. And the human race.

Also, there is the theory Satan was all part of the plan.
In other words you're waffling again.
In other words you're retracting your earlier claim.

So god isn't all-knowing.

Yep, just the one. Lucifer. And the human race.

In other words you're waffling again.

I can't have arguments with more educated men, you twist my mind in knots. The human race is not a mistake, it is impressionable to evil however. God knows all. No, im just stating multiple possibilities.

In short
God>Angels>Universe*>Humans>Plants and animals>Civilization>End times.

*Im not sure if by universe it is meant the entire universe, or the human universe i.e what goes on around us.
I can't have arguments with more educated men, you twist my mind in knots.
So all you're here for is to ignore anything that might show you to be in error and to (possibly) convince those less educated than you. Not to learn anything.

The human race is not a mistake
Yeah, my bad. The Human race is the bad thing he's done.

God knows all.

No, im just stating multiple possibilities.
And trying to gloss over the discrepancies in all of them.
I can't have arguments with more educated men, you twist my mind in knots.

Dyw, you rascal!!

Prancing around, showing off your mental muscles!


are we talking about how the notion of the living entity not being on par with god is so controversial as to stand head and shoulders outside of general religious theology or something else?

The only things that humans can assess are particular ideas about God as presented by various religions (whether they really are about God or not, is another matter).

We cannot assess God Himself. For that, we would have to know Him first-hand, not via this or that particular religion.

Surely from an abstract, henological, natural theology, general religious theology perspective, we can talk about how the individual living entity is not even remotely on par with God.
From this perspective, it is evident that a human cannot judge God's actions.

But this doesn't mean that this or that religion that says "A human cannot judge God's actions," is right. In fact, many of them say it - but they also say many other things, each religion claiming exclusive and absolute status.

We cannot simply brush aside those claims about exclusive and absolute status.
Perhaps we could do so if we would be convinced that actual religions, the ones that claim to be "revealed religions" are no better than natural theology.

You will have a lot of explaining to do if you want to argue that that abstract, henological, natural theology, general religious theology perspective is relevant or authoritative or as good as the religions that claim to be "revealed religions".

As long as the so-claimed revealed religions are deemed above natural theology, we are left with our human standards to assess the ideas of God as presented by these religions.

On the whole, I think you underestimate the gap between existing religions and natural theology.
So all you're here for is to ignore anything that might show you to be in error and to (possibly) convince those less educated than you. Not to learn anything.

Yeah, my bad. The Human race is the bad thing he's done.


And trying to gloss over the discrepancies in all of them.

You twist my words for your connivence.