Woman says 'Pool's closed' notice is racist

Then blame Mel Soderberg, who never should have shown her the flier. Or maybe the person who called Soderberg to ask him if the pool was really closed. After all, what the hell is so hard to understand about a sign that says, "Pool's closed"?

Exactly. What is so hard to understand about it?

Of course, when it's Don King, or whoever, telling you, "Pool's closed", it might occur to someone to wonder why. Why not Colson Whitehead, or Barack Obama?

A black man with a bad afro and a crappy suit, pushing a message that is far from professionally communicated, printed on three-punch paper has some pretty deliberate implications.

More conjecturing on your behalf. As Moo2400 points out, the black man has the all the appearances of a bouncer. The fact that it is implied in the article that a non-negro tenant contacted the board of directors suggests that it's not just me who can't see these supposed 'implications' that you keep bitching about.

And go ahead, if it makes you feel better, to wring your hands over how the flier so unfairly victimized men. I care. Really, I do.

Congratulations at missing the point, as usual. Looks like you need to be added to the list of moderators who can't spot a parody when it bites you in the ass. Perhaps you wouldn't find a parody so difficult to comprehend had you not flunked out of community college.

I snipped the rest of your garbage. Actually, allow me to correct that. As your entire post was garbage, it's more accurate to say I snipped the final bit where you were doing your routine posturing and sabre rattling. *yawn*
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So what, then, would you theorize is the point of such a sign?

Seems to me that it's a simple joke some idiots played to trick people into not swimming. I see no reason to believe there are any racist implications behind this, other than that the people who put the sign up thought that the black man with the afro would give the greatest "GTFO" effect. I see no reason to jump to racism given what the article says.

So what is the actual meaning?

You can certainly tell us all what you think the sign was not about. So what was it about?

Oh, it could be up there for a number of reasons. I don't pretend to actually know, unlike you. I see no reason to jump straight to racism against black people, and by doing so, it's rather telling of how you'd like to view all of this.
The people who put it up were most likely Nazis with Hitler posters all over their house and Swastikas in their front yard. The city that this took place in, which is just like 30miles directly north of San Antonio, is in the middle of the German Belt afterall...

That has to be the reason! I see no other alternatives, thus it must be correct. All other alternatives that everyone else suggests must be bullshit. There's just no other explanation.:shrug:
(Insert title here)

Moo2400 said:

Seems to me that it's a simple joke some idiots played to trick people into not swimming. I see no reason to believe there are any racist implications behind this, other than that the people who put the sign up thought that the black man with the afro would give the greatest "GTFO" effect. I could be wrong, but I see no reason to jump to racism.

I did, actually, cover that possibility:

Certainly, there are possible explanations, such as someone with absolutely no clue about civics and American history thinking he'd written a great joke and having no idea that he could possibly offend someone.

And, given the state of American education, it is certainly possible.​

Sorry you missed it.

Oh, it could be up there for a number of reasons. I don't pretend to actually know, unlike you. I see no reason to jump straight to racism against black people, and by doing so, it's rather telling of how you'd like to view all of this.

Yes, Dr. Holmes, we treat every incident as if it exists in a circumstantial vacuum.

• • •​

Lepustimidus said:

Exactly. What is so hard to understand about it?

Well, you could ask whoever called Soderberg. Of course—

More conjecturing on your behalf.

—since the obvious is mere conjecture to you, perhaps you wouldn't believe it if you actually found that person and he or she told you that it was, indeed, the curious presentation that begged the question.

As Moo2400 points out, the black man has the all the appearances of a bouncer.

Most bouncers I encounter are considerably bigger than that man. What makes him look so tough to you? The dark skin? The bad hair? The crappy suit? This dude looks like the love child of Sherman Helmsley and Don King.

The fact that it is implied in the article that a non-negro tenant contacted the board of directors suggests that it's not just me who can't see these supposed 'implications' that you keep bitching about.

We come back to the question of what's so hard to understand about a sign that says, "Pool's closed"?

Couldn't possibly be the curious nature of the sign that caused them to wonder, could it?

Congratulations at missing the point, as usual. Looks like you need to be added to the list of moderators who can't spot irony when it bites you in the ass. Perhaps you wouldn't find irony so difficult to comprehend had you not flunked out of community college.

I snipped the rest of your garbage. Actually, allow me to correct that. As your entire post was garbage, it's more accurate to say I snipped the final bit where you were doing your routine posturing and sabre rattling. *yawn*

Which explains a good deal about why you have no valid alternative to offer.
It's crystal clear to me, a gated community with a gazillion to one white:black ratio, most of whom I'm sure are retired with not much more to do than peer out of their frilly curtains and make judgements about...whatever is getting their paranoid goat this week.

Did any of the good folks have the decency to chat to the lovely black granny and her munchkins and say" Oh, you shouldn't swim today, there's been a chlorine overload"? ... Spud's subtext ' shit it's nearly enough to turn the little dudes white, chuckle,chuckle'

No. They went with a pathetic, anonymous, slight which, along with recent comments by 'Ahh Mccain you've done it again' sets America's cause back about fifty years.

Stick your heads in the sand..sure.
It was crass, crude and wrong.
That has to be the reason! I see no other alternatives, thus it must be correct. All other alternatives that everyone else suggests must be bullshit. There's just no other explanation.

