Worst thing about your religion?

Haha, I was thinking the same thing. Everyone assumes I some crazy, new-age feminist hippie that worships crystals. Tak about embarrassing.

Which brings me to another thing that bugs me: the hyper-eclectic, love-n-light, fluffy-bunny pseudo-pagans, the ones who say, "Wicca is anything you want it to be".
Though they are free to believe whatever they want, I think they should name their system correctly, and consider themselves as New Agers, not Wiccans or neopagans. They're giving neopagans a really bad name, and give Wicca in particular an inaccurate public image.
Actually I though it was the emo neopagan uptight anal wiccans that were giving the hyper-eclectic, love-n-light, fluffy-bunny neopagan wiccans a bad name.

Like there's a right way to cos-play being a witch.

meanwhile, try and keep your partner satisfied
I don't particularly have a problem with that, I'm confident. Heh.

Really what I was talking about was placing the focus of people's attention onto a future world which does not exist (obviously because it's in the future and existence implies now-ness). That doesn't matter if you believe it your entire life because you're dead, and you don't believe or hope for anything. However, if you lose faith in that future, or ideal, world then you're likely to lose faith in everything.
I don't understand how any "Message" whether in its entirety or not, that condmemns people for having different beliefs, is filled with truth and love.

Once is not condemned for what they believe. One is condemned for rejecting the only way to Salvation. It is not a case of being doomed for believing this or that it is a case of being doomed for rejecting Jesus.

How do you "prove" that your religion is correct, truthful, or right?

I don't prove anything. The message is there. it is the message that does the work.

How do you claim that your religion is the only "right" religion when there are so many different religions throughout the world?

It is not a claim. it is a central tenant of my faith. It is a claim written in the Bible. It is not something claimed by Christians through a sense of superiority or just opinion. We believe Jesus on the Matter and He said He was the only way to the Father.

I'm sorry, but I think it is complete BS when ppl claim that their religion is the only "right" religion and that everyone else is going to hell or whatever. That makes no sense.

If there is One God then He has one Will for all mankind. It does make sense.

You have no proof that hell exists, let alone that your religion is the only way to live, think, or worship.

Once again i am not here to prove Hell exists. People can read the Word and then decide for themselves.

So many religions claim that they are the "right" religions; that God or Jesus or Allah or whatever favors them. Well, either they are all right or all wrong.

Now the above is a statement that makes no sense.

Two people in a court case give different statements as to what happened at a crime scene. We don’t say that they are either both right or both wrong do we. No we investigate the two statements to try to find the truth of the matter.

If there is a God or Goddess, he/she certainly didn't give humans the ability to think for themselves and create their own religions only to condemn over half of them to a fiery hell.

Why Not? If a God gives free will and that free will allows people to embrace their desire and if their desire is evil then not only are they worthy of condemnation for the evil be double so because they loved evil.

IMO, anyone who thinks that their religion is the only "right" religion is guilty of arrogance.


If there is a "God" or "Goddess" his/her presence is felt by many of us who call him/her by a different name. That's all it is. How many religions share the same characteristics, but call their supreme being by a different name? None of you can prove that your religion is the "correct" religion so it doesn't really matter.

Yes it does indeed Matter when there is only one God and His will is the Only will that matters in eternity.

All Praise The Ancient Of Days
Which brings me to another thing that bugs me: the hyper-eclectic, love-n-light, fluffy-bunny pseudo-pagans, the ones who say, "Wicca is anything you want it to be".
Is there anything *your* Paganism you would rather NOT believe and engage?


Well then...you are no different.
Once is not condemned for what they believe.


One is condemned for rejecting the only way to Salvation. It is not a case of being doomed for believing this or that it is a case of being doomed for rejecting Jesus.

is a lie.

The message is there. it is the message that does the work.

The lie needs some one to tell it.

if their desire is evil then not only are they worthy of condemnation for the evil be double so because they loved evil.

So you are double condemned.

All Praise The Ancient Of Daze
You can never be right within a religion but no one is ever always right anyway. Religions put standards so high that you can never attain them.
It is not a case of being doomed for believing this or that it is a case of being doomed for rejecting Jesus.

You are doomed for rejecting Allah. You are doomed for rejecting Jehovah. You are doomed for rejecting peanut butter and pickle sandwiches.
The worst part about my actual religion is uncertainty. I don't know what happens next, after this life. Is there something more? I don't know my belief system provides no answers. I'll just have to cross that bridge when I get there I guess. I'm cool with that.
I don't particularly have a problem with that, I'm confident. Heh.

Really what I was talking about was placing the focus of people's attention onto a future world which does not exist (obviously because it's in the future and existence implies now-ness). That doesn't matter if you believe it your entire life because you're dead, and you don't believe or hope for anything. However, if you lose faith in that future, or ideal, world then you're likely to lose faith in everything.

that's my point

this world is the very medium of ideals (that cannot be fulfilled)

IOW try as we might, we cannot avoid ascribing eternal values to the temporary things of this world.

The irony is however that despite the historical failure rate of 100% (you name it, either you will separate yourself from it, or it will separate from you), practically everyone goes on with 100% confidence in the matter.

Religion however, is the only discipline that can speak of objects/states of being capable of withholding eternal values
You can never be right within a religion but no one is ever always right anyway. Religions put standards so high that you can never attain them.
Unless one is presented with a discipline that appears "do-able", I guess one can never really begin (despite reading so much etc etc).

Its no coincidence that religion has one of the highest possibilities to exhibit hypocrisy - the higher the standard, the less likely that people in general will be able to adhere to it .... therefore we see that there is a range of religious principles to accommodate people in their commitment to steady spiritual progress
Like there's a right way to be a witch.

In any case, Wicca and witchcraft are not the same thing. Not all witches are Wiccans. Wicca is a very specific religion. While centring around witchcraft and ritual magic, like other forms of religious witchcraft, Wicca has particular attributes and practices that are specific to it.
Likewise, one can easily be a Christian Witch, or a New Age witch, or whatever; because witchcraft, usually religious witchcraft, is a far broader subject that just Wicca.
I know people that do practice spellwork, though. According to them, a lot of it has to with the state of mind of the person doing it; i.e., if you do it half-heartedly, it probably won't work well, but if you're confident in the action, it will work. The basis of their opinion, I guess, is that spellwork takes one's willpower into consideration.