Woman Kills Husband Over Porn Video

here's justice...

after we split up, he started banging some "ex-stripper" who took him for all he was worth (which wasn't much), while cheating on him.

people will dig their own graves. no need to try to dig one for them. you just end up down in the hole with them.
Even taking into account the fact that there may have been other factors at play not mentioned in the article; does this make sense on any level except insanity?

Well, it seems that there is probably a lot more to this story, as covered in the rest of this thread. But even taking the OP story at face value, it's not necessarily "insanity." I.e., there exist significant numbers of people who classify a spouse viewing pornography as infidelity. There are also a considerable number of people who consider murder (or, at least, manslaughter) to be an acceptable response to infidelity. Neither of those groups are generally considered "insane" as such, and a person that fell into both categories would presumably consider this a sane response (if not necessarily an ethical one).

But, again, that probably isn't really what happened here.
But even taking the OP story at face value, it's not necessarily "insanity." I.e., there exist significant numbers of people who classify a spouse viewing pornography as infidelity. There are also a considerable number of people who consider murder (or, at least, manslaughter) to be an acceptable response to infidelity. Neither of those groups are generally considered "insane" as such, and a person that fell into both categories would presumably consider this a sane response (if not necessarily an ethical one).
I don't know. Even Jimmy Carter spoke of committing adultery "in his heart"; but I can't see any sane person seeing that as a capital offense or as really the same as actual adultery. Walking in on your spouse in flagrante delicto and flying into a rage is one thing, but to kill over porno is just beyond the pale and crossing into wacko territory.
I don't know. Even Jimmy Carter spoke of committing adultery "in his heart"; but I can't see any sane person seeing that as a capital offense or as really the same as actual adultery. Walking in on your spouse in flagrante delicto and flying into a rage is one thing, but to kill over porno is just beyond the pale and crossing into wacko territory.

both are concidered "wacko" under westen law mad. Honor killings are still murder and not being able to hold your temper is no excuse
both are concidered "wacko" under westen law mad. Honor killings are still murder and not being able to hold your temper is no excuse
I think someone who walked in on their spouse having sex with someone else and killed them would be more likely to be charged with manslaughter than murder. There's no premeditation, a necessary element for first degree murder.
I think someone who walked in on their spouse having sex with someone else and killed them would be more likely to be charged with manslaughter than murder. There's no premeditation, a necessary element for first degree murder.

actually they would more than likly be CHARGED with murder (no matter what its degree), wether thats what it should be under the definition of the law is a different matter. I agree with you it should probably be concidered manslaughter because its an unpremediated act but thats not how either of our countries work, there have been people charged with murder and even convicted of murder for throwing 1 punch which killed someone.
I don't know. Even Jimmy Carter spoke of committing adultery "in his heart"; but I can't see any sane person seeing that as a capital offense or as really the same as actual adultery. Walking in on your spouse in flagrante delicto and flying into a rage is one thing, but to kill over porno is just beyond the pale and crossing into wacko territory.

Well, depends on what one means by "sane," but suffice it to say that I do not think that an insanity defense for killing one's spouse for cheating-via-porno would fly in court.
Shellyann Henry, a 32 year old married mother of three, found a porn video in her house. She then grabbed a kitchen knife and stabbed her husband in the chest!

The father is dead and the mother is now in jail, leaving their children essentially orphans. Over a porn video?

Even taking into account the fact that there may have been other factors at play not mentioned in the article; does this make sense on any level except insanity?

She's probably just a typical psychopath or bipolar, or maybe a combination of both.
She's probably just a typical psychopath or bipolar, or maybe a combination of both.

As Bells had pointed out earlier, that many women have taken on abuse on different levels, severe or minor. In different forms, combinations at that. Many don't report the incidents because of fear. They just snap.

Basically, this was the straw that broke the camel's back. Should she of done it, no. There were other options. Just because someone was abused doesn't give them the right to murder. Especially after finding a porn video.

Bipolar or psychopath or a combo of both doesn't make it OK. Just excuses. There are plenty of people with bipolar that don't murder. I also noticed the "rag" being mentioned. Doesn't OK murder either. Besides, there are plenty of bipolar women running around on their rags not killing everyday around the world. That's just a BS excuse for doing things they know better than to do.

Shoot. If I found a porn my man was watching, I'd be very disappointed. I won't say how the conversation would go, but I think he'd get my point. Death wouldn't even have crossed my mind though.

I wonder, if men and women put more effort to pleasing their mates in the bedroom, would there be less porn watching going on? Just saying........
...The argument grew violent, and the husband grabbed a kitchen knife while the wife wielded a pair of scissors, sources said....

Self defense?? And considering she had an infant, I can see post-partum depression playing a role in her defense.
