Women. God’s afterthought and man’s curse to rule.

Lilith isn't in the document, period. If you're going to add stuff that isn't in the Christian interpretation, you can't use it to criticize the Christian interpretation.

Unless I misunderstood Greatest I am, he isn't referring to the Christian interpretation.

Greatest I am said:
This is a Jewish document. Genesis 1 was Lillith. Something Christians conveniently forget.

It would seem he is referring to the Jewish holy texts. Perhaps the talmud, torah or something, I'm not familiar with the Jewish holy books.
Just for curiosity why are you fighting god all the time , are you part of a satanic cult ?

I do not fight God. I fight immoral doctrines.

The Christian doctrine is based on human sacrifice and the notion that it is good to punish the innocent and not the guilty.

Christianity will have to get used to having it's immoral religion insulted. Any thinking person will know that it is an evil doctrine.

If you are a Christian, how was your ticket to heaven purchased? With innocent blood?

I also have other reasons for my stance.

It is my view that all literalists and fundamentals hurt all of us who are Religionists.
They all hurt their parent religions and everyone else who has a belief. They make us all into laughing stocks and should rethink their position. There is a Godhead but not the God of talking animals, genocidal floods and retribution. Belief in fantasy is evil.


They also do much harm to their own.

African witches and Jesus

Jesus Camp 1of 9

Promoting death to Gays.

For evil to grow my friends, all good people need do is nothing.
Fight them when you can. It is your duty to our fellow man.

I think Greatest' is actually challenging god for the job of omnipotent ruler of the universe and layer of all moral truths... honestly based on his arguments I think he could handle gods job even better than god has!

Any moral man could.

It was God's plan from the beginning to have Adam and Eve eat the forbidden fruit. This can be demonstrated by the fact that the bible says that Jesus "was crucified from the foundations of the Earth," that is to say, God planned to crucify Jesus as atonement for sin before he even created human beings or God damned sin.

If God had not intended humans to sin from the beginning, why did he build into the Creation this "solution" for sin? Why create a solution for a problem you do not anticipate?

God knew that the moment he said "don't eat from that tree," the die was cast. The eating was inevitable. Eve was merely following the plan.

This then begs the question.

What kind of God would plan and execute the murder of his own son when there was absolutely no need to?

Only an insane God. That’s who.

The cornerstone of Christianity is human sacrifice, thus showing it‘s immorality.

One of Christianity's highest form of immorality is what they have done to women.
They have denied them equality and subjugated them to men.




To my understanding the earth was given to satan and he is the ruler of human behavior, so The greater is just adding opinion to his ruler Gods people are just a fraction of human population.

If Satan was sentenced to hell then WTF is God doing giving him dominion here?

In your view, is justice delayed justice denied?

Of course you could not be bothered to read the proceeding verse:
27 So God created man in his own image, in the image of God created he him; male and female created he them.

Does God have both a vagina and a penis or is he androgynous?

Have you even read the Bible?! Saying that animals were created after man is completely ridiculous. Besides, the Bible explicitly says that woman was created as a "help mate" for man.

Is that why Christian men have denied women equality for so long and institutionalized that immorality in their doctrine?

Lilith isn't in the document, period. If you're going to add stuff that isn't in the Christian interpretation, you can't use it to criticize the Christian interpretation.

They didn't die until hundreds of years later. I don't see any injustice or murder in death by old age.

The first few chapters of Genesis explain why man does rule over woman. It isn't a question of what "should be" at all.

At what age is denying someone what will keep them alive constitutes murder to you?

"Test all things"
1 Thessalonians. 5:21

Don't question the morality of inequality then.
Keep your head firmly up God's ass if it profits you eh?

Only fools think that what is written is God's will or words.
God's will has always come out of the mouths of men and immoral men at that if you read it the way Christians do.

How was your ticket to heaven purchased? With innocent blood?

Is that why Christian men have denied women equality for so long and institutionalized that immorality in their doctrine?


Satans disciple , you are behind in time . Christianity have given more equality to woman and society then any other groups. have you inquired about woman equality among Jews 0, Muslim , Hindu and others
If Satan was sentenced to hell then WTF is God doing giving him dominion here?

In your view, is justice delayed justice denied?


I suppose every thing have its time even satan, I see you missed the part of Jesus temptation passage were your master said to Jesus " all power is given to me "
I don't know what justice are you asking
Then you need to read Genesis 1 again, even in the KJV. It clearly indicates chronology with a count of days, with the creation of man following the creation of animals. Genesis 2 is obviously a reiteration devoid of any chronological indication.
Genesis 1 has both man and the animals created on day six. There is no "clear indication" of chronology on that day. Nor is it "obvious" that Genesis 2 is devoid of chronology. That's just an excuse that literalists use to try to reconcile the conflicting accounts.

