"Women are Hosts"

From Gods mouth to my ear... an i quote:::

"The good news... the child will have a soul an sooner or later will wind up in heaven... an the woman will go to hell sinse its more than likely that her body caused the parasitic issue.!!!"

~ God


So Almighty god who knows when a sparrow falls thinks? its more than likely that her body caused the parasitic issue

and on that basis

the woman will go to hell

So no need burden of proof

Straight to hell

Do not pass go and collect redemption

Glad we sorted out how loving god is

Whether she has the right or not, she clearly chose to abort.

But your byline about Sarah Catt, also leaves out some important factors.

1) Sarah Catt had tried to procure a legal abortion on a couple of occasions, but being past the 24 week mark, was denied access to one.
She told her lover that she was pregnant 4 months earlier, and was researching abortions a couple of months later, so it’s not like the pregnancy caught her by surprise. She had ample time to secure a legal abortion, but apparently got careless and went over the limit.

2) Sarah Catt delivered a deceased child. Whether it was the drugs she took to induce labor killed the child, no one knows as she refuses to reveal where its remains are buried.
We don’t know if she delivered a deceased child, because this deceptive woman is the only eye witness. She may have delivered a live baby and killed it post delivery, which would explain her reluctance to reveal the location of the remains.

3) Is it my place to deny her her rights? No. At the end of the day, the only person who knows what happened is Sarah Catt. She was the one who was in that desperate situation with zero help. Had she been allowed to procure an abortion much earlier, it would never have gotten to the point where she had to induce her own labour at home as a final act of desperation.

That was the reality of her situation.
Society collectively grants or denies her rights. As a member of that collective, you share in that responsibility. Was society wrong to condemn her actions? Sarah Catt is the only one living who knows what happened, her victim is still waiting to be dug out of the ground to tell its side of the story. She created her desperate situation; she had ample time to procure an earlier abortion but chose to wait too long. And then to make matters worse, she chose to abort a full term fetus in an apparent attempt to hide the results of the pregnancy from her husband and everyone else.

That’s the reality of her situation.

If anything, you have only re-affirmed the need for legal and safe late term abortions, so that women like Sarah Catt do not find themselves in a position of being alone, and having to consume dangerous drugs to induce labour at home, where god knows what could have happened to her.
So you want to bump up the legal limit to say 30 weeks to accommodate clients like Sarah? If Sarah was negligent at 24 weeks, who says she’d be any more reliable at 30. If you want to improve the safety of abortion, then encourage sexually active women to monthly monitor their state of pregnancy, so that needed abortions can be preformed as early as possible.

I can easily imagine it. A fetus with thanatophoric dysplasia, or with Type 1 SMA, is going to die anyway shortly after birth. If the mother is starting to show signs of pre-eclampsia - or even is having discomfort - then aborting the fetus at that point isn't much of an ethical decision; it's basically changing the date of the fetus/baby's death by a small amount.
As Bells mentioned earlier, a fetus at that gestational age would be delivered rather than aborted, and due to its irreversibly impaired condition, would be condemned to a death outside the womb. If abortion or delivery is a necessity to save lives of mothers or “babies,” then those options ethically should be in play.
She told her lover that she was pregnant 4 months earlier, and was researching abortions a couple of months later, so it’s not like the pregnancy caught her by surprise. She had ample time to secure a legal abortion, but apparently got careless and went over the limit.
The timeline in the article you linked seems all over the place.

What is concerning about that case is the fact that the judge was so biased (he is deeply involved in the pro-life movement and his sentence was deemed so excessive and harsh, that on appeal, it was halved), but mostly that no psychological evaluation was ever done or ordered by the court, despite the history this woman presented with before the court.

The defendant gave a child up for adoption in 1999, the court was told.

She later had a termination with the agreement of her husband, tried to terminate another pregnancy but missed the legal limit and concealed another pregnancy from her husband before the child's birth.

How, given her history, was she not given a psychological or psychiatric evaluation?

Also, from the timeline you posted, no effort was made to offer her any help when she tried to procure an abortion on two occasions, before she researched it online.

