Woman is the root cause of all of man’s and God’s woes.

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Greatest I am

Valued Senior Member
Woman is the root cause of all of man’s and God’s woes.

It is not woman’s fault. It is God’s for creating her as is.

Why are human women so devastating to God’s reproductive and sexual restraint?

God cannot reproduce pure yet seems to have all the equipment required to do so, --- with humans. Rather handy that. He also passes on those traits to his Sons of God and possibly to angels as Satan is depicted with obvious female sexual and reproductive equipment. These have used their equipment well and made God many Grandchildren. These, the happy Grandfather had to drown. For some reason, --- they all come out evil. It must be something in the blood. Evil just like their Grandfather, who had already reproduced with a human to make Jesus.

Those who believe in the Trinity gibberish must contend with knowing that God planned on extra species intercourse with humans before he even created us. Today we think that that bestiality is evil but I guess we are all wrong. God must be right and bestiality must be good. That is sick. But that aside.

I can understand my own, sometimes out of control passion for women. I am just a man who is good today but who has been less so. I have repented. What I cannot understand is why God would have built that, --- out of control desire, --- into his own nature and why he is passing it on to all of his God damned Sons of God. This then forces him to use genocide on us poor and pure humans, --- as a collateral damage as he eliminates his own hated progeny and Grandchildren.

Just a reminder for God.
Insanity: doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results. Albert Einstein

Revelation 4:11 (KJV)
Thou art worthy, O Lord, to receive glory and honour and power: for thou hast created all things, and for thy pleasure they are and were created.

If I could face our God, I would ask him one question about that creating for his pleasure clause. I would preface with; I know that human women are the best for sexual pleasures for you and your Sons of God, ---and then would ask, ---- but do you have to keep using genocide on your Grandchildren and human?

I cannot ask him why he is being so vile but can ask here to see if anyone knows why God made our human women the greatest sex toy in the universe for men as well as for his Sons of God, --- and why that desire that God himself has, --- causes him to kill humans and his Grandchildren?

God has a problem. Women are the root of that problem.

Woman is thus the root cause of all of man’s and God’s woes.

How can we help God get over his reproductive and sexual fixation on our women and ease his wrath against his own Grandchildren and stop him from his next genocide of mankind?

Woman is the root cause of all of man’s and God’s woes....
How can we help God get over his reproductive and sexual fixation on our women and ease his wrath against his own Grandchildren and stop him from his next genocide of mankind?

Easy! Abort all the female foetuses.

Other than that, the OP is largely incoherent.
Concerning the OP, I would suggest that we do the following. Send that god dude to a sensitivity retreat for a week. He will learn some nice breathing techniques to help calm him down.

Once he got that figured out we can address his anger issues. And given the textual evidence, the guy has serious anger problems, is a bit on the jealous side and is in major DENIAL as to his part in that mess he created. He claims he and all the other men are victims of women’s capricious behavior.

Really? Dude, if you claim to be the creator of everything then you surely can also take responsibility for what you created. And aren’t we all created in your image? Doesn’t that tell you you’re not exactly perfect either? Why blame the women for your problems when you treat them like dirt and then insist they are to serve men. If we have to serve those crazy, violent guys you create in your image, then create us as doormats—again in your image—don’t you have a major case of cognitive and emotional dissonance going?

Is that why you are so vengeful and brutal and smite all those who don’t want to play in your sandbox with you as undisputed ruler? So, why blame us? Man up and take the blame for your own stupidity. Acceptance is the first step to a more blissful life.

In short, we women are tired of being your punching bags, your scapegoats, and your sacrificial lambs. Be a man and deal with your own crap. Oh, don’t forget to take deep breaths…it will calm you down some and give us time to run for the hills.
or crows.

Sorry GIA.
Some of your posts are thought provoking.
This is one of the shit ones.
If you think in terms of sexuality, men would like to have sex all the time. It does not take a social fad to induce this within the males since this is natural. Females like sex, also, but not as much, and not as often as males, due to their own natural female cycles. If we add this up, these is excess male demand for sex and limited female supply for sex. This is why males tend to rape women more than women rape men; demand without enough supply. Men will have to pay for sex one way or another; rings, dinner, movies, flattery, lies, etc, to balance the equation.

