Woman throws cat in bin!

people who hurt animals are the same as those who hurt children they are preying on those that cannot defend them selves. they are the lowest and vilest filth in the world and sadly they don't get the punishments they deserve.
True, but the cat was stuck for 15 hours and probably would have died a rather nasty death had the owner not heard it meowing for help.
Some people are beyond belief.
Poor moggie, glad it was okay.

That woman is a piece of crap. Someone should throw *her* in a rubbish dump to die.
True, but the cat was stuck for 15 hours and probably would have died a rather nasty death had the owner not heard it meowing for help.
Some people are beyond belief.
I dont know who to be more disgusted with (as I watch cars on the busy road infront of the flat). The owners or the woman on the street.

Mr Mann, 26, of Brays Lane, said he had not noticed that Lola had been missing.

"She is a night cat. We sometimes don't see her in the day unless she comes in for food."

He said he had been going out to his car on Sunday morning when he heard her meowing.

The owner wasnt even looking for the missing cat. If he would have gone out onto the front stoop and said "here kitty kitty", he probably would have heard her calls. But that isnt what happened. He was heading out without a concern in the world for his absent pet.

I thought she might have got in herself - she's not the brightest cat.
ah, she isnt the brightest cat so we will let her roam the streets.

Pet or lawn ornament?
She is getting police protection after receiving threats for putting the Cat in the green bin where it was been stuck for 15 hours. She has not committed any criminal offense.

source: Link
Breaking News:

About 5000 cats are put to sleep every day in the US....

Just so you know...

*(just pulled out of my ass, lazy to look it up)
I dont know who to be more disgusted with (as I watch cars on the busy road infront of the flat). The owners or the woman on the street.

The owner wasnt even looking for the missing cat. If he would have gone out onto the front stoop and said "here kitty kitty", he probably would have heard her calls. But that isnt what happened. He was heading out without a concern in the world for his absent pet.

ah, she isnt the brightest cat so we will let her roam the streets.

Pet or lawn ornament?
um if you have an out door cat it is not uncommon not to see them for a day or so. mine was recently gone for 2 weeks
um if you have an out door cat it is not uncommon not to see them for a day or so. mine was recently gone for 2 weeks
So you dont really have a pet, you have what would be known as a barn cat, or stray for city folk.

A cat that leaves for two weeks does not consider your home its home.
She is getting police protection after receiving threats for putting the Cat in the green bin where it was been stuck for 15 hours. She has not committed any criminal offense.

source: Link

animal abuse is not a criminal offense in the UK?

perhaps the outrage regarding, and media coverage of this incident will prompt new legislation.
animal abuse is not a criminal offense in the UK?

perhaps the outrage regarding, and media coverage of this incident will prompt new legislation.

How is this animal abuse? Have you seen the size of cat carriers? The abuse/neglect is the owners who couldnt bother looking for their cat, and had no idea it was missing until they found it in the wheelie bin. 10 feet from their front door.
How is this animal abuse? Have you seen the size of cat carriers? The abuse/neglect is the owners who couldnt bother looking for their cat, and had no idea it was missing until they found it in the wheelie bin. 10 feet from their front door.

are you serious?
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animal abuse is not a criminal offense in the UK?

perhaps the outrage regarding, and media coverage of this incident will prompt new legislation.

Well.. I'm not too sure about the UK and their laws, it is their duty to call out on outrageous acts. I cant find any available information.

We will wait and see what 'legislation' is created.
How is this animal abuse? Have you seen the size of cat carriers? The abuse/neglect is the owners who couldnt bother looking for their cat, and had no idea it was missing until they found it in the wheelie bin. 10 feet from their front door.

Yes, but you always find things in the very last place you look before you find it.
Every time. It's uncanny.

Now I'll tell you which sciforumer should be on Youtube for cat menacing.

It's Sam!
Yes, you Sam. You always chase your cat around the room.
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animal abuse is not a criminal offense in the UK?

perhaps the outrage regarding, and media coverage of this incident will prompt new legislation.

There are animal cruelty laws in the UK, some of the best in the world (but not good enough imo). However it is difficult to take this case to court since the cat wasn't hurt and you can't really prove the woman meant the cat any harm.

She's since told her story to the The Sun newspaper and if the quotes are to be believed she doesn't think she did anything wrong. :mad:
She sounds stupid. What did she expect the cat to do in a "green" (I'll assume that means recycling) bin?

"Oh, I thought it wanted to be recycled to end global warming!"
Maybe she read that ridiculous article about "How Green is Your Pet?" and thought she would take the initiative to do something for the planet. Maybe she had a green-greed streak and was hoping to get a few carbon offset shares out of it?

Honestly, what the hell was going through her head? If you leave a pet in a car, or even worse (according to the law) a human infant, and the temperature is in the 80+ fahrenheit and the sun is beating down, that is potentially grounds for some kind of legal action. If the temperature inside the car was 100+ degrees, that would probably be all Child Protective Services needs to whisk your child away.

She said: "I really don't see what everyone is getting so excited about - it's just a cat. I was walking home from work and saw this cat wander out in front of me.

"I was playing with it, stroking it and listening to it purr as it stood on a garden wall. It was very friendly.

"I don't know what came over me, but I suddenly thought it would be funny to put it in the wheelie bin, which was right beside me.

"I did it as a joke because I thought it would be funny. I never thought it would be trapped. I expected it to wriggle out of the bin."
Even more amazing than the stupidity here is how outraged people are over this when much more horrible things go on all the time.

A US air strike killed 47 civilians, including 39 women and children, as they were travelling to a wedding in Afghanistan, an official inquiry found today. The bride was among the dead.

Another nine people were wounded in Sunday's attack, the head of the Afghan government investigation, Burhanullah Shinwari, said.

Fighter aircraft attacked a group of militants near the village of Kacu in the eastern Nuristan province, but one missile went off course and hit the wedding party, said the provincial police chief spokesman, Ghafor Khan.

The US military initially denied any civilians had been killed.

Lieutenant Rumi Nielson-Green, a spokeswoman for the US-led coalition, told AFP today the military regretted the loss of any civilian life and was investigating the incident.

The US is facing similar charges over strikes two days earlier in another border area of Afghanistan.
This whole business is clearly mysogynistic. It's a witch-hunt.
It even has the traditional familiar. The Cat.

For f***s sake. The woman is clearly suffering from some compulsive disorder.
Women get a bit strange in their fifties.
(come to think of it, most humans are weird all their lives)

If this had been done by a male between the ages of 6 and 26, no-one would have batted an eyelid.

If you think this is animal abuse worthy of international condemnation, let me know. I can post a few pics of real animal abuse. If you want.
Then maybe you can direct your righteous anger at the right peoiple.
This whole business is clearly mysogynistic. It's a witch-hunt.
It even has the traditional familiar. The Cat.

I hate to admit how right you are. So I won't. You are totally wrong.

If this had been done by a male between the ages of 6 and 26, no-one would have batted an eyelid.
How so? He probably would have gotten counseling of some sort around here.

If you think this is animal abuse worthy of international condemnation, let me know. I can post a few pics of real animal abuse. If you want.
Then maybe you can direct your righteous anger at the right peoiple.

Oh! Does it involve Chinese animal snuff porn?
Please keep it to yourself. Even Mr. Farage would likely turn up his nose at that depraved smut.