The case is a tragedy, because this woman received absolutely no help, and by the looks of it, received no help when she exhibited similar behaviour in regards to past pregnancies.

This isn't an issue of being careless and went over the limit. This is an issue of a woman with what appears to be issues with being pregnant and even attempting to deny or lie to others and perhaps even herself, about her pregnancies and her history shows this and she received no help at all in all of that time.

She shouldn't have been sent to jail. She should have been sent to get psychiatric help.

We don’t know if she delivered a deceased child, because this deceptive woman is the only eye witness. She may have delivered a live baby and killed it post delivery, which would explain her reluctance to reveal the location of the remains.
This woman is clearly disturbed, Capracus.

And she has never received help for any of it. And the baby could very well have been stillborn.

Look, she isn't the first woman who attempted to deny or hide her pregnancy, and if she killed the baby after it was born, she would not be the first either.

I think what this case shows is that she was and probably remains, deeply disturbed, in dire need of help.

Society collectively grants or denies her rights. As a member of that collective, you share in that responsibility. Was society wrong to condemn her actions? Sarah Catt is the only one living who knows what happened, her victim is still waiting to be dug out of the ground to tell its side of the story. She created her desperate situation; she had ample time to procure an earlier abortion but chose to wait too long. And then to make matters worse, she chose to abort a full term fetus in an apparent attempt to hide the results of the pregnancy from her husband and everyone else.

That’s the reality of her situation.
How cruel of you, Capracus.

Given her history, the appearance of trying to terminate previous pregnancies, giving one child up for adoption, concealing pregnancies in the past, it proves that she seems incapable of coping with pregnancy, childbirth or being a 'mother'.

What is damning in this case is that when she tried to procure an abortion on two different occasions, no one flagged her as requiring help, or even offering her counseling. Nothing was done. By your timeline, they simply told her to start her antenatal classes and treatment. The fact that she had gone there for an abortion should have flagged the fact that she would not be interested in antenatal classes.

I think her sentence was cruel and unusual and I also think that instead of sending her to prison, she should have been given psychiatric care.

And frankly, her case is a prime and shining example of why late term abortions are necessary and why counseling should be made available to women who seek late term abortions, especially once they have reached the point where it is no longer feasible to obtain an abortion due to how far along she may be.

Her case is exceptionally rare and hardly a standard for late term abortions. But it certainly shows why this service is necessary and why more support needs to be given to women in her situation.

And no, it is not my responsibility to judge her. I think it is society that needs to be judged simply because it turned its back on this woman, who clearly needed help and counseling long before this ever happened.
So you want to bump up the legal limit to say 30 weeks to accommodate clients like Sarah? If Sarah was negligent at 24 weeks, who says she’d be any more reliable at 30. If you want to improve the safety of abortion, then encourage sexually active women to monthly monitor their state of pregnancy, so that needed abortions can be preformed as early as possible.
Clients like Sarah?

Sarah clearly shows that women in desperate situations will risk their own lives to procure an abortion. Unless of course you wish to go back to the days of coat hangers and back alleys?

Sarah's case shows that safe and legal abortions are a necessity and that help needs to be made available to the rare women like Sarah, who so desperately need it.

You keep declaring she was "negligent", when her history clearly indicates that it was not negligence, but a deep seated issue that should have been flagged long before it got to this point.

And if I want to improve the safety of abortion or reduce abortions, my encouragement would be for better sex education in schools, better and free access to all forms of birth control and access to the morning after pill, not to mention access to abortions up to the point where an abortion is no longer feasible, which is usually around the 30 to 33 week mark, and in such cases where that is not possible, that women be helped and supported, instead of being sent home and ignored for the duration, despite the clear history that in some cases like Sarah's, that this is not a normal pregnancy and that she needed care. She received none whatsoever.

I would also recommend the shaming of women stops and respecting them as human beings with rights over their bodies start.