Prostitution was invented to add to the supply, but most women keep this taboo, since the lack of supply gives them more leverage over their males. If supply was to equal demand women would lose leverage. In a male world,this is a woman's trump card.

This systematic leverage of the female, can be used for good or for bad. In modern culture, women dressing like ho's is connected to an attempt to induce more demand, thereby giving more leverage over the males. If guys are horny all the time and you limit supply, they are more compliant to even irrational demands. While abortion, divorce and birth control help raise the supply in the open market. The women get the profit.

The free market dynamics come down to female motivation, since the male is linear and instinctive. Marital rape lowers supply even in marriage for more leverage, which is why this scam came about in the first place. I would guess that gay is part of this dynamics and is a way to lower the net demand for women. This is offset by removing some of the supply via lesbians to keep the ratio up.

It does down to what do the women do with this leverage, and does it benefit culture or lead to costly problems? The bible says that women like laws of good and evil, and therefore will like to impose rules on the males; tries to change him using the sex leverage. The dual standard of women's liberation is allowed because it is an accommodation to help increase supply. This is why abortion became more needed; supply trade-off for the dual standard.

If we took sex out of the equation, so there is no female leverage, their influence would not be based on a dual standard; devil's forked tongue. Men would treat them like men and they would have to use the single logical standard. Do the math!

In Muslim countries the female is more covered from head to toe, thereby lower induced demand. Alcohol and drunks which increase supply an demand are taboo. The equation adds differently.
Concerning the OP, I would suggest that we do the following. Send that god dude to a sensitivity retreat for a week. He will learn some nice breathing techniques to help calm him down.

Once he got that figured out we can address his anger issues. And given the textual evidence, the guy has serious anger problems, is a bit on the jealous side and is in major DENIAL as to his part in that mess he created. He claims he and all the other men are victims of women’s capricious behavior.

Really? Dude, if you claim to be the creator of everything then you surely can also take responsibility for what you created. And aren’t we all created in your image? Doesn’t that tell you you’re not exactly perfect either? Why blame the women for your problems when you treat them like dirt and then insist they are to serve men. If we have to serve those crazy, violent guys you create in your image, then create us as doormats—again in your image—don’t you have a major case of cognitive and emotional dissonance going?

Is that why you are so vengeful and brutal and smite all those who don’t want to play in your sandbox with you as undisputed ruler? So, why blame us? Man up and take the blame for your own stupidity. Acceptance is the first step to a more blissful life.

In short, we women are tired of being your punching bags, your scapegoats, and your sacrificial lambs. Be a man and deal with your own crap. Oh, don’t forget to take deep breaths…it will calm you down some and give us time to run for the hills.

No argument.

Have you noted that the Vatican art depicts Satan as female.

Men have feared women forever. Jealousy that they have reversed to penis envy in women so that we do not notice.

Men have 0 pride when compared to women.

If you think in terms of sexuality, men would like to have sex all the time. It does not take a social fad to induce this within the males since this is natural. Females like sex, also, but not as much, and not as often as males, due to their own natural female cycles. If we add this up, these is excess male demand for sex and limited female supply for sex. This is why males tend to rape women more than women rape men; demand without enough supply. Men will have to pay for sex one way or another; rings, dinner, movies, flattery, lies, etc, to balance the equation.

Prostitution was invented to add to the supply, but most women keep this taboo, since the lack of supply gives them more leverage over their males. If supply was to equal demand women would lose leverage. In a male world,this is a woman's trump card.

This systematic leverage of the female, can be used for good or for bad. In modern culture, women dressing like ho's is connected to an attempt to induce more demand, thereby giving more leverage over the males. If guys are horny all the time and you limit supply, they are more compliant to even irrational demands. While abortion, divorce and birth control help raise the supply in the open market. The women get the profit.

The free market dynamics come down to female motivation, since the male is linear and instinctive. Marital rape lowers supply even in marriage for more leverage, which is why this scam came about in the first place. I would guess that gay is part of this dynamics and is a way to lower the net demand for women. This is offset by removing some of the supply via lesbians to keep the ratio up.