I guess if you start from the axiom that everything white people do is influenced by racist ideology, then yeah, 'that' has to be the reason. And don't you dare deny that axiom, or Tiassa will label you an 'elitist' (as he has done in the past to count).
I did, actually, cover that

Certainly, there are possible explanations, such as someone with absolutely no clue about civics and American history thinking he'd written a great joke and having no idea that he could possibly offend someone.

And, given the state of American education, it is certainly possible.​

Sorry you missed it.

Are you going to stop your lying now and quit pretending that you haven't been trying to lead people to believe that the picture is implied racism? After all, you go:

Of course, when it's Don King, or whoever, telling you, "Pool's closed", it might occur to someone to wonder why. Why not Colson Whitehead, or Barack Obama? A black man with a bad afro and a crappy suit, pushing a message that is far from professionally communicated, printed on three-punch paper has some pretty deliberate implications.

Which suggests to me that you believe that this is an obvious example of racism. But wait, you offered another alternative? That they're just clueless? Sounds to me that you still believe that the sign implies racism and is thus racist, and since you can't think of any possible alternative that it's guilty of racism until proven innocent (despite the fact that this article is obviously lacking in every detail necessary to form a solid conclusion).

So are you going to stop with the dishonesty now?

Most bouncers I encounter are considerably bigger than that man. What makes him look so tough to you? The dark skin? The bad hair? The crappy suit? This dude looks like the love child of Sherman Helmsley and Don King.

Does it have to exactly be a bouncer? I merely said that it resembles a bouncer. Which means bouncer form, but not bouncer size. It's certainly a good GTFO face, in my opinion, and thus I'd say it serves its purpose for getting through the idea that the pool is closed. The racism is only there if you try to see it.

Which explains a good deal about why you have no valid alternative to offer.

Given the fact that all the article mentions is speculation, it's no surprise that Abs, MH, and I offer no alternatives. To even suggest an alternative at all giving these lack of details is rather presumptuous and again, fitting the story into your pre-conceived notion of what's going on.
It's crystal clear to me, a gated community with a gazillion to one white:black ratio, most of whom I'm sure are retired with not much more to do than peer out of their frilly curtains and make judgements about...whatever is getting their paranoid goat this week.

I'd also like to see some support that it is an entirely white housing area. Just because there was only one black family, and that mestizo woman's black grandchildren there, does not make the housing area white, especially since it was a mestizo lady who the story is about.

Maybe a racist such as yourself would like to explain this?
Do you have any proof that none of the other people in the housing area never speak to the mestizo lady or her black grandchildren?

Come on, you know exactly what I'm talking about.
Your schtick as the atagonist/devil's advocate is so fucking transparent and boring. I'm sure you think you're funny.
If it works for you, knock yourelf out but make it a solid uppercut!
Oi, Oi, Oi!
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Second-rate isn't good enough

Moo2400 said:

Are you going to stop your lying now and quit pretending that you haven't been trying to lead people to believe that the picture is implied racism?

I do think the sign was racist. To the other, immense, naîve stupidity is also a possibility.

Which suggests to me that you believe that this is an obvious example of racism. But wait, you offered another alternative? That they're just clueless? Sounds to me that you still believe that the sign implies racism and is thus racist, and since you can't think of any possible alternative that it's guilty of racism until proven innocent (despite the fact that this article is obviously lacking in every detail necessary to form a solid conclusion).

My general outlook on the human species typically precludes me from proposing such profound ignorance in a first-world society. Racism is stupid, indeed, but a racist must at least have some awareness of the issues he or she is attempting to manipulate.

The theory of an even bigger moron is, admittedly, tempting for the cynic, especially if we pretend the incident exists in a circumstantial vacuum.

So are you going to stop with the dishonesty now?

Are you going to actually pay attention any time soon?

Does it have to exactly resemble a bouncer? I merely said that it resembles a bouncer. Which means bouncer form, but not bouncer size.

Speaking of dishonesty, you might recall that what that quote responded to was Lepus' escalation from your "form" of a bouncer to having "all the appearances of a bouncer".

It's certainly a good GTFO face, in my opinion

And what makes it so? Compared, say, to Urkel?

Given the fact that all the article mentions is speculation, it's no surprise that Abs, MH, and I offer no alternatives. To even suggest an alternative at all giving these lack of details is rather presumptuous and again, fitting the story into your pre-conceived notion of what's going on.

Well, that's certainly fine company to find yourself in. You're so convinced it's not racism, but you can't offer anything but your say-so to back it up?
Angrybellsprout, No you wouldn't, that last bit was Aussie banter purely for 'fallin' danna mout'un's ' benefit.

but wait, what's that funny white robe with the pointy hat? the funny arse about swastika?
You guys...fucking hopeless!
Maybe it just isn't racism Tiassa, or can you just not imagine a world where every non-black person, see white in your bigoted view, isn't out to destory every black they come across?
We are not a court deciding the issue.

It certainly seems likely it was racist. It is certainly understandible that it would be taken this way, given what we know.

I find this thread very odd. ABS posts an article about an incident. I guess we were all supposed to either say

Oh, the bitch must be wrong.


Given the information we cannot decide if she was right or wrong.

The former would be assinine and the latter makes for a very strange thread.

I will post an article where we cannot be sure there was a racist situation. Then when people come and say it very likely was racist, I will nail them and demand evidence.

Like a sting operation.

Angrybellsprout said:

Maybe it just isn't racism Tiassa, or can you just not imagine a world where every non-black person, see white in your bigoted view, isn't out to destory every black they come across?

Is there ever a time when you think rational consideration has merit, or is it all hyperbole, all the time?