As Bells mentioned earlier, a fetus at that gestational age would be delivered rather than aborted, and due to its irreversibly impaired condition, would be condemned to a death outside the womb. If abortion or delivery is a necessity to save lives of mothers or “babies,” then those options ethically should be in play.
In some cases, in rare cases where the woman is too ill to deliver and there is no chance of the child surviving, for example, they will do an abortion to save the mother's life in the very late stages of the pregnancy. It really depends on each individual case and it should be assessed individually as the need arises.

The only type of abortion that does happen after 24 weeks is for fetal anomalies. Most abortions for fetal anomalies happen before 24 weeks, but a very small percentage happen later than that. The abortions that take place later do so because it takes time to do the ultrasounds and genetic testing. Sometimes a fetal MRI may even be needed.

Sadly, some women are lied to by anti-abortion doctors in states with gestational age limits and get their genetic testing done on the late side because the doctor wants to try to take the possibility of an abortion off the table. I have personally heard of this happening.

However, even with the most on-the-ball OB-GYN, it can still be a race to get all the information and give a pregnant person time to think it over before 24 weeks. Sometimes the drastic nature of the problem isn’t fully realized until the pregnancy progresses. Other times a woman is carrying a fetus incompatible with life and thought she would go to term and let nature take its course, but then she realizes she just can’t. Who among us should judge those women?

When these procedures do happen, they could be an induction of labor, or some highly skilled providers can perform dilation and extraction procedures past 24 weeks. The closer to term (40 weeks), the more likely the procedure will be an induction of labor. So at 36 or 37 weeks, in most situations, the doctor will simply induce labor and after delivery not resuscitate the baby. However, there are rare medical situations where that might not be advisable, so the option of a dilation and extraction allows women in these situations to avoid a C-section.

The facts are that 98.6 percent of abortions happen before 21 weeks. Most of the terminations at or after 21 weeks are very wanted pregnancies with serious fetal anomalies. Some are for the health of the mother and a very small percentage are for personal reasons. Almost all women who have later abortions for personal reason would have had the procedure sooner if they could have, so the very laws proposed by politicians who aim to restrict abortion (mostly under the false pretense of safety) actually lead to delays.
It seems to be as though you are more intent on complaining about women being irresponsible for having sex without a desire for having babies than you are about discussing abortion as a whole.

Let me clarify this. (apologies in advance, Jeeves.)

Jeeves posited an argument of the form "perhaps they should have thought of this before doing..."
I simply cautioned Jeeves that "they should have thought of it beforehand" had far-reaching application.
Maybe [X] should have thought about that before [Y] sex, knowing the potential outcome of such an endeavour.
Careful with that one. That argument applies as much to the goose as the gander.

I had not intended to raise it as a primary argument, I was attempting to show where that kind of thinking led.

And you keep ignoring the fact that the child in the scuba diving hypothetical is not residing inside the woman's body.
How does that make a functional difference to her freedom?
If she is restricted from doing things because she is breast-feeding, then she essentially doesn't have the right to do whatever she wishes with her body.

I find it interesting that you fail to clarify or respond to the chunks of quotes I posted from you in this thread and then you accuse me of putting words in your mouth. Why do you do that?
It is impossible in practice to address every comment in a discussion of this level of activity. Each of us does what they can.

I have no idea how you link that to putting words in people's mouths. That's a separate issue, whereby you reinterpret something I said in your words, as if that's what I'm saying.

I also find it interesting that you seem to have veered to my sex life and asking me if I feel ashamed,
It is very apparent that shame is a huge issue with you. You have attempted to steer the topic that way several times.
It is interfering with your objective discussion of issue-at-hand.

I would point out that you tabled the issue of your personal sex life. Do you want that as part of the discussion or not?

after you repeatedly shamed women who have sex for reasons other than procreation, by going on and on about their irresponsibility and "what was she thinking would happen???"..
I have not done this.

Again. You have an axe to grind. Grind it somewhere else.

