Wombs for rent in India

Tiassa: I just don't see the point of all the money and toil involved in raising a kid who's eventually just going to run off and find their "real" parents anyway. The child isn't yours, so what's the huge investment for? You will eventually be forgotten or resented. It just seems pointless.
You're going to be one of those guys who does a DNA test to make sure the child is yours, aren't you?

Your own spawn could run off and leave you behind to live his or her own life or to simply just get the hell away. Said child could also end up resenting you for a plethora of reasons, and after reading your posts, I envision the probability of that happening to be quite high.

The same could be said for the unfortunate woman you happen to marry.
OK then sowhatifit'sdark, explain to me exactly why it's NOT a complete waste of time and resources to adopt? What you end up with is essentially a very expensive human pet. Yes, it serves a good purpose in that a disadvantaged child ends up in a home with a "mother" and a "father", but that is not the angle either of us is coming from.
Easy. Every parent I know who adopted that child loves that child dearly and is incredibly grateful they were able to adopt. They would not trade their experiences for 'resources'. They clearly did get something out of it that they found valuable and by definition were not suckers.

But let me put it in terms you might understand since the above involves having social emotions etc.
Here the situation: a guy buys a motorcycle in addition to the car he goes to work in.

Outraged friend: Oh, my god, you idiot. You bought something you will have to maintain, put gas in, clean. And unlike an adopted child you had to pay a shitload of money for it.

But I love riding on the weekends. The feel of freedom. The speed.

Outraged friend:
But you are basically taking care of someone else's machinery and supporting it. You'll be paying bills on that thing and they will only go up as time goes on.

I think you are fundamentally confused about why we are alive. Vroom, vroom. Later.

This is a crass example. The pleasure, joy and importance the adopting parent feels are of a completely different order. But since you seemed to not be able to consider that they might not be suckers, I felt I had to shift to another realm.

And before you go off on motorcycles - given the liklihood you will not get the general principle - take a moment to see if you, in your own life, invest time and money in something because it brings you meaning or joy and yet does not in purely economic terms give you a direct 'return on resources' like cash or stocks or crude oil or whatever it is you otherwise value.

If you have nothing like that, I feel sorry for you.
You have failed to make me "see the light" although I can see why people do it.

I never intended to make you see the light, especially if this means make you want to adopt. You, clearly, would not get anything from it. If you can see why other people do it, I consider that a success. Mine, yours? Who cares.
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John99 said:

They really sell humans? Little people?

Not exactly. They're renting out the space to grow little people. You know, like an urban pea patch.
surrogacy India

A growing number of infertile couples from the U.S., Britain, and other Western counties are finding that the path to parenthood leads them to Asia. These couples are not seeking to adopt, however.

India is emerging as a leader in international surrogacy. Indian surrogates have been increasingly popular with fertile couples in industrialized nations because of the relatively low cost. Indian clinics are at the same time becoming more competitive, not just in the pricing, but in the hiring and retention of Indian females as surrogates.