Would a moral God step up to his responsibilities?

Not according to the leader of the reformation.

Faith must trample under foot all reason, sense, and understanding.
Martin Luther

Reason is a whore, the greatest enemy that faith has.
Martin Luther

The question to you then becomes, why does you common sense lead you to honor a genocidal maniac?

Is that good common sense?


My reason led me to God.
yes..that makes sense..If God can be blamed for all the Bad, then it makes sense that the opposite holds true also.

His only credit in the bad is that he created the Human race, the real cause of the bad on this planet.
Now all we have to do is bring that bit of wisdom to the Christians who deny God his responsibilities and are constantly making man the creator of evil and God the creator of good.


God created everything, that doesn't mean he created evil on purpose. He created Lucifer as an Archangel, he did not know he would turn out how he did.
Hear say and book say.
Thanks for the assumption that you have bought into.
Quite a good way to win a debate in your own mind. By invoking a fantasy.
Can I stay on a level playing field by invoking a fantasy as well?


Go for it. All we have is assumptions.
I agree.

Man and his standards are supreme here.
Not invisible super miracle working absentee Gods.


The standard of man is letting a good portion of the world starve to death, while in America we all get a new iPhone every year.
See post #43. God created Lucifer, Lucifer introduced sin to the human race. Theoretically.
So you were wrong when you stated:
Originally Posted by Knowledge91
His only credit in the bad is that he created the Human race, the real cause of the bad on this planet.
Since god created Satan and Satan is/ was bad.
Plus, of course, god knew exactly what we were going to do with things before he made us. So either he's bad for bringing it into existence or god doesn't regard it as bad...
So you were wrong when you stated:

Since god created Satan and Satan is/ was bad.
Plus, of course, god knew exactly what we were going to do with things before he made us. So either he's bad for bringing it into existence or god doesn't regard it as bad...

Creation of Archangels>Creation of angels>Creation of people and its universe>Fall of Lucifer>Evil>Civilization>End times.

EDIT: His only bad was the creation of Lucifer, who has tainted the human race. Of course, it can all be part of the plan.
Posted by Dywy
OMG! figures a troll believes in satan. LMAO
Yet another failure of understanding.

Not believing in Lucifer doesn't make him not there.
And believing in him doesn't mean he is there.
Regardless, you haven't answered the question.

Im guessing you think everything is honkey dory?
Yeah, you keep guessing that. You've already been told that's an assumption on your part.
Yet another failure of understanding.

And believing in him doesn't mean he is there.
Regardless, you haven't answered the question.

Yeah, you keep guessing that. You've already been told that's an assumption on your part.

No, I understand that goes both ways. I would rather have him not be there, but I feel that he is. What question? Give it to me again.
Post #48.
On the bad things god has done.

God has never done bad on purpose (theoretically), however, he has made mistakes. He created Lucifer the Archangel, the fallen angel who introduced sin to man. See post #49.
God has never done bad on purpose (theoretically), however, he has made mistakes. He created Lucifer the Archangel, the fallen angel who introduced sin to man. See post #49.
In other words you (contrary to most [all?] religions) are stating that god is not omniscient. That he's fallible.

Plus: "never done bad on purpose" was not under discussion. It's whether he's done bad at all.

Your stance also assumes that god is incapable of recognising/ fixing his mistakes.
In other words you (contrary to most [all?] religions) are stating that god is not omniscient. That he's fallible.

Plus: "never done bad on purpose" was not under discussion. It's whether he's done bad at all.

Your stance also assumes that god is incapable of recognising/ fixing his mistakes.

Yes. He's done wrong. Period. He created Lucifer, the fallen angel, the angel of fear, and the beast. Fix his mistakes? What's done is done. In the end that mistake will be taken care of in biblical fashion. He can fix his mistakes.. but he has made few, only one by my count.

Also, there is the theory Satan was all part of the plan.