Wombs for rent in India



EVERY night in this quiet western Indian city, 15 pregnant women prepare for sleep in the spacious house they share, ascending the stairs in a procession of ballooned bellies, to bedrooms that become a landscape of soft hills.

A team of maids, cooks and doctors looks after the women, whose pregnancies would be unusual anywhere else but are common here. The young mothers of Anand, a place famous for its milk, are pregnant with the children of infertile couples from around the world.

The small clinic at Kaival Hospital matches infertile couples with local women, cares for the women during pregnancy and delivery, and counsels them afterward. Anand's surrogate mothers, pioneers in the growing field of outsourced pregnancies, have given birth to roughly 40 babies.

More than 50 women in this city are now pregnant with the children of couples from the United States, Taiwan, Britain and beyond. The women earn more than many would make in 15 years. But the program raises a host of uncomfortable questions that touch on morals and modern science, exploitation and globalisation, and that most natural of desires: to have a family.

what do you make of this?
Whatever feeds them or their families. Better than prostitution, child labor and abuse.
what's with creating more babies because someone wants one? Why can't they just go adopt one, there's plenty of kids in the world in need of a good home.
Better than prostitution, child labor and abuse.
How is it not prostitution?
When you think about it they kind of get reverse-penetrated by a strange babies entire body for money, that's pretty messed up really, it could be argued that a career in butt fisting porn would be more dignified.

If you decide to think about it like that, which I wouldn't, that would be crazy.
I don't see anything wrong with it, just people making money through making use of their bodies.
more from the article

Commercial surrogacy has been legal in India since 2002, as it is in many other countries, including the United States. But India is the leader in making it a viable industry rather than a rare fertility treatment. Experts say it could take off for the same reasons outsourcing in other industries has been successful: a wide labour pool working for relatively low rates.

Critics say the couples are exploiting poor women in India - a country with an alarmingly high maternal death rate - by hiring them at a cut-rate cost to undergo the hardship, pain and risks of labour.


But if commercial surrogacy keeps growing, some fear it could change from a medical necessity for infertile women to a convenience for the rich.

"You can picture the wealthy couples of the West deciding that pregnancy is just not worth the trouble anymore and the whole industry will be farmed out," said Dr Lantos.

Or, he said, competition among clinics could lead to compromised safety measures and "the clinic across the street offers it for 20 per cent less and one in Bangladesh undercuts that and pretty soon conditions get bad."

The industry is not regulated by the government. Health officials have issued nonbinding ethical guidelines and called for legislation to protect the surrogates and the children.

any looming issues at hand here?
Well what i see here in america is that the family has been destroyed, and is governed by goverment. this aspect in india seems to be the other exstent of of the complete industrization of the family. surrocay had problems in america and so it seems that other countries have provided the out let for surrocay, regaless of the surrocagy difficulty in america domestic problems that make suuogacy non viable in america, the govemnet has pushed soicety in to postion where children and family are simular to cattle. they would never admit this in america because of pride and the belife and dream that america is upright. But it has come to that, large scams existed in america regarding paternity. but the goverments mainly state goverments still pushed the scams of paternity placing millions of children with fathers that where not theirs, this lead to a increased in child death and abuse, including neglect of mothers of their children. over the last 20 years the domestic family has been litered with problems and relationsships are pretty much hard case and disassocitaed, several anthropological studies exsplained the growing disassociation occuring in the amercian family little was done, and the goverments(state) continuted with there scams in paternitly. And so there exist this condtion where the goverment comes in and takes ove the family in america, really the whole family is treated like cattle.
so its not surprieing to see surrogancy being sought in other countryies, in america the goverment would come in and start deciding things reagless if thats what the parties wanted and things might not be so desireable once the govement gets invovled. a place out side america would seem more attractive as the goverment would have a more distant hand in appearance and no natural mother to consider.

personally if i had a women and she could not give birth and i wanted a family i would have to leave her, simulary a women of india should not be so poor that they give there children away for money.


EVERY night in this quiet western Indian city, 15 pregnant women prepare for sleep in the spacious house they share, ascending the stairs in a procession of ballooned bellies, to bedrooms that become a landscape of soft hills.

A team of maids, cooks and doctors looks after the women, whose pregnancies would be unusual anywhere else but are common here. The young mothers of Anand, a place famous for its milk, are pregnant with the children of infertile couples from around the world.

The small clinic at Kaival Hospital matches infertile couples with local women, cares for the women during pregnancy and delivery, and counsels them afterward. Anand's surrogate mothers, pioneers in the growing field of outsourced pregnancies, have given birth to roughly 40 babies.

More than 50 women in this city are now pregnant with the children of couples from the United States, Taiwan, Britain and beyond. The women earn more than many would make in 15 years. But the program raises a host of uncomfortable questions that touch on morals and modern science, exploitation and globalisation, and that most natural of desires: to have a family.

what do you make of this?