I also find it interesting that you repeatedly assert that she loses rights over her body when she decides to have consensual sex because of the risk of pregnancy and the "life" that could result from said pregnancy, but you consistently and refuse to answer any questions about issues that pertain to pregnancies that stem from sexual assault, incest or sexual coercion, as though the "life" that is formed in those assaults, matter less, than if the woman "gasp" had consensual sex and got pregnant.
That's definitely a practical issue. I am arguing what I see as a more fundamental issue that is not getting the attention it may need: the actual life or death of a possible person.

It is not my intent to solve every problem at once.
That's called the Nirvana fallacy: when solutions to problems are rejected because they are not perfect.

Because pretty much the majority of your posts in this thread, have focused on the irresponsibility of women who have sex without any intention of having children.
Pregnancy is an issue that affects both men and women. In both cases they are being irresponsible if they did not consider the consequences.

I have an issue with anyone who wishes to control the bodies of women based on their own sexist views.
Oh, I do too. It's totally fallacious.

Because, whether you wish to admit it or not, your views are deeply sexist.
As are yours.

The idea that women must curtail their desires because they might get pregnant and then possibly face the prospect of an abortion, is sexist.
Men must have the same discussion, even if their consequences aren't as severe.

The very idea that you believe that women waive or forfeit their rights over their bodies because they might fall pregnant, is deeply sexist.
The fact that women have uteruses is not sexist.

Sexism occurs when someone is considered based on their gender when gender is not a relevant factor.

The gender here, because of the particulars is a factor.

You have spent pages shaming women
Baseless assertion. Rejected.

who have consensual sex without any intention of having kids
Men and women both have a responsibility.

. You have gone on and on about how they are irresponsible for doing so
In the face of an abortion, which you continually trivialize.

and how their rights should be curtailed or forfeited if they fall pregnant
Not curtailed - are freely waived. A woman - or a man - who engaged in child care makes a choice to give up certain freedoms willingly.

I am simply broadening the applicability.

You are literally shaming sexually active women who do not plan or wish to have children.
I am not. I have engaging in a discussion where actions and consequences are being civilly discussed.

That is what I have an issue with Dave, as I have made clear, repeatedly. Your attempts to turn this on me, says a lot about you, really.
This is luscious. Your attempt to make this apersonal issue for you, and then blame me for it is ironic.
You have inserted yourself into the discussion.

I don't think you do understand why this issue is important to me personally.
You can't insert you personal story, and then accuse me of making this about you.

If I were a lesser person, I'd invoke the word hypocrisy.

Tell you what. If you'd like to agree that this is a wholly academic issue, no personal anecdotes, I am in full agreement.

Your personal agenda appears to be reminding women of their place,
... aaaaaaaaaaand your pet agenda.

I counter by saying your personal agenda appears to be eating kittens.
Where did that come from?
Oh, I just pulled it out of my head and applied it to you. See how silly it looks when you read it on the page?

It is important to me personally because abortion is a private and personal matter,
This is a "begging the question" fallacy. you're using your conclusion as the premise.

For the sake of the discussion (not for your personal circumstance) it is not a valid premise that a growing fetus is a "private matter". That's the very premise I am debating.
My primary argument is that there are two lives involved.

which can and should do without the input of individuals such as yourself. Why? Because you do not bear any responsibility, nor can your rights over your body be curtailed or forfeited or waived. The woman's, on the other hand, does.
This is an ad hom. The status of the arguer has no bearing on the argument.

You don't have children; you have no business concerning yourself with their welfare.
You're not visually impaired; you have no business speaking about blindness.
You don't own a car; you have no business being involved in automobile policy.

... men like you ...
Now that is sexist.

And deeply derogatory.

Bells, there is no limit to which you won't go to reduce a thoughtful, if animated, discussion to a schoolyard poo-flinging round. It's your go-to tactic.
All that being said, I'm glad this has been hashed out.

I posited the validity of the 'perhaps they should have thought of that beforehand' argument and, through discussion, followed it to its logical conclusion.

It doesn't work.

For one, it's not actionable. Where does one go after such a declaration?

For two, it doesn't inform the principle argument.

So I concede the point. Mostly to Bells, partly to Jeeves.

That brings me back my primary point: whether or not a fetus has an inalienable human right to live.
I'm not asserting that it does, simply that I see some validity to it, and that - being a life or death issue - it shouldn't be dismissed.

