Women on the front line

Ditto. It still bugs me though. I just can't get used to the idea of women being exposed to dangerous situations like that. It just isn't...right.

Pillory away.

I like equality, it means I get to be first off a sinking ship.
Only because you're stronger than the women and children. But from a fitness perspective, you deserve to be first. Tell them it's for the good of the species as you elbow your way to survival.

Hey, we've all been there. Am I right? Am I? It's just me? I'm sorry, I'll just let myself out now.
Tell them it's for the good of the species as you elbow your way to survival.

that would be true if your reproduction would not result in superior humans.
this is why we need to send the inferior people (not like down syndrome, but people that are too average) to war.

back to the original topic, during WWII, the Russians did have many women on the front lines, many as snipers actually.
but wouldn't you be on the front lines too if your country was being invaded?
To me the issue is not about whether she can do the job but rather how likely it is she will be raped if captured. Of course men could be raped though this is much less likely. Men could be tortured or mistreated. But the liklihood of rape seems higher to me. That armies that would in general treat prisoners with minimal ethics would end up raping women soldiers and regularly. Especially if they thought these women had killed their buddies.

why is rape worse than being tortured? As a woman, I'd rather be raped than killed. I can survive rape, I can't survive death.
Our prisons are full of men surviving rape.
Ditto. It still bugs me though. I just can't get used to the idea of women being exposed to dangerous situations like that. It just isn't...right.

Pillory away.

Yes, because women are only children really, and are not competent to decide what they want to do with their lives. (sarcasm)
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Yes, because women are only children really, and are not competent to decide what they want to do with their lives. (sarcasm)

I did say "Pillory away".

Although: decisions, decisions. What if the decision is a bad one? I see people with mullets every day.
It has nothing to do with their fitness, but with their ability to make babies. If there was a really serious war, the lack of males would not be a problem, but the lack of females would be a threat to a society's very existence.
If there were a war of biblical scope, with a substantial portion of the population actively engaged in combat, then it stands to reason that increasing the number of your people on the front lines would help you win the war. So you'd recruit your women, your children, your old people, your foreign students and guest workers, anyone you could catch.

If you win the war this way and end up with a shortage of women, you'll do what victors have always done. You'll enslave the defeated population and bring their women over to bear children who will be indoctrinated in your culture. But if you lose the war by not having enough people engaged, your male-female ratio isn't going to matter.
The point he was making was that females, due to their physical weakness, would be killed in far greater numbers than males.
To pretend to take that remark seriously for a second, war today is fought increasingly by personnel who do not rely on physical strength as a major factor in their combat-readiness. Drone aircraft pilots, missile trajectory coordinators, communication monitors, linguists, computer technicians, etc.

Besides, although men on the average may be stronger than women, the bell curves for both genders are quite wide and overlap greatly. There are lots of women, especially American women with their increasingly large stature, scientifically balanced nutrition and enviable health care, who can kick some serious puny, dilapidated, vitamin-deficient foreign male butt.

And also, men may be somewhat stronger but women tend to be surprisingly resilient.
is it true that velicoraptors were smarter than americans?
The largest dinosaurs had brains the size of walnuts. You'd have to go to the Museum of Evolution Denialism in the backwoods of Kentucky to find an American of comparable intellect. Or maybe Congress.
Hah. You never saw Master Corporal R___ dragging Private W___ out of the women's tent for the third time in a single day. MCpl R____ was a huge, 6'4", three hundred pounds of muscle knuckle-dragging gorilla of a man that used to threaten to "take us out behind the mess tent" if we gave him a hard time. We hoped earnestly that he only mean for a brutal beating.

(And, I confess, he was probably sorely tempted to do so when Private A____ lost the tiniest frigging part of my C7 rifle: the tiny, springy, nearly microscopic part that we were told never to take out of the bolt in the field. But no, Private A___ felt that was just too constricting. "Hey, Geoff," he said, "Let's strip down the bolt on your rifle too." "Uh, no," said I, "that's a bad idea in the field; we haven't even laid down a - " fwing, tiny part in long grass. We found it later, but MCpl R strongly considered killing me, and I in turn strongly considered killing Pvt A____.)

Anyway, MCpl R once invoked further fear in us by telling us that his grandfather had also been a tanker, like us, and that he'd fought in WWII. "What regiment was in he in" we asked, all wide-eyed and curious. MCpl R laughed; a grating, evil sound. "Well, let's just say he wore black." Ah. And he bragged about this. Genial fellow.