But as I said, whether man was created first or animals, it doesn't really matter. Your insistence on the tense is comical but hardly inarguable. What is clearly idicated is that man needed a helper, so the addition of the womman is certainly an improvement.
At what age is denying someone what will keep them alive constitutes murder to you?
What consitutes murder to me is, first of all, actually killing somebody. God didn't kill them; He only threatened to kill them. They died of natural causes many years later; therefore, there was no murder.

Second of all, murder is unlawful homicide. Since God Himself was the only law, killing Adam and Eve - if He had done it, which He didn't - would have been a lawful execution.

Don't question the morality of inequality then.
You seem to be missing the whole point of the Adam and Eve story. Woman is subservient to man because they ate the fruit of the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil. She wasn't created subservient. Now, whether it was disobeying God that caused her "fall" or whether the Knowledge of Good and Evil caused her "fall" is debatable. But you have to start with the understanding that she wasn't created unequal.
I suppose every thing have its time even satan, I see you missed the part of Jesus temptation passage were your master said to Jesus " all power is given to me "
I don't know what justice are you asking

Not surprising since you do not recognize justice.

Is justice delayed justice denied?

Don't try to doge the question like you just did.

I will rephrase it just in case your mother tongue is not English.

God sentence Satan to hell before casting him to Eden to tempt Eve.

Was that justice or would justice be for God to carry out the sentence and send him to hell?

Genesis 1 has both man and the animals created on day six. There is no "clear indication" of chronology on that day. Nor is it "obvious" that Genesis 2 is devoid of chronology. That's just an excuse that literalists use to try to reconcile the conflicting accounts.

But as I said, whether man was created first or animals, it doesn't really matter. Your insistence on the tense is comical but hardly inarguable. What is clearly idicated is that man needed a helper, so the addition of the womman is certainly an improvement.

Especially when, try as he might, Adam could not reproduce with the other animals.

What consitutes murder to me is, first of all, actually killing somebody. God didn't kill them; He only threatened to kill them. They died of natural causes many years later; therefore, there was no murder.

Second of all, murder is unlawful homicide. Since God Himself was the only law, killing Adam and Eve - if He had done it, which He didn't - would have been a lawful execution.

You seem to be missing the whole point of the Adam and Eve story. Woman is subservient to man because they ate the fruit of the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil. She wasn't created subservient. Now, whether it was disobeying God that caused her "fall" or whether the Knowledge of Good and Evil caused her "fall" is debatable. But you have to start with the understanding that she wasn't created unequal.

How is developing a moral sense and becoming as God, God's own word, a fall?

And yes, God murdered A & E by denying them what would keep them alive. The tree of life.

Your children need food to live. If you deny them food and lock it away the way God locked the tree of life away, are you not guilty of murder by neglect?

Yes you are and so is God.

Not surprising since you do not recognize justice.

Is justice delayed justice denied?

Don't try to doge the question like you just did.

I will rephrase it just in case your mother tongue is not English.

God sentence Satan to hell before casting him to Eden to tempt Eve.

Was that justice or would justice be for God to carry out the sentence and send him to hell?


Read in Ezequiel chapter 18 or chapter 31 start in verse 10 there you will see what God wants from man. to be justice why was Israel punished read Isaiah chapter 1. you will see what justice God wants

I am not to keen on the garden of Eden that could be just a metaphor. As for me the story of the garden is to show . The natural disobedience in us.
How is developing a moral sense and becoming as God, God's own word, a fall?
That's why I put "fall" in quotes. I don't consider the overall effect to be a fall but most Christians seem to see it that way. On the other hand, for women in particular, becoming subservient would be considered a negative effect.

And yes, God murdered A & E by denying them what would keep them alive. The tree of life.

Your children need food to live. If you deny them food and lock it away the way God locked the tree of life away, are you not guilty of murder by neglect?
No. If they don't die, it isn't murder. That's a pretty simple concept.

God didn't deny them food. He denied them one source of food. You might as well claim that you're murdering your children if you don't let them eat ice cream for three meals a day.
Genesis 1 has both man and the animals created on day six. There is no "clear indication" of chronology on that day. Nor is it "obvious" that Genesis 2 is devoid of chronology. That's just an excuse that literalists use to try to reconcile the conflicting accounts.

But as I said, whether man was created first or animals, it doesn't really matter. Your insistence on the tense is comical but hardly inarguable. What is clearly idicated is that man needed a helper, so the addition of the womman is certainly an improvement.

The King James Version you love so much:
26 And God said, Let us make man in our image, after our likeness: and let them have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air, and over the cattle, and over all the earth, and over every creeping thing that creepeth upon the earth. -Genesis 1(KJV)​

So God created man and then immediately, same verse, gave him dominion over the "cattle...and over every creeping thing that creepeth upon the earth". There could not possibly be any indication of chronology there, huh? Oh wait, I guess you must be assuming that God would grant dominion over a thing that does not yet exist, even though it is granted with things that were clearly created previously, e.g. "fish of the sea" (fifth day).

Talk about sixty years wasted. You want to talk about literalists? It seems you have completely ignored explicit chronology to reconcile the Genesis 2 account. Newer is always better, right? Even if only by one chapter.