(I am mindful of the treatment of slaves, centuries earlier. It did not occur to many to consider slaves as more than talking animals. Some would be shocked at the idea that you couldn't simply shoot one on-sight. We acknowledge today that this view was myopic than a humanity point of view. But it took centuries.)

So, if a fetus were to be considered to have such a right, then it means the issue of abortion does not involve only one life; it involves two.

But I've gotten no further on that point.
Which child and which soul?

Two children become one, you said that both receive a soul from the moment of conception. So which one?

Yes they both get souls... an the soul of the twin that was absorbed gets absorbed by the soul of the twin that lives.!!!

Sinse this one soul has a double dose of holeyness its likely to have issues an many of these people turn out to be TV preechers.!!!


So Almighty god who knows when a sparrow falls thinks?

Yes... just for fun God sometimes intentionally forgets thangs so he can be surprized when stuff dies.!!!
How does that make a functional difference to her freedom?
If she is restricted from doing things because she is breast-feeding, then she essentially doesn't have the right to do whatever she wishes with her body.
How does breastfeeding deny her her rights to her body?

To the one, she chooses whether to breastfeed or not. Secondly, the baby is not permanently attached to her nipple or a part of her body.

She can choose not to breastfeed, just as she can choose to breastfeed.

You are attempting to apply something that simply cannot be applied to this scenario.

It is impossible in practice to address every comment in a discussion of this level of activity. Each of us does what they can.

I have no idea how you link that to putting words in people's mouths. That's a separate issue, whereby you reinterpret something I said in your words, as if that's what I'm saying.
You are still avoiding that glaring issue.

It is very apparent that shame is a huge issue with you. You have attempted to steer the topic that way several times.
It is interfering with your objective discussion of issue-at-hand.

I would point out that you tabled the issue of your personal sex life. Do you want that as part of the discussion or not?
You really don't get it, do you?

I don't feel ashamed. Just as women should not feel shamed or ashamed if they opt to have an abortion.

Your repeated assertions about her irresponsibility, your repeated comments about how she forfeited her rights to her body if she has sex, your continuous comments about 'what did she think would happen', your comments about sex for reasons that are not tantamount for reproduction, is a means to shame women. You might not realise you are doing it, or perhaps you are and that is just the type of person you happen to be, at this point, I don't particularly care.. But your veering this conversation to my sex life and asking if I feel ashamed. It's kind of laughable really, because from my end, it just looks like a desperate attempt on your part to divert attention away from your belief that women forfeit or waive their rights to their bodies when they have sex.

Is that what you are doing? Or are you just the type of person who wants to delve into the sex lives of others to judge them perhaps?

I had asked you if you thought that I, a woman, who has sex, whether you believe that means I forfeited any rights to my body as a result of it.. And you pretty much ignored it and then jumped to asking me if I was ashamed.

Why did you do that?

I have not done this.
Oh but you have.

Each time you have gone on and on about the sexual choices and decisions women make, you have pretty much shamed women. Because of the manner that you have chosen to do it.

That's definitely a practical issue. I am arguing what I see as a more fundamental issue that is not getting the attention it may need: the actual life or death of a possible person.
What do you think the whole abortion debate is actually about in the general scheme of things?

What do you think the pro-life supporters actually argue and give attention to, Dave?

Pregnancy is an issue that affects both men and women. In both cases they are being irresponsible if they did not consider the consequences.
It is not the man's body that is affected by it. The pregnancy does not occur inside of his body, but in hers. The consequences for him are minor compared to what it is and will be for her.

Oh, I do too. It's totally fallacious.
And yet you have consistently argued that a woman forfeits or waives her rights to her body if she chooses to have sex.

Men must have the same discussion, even if their consequences aren't as severe.
But you don't exactly address that discussion to men, do you? Your repeated arguments have been about her and her forfeited rights to her body when she has sex for reasons that are not to reproduce.

The fact that women have uteruses is not sexist.

Sexism occurs when someone is considered based on their gender when gender is not a relevant factor.

