Worst thing about your religion?

I was never officially Mennonite, but I went to a Mennonite school during my most impressionable years so I pretty much was. The great thing about Mennonites is that are truly a peace loving people. They're very similar to the Amish, with the exception of one obvious difference. But the thing that really got me was that aren't allowed to dance. They don't think dancing does much to increase social relations, our teachers used to tell us that if you danced you get pregnant which may have fooled some 1st graders maybe, but I was 12 and devout as I was even that sounded a little far fetched to me. Plus being black it's like blasphemy against my own culture. At least that's what my mother said. I thought it was stupid but I didn't change religions or anything.
I've never heard of Mennonites before. You're right. A truely peaceful christian congregation. Fascinating. Do they observe military service or are they too objectors?
I wonder, can anyone here objectively criticize their own religion?

Well I've made up a number of them for various entertainment purposes. My biggest draw back is the classic "reality is way stranger than you can get away with making fiction." If I put in the lame wacko shit that real religions do it to it, it just doesn't seem credible.
I've never heard of Mennonites before. You're right. A truely peaceful christian congregation. Fascinating. Do they observe military service or are they too objectors?

No they don't believe in fighting or wars. Many of them were put in jail for not showing up to the various drafts throughout history. They don't believe in divorce or abortion. And although they have the same stance on homosexuality as other Christian sects, they support gay rights because they think everyone deserves "love". They're like religious hippies.
I certainly approve on all counts.
Of course I can't support gay rights but I wouldn't get in the way either. They can do what ever they want.
I certainly approve on all counts.
Of course I can't support gay rights but I wouldn't get in the way either. They can do what ever they want.

That's a rather ambiguous answer isn't it. You are either for what they want to do or against it.
I was never officially Mennonite, but I went to a Mennonite school during my most impressionable years so I pretty much was. The great thing about Mennonites is that are truly a peace loving people. They're very similar to the Amish, with the exception of one obvious difference. But the thing that really got me was that aren't allowed to dance. They don't think dancing does much to increase social relations, our teachers used to tell us that if you danced you get pregnant which may have fooled some 1st graders maybe, but I was 12 and devout as I was even that sounded a little far fetched to me. Plus being black it's like blasphemy against my own culture. At least that's what my mother said. I thought it was stupid but I didn't change religions or anything.

I have a heart for the Mennonites as far as official organised churches go. Their belief in non-resistance is in tune with the teachings of Jesus. But their stance against dancing is unbiblical. David danced for God and God was pleased.

2 Samuel 6
14 Then David danced before the LORD with all his might; and David was wearing a linen ephod. 15 So David and all the house of Israel brought up the ark of the LORD with shouting and with the sound of the trumpet.

Again it is weird how a congregation can believe Jesus to the point of following His teaching of non-resistance even unto death and at the same fall down on such a minor thing that they are clearly wrong on. I heard a saying that came from a religious person (not sure where)

"Dancing is the vertical expression of a horizontal desire"

If that is not a product of the thinking and traditions of man i don't know what is. i love to dance i love music with joy, it's got nothing to do with sex. i guess it can be used by some as the above quote indicates but not to me. And not in the Bible either.

All Praise The Ancient Of Days
Worst thing about mine:
The people who founded it were idiots when it came to history and believed that they were a revival of some (non-existent) ancient pagan witch-cult. Something that most Wiccans in modern day recognize and are reconciled with; but it's still a point of embarrassment and annoyance.
No one else think it's wrong for God to send people to Hell fire and damnation for eternity? No one else thinks God has no business being the judge of other sentient beings? If God has a God, then what? I mean, what if it's a sin in this other higher Gods Philosophy to threaten people with hell fire and to do so one is punished by being made into a human.

I'm just surprised no one finds the whole hell fire thing as repulsive as me. It's also rather childish if you think about it.
we are the universe, the universe is us everything else is a concept within a human mind.
Worst thing about mine:
The people who founded it were idiots when it came to history and believed that they were a revival of some (non-existent) ancient pagan witch-cult. Something that most Wiccans in modern day recognize and are reconciled with; but it's still a point of embarrassment and annoyance.

