Woman rapes man !!

So the next time a guy eats a woman out without her consent, we should smile and say 'Ahh, but it was just a blowjob!

You missed what I was saying. Completely. When one says rape, we usually think some sort of penetration. So when I read the hread title I figured there were 3 possibilities of rape, and I believe most people woul dhave similar responses.
1. She was big and strong and put something in his pooper
2. He was drunk and had sex when he didn't want to have sex
3. Some sort of weird thing where she jumped him and... I dunno call it the crazy wild card guess that I was hoping for. maybe they were both hermaphrodites but one considered itself male and the other female. I dunno, this is Norway we're talking about.

When I read that it was a blowjob, I was like "Oh, ok, that makes sense." Cause regardless of whether the guy's erect, she can still 'rape' him.

That said, I think this is a pretty bullshit case. Who doesn't like recieveing a blowjob? At the very least, this fag european could have sucked up his feeling and dealt with how he felt betrayed by her. Except he got a blowjob. Which doesn't make any sense that he's reacting like this.

I could understand a lawsuit if she was being a tease and didn't put out. But this makes NO sense.
devils_reject said:
...how did he get it up? if he did then it should not be rape
Your body can very well react to physical stimulation even though you do not want what is happening.

Mystech said:
I don’t know, I've gotta' side with the male stereotypes on this one - they're just right! I mean I'm gay, but if I was drunk and I woke up to learn some chick had given me a blowjob. . . I really wouldn't care so much, really quite considerate of her - head is head after all.
But the difference is he DID care, and if he did not WANT it, it is rape.
Sex is enjoyable to women, so why shouldn't I be able to have sex with a passed-out drunk woman without her consent and get away with it?
Sex is enjoyable to women, so why shouldn't I be able to have sex with a passed-out drunk woman without her consent and get away with it?

Because we all know men like sex regardless of circumstances.
i dont agree roman, i do not like sex under any circumstance, if another woman tried to rape me i would kick her ass, i wouldent want sex with anyone but my partner, if this shit happend to a woman thenthe guy would be in jail for over 10 years, this is pure sexist im becomming a manimest, and im gonna be int he back of all the springer shows chanting, BOOOOO when ever i hear the term women.

And the fact that you, personally wouldn't mind menas that it is OK to do to anyone else?
I see.
So if someone thinks it is OK to anally rape a man while he is sleeping because he loves anal sex, then it shouldn't be a crime to do that to you, then. Right?
So what YOU want should be law for everyone, but not the other way around.
I see.

*kneels at Roman's feet and praises*
hey roman whats your actual serious opinion on this besides the joking about?,

i really think its sexist and all of you fellow men i should spit in your faces, you should all be backing me because we are men and we should stick together liek those femanists are doing, there smart little harpies.

my wife calls me sexist all the time, but im really not, i just dont like most women that much.

hey roman whats your actual serious opinion on this besides the joking about?

I really don't know what this guy's problem is, unless he's a) trying to make a point b) score some dough c) a huge pussy d) has a wife.

But if women can sue a guy for rape, then it only makes sense we can do likewise.

But how far does this go? What if I'm drunk and have sex? Can I sue for that? I sure hope so, cause next time I hook up with an ugly chick that I really regret hooking up with and hate myself (and her), I want to score a couple grand.

Ok, so the guy has the right to be a huge emotional douche and sue the chick, and maybe lock her up, but I don't really believe him.
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personally i wouldent let no women do that (no woman could overpower me not even those steroid taking ones that look kinda big for girls) but he might be a complete pussy and she might have been a big girl, anyways i just think this case should be handled in the same manner as it would if the women was the victim and male was the perp. its unfair to deal with it differently just because its a women not a man,

I linked the story on the first page. He was sleeping. Unless you can do kung fu in your sleep, you would have been raped.
i do actually hit my wife sometimes in my sleep, due to my realistic dreams, my dreams are always of me fighting, and winning in hand to hand combat, i can actually control my dreams sometimes aswell, the last time i had this type of dream is when i realised i was dreaming but didnt wake up, and i was aware of my conciousness but i split that into a background subconcious, and let my subconcious stay in main focus, (this can be achieved by many many years of meditation i personally found out not meaning to one day) and i was a samurai warrior in a great battle, and men were charging me from all directions so i drew my katana, and slayed most of the enemy forces single handed, then i realised i can do more than this, then i flew around and shot fire at everyone and then somebody was trying to wake me up and a woman in my dream who was dressed in japanese garms was speaking the words of the person waking me in real life, and i was about to strike them to maybe block out the interuption but thought i might injure them in the real world if i did that, so i regained full conciousness, i dont try to slip into these type of dreams, it just happens sometimes, i am halfway through a dream and then i suddenly become aware that im dreaming, but actually can be concious and subconcious simaltaniously,

dunno if you wanna believe me because i have no idea of this type of thing bieng documented, so maybe theres no cases of this exact type thing before and im just looking crackpot, i will google this now to see if im looking insane but yeah anyways its true i swear,