The gender here, because of the particulars is a factor.
Wow.. Talk about missing the point entirely.

The fact that you believe that having a uterus means that one waives and/or forfeit's one's rights to one body if they choose to have sex is exceptionally sexist.

The only people who are affected by this are women. You are specifically targeting women and suggesting that it is they and they alone who should forfeit and waive their fundamental human rights to their own bodies, if they dare to have sex for reasons other than to reproduce.

And you do not see that as being sexist?

Men and women both have a responsibility.

But who carries the bigger responsibility in this discussion? Who stands to lose their rights over their own bodies, if people such as yourself get your way?

In the face of an abortion, which you continually trivialize.
How have I trivialised abortion?

By repeatedly saying that women have rights to their bodies and that it is their decision and theirs alone?

Oh no! How dare I suggest that women get to determine and decide what happens to their own bodies!

Not curtailed - are freely waived. A woman - or a man - who engaged in child care makes a choice to give up certain freedoms willingly.

I am simply broadening the applicability.
A woman who falls pregnant and does not want it, is not "engaging in child care".

You do understand the difference between a child that is born and foetus, yes? Because you keep trying to blur those lines.

I am not. I have engaging in a discussion where actions and consequences are being civilly discussed.
I do not consider someone repeatedly saying that women's rights to their own bodies are forfeited and waived if they are irresponsible enough to have sex without any intention of reproduction, as being civil.

It is exceptionally offensive.

I dare you to tell a woman in your realm of acquaintance that and see what her reaction is. Perhaps your wife or girlfriend. See how far you get.
This is luscious. Your attempt to make this apersonal issue for you, and then blame me for it is ironic.
You have inserted yourself into the discussion.

Oookay then.

Abortion is a personal issue for all women, Dave. Because it is our bodies that you are talking about and it is our rights that you are trying to say should be forfeited or waived if we dare choose to have sex.

I am sure you would be just as concerned if the discussion was about chemical castration of men as a forced form of birth control and being told that you would forfeit your rights to your gonads if you had sex without any intention of reproducing.

You can't insert you personal story, and then accuse me of making this about you.

If I were a lesser person, I'd invoke the word hypocrisy.

Tell you what. If you'd like to agree that this is a wholly academic issue, no personal anecdotes, I am in full agreement.
My very well known personal story of being a woman who has two children?

And you took that and tried to run with it and have been using my so called personal story to dodge answering a variety of questions about the issue of abortion.

But definitely, let's leave the personal anecdotes out of it.

So how about you answer the question about rape victims, victims of incest, sexual coercion. Why do you apply your right to life arguments to women who have consensual sex because you believe that there may be a competing interest and thus those women waive and forfeit their rights to their bodies, but you fail and refuse to respond to any questions posed by myself and at least one other member, about the lack of competing interest for women who are victims of rape, incest or sexual coercion.

Why do you only apply those rules to women who have consensual sex? Is the foetus less of a life if it came from sexual assault?

... aaaaaaaaaaand your pet agenda.

I counter by saying your personal agenda appears to be eating kittens.
Where did that come from?
Oh, I just pulled it out of my head and applied it to you. See how silly it looks when you read it on the page?

Just from one page..

One can easily argue that (in the consensual case), the woman willingly forfeited sole right to her body when she engaged in an activity that could result in a pregnancy.
It can be argued that a woman who engages in (consensual) sex wilfully waives sole rights to her body.
Like any other action, consequences are often understood but not considered. Oft times, people (both men and women) think that sex is merely recreational, and they ignore the fact that, people being fecund by nature, the act comes with it the risk of conception.

A very good time to decide you don't want to have a baby, would be prior to engaging in the act that makes them.

JamesR applied this to men, but it applies even moreso to women, to whom the consequences are significantly greater.

You are literally going out of your way to not only shame women by saying stuff like that, but also reminding them of their place in society and trying to control their behaviour. Another example:

Am I arguing that they engage in an act wilfully and knowingly that would raise the issue of responsibility for another life.

What did she think was going to happen??

