Work hard at work?

Threatening your boss is a sure fired way to get fired. No, you kiss your bosses fat ass, and make more money.

If you knew my bosses when I used to work for them you'd understand why

I threatened them to make a pay raise.
"I thoroughly disapprove of duels. If a man should challenge me, I would take him kindly and forgivingly by the hand and lead him to a quiet place and kill him."
Mark Twain
"I thoroughly disapprove of duels. If a man should challenge me, I would take him kindly and forgivingly by the hand and lead him to a quiet place and kill him."
Mark Twain

I'd just drop a few pounds of iron on him from say 10 stories up and say it

was an accident, thet happens all the time around construction sites.
Another way I got a raise was hiring a privite investigator and let them

watch the boss to see if he cheats on his wife, many of them do, then

confront the boss with the evidence and ask for a raise or his wife gets the

pictures! That works every time! :D
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I agree with work less, paid more. It has been my experience that the less I work, the more I am paid. Having been fired several times, I realize that firings usually occur due to personality conflicts, not incompetence. Keep on good terms with the boss, and you can goof off to your heart's content.
Perhaps this is the reason you keep getting fired. You obviously are lazy and seek to determine the minimum work you can do without being fired. Then, when your output falls below that minimum, you blame it on "personality"

While it is correct that personality plays a role, most employers are willing to put up with an annoying person if he is a good worker. But an annoying lazy person, gone.

Why not try an approach I learned from my grandfather on your next job? What he told me is this. When you start a new job, bust your ass the first few weeks. You will get the reputation of being a good worker. After that, you can go back to your normal slovenly ways but no one will notice. Because they already know you're a good worker.
i love a good work out so i try to work hard is like having a workout and getting out they seem to put money in my pocket for doing this instead of me paying money at the gym to use their equipment i get paid to use the equipment at work

it works for me to satay fit and healthy getting paid for it is a bonus
i love a good work out so i try to work hard is like having a workout and getting out they seem to put money in my pocket for doing this instead of me paying money at the gym to use their equipment i get paid to use the equipment at work

it works for me to satay fit and healthy getting paid for it is a bonus

I do psycho aerobics myself. Have you ever tried that? :D
Work as hard as you can.

Even if you don't get a raise. Your boss will be grateful to have such a great worker on his team.
Work as hard as you can.

Even if you don't get a raise. Your boss will be grateful to have such a great worker on his team.

If I didn't get a raise after 2 years of working anywhere I would just get up

and leave. To be told that you're doing a fine job is only "lip service" and

doesn't put food on the families table does it.
If I didn't get a raise after 2 years of working anywhere I would just get up

and leave. To be told that you're doing a fine job is only "lip service" and

doesn't put food on the families table does it.

I agree ! At this point a tap on the back doesn't cut it. You want to see more money in your wallet. This boss that is so grateful to have you on his team, is probably gettting a raise!
bloody hell there are a lot of lazy arsed capitalists on here. no matter how much good you do with the money you earn, unless you work hard for it you may aswell have stolen it. stleaing from the rich to give to the poor is still stealing.
This is how the united states is falling apart and leading the world down the hole. We lead by example and the example we have is something bad.
Think of the world as a family and the United States as the older brother, what would happen to all the other siblings if the older brother slacks off?
Yeah, make buddy with the boss, but that implies that you must be enemies with someone else. (push the blame of slacking to somewhere else)
bloody hell there are a lot of lazy arsed capitalists on here. no matter how much good you do with the money you earn, unless you work hard for it you may aswell have stolen it. stleaing from the rich to give to the poor is still stealing.

working hard is paying lipservice to the capitalist pigs.
Doing work that you consider "meaningless" takes something out of you. Most typically it thwarts your maturation process, so you can continue to believe that spending the single largest amount of time in your life in a state of meaninglessness is a sensible way to live. Read, or better yet see a performance of, "Death of a Salesman."

I spent almost thirty years in civil service jobs in a municipal government bureaucracy. It wasn't even always patently "meaningless" work. I learned a few things and helped a few people learn things. Nonetheless I was sucking at the public teat, subtracting value from the economy, and there were quite a few years when I actually did virtually nothing.

I finally took a huge pay cut and a wrenching change in lifestyle to try my luck in the real world. Today what I do is far from ideal, I'm not writing the Great American Novel or finding a cure for AIDS. Nonetheless it has meaning and there are many days when I'm proud of what I've accomplished. This is a much more pleasant life than dragging myself to work, watching the clock, and coming home with a little bit more of me missing every night.

Since I made this change:
  • My marriage is revitalized.
  • I have more friends.
  • The friendships are closer and deeper.
  • I've been more successful in my avocation as a musician.
  • I have more energy.
  • I have more fun.
  • I find more things interesting.
What you need to do is not work harder at a job you think is meaningless. Rather, take the necessary steps to getting into a career that you find meaningful.

You spend more of your time at work than on any other single activity except sleeping--and even that for many people. Do you really want to live with the realization that such a large part of your precious life is meaningless?