Women on the front line

Is the cause "getting revenge on the Y-chromosomers"? Because that makes me shiver.
Is the cause "getting revenge on the Y-chromosomers"? Because that makes me shiver.

Do the Y-chromosomers have any issues which might extract feelings of vengence in gun toting hormonally charged females?

Oh wait males are hormonally charged with testosterone I hear but that's beside the point. Obviously.

Nah I was thinking that most 'rebel' armies (not I haven't used the politically charged terms freedom fighters or terrorists) utilise women soldiers.

WWII resistance also come to mind.

So what's the big deal?

I mean what would 'our side' do to any female soldiers it came across on 'their side'....?
Nah I was thinking that most 'rebel' armies (not I haven't used the politically charged terms freedom fighters or terrorists) utilise women soldiers.

Well of course they do.

Someone has to wash the dishes and the clothes. And bake. :shrug:
I guess this is proof positive that a woman will never be taken seriously until she has a gun in her pocket.
You ought to come over to the thread entitled "sniffy", there's a female poster there advocating getting rid of weapons and warfare altogether.
You two could have a fine argument.
You ought to come over to the thread entitled "sniffy", there's a female poster there advocating getting rid of weapons and warfare altogether.
You two could have a fine argument.

Isn't talking to oneself a sign of madness in some circles?