Surely the time to decide that she didn't want to take responsibility for another life was before she engaged in creating one.

So this now raises the question:
They've decided to engage in sex
despite the risk of creating a baby
and, if the dice don't fall in their favor
she can decide after-the-fact, that she doesn't want to take the responsibility - the known consequences of her actions
but it's OK, because abortion is always an option as retroactive birth-control.

Again, is this what responsible adults do?

For the sake of the discussion (not for your personal circumstance) it is not a valid premise that a growing fetus is a "private matter". That's the very premise I am debating.
My primary argument is that there are two lives involved.
It is a private matter because it is happening inside the body of a woman and that matter is private and personal to her and her decision is hers alone and it should be kept between her and her doctor.

Just because a woman is "growing a foetus", does not mean that her uterus or its contents enter the public realm or domain. It is her body and her decision and it is no one's business what she chooses.

This is an ad hom. The status of the arguer has no bearing on the argument.

You don't have children; you have no business concerning yourself with their welfare.
You're not visually impaired; you have no business speaking about blindness.
You don't own a car; you have no business being involved in automobile policy.
As I noted previously, it isn't your body and your fundamental human rights to your own body that is being infringed upon or threatened by people such as yourself who spout such ridiculous and obscene arguments.

You honestly have no right to determine that a woman's rights to her body be forfeited if she chooses to have sex, just as you have no rights to a woman's body if she falls pregnant. What happens is entirely up to her.

Now that is sexist.

And deeply derogatory.
Then perhaps you should cease and desist in arguing that women forfeit or waive their rights to their own bodies if they choose to have sex, perhaps you should cease and desist in shaming women who have sex by declaring they are irresponsible and portraying this stereotype of women, as though abortion was something so flippant.

Men who argue what you have been arguing in this thread, write laws and policies who affect and restrict women's rights to their own bodies, Dave. Perhaps you should not mirror their arguments if you do not wish to be lumped into the same group who are and think that way.

Bells, there is no limit to which you won't go to reduce a thoughtful, if animated, discussion to a schoolyard poo-flinging round. It's your go-to tactic.
And there is no limit to how far you will go to argue for denying women's rights to their own bodies, not to mention avoiding multiple questions for various members in this thread about your issues surrounding the awful issue of abortion and women's rights.
Jeeves posited an argument of the form "perhaps they should have thought of this before doing..."
For the third and final time: I DID NOT say that!!!
You keep quoting James R - who said it in the context of a guy having to pay child support for a baby that was carried to term by a woman who was being properly responsible for her action, and so should her partner be. And then you keep attributing it to me - in the context of not taking the exact same responsibility.
Careful with that one. That argument applies as much to the goose as the gander.
Whereupon I asked how the goose and gander respectively fare in your scenario. Which you never answered, except to harp on the woman's forfeiting her rights, while the man walks away without a single stretch-mark.
You chose to ignore, time after time, both the father's and society's role in unintended pregnancy.

Don't need to apologize, but please stop doing it!
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For the third and final time: I DID NOT say that!!!
You keep quoting James R

Don't need to apologize, but please stop doing it!
OMG Hah!

All this time I thought your protestations were "That is not what I said; I said it differently."
It never even occurred to me you meant "The one who said that wasn't me; it was someone else."
Apologies anyway.
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That brings me back my primary point: whether or not a fetus has an inalienable human right to live.
I'm not asserting that it does, simply that I see some validity to it, and that - being a life or death issue - it shouldn't be dismissed.
Nobody is dismissing it - everybody here agrees that at some stage of development the fetus becomes a person with rights to life and so forth only negligibly different from a child's - whatever those are.

It's been a bootless point ever since you made it. Nothing follows from it.
OMG Hah!

