To encourage more diverse topics, I suggest that 1 or 2 moderators are appointed for each subforums (depending on the load of the subforums); and that the moderators should come from the relevant regions, so that at least there will be someone who can started topics about each regions and know about that regions, too. For example (just an example!), the moderators can be:
* Global affairs (world events, history, business & economics): Hypewaders, Superstring, Madanthonywayne, Billy T
* Americas (USA, Canada, Latin America, and others): Hypewaders, Superstring, Madanthonywayne, Billy T
* Middle East: somebody who is familiar with this region affairs
* Asia (China, India, Japan, Indonesia, and others): S.A.M.
* Russia: draqon
* Europe: Dywyddyr
* Africa: somebody who is familiar with this region affairs
* Australia, New Zealand, and other Oceania: Asguard
* Other