Woman Kills Husband Over Porn Video

Scissors vs knife doesn't sound THAT implausible.

She could have dodged around a slash or stab then stabbed him with the scissors. Or panicked when threatened with the knife, and stabbed him before he got there first.
So did the husband or wife star in the video?

Was it implied the 4 year old was observing the porn with the father, or was the 4 year old being subjected, by the father, to star in the porn (father was the director of child porn)?
Too many unanswered variables, and much to the advantage towards the woman's legal defense (the rationality of "temporary insanity" and/or a "justifiable provocation" plead).
The devil is in the details...
What truly startles me is that the police easily determined that this rated only a second-degree murder charge instead of first-degree. And are we really supposed to believe that a woman used a pair of scissors to fatally stabbed a man who had a knife in his hand?
They would never be able to prove premeditation based on the facts presented in the article.
Over 100 domestic violence studies have shown equal assault rates for both men and women. Men initiate about ¼ of domestic violence episodes, women initiate about ¼ of the episodes, and both parties mutually initiate about ½ of the episodes. And this is according to both men and women. Also, although men are physically stronger, women use weapons much more often as a force equalizer, with stabbing weapons as their weapon of choice.
True. But it's also worth mentioning that men are more likely to kill or seriously injure their spouse than women. While that statistics that you mention are accurate, those statistics lump together everything from a relatively harmless slap to beating someone to death as "domestic violence." It's true that women are about as likely to initiate domestic violence as men, but domestic violence committed by a man is significantly more likely to result in serious injury or death.

Scissors vs knife doesn't sound THAT implausible.

She could have dodged around a slash or stab then stabbed him with the scissors. Or panicked when threatened with the knife, and stabbed him before he got there first.
Or perhaps he pulled out the knife to threaten her but wasn't really planning to use it, and was surprised when it turned out she was actually committed to getting stabby.
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or maybe she pulled the sisors, threatened him and he grabed a knife to defend himself
Asguard, the witness stated they apparently saw him pull the knife on her first.

I understand there seems to be this inherent need to blame her and to not blame her. People are taking sides and arguing about what if's and making stuff up about what they think happened in their minds and arguing about that.

Seriously, get a grip on yourselves.

She may or may not be guilty. If you have a need to blame her (because she's a woman or because you have some hard on about your opinion that the legal system is biased towards women), then you have a problem. And if you have a problem with her being guilty because she is a woman, then you also have a problem.

Why don't you all wait and see instead of making stuff up and arguing about it? You know? Try to be sensible...?
if i have need to blame her?
how many people here have blamed him? including the one lawyer here, ie YOU. You know dam well (or should) what bad witness people make because we dont "record" events, we change them in our own minds. So couple fight and who is it really who picks up the weapon first? I saw it in myself when i was involved in a siege situation, i cant even rember coherantly what happened.

Yet you seem willing to convict HIM of domestic violence and excuse her on the basis of what a few media reports have said that eye witnesses reported. How many times have you herd people say after the fact "oh they were always fighting...." when before hand they either didnt even notice them or would have said they were compleatly normal again to rationalise what happened. The ned kelly syndrome

Side note: for those who dont know around the time Ned kelly was executed there was a belife that the bumps in the skull could tell you about a persons psycie, one of these quacks examined ned kelly's death mask after his execution and stated that he was bound to lead a life of crime

So anyway before i blame him for this and let her off the hook i want more than what people are saying after the fact. Like did anyone call the police during these surposed violent rampages? You want to see domestic violence you should have been in my house when we first moved in, the night we moved in the guy across the street chaced his wife with a hammer and then a few days latter stabbed her on OUR front porch and yes i called the cops every single time. THAT is a history of domestic violence, not some "oh he was violent" after the face from there naboures
Or perhaps he pulled out the knife to threaten her but wasn't really planning to use it, and was surprised when it turned out she was actually committed to getting stabby.

That's possible too.

Pulling a weapon you don't intend to use is moronic, though. The other person has no guarantee you are just threatening and don't have the guts to stick it in their heart or lungs.

Yes, before you lynch me for being a 'feminazi'...That goes for both men and women. You are threatening me with knife, I disable you, male or female.
Originally Posted by Cifo
What truly startles me is that the police easily determined that this rated only a second-degree murder charge instead of first-degree. And are we really supposed to believe that a woman used a pair of scissors to fatally stabbed a man who had a knife in his hand?
They would never be able to prove premeditation based on the facts presented in the article.

Prosecutors indict for the highest plausible crime, and then let the jury decide if it's true. Basically, a kill-them-all-and-let-God-sort-them-out kind of rationale. Because the prosecutor can't be in the middle of a trial, and turn to the judge and say that evidence and testimony is starting to look like first-degree murder, can we increase the charge, your honor? It doesn't work that way. It's a throw-the-book-at-them-and-let-the-judge-and-jury-decide rationale.