All this time I thought your protestations were "That is not what I said; I said it differently."
It never even occurred to me you meant "The one who said that wasn't me; it was someone else."
Apologies anyway.
No problem.... as far as that goes.
But, it does underline another chronic problem: how carefully you read and which questions you ignore.
Once more, on behalf of both James R and myself:

Suppose for a minute that "rights" are not considered strictly in the sense of punishment after the right has been abrogated , but of long-term results.
Just what are / what should be the respective consequences of untintended pregnancy for
1. the male and 2. the female when the pregnancy is discovered
1a. and 2a if she aborts
or 1b and 2b if she decides to carry it to term and give birth
and 1c and 2c if she decides to keep and raise the child
No problem.... as far as that goes.
But, it does underline another chronic problem: how carefully you read and which questions you ignore.
It's not intended to be manipulative. I just can't keep up with the sheer volume of the thread. So I have to choose my battles.

Once more, on behalf of both James R and myself:

Suppose for a minute that "rights" are not considered strictly in the sense of punishment after the right has been abrogated , but of long-term results.
Just what are / what should be the respective consequences of untintended pregnancy for
1. the male and 2. the female when the pregnancy is discovered
1a. and 2a if she aborts
or 1b and 2b if she decides to carry it to term and give birth
and 1c and 2c if she decides to keep and raise the child
I'm not trying to solve all problems here right away.

I have stated more than once that I see a principle that need to be established upon which practical matters will hinge.

I alluded the status of slaves from days of yore.
If someone said "How can slaves be people? Who will tend our fields? We'd starve. It's just not practical." that would be an invalid rationale for deciding their personhood.

Likewise: "How can women be allowed vote? Who will keep the home fires burning? It's just not practical."
Can you imagine if women were continued to be denied their right to vote simply because it was highly impractical and highly problematic?

Practical issues don't inform principles; principles inform practical issues.
It's not intended to be manipulative. I just can't keep up with the sheer volume of the thread. So I have to choose my battles.
Just the one windmill? The sheer volume is mostly you, repeating this same "problem" and everyone else saying it's already been solved.

I'm not trying to solve all problems here right away.
Nor, evidently, answer the simple questions arising your from your own goose-gander comment on the single current issue of personal responsibility for conception.

I have stated more than once that I see a principle that need to be established upon which practical matters will hinge.
Done, done and done. All autonomous adults, including women, have the right to make decisions regarding their own bodies. At least in progressive nations as of late 20th century.
Entities without the capacity to make decisions or exercise rights aren't given any - though they may be offered protection. Each society establishes the rules and practices that work in its own mind-set and economic circumstances.

I alluded the status of slaves from days of yore.
And I refused to take that up, because the temptation was to great to compare taking away a pregnant woman's right of choice to slavery.

Practical issues don't inform principles; principles inform practical issues.
On which planet?
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And I refused to take that up, because the temptation was to great to compare pregnant women to slavery.
It's not just pregnant women. He went further than that.

He was comparing the human rights of slaves, who are actual people, to the rights of a foetus - a non-person. Comparing the fundamental human rights of actual people, to giving rights to non-persons (the foetus)..

(I am mindful of the treatment of slaves, centuries earlier. It did not occur to many to consider slaves as more than talking animals. Some would be shocked at the idea that you couldn't simply shoot one on-sight. We acknowledge today that this view was myopic than a humanity point of view. But it took centuries.)

So, if a fetus were to be considered to have such a right, then it means the issue of abortion does not involve only one life; it involves two.

I mean, frankly, it was one of those moments that the only I could do was facepalm. Because the shit-can that opens up, is just never ending.
It's not just pregnant women. He went further than that.

He was comparing the human rights of slaves, who are actual people, to the rights of a foetus - a non-person. Comparing the fundamental human rights of actual people, to giving rights to non-persons (the foetus)..
The current legal status of actual people has more ramifications than DaveC426913 was willing to consider when I and others have touched upon the value of human lives.
I would really prefer to stay clear the slavery angle altogether: the issues are too many and complex - and not really applicable.
I would prefer to keep abortion within the area of law pertaining to reproductive rights in 21st century North America.
It can be argued that a woman who engages in (consensual) sex wilfully waives sole rights to her body.

And it can be argued that anyone who would seek to waste anyone's time with that heap of steaming, misogynistic bullshit ought never be trusted with anything under the sun ever again.