Haha, I was thinking the same thing. Everyone assumes I some crazy, new-age feminist hippie that worships crystals. Tak about embarrassing.
Good Topic
Odd that your Name is Michael. "Who is like God"
Why? That's my name too!

The only thing they fear is reproach against God's name with anything they say and do and this can and has caused serious lapses in judgement in handling issues at the very top. They're correctable and have been corrected but there was no reason for those issues to come out if things were merely handled in a forthright manner with out the excessive worry about how it may make God look bad.
I've discontinued friendships with two different females because of their mentality like that. As soon as they started with the fire and brimstone/you're going to hell spiel, that was it for me.
"Don't force your beliefs on me and expect me to believe it, especially when you have no proof."

I use Jesus as an example. He died as a blasphemer on the stake but that label didn't stop him from doing what he was supposed to do, what he was sent to do.
What about the hundreds (possibly thousands) of other people the Roman Empire crucified, for pretty much the same reason? Wasn't John the Baptist executed for blasphemy as well?

Well this does not put me off my Faith but it makes things hard.

That there are so many false corruptions of my faith going around and they have the ears of the media and the minds of the people that it makes it near impossible to deliver the true message through the haze. Most people are so filled with the false view of my faith that they are turned off even before discussion starts. They are so focused on the false mass media view that they don't even listen to true message, they are so intent of shaking their fists at the distorted view, they are so intent of venting against the false view that they cannot or will not listen to the true view.
You are the perfect person to ask this.

What makes your beliefs (i.e. Xianity) anymore believeable than any of the other HUNDREDS of religions on this planet?
Why? That's my name too!

I've discontinued friendships with two different females because of their mentality like that. As soon as they started with the fire and brimstone/you're going to hell spiel, that was it for me.
"Don't force your beliefs on me and expect me to believe it, especially when you have no proof."

Actually that's nothing alike...and that's my name too. That's why I know.

That's a rather ambiguous answer isn't it. You are either for what they want to do or against it.

I'm not marrying any same sex unions.
I'm not intrested in getting married to a person of the sex

If it doesn't involve me or the congregation I attend I fail to see why I should go through the effort to prevent other from doing so. My congregation doesn't participate in politics of any kind. I merely do not endorse it.
1. Offensive, military jihad against non-Muslims is a communal, religious obligation;
2. A person who is ignorant about Islamic legal opinion must follow the legal opinion of a scholar;
3. The penalty for a Muslim apostate (someone who no longer believes in or no longer follows the tenets of Islam) is death;
4. When slaughtering animals for food, a knife must be used to cut the windpipe and gullet;
5. A woman is only eligible to receive half the inheritance of a man;
6. Marriage may be forced on virgins by their father or father’s father;
7. A non-Arab man may not marry an Arab woman;
8. A woman must seek permission from her husband to leave the house;
9. A Muslim man cannot marry a woman who is a Zoroastrian, an idol worshipper, an apostate from Islam or a woman with one parent who is Jewish or Christian, with the other being Zoroastrian; a Muslim woman cannot marry anyone but a Muslim;
10. A free Muslim man may marry up to four women;
11. Retaliation is obligatory in most cases when someone is deliberately murdered except when a Muslim kills a non-Muslim, a Jew or a Christian kills a Muslim apostate or a father or mother kill their offspring;
12. Non-Muslim subjects (Ahl al-Dhimma) of a Muslim state are subject to a series of discriminatory laws – “dhimmitude”;
13. The penalty for fornication or sodomy is being stoned to death;
14. The penalty for an initial theft is amputation of the right hand. Subsequent thefts are penalized by further amputations of feet and hand;
15. A non-Muslim cannot testify against a Muslim in court; a person who is “without respectability” cannot give legal testimony; a woman’s legal testimony is only given half the legal weight of a man’s (and is only acceptable in cases involving property); to legally prove fornication or sodomy requires 4 male witnesses who actually saw the act;
16. The establishment and continuation of the Islamic Caliphate (by force, if necessary) is a communal obligation;
17. Sodomites and Lesbians must be killed;
18. Laughing too much is forbidden;
19. Musical instruments are unlawful;
20. Creating pictures of animate life is forbidden;
21. Female circumcision, which includes the excision of the clitoris, is obligatory;
22. Slavery is permitted;
23. People may be bribed to convert to Islam;
24. Beating a rebellious wife is permissible; and,
25. Lying is permissible in a time of war (or jihad).