In this case, as I said, the police seem to have clearly decided that the facts presented in the article are true. They aren't really capable of determining to charge only second-degree murder. We do not know the timeline involved with the events. If the sudden provocation was sufficient to eclipse the mental faculties of a reason and prudent person, then it's voluntary manslaughter. If sudden provocation did exist, the courts consider a "cooling down period". If the court determines a sufficient cooling down period existed, then it's first-degree murder.
If there isn't anymore to the story then she is probably mentally unstable, but people rarely attack people for no reason at all.
Prosecutors indict for the highest plausible crime, and then let the jury decide if it's true. Basically, a kill-them-all-and-let-God-sort-them-out kind of rationale. Because the prosecutor can't be in the middle of a trial, and turn to the judge and say that evidence and testimony is starting to look like first-degree murder, can we increase the charge, your honor? It doesn't work that way. It's a throw-the-book-at-them-and-let-the-judge-and-jury-decide rationale.
I'm not sure you can necessarily include second degree murder as a lesser included offense when you charge someone with first degree murder. If the statutes explicitly state that 2nd degree murder must occur without premeditation and that 1st degree murder must occur with premeditation, then including 2nd degree murder as in included offense of 1st degree murder doesn't really make sense to me. You either committed first or second degree murder, but it's impossible to have committed both in the same act. As opposed to, say, murder and assault, where the assault is a necessary included offense in the murder.
Some jurisdictions include it. The highest plausible charge here is first-degree murder.
if i have need to blame her?
how many people here have blamed him? including the one lawyer here, ie YOU.

Where exactly have I blamed him specifically? I said she may or may not be guilty of murder. That it may or may not be self defense.

You know dam well (or should) what bad witness people make because we dont "record" events, we change them in our own minds. So couple fight and who is it really who picks up the weapon first? I saw it in myself when i was involved in a siege situation, i cant even rember coherantly what happened.
Are you suggesting that we ignore all witness testimony because it will be bad since people do not "record" events?

What I am saying is that no one, none of us know exactly what happened here. We have witnesses saying one thing and we have yet to wait for this to be investigated. But, everyone here is already taking sides based solely on "what if's".

And now we have you saying that witnesses make bad witnesses because they don't record events.

Yet you seem willing to convict HIM of domestic violence and excuse her on the basis of what a few media reports have said that eye witnesses reported. How many times have you herd people say after the fact "oh they were always fighting...." when before hand they either didnt even notice them or would have said they were compleatly normal again to rationalise what happened. The ned kelly syndrome
Show me where I have convicted him or her of anything. I have stated what the witnesses have stated to the police and what the police have divulged to the media. That is it. I have not condemned either of them because I have no idea what the hell went on in their home when the stabbing happened.

You and others, on the other hand, are taking sides as to who is guilty and who did what based solely on what you imagined may have happened. You seem hell bent to blame her because she is a woman and you feel that women get away with too much in the legal system and you have already discounted that she may (emphasis added) have been a victim of domestic abuse, regardless of what people have told the police. She may or may not. What I am trying to tell you, several times now, is that to convict her for the reasons you have is silly. You don't know what happened. Blaming her because other women have not been tried or found not guilty due to the severe domestic violence of their cases shows an extreme level of bias from you. Which could be why you would make a bad witness because you are unable to separate other cases or stories or TV shows from each individual case.

Strip away all that you and others have imagined about this particular case and look at the bare facts that you have available to you. Then you will see what I have been saying. That she may or may not be guilty.

So anyway before i blame him for this and let her off the hook i want more than what people are saying after the fact. Like did anyone call the police during these surposed violent rampages? You want to see domestic violence you should have been in my house when we first moved in, the night we moved in the guy across the street chaced his wife with a hammer and then a few days latter stabbed her on OUR front porch and yes i called the cops every single time. THAT is a history of domestic violence, not some "oh he was violent" after the face from there naboures
Asguard, as you should well know, domestic violence is not always someone stabbing their spouse on the neighbour's front porch or chasing them down the street with a hammer. As you should be well aware, domestic violence can involve a variety of things that can be done to another. It can and does involve psychological, sexual, verbal and/or physical violence.

What you have basically done here is set a standard as to what constitutes domestic violence as per your experience and that it should only be recognised as domestic violence if the neighbours or victim calls the police and you have also set in black and white what constitutes a history of domestic violence as a result. That is wrong. Just because the neighbours may not have called the police does not mean that domestic violence was not an issue in that household.

I'll put it for you this way. What we have as recorded history of domestic violence (those who have reported to the police) is but the tip of the iceberg. 3/4 of the time, people do not call the police because they do not want to get involved or because they think it is none of their business or worse, they think he/she deserves it. That is the reality of life and one that the police and courts recognise. That is why most cases of domestic abuse never gets reported. You may have called the police, but can you be sure that your other neighbours did? Can you be sure that other people would have called the police? No, you cannot. And I can assure you, in my experience, the majority actually do not call the police because they think it is none of their business and they don't want to get involved.