I think it's completely fucking stupid. In the western world it costs £100,000 (10 kabillion trillion zillion infinity yankmerican dollars) to raise a child to the age of 18. Why pay that to raise someone who, for the poor barren mother, at least, is from your point of view a big fat baby cuckoo in your home?

Makes sense for the father, though. I wonder if they get to see first what their baby is coming out of though, who the fuck wants all that hassle for an ugly kid who's going to pass his or her ugly inferior genes thousands of years down your line? These women better be beautiful.
Why should the strongest and most beautiful women sell their children. you would think that only the runts and unwanted rejects would sell their children.
If strong and beautiful women have to sell the children, then the whole thing should be Illeagl.

The law should state that healthy,strong beautiful women of stature is forbibben form selling her children.

Not only that i don't like the sound of the overal operation even for runts and reject women, the goverment of india has a security interest in all of the inhabitants of the land of inda, really what is to stop some crazy genetic exspermint from happing, every and each single case will have to looked at and examined by a goverment agent interested in the security of human life. if even one genetic exspermint happens it will be to many.

Lastly I think it is man of low character, a misfit that does not have the balls to climb in between the legs of a women himselfand put his seed in place of womb, one that does not deserve a beatufiul attractive strong heatly women in the first place. actullay he does not desrve a women at all he should be forced to have sex with animals.
i doen't matter how much money he has, he should have dumped his wife and found a women that could give him a life.

Why should the strongest and most beautiful women sell their children. you would think that only the runts and unwanted rejects would sell their children....

??? I thought surrogates used the husband's sperm and the wife's eggs. The surrogate just carries it. :shrug:
Well, orelander

I am really not sure what is happening in this case, but usally there is something wrong when crops are made of poor women in despair.
So there is no telling what will happen,maybe therre are some limits as to what type of surrogacy can take place.:shrug:
I think it's completely fucking stupid. In the western world it costs £100,000 (10 kabillion trillion zillion infinity yankmerican dollars) to raise a child to the age of 18. Why pay that to raise someone who, for the poor barren mother, at least, is from your point of view a big fat baby cuckoo in your home?

Makes sense for the father, though. I wonder if they get to see first what their baby is coming out of though, who the fuck wants all that hassle for an ugly kid who's going to pass his or her ugly inferior genes thousands of years down your line? These women better be beautiful.

You do understand that if the child does end up to be "ugly", it is carrying the father's genes, as well as the mother's? Ergo, they are using their own eggs and sperm and implanting the fertilised egg in another's woman womb. That is the crux of surrogacy. You do get that, don't you?

DwayneD.L.Rabon said:
Why should the strongest and most beautiful women sell their children. you would think that only the runts and unwanted rejects would sell their children.
If strong and beautiful women have to sell the children, then the whole thing should be Illeagl.

The law should state that healthy,strong beautiful women of stature is forbibben form selling her children.
Do you think an ugly woman should be allowed to sell her children, but a beautiful woman should not? Anyway, that is beside the point and this is not what this discussion is about. It is illegal to sell one's children, whether the woman is "beautiful" or not.

These women are not selling their own children. Surrogacy is when a couple uses a third party (a woman) to carry and give birth to their child (after she has been implanted with the fertilised egg from the couple). This is usually the case where the woman (wife) is unable to carry a child through pregnancy. Therefore, they pay for the living and medical expenses for another woman to carry their child.

Lastly I think it is man of low character, a misfit that does not have the balls to climb in between the legs of a women himselfand put his seed in place of womb, one that does not deserve a beatufiul attractive strong heatly women in the first place. actullay he does not desrve a women at all he should be forced to have sex with animals.
i doen't matter how much money he has, he should have dumped his wife and found a women that could give him a life.
What throwback of the dark ages do you happen to come from? Do you ask a woman if she is fertile on the first date? Or do you save that little gem for the 3rd date?

Do you even understand what surrogacy actually is?
Well, orelander

I am really not sure what is happening in this case, but usally there is something wrong when crops are made of poor women in despair.

This from the man who states he would dump his wife if she could not have children? Kind of rich, don't you think?
Well since we are the subject, I'll probally lean over her back and put in place within the first five minutes of knowing her.

Yes I do understand what surrogacy is.

You do understand that if the child does end up to be "ugly", it is carrying the father's genes, as well as the mother's? Ergo, they are using their own eggs and sperm and implanting the fertilised egg in another's woman womb. That is the crux of surrogacy. You do get that, don't you?

What throwback of the dark ages do you happen to come from? Do you ask a woman if she is fertile on the first date? Or do you save that little gem for the 3rd date?

Do you even understand what surrogacy actually is?

Easy there, being healthy and virile I have never needed to understand the intricacies of spazzy genitals and the workarounds. I was under the impression these women were knocked up with the gent's sperm, didn't realise the lady's eggs were also involved.

Why the fuck shouldn't you ask if a woman is fertile? What if you marry and find out she's barren and already knew it? What sort of shitty fate would that be? Are you seriously implying that men and women get together for something other than proliferation?