World trade centre collapse, 9/11 conspiracy

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What have I said about any conspiracy?
Stop being so ignorantly obtuse.
The facts are incredibly evident. 20 or so scum bag religious terrorists, worked and learnt how to fly undercover in the US. They hijacked four jet planes. They flew two into the WTC towers, one into the Pentagon, and the other crashed after some brave passengers tried to wrestle back control. 3000 odd people were killed in the process. If you differ noticably from those facts, you are dabbling into unsupported conspiracy nonsense.
Nice Michael, but even reputable and convincing evidence and arguments as put by those experts, will never convince any fanatical conspiracy nut.

I know I know but as long as people keep sprouting evolution evolution how can I get them to accept The Earth is flat?

wink wink

No simulation of the WTC collapse will be valid until it can be scientifically proven that those towers existed in the first place.
Nice Michael, but even reputable and convincing evidence and arguments as put by those experts, will never convince any fanatical conspiracy nut.

You 911 religionists just believe, you don't check shit. That is the trouble with computer simulations
alone. Computers will compute whatever assumptions no matter how stupid.

We begin by noting that live television coverage of the events of 911 show that WTC 1 and WTC 2 collapsed from the structural failure of severely damaged upper floors located close to the aircraft impact points. These impacts are centered at floor 96 for WTC 1 and floor 81 for WTC 2. Thus we assume that a mass of 14 (more or less intact) floors fell onto the remaining 96 (more or less intact) lower floors of WTC 1 and 29 upper floors fell onto 81 lower floors in WTC 2. For the general case of n floors collapsing we define a collapsing mass Mc :
Mc = n mf ……………………. (1)
where mf is the mass of one WTC floor, assumed to be 1/110 the mass of an entire WTC tower, namely mf = (510,000,000 / 110) kg  4,636,000 kg

That is from Frank Greening's report. He admits that he takes the entire mass of the tower and divides it by 110. The towers were actually 116 stories tall because there were 6 basement levels. You don't construct buildings that big on dirt. They dug down to bedrock and built up from there. But by simply dividing by 110 he is assuming every level had the same weight.


All you have to do is look at Lon Water's core column cross sections to see that they got thinner toward the top. The engineer I referred you to stated that skyscrapers had to be bottom heavy. I have known Greening was talking BS for more than a decade.

But believers cannot think for themselves. Whatever says what they want to hear must be right no matter how obvious the flaws.

Not worshipping at the 9/11 religion is HERESY!

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You 911 religionists just believe, you don't check shit. That is the trouble with computer simulations
alone. Computers will compute whatever assumptions no matter how stupid.

But believers cannot think for themselves. Whatever says what they want to hear must be right no matter how obvious the flaws.

Not worshipping at the 9/11 religion is HERESY!
You seem excited?
Look, you and the rest of your ilk can cuddle up to your crazy conspiracy nonsense as much and as long as you like, it doesn't change facts. All it does is catagorise those conspiracy versions as nonsense, unevidenced, and the cry of ratbags needing some mystery and excitement in their lives. The standard evidenced back answers and facts are just to boring for such people. Tell me old Son, are you into any other conspiracies?
That is the trouble with computer simulations alone. Computers will compute whatever assumptions no matter how stupid.
So do your own.

Strange you are such a coward that you are afraid to do your own work. I think you realize that it will prove that what happened is - exactly what DID happen, which is that the towers failed because they were hit by fully fueled 767's that started catastrophic fires.

I imagine that such a realization would completely destroy your psyche. You've spent years telling yourself you are brilliant, and that the "believers" "religionists" "sheeple" are ignorant people. Your sense of self is deeply tied to that sense of arrogant superiority. I think the realization that you were duped would shatter you.
I think the realization that you were duped would shatter you.
I actually believe, as evident by his latest apparent desperate, angry outbursts, that he does know he has been duped, and all this is simply a cover up, and denial in the face of being duped in reality....a hard medicine to swallow for conspiracy nuts...take MR, or river for example.
No simulation of the WTC collapse will be valid until it can be scientifically proven that those towers existed in the first place.

You laugh, but that has been my prediction exactly.

You know how young'uns these days say "...well, if the Moon Landings even happened at all..."? (They do say that.)

I previously predicted that, very soon, young-uns born after 2001 (they'll be 19, now) will be skeptical that the Twin Towers existed at all. That the whole thing was a hoax, and that they've been Photoshopped into history (well ... their internet-y perception of history).

Mark my words.
All you have to do is look at Lon Water's core column cross sections to see that they got thinner toward the top. The engineer I referred you to stated that skyscrapers had to be bottom heavy. I have known Greening was talking BS for more than a decade.

So you're saying all skyscrapers have to be built like pyramids? Excellent, more indisputable proof the WTC never existed!
I was not expecting such an easy lob. Done the Greening thing before and other people have to.
What job? But hey, I'll recheck the professional expert opinions again tomorrow and see if they have changed. :rolleyes:
Or perhaps this is just the usual conspiracy "quality"of delusion/s?
What job? But hey, I'll recheck the professional expert opinions again tomorrow and see if they have changed. :rolleyes:
Or perhaps this is just the usual conspiracy "quality"of delusion/s?

"Lob" with an L not job with J.

Reading is fundamental.
My mistake, but in hindsight perhaps you need to stick with tennis and hope you do a better job then wasting time re-enforcing conspiracy nonsense.

I do not give a damn about any conspiracy, not even the official one. Conspiracies are about who not what. All I am talking about the physics. Of course if airliner impacts and fire could not produce the observed effects then the official conspiracy theory has a problem.

Of course the 9/11 religionists might have a problem with holes in that theory. LOL

Why are you wasting time reading and responding?
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