Discounting what the witnesses may have experienced is also wrong of you. In short, you are discounting everything because it does not fit into the little box you have in your head about what constitutes domestic abuse and what is a history of domestic abuse. There is also quite a bit of sexual discrimination in your argument. You are condemning her based on your imagination or what you imagined happened (discounting all witness testimony in the process) because you think men get a raw deal in the courts and because you have particular beliefs about domestic violence and seem to think it only exists if someone reports it to the police and because no one reported this particular case to the police in the past, then you seem to think that it does not amount to domestic violence. You are wrong. You also show extreme prejudice and bias, not to mention sexism, in how you are debating this. You have already accused me condemning him when I have done no such thing. I have said that she may or may not be guilty and that she may or may not have been a victim of domestic abuse.

My advice? Stop reading between the lines and stop imagining what you think I am saying and actually read what has been said and work with that only. Condemning anyone based solely on your imagination is ridiculous.
... I saw it in myself when i was involved in a siege situation, i cant even rember coherantly what happened....

:eek: What kind of siege?

....Side note: for those who dont know around the time Ned kelly was executed there was a belife that the bumps in the skull could tell you about a persons psycie, one of these quacks examined ned kelly's death mask after his execution and stated that he was bound to lead a life of crime...

as side notes go, that is a doozy :bravo:
This is sort of an irrelivance orleander but if your interested:

a guy was threatning, well a whole street with a knife and i happened to be on the ambulance that unwittingly (because the infomation which came from the police was incompleate) attended alot closer than is protocal for those sorts of situations. Infact when i opened the side door of the ambulance and got out to grab the gear ect i was less than 3m from the guy (yes there was a big burly cop between the ambulance and the guy but it wasnt the safest situation i have ever been in and quite an unnerving one as well. I ended up treating a women in a cop car across the street for a panic atack but when the guy charged and the call was made to run away i had no choice but to run directly towards the guy (had no idea where the hell he was at that point, just somewhere in the same direction i had to go) to get back in the ambulance so we could get out of there
This is sort of an irrelivance orleander but if your interested:

a guy was threatning, well a whole street with a knife and i happened to be on the ambulance that unwittingly (because the infomation which came from the police was incompleate) attended alot closer than is protocal for those sorts of situations. Infact when i opened the side door of the ambulance and got out to grab the gear ect i was less than 3m from the guy (yes there was a big burly cop between the ambulance and the guy but it wasnt the safest situation i have ever been in and quite an unnerving one as well. I ended up treating a women in a cop car across the street for a panic atack but when the guy charged and the call was made to run away i had no choice but to run directly towards the guy (had no idea where the hell he was at that point, just somewhere in the same direction i had to go) to get back in the ambulance so we could get out of there

but that is just one witness view of it. You saying the guy had a knife is no more valid than people saying the woman had a knife. Right?:shrug:
but that is just one witness view of it. You saying the guy had a knife is no more valid than people saying the woman had a knife. Right?:shrug:

actually the various cops saying he had a knife is probably valid. Otherwise they wouldnt have releaced the dog squad on him. But you want me to discribe the knife? i cant, have no idea if it was a kitchen knife or a hunting knife or a pocket knife. Couldnt even tell you (if i was alowed too) what the pt or the guy threatning us looked like. I am sure of her medical condition because its very hard to calm someone down when you have a guy with a knife screaming quite close by and medical conditions stick in my mind alot more than pts do but as for the rest i have no idea.

As for the validity of the whole thing well 90% of what we rember is made up, what parts of that memory are real and what are interpritations i have no idea (oviously). How close was he really when we bolted for the ambulance? To be honest i dont know and dont care because i was more worried at the time about the fact that i abandoned the pt i was with. Sure i was ordered to by the two ambos i was with and sure as soon as she was taken out of that situation she would probably be ok but that doesnt change how i feel about the whole thing. And thats my point here, how we feel about a situation colours how we rember it, were they arguing violently or just arguing like a normal couple and being loud about it? (or even were they just having sex and being loud about that :p ), if they were arguing was it him or her who was the agressive party? ect ect.
The problem with stabbing someone is you enter into a lottery.

You may hit an artery: Death in 3 minutes
You May hit a vital organ: Death very possible
You may hit nothing very problematic at all.

You have done exactly the same thing in all three cases, but the outcome and your sentence if any, may be very different.

I once was reading a map while driving my car, and was alerted to a danger by a car beeping its hooter.

I could have caused a serious accident, but nothing happened.
It learned me a lesson, but lessons are no use if the worst outcome happens first time.
this story reads like some OT style justice, but if that woman wasn't just as guilty as he was all along, she sure as hell is now.

people don't turn into scum-sucking scoundrels overnight, and i'm sure she had plenty of other options over the years to do the right thing, and she never did. she probably wasn't looking to.

finding out that my ex-husband was whacking off to porn while i was crying myself to sleep every night was the final straw for me in that relationship. i didn't feel compelled to stab him as angry as i was, but i did throw all his shit out onto the front lawn and told him to get the fuck out.

that was a good day. :)