Yet, I have never been more acutely aware of my own internalized surprise than when he hauled Pvt W out of the women's tent for the third time in a single day, as he'd been doing off and on all week. It was to the point that he would lie in wait for him around the corner of the tent, and spring out. But now, this monster stood before the dazed-looking Pvt W, pleading and threatening. "What is it, W___? What do I have to do? Why won't you stay away from the women's tent, W___? Just leave them alone, okay, W___? Why won't you just stay where you're supposed to be?" I watched as this giant hulk of a man was brought, moustache quivering, to the brink of tears by the actions of a man who just wanted - well, what we all pretty much knew he wanted.

He was a persistent, poetic soul. Ah, me. I heard him sneaking out one night, and as I had the misfortune to be the section leader that week (an institution later made permanent; I hoped because of my leadership qualities, but also possibly because the lot of our instructors couldn't be bothered to choose a new one, and because they liked yelling at me), it fell to me to try to stop him. "Don't do it, W___," I said. "I know what's going on - and, hey, I can sympathize" - Pvt G____, for example, being not only a petite goddess but astoundingly gung-ho, with freckles and wavy brown hair...but I digress - "but don't do it, man. You're going to get us all in s**t. Don't do it."

But he would not be swayed. "Uh, well, you know...I'll just be over there for a second, okay, P_______? Come on, really, I'll just be there and back. No one will know."

I bowed my head and stood aside, and he slipped into the dark. A minute and a half later came the familiar bellow of "W___! What the hell are you doing over here?"

Anyway. I just like to relate that story. Long tail on the kite.
why is rape worse than being tortured? As a woman, I'd rather be raped than killed. I can survive rape, I can't survive death.
Our prisons are full of men surviving rape.

I agree. In fact, I'd rather be raped than dismembered in any way. Torture has similar psychological repercussions to sexual assault, plus it can cause you severe physical problems. Soldiers who have not been assaulted in anyway have left war with psychological trauma. It's a risk that all soldiers take regardless of their sex.

Women in college are 3x more likely to be sexually assaulted than other women, yet I rarely hear people telling women they shouldn't enroll in school because they might get raped. The world isn't always a pleasant place and those of us with a vag are also aware of that. :cool:
Hah. You never saw Master Corporal R___ dragging Private W___ out of the women's tent for the third time in a single day.

I sense a Canadian. :)

The first time should have made sure there was no second time. Having a third time is a great way to get yourself chewed a new ass for not maintaining proper discipline.
You sense correctly. ;)

One of their gripes was that they couldn't use anything but group punishment, legally. I could see their point: sometimes a finer hand is required. W___ in particular was a special case: he just wouldn't learn. Just wouldn't. Absolutely wouldn't stop. It was amazing. Even more bizarre was the skinhead and the Jewish guy bunked next to each other. You would have thought a fight would break out...but no. Never. I kept an eye on the two of them, but they were actually pretty genial. Men in foxholes syndrome, I guess.
One of their gripes was that they couldn't use anything but group punishment, legally. I could see their point: sometimes a finer hand is required.

Done correctly group punishment is way meaner, though it can get out of hand pretty quick.

Just let every one know they are being punished because of his behavior and really lean into them. Things will be set right pretty quick.

To speed the process punish everyone but him.

But you better make sure people know you expect there to be no perminant damage from any after hours altercations.

But some people are just not right in the head which is why the US has "discharged for the good of the service" as a general discharge.

Some of the most gung ho hard core paratroopers I knew were women.

Its just like anything else, there are all types.
Done correctly group punishment is way meaner, though it can get out of hand pretty quick.

True. We had a real idiot in the section - it wasn't that he couldn't do things, but that he wouldn't, and that he was unbelievably stupid. By the end of the first week, the lads were actually planning a "blanket party" for him. I was stunned. I talked them out of it.

Then, I got another three weeks of the idiot in GMT, and I wanted to beat the hell out of him. Then the lads talked me out of it. Circle of life. Circle of no beatings.
I can't wait for the day I'm conscripted.....

Canadians and psuedo Canadians first.

Anyway way back before they invented morals wouldn't women have fought alongside men in defence of the realm? I mean even if there was a raiding party while the old boys were (allegedly) out killing a mammoth; I imagine the little women would have thrown some hot ash around whilst screaming loudly, or something.

Or to defend her own, er you know, pussy from insurgents she might put up a bit of a fight and cause some collateral damage.
I dunno about pseudoCanadians. I think angry gings might cause more devastation. To one side or another.