Why? That's my name too!

I've discontinued friendships with two different females because of their mentality like that. As soon as they started with the fire and brimstone/you're going to hell spiel, that was it for me.
"Don't force your beliefs on me and expect me to believe it, especially when you have no proof."

How is fire and brimstone preaching forcing anyone to believe anything? Take a step back from yourself and review your own logic. If fire and brimstone could force you to believe then you would believe when the first female tried it with you.

What about the hundreds (possibly thousands) of other people the Roman Empire crucified, for pretty much the same reason? Wasn't John the Baptist executed for blasphemy as well?

Romans killed Jesus not because of blasphemy, But because they thought He was a focal point of possible rebellion against the rule of Caesar in Israel. It is the Jewish religious authorities that wanted Him killed because they considered Him a Blasphemer. The Jewish religious Authorities played on the Romans fears of rebellion to manipulate them into killing Jesus, whom they feared to kill.

John the Baptist was not killed because of blasphemy. His preaching offended Herod and because of that He was put in prison.

Mark 3
19 But Herod the tetrarch, being rebuked by him concerning Herodias, his brother Philip’s wife, and for all the evils which Herod had done, 20 also added this, above all, that he shut John up in prison.

John died because Herod swore an oath to a dancer that he would give her whatever request she wanted if she wanted.

Matthew 14
6 But when Herod’s birthday was celebrated, the daughter of Herodias danced before them and pleased Herod. 7 Therefore he promised with an oath to give her whatever she might ask.
8 So she, having been prompted by her mother, said, “Give me John the Baptist’s head here on a platter.”
9 And the king was sorry; nevertheless, because of the oaths and because of those who sat with him, he commanded it to be given to her.

You are the perfect person to ask this.

What makes your beliefs (i.e. Xianity) anymore believeable than any of the other HUNDREDS of religions on this planet?

The Message in it's entirety.

It resonates with truth and love. It is complete and wonderful.

All Praise The Ancient Of Days
Well this does not put me off my Faith but it makes things hard.

That there are so many false corruptions of my faith going around and they have the ears of the media and the minds of the people that it makes it near impossible to deliver the true message through the haze. Most people are so filled with the false view of my faith that they are turned off even before discussion starts. They are so focused on the false mass media view that they don't even listen to true message, they are so intent of shaking their fists at the distorted view, they are so intent of venting against the false view that they cannot or will not listen to the true view.

All Praise The Ancient Of Days

Now that sciforums has changed the quality for the much greater, I would expect to see less of this above.

But theres no worst thing about my religion. The only thing which is so bad to me is the going to hell issue. That is a plague to anything.
The Message in it's entirty.

It resonates with truth and love. It is complete and wonderful.

All Praise The Ancient Of Days

I don't understand how any "Message" whether in its entirety or not, that condmemns people for having different beliefs, is filled with truth and love. How do you "prove" that your religion is correct, truthful, or right? How do you claim that your religion is the only "right" religion when there are so many different religions throughout the world? Are you condemning over half the world?

I'm sorry, but I think it is complete BS when ppl claim that their religion is the only "right" religion and that everyone else is going to hell or whatever. That makes no sense. You have no proof that hell exists, let alone that your religion is the only way to live, think, or worship.

So many religions claim that they are the "right" religions; that God or Jesus or Allah or whatever favors them. Well, either they are all right or all wrong. If there is a God or Goddess, he/she certainly didn't give humans the ability to think for themselves and create their own religions only to condemn over half of them to a fiery hell.

IMO, anyone who thinks that their religion is the only "right" religion is guilty of arrogance. If there is a "God" or "Goddess" his/her presence is felt by many of us who call him/her by a different name. That's all it is. How many religions share the same characteristics, but call their supreme being by a different name? None of you can prove that your religion is the "correct" religion so it doesn't really matter.