Woman rapes man !!

You can't rape the willing. Every man is willing to get a blow job. There must be a wife or girlfriend behind this. She sees lipstick on his johnson. He says, it must have happened while I was asleep. I was raped! She says, you were raped huh, then call the police. So he does.
I thought Norwegians were these burly Vikings who shoot acid from their cocks.

Anyhow, If I'd rape someone I'd most likely get paroled and fined, 6 months max. The verdict seems super duper harsh.
I once had a blowjob I didn't want. So I elaborated, and she said "Whats the matter, you don't like blowjobs?", and since I'm a man with alpha-male tendencies, anti-faggot agendas and all that, I was like fuck it, suck it then.

HAH.. No like blowjob?
My theory is that the guy was insecure and did not want to reveal his shriveled mushroom cloud dick. And as the brain was taking a time out sleeping and could not spout the usual "you are worthless, you disgust me, you smell like piss etc" soundtracks for eroticism, the penis (I call mine the hellhound, or the octagon) miraculously got erect and the situation escalated into this huuuuuge pile of perplexity.
This issue is really important. As an outsider observing the western society I can't help noticing that men have ceased to be men in the west, and they are being fucked by women all around.

I think it was a great precedent that this man in Norway has set by breaking the baseless male sexual roles and hitting out at the female race. But it happened because it was not Americal. Americal men are too much of wimps, they must suck up to women to prove they are men (they are a blot on the male race, if you ask me!).

Sexual exploitation of men by women is a serious issue and is common place in America. In most cases it is not so obvious as the present case. It is disguised and often facilitated by the state/ or heterosexual customs. And American straight men are disempowered and voiceless, they can't raise their voice against it, and it is not surprising why.......seeing the kind of post these wimps have made on this thread. Gender and sexual roles (heterosexual roles) of men in the west have crippled men and made them open to exploitation beyond belief. You can't think of a thing like that in a traditional, male dominated, macho society. Indeed heterosexuality does make you a faggot!

Really what a shame for being a man, if you can't protect your interests and must bow down unfairly before a woman's wishes because she is the one who grants you 'manhood'.

Please do a favour on the entire male race. Stop calling yourself 'men'!
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Fraggle Rocker said:
Hey, we're guys. We think about sex twelve times a minute. We can barely control ourselves. We'll use any excuse to have illicit sex. We'll do it with any woman who is not certifiably butt-ugly and even then it's ok if she turns the lights off and wears nice perfume. A lot of us are so horny that they don't even think about STDs. Throw us in prison and a good percentage will start screwing each other. Some of us are so depraved that they'll screw their own daughters.

So I ask you: What kind of a one-percenter idiot complains about a woman, any woman, doing it to him?

We've got a reputation to uphold, one that we've been cultivating for thousands of years. This guy could blow it for us
Roman said:
That said, I think this is a pretty bullshit case. Who doesn't like recieveing a blowjob? At the very least, this fag european could have sucked up his feeling and dealt with how he felt betrayed by her. Except he got a blowjob. Which doesn't make any sense that he's reacting like this.

I could understand a lawsuit if she was being a tease and didn't put out. But this makes NO sense.
Roman said:
Because we all know men like sex regardless of circumstances.
Madanthonywayne said:
You can't rape the willing. Every man is willing to get a blow job. There must be a wife or girlfriend behind this. She sees lipstick on his johnson. He says, it must have happened while I was asleep. I was raped! She says, you were raped huh, then call the police. So he does.
Perfect said:
I once had a blowjob I didn't want. So I elaborated, and she said "Whats the matter, you don't like blowjobs?", and since I'm a man with alpha-male tendencies, anti-faggot agendas and all that, I was like fuck it, suck it then.
HAH.. No like blowjob?
My theory is that the guy was insecure and did not want to reveal his shriveled mushroom cloud dick. And as the brain was taking a time out sleeping and could not spout the usual "you are worthless, you disgust me, you smell like piss etc" soundtracks for eroticism, the penis (I call mine the hellhound, or the octagon) miraculously got erect and the situation escalated into this huuuuuge pile of perplexity.

What a shame. You guys!

Discussing your disempowerment like it is real power. It is fake social power you fools!

If you had the real 'thing' (natural masculinity) you did not have to bow to unwanted sex to prove you are a man. And throwing those unmanly pressures on other men……..marginalising someone who did stand up for himself? What a big SHAME? Can't believe you're proud of it? You're so blind! You've held the entire male race to ransom --- thanks to you the women rule us.

I bet if the society removes the artificial social masculinity criteria of 'sex with a woman' you guys would have nothing to hide your pathetic negative femininity. You're queer!
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