Woman rapes man !!

Just saw in the telly , that a 24 year old woman was sentenced in Norway to
9 months jail , and to pay 40000 norwegian crowns - 6054 $ - to the victim
- a 31 year old man , that she had raped , while he was drunk ...
First she denied to have had sex with him at all - but the DNA findings showed her crime - and then she admitted the sex , but claimed that it had been a volontary act from both parties ...............

Do you have any comments on this ?
Would the courts have given the same sentence to a man for the same/similar offense against a woman? That's the issue, or so it seems to me. And the article didn't say.

Baron Max
A woman raping a man? Yeah, right. What next, gonna say a teacher raped her young student? ;)

- N
I agree with Max.
A woman convicted of raping a man should recieve the same sentance as a man convicted for raping a woman.
It is the same crime.
Hey, we're guys. We think about sex twelve times a minute. We can barely control ourselves. We'll use any excuse to have illicit sex. We'll do it with any woman who is not certifiably butt-ugly and even then it's ok if she turns the lights off and wears nice perfume. A lot of us are so horny that they don't even think about STDs. Throw us in prison and a good percentage will start screwing each other. Some of us are so depraved that they'll screw their own daughters.

So I ask you: What kind of a one-percenter idiot complains about a woman, any woman, doing it to him?

We've got a reputation to uphold, one that we've been cultivating for thousands of years. This guy could blow it for us.
Fraggle Rocker said:
So I ask you: What kind of a one-percenter idiot complains about a woman, any woman, doing it to him?

The kind that comes out of the ordeal with insomnia, no interest in sex, and a loss of faith in people.
Having your body exploited against your wishes is generally not a joyful experience. She’s completely fucked up his life, why shouldn’t he complain?
He got several grand out of it. Hell, I'd complain about an unwanted bj just to say I that I did.

"So Roman, I heard you got raped by a woman. How's that work?"
"Well, she gave me head and I didn't want it. I was asleep at the time."
"You didn't want head? What kind of man are you?"
"Well, there were a lot of teeth. And she was ugly."
Actually she was pretty good looking - very attractive - she had a boyfriend allready
and she had just been watching a porn film together with her boyfriend , before she jumped the other guy .....
Horny bitch !!!!
Nysse said:
She’s completely fucked up his life, why shouldn’t he complain?

That must have been one nasty blowjob, then!

I don’t know, I've gotta' side with the male stereotypes on this one - they're just right! I mean I'm gay, but if I was drunk and I woke up to learn some chick had given me a blowjob. . . I really wouldn't care so much, really quite considerate of her - head is head after all.
9 months in jail!! thats all? thats ridiculous i served that lenth of time for minor crimes, shit if that was a guy raping a woman he would have got years and years to serve, sexist just plain sexist,