It does down to what do the women do with this leverage, and does it benefit culture or lead to costly problems? The bible says that women like laws of good and evil, and therefore will like to impose rules on the males; tries to change him using the sex leverage. The dual standard of women's liberation is allowed because it is an accommodation to help increase supply. This is why abortion became more needed; supply trade-off for the dual standard.

If we took sex out of the equation, so there is no female leverage, their influence would not be based on a dual standard; devil's forked tongue. Men would treat them like men and they would have to use the single logical standard. Do the math!

In Muslim countries the female is more covered from head to toe, thereby lower induced demand. Alcohol and drunks which increase supply an demand are taboo. The equation adds differently.

Are you suggesting a law for the West that looks like the Afghanistan rape law?

As difficult as it can be to live with women, as silly and difficult as they might sometimes be, life without women would be very sad indeed. They make us better and they make invaluable contributions to our lives and our society, not to mention they are pleasing to look at. All jokes aside, women are awesome. We cannot live without them. But don't let anyone know I wrote that.

Ode To Joy, Beethoven's 9th Symphony

"O friends, no more these sounds!
Let us sing more cheerful songs,
more full of joy!

Joy, bright spark of divinity,
Daughter of Elysium,
Fire-inspired we tread
Thy sanctuary.

Thy magic power re-unites
All that custom has divided,
All men become brothers
Under the sway of thy gentle wings.

Whoever has created
An abiding friendship,
Or has won
A true and loving wife,
All who can call at least one soul theirs,
Join in our song of praise;
But any who cannot must creep tearfully
Away from our circle."
No matter how rubbish or lonely being in this world can be, i am glad i never took one opportunity to see if females could change it.

Thats why i am glad for feminism, they should be able to live the life they want like males. I as a male do not want anything to do with them, and would rather have gone through my whole life never interacting with them. But i am sure plenty of you males like them, thats your problem.

But like i said females should be able to have there own life and choose to do what they want, as long as they leave my life alone i care not what they are doing or how evil they can be. I am sure plenty of males they meet are just as bad as many females are.

There is something rotten in most people and they love it. If you people want it and accept it, thats your bag, but i am glad i stayed well clear of it and did my best in my life to ignore all female contact.

I would think most people are horrible really, so both genders have there fair share. So to just say females are evil is not fair as most males can be very bad too. They are welcome to each other as far as i am concerned.

I am glad i wanted nout to do with females, you horrible people out there are welcome to each other.
As difficult as it can be to live with women, as silly and difficult as they might sometimes be, life without women would be very sad indeed. They make us better and they make invaluable contributions to our lives and our society, not to mention they are pleasing to look at. All jokes aside, women are awesome. We cannot live without them. But don't let anyone know I wrote that.

I agree that men and women complement each other and together we strive to improve all conditions.

Knowing this is why I do not understand why men have lowered woman, and themselves in the process, by denying women equality.

Men are shooting themselves in the foot and --- duh --- wonder why they walk crookedly.

How can we help God get over his reproductive and sexual fixation on our women and ease his wrath against his own Grandchildren and stop him from his next genocide of mankind?

I am not sure of this "we" you speak of/for - but real people rarely, if ever, spend much time at all trying to help fictional characters "get over" any "fixation" of any kind.

If the truth be told, as far as SciForums is witness, the only person/Poster concerned with "his reproductive and sexual fixation on our women", is the "self proclaimed Deity" that Posts using the name : Greatest I am!

Greatest I am, however, seems to believe, that by being a "self proclaimed Deity", his own "fixation(s)" are of paramount importance to all of Humankind.

Greatest I am, requires NO HELP and refuses ALL HELP with his own "fixation(s)" - so this whole Thread has NOTHING to do with HELPING anyone - fictional or real!

It is just Greatest I am, proselytizing - as always!

It is just Greatest I am, failing miserably at that same proselytizing - as always!
No matter how rubbish or lonely being in this world can be, i am glad i never took one opportunity to see if females could change it.

Thats why i am glad for feminism, they should be able to live the life they want like males. I as a male do not want anything to do with them, and would rather have gone through my whole life never interacting with them. But i am sure plenty of you males like them, thats your problem.

But like i said females should be able to have there own life and choose to do what they want, as long as they leave my life alone i care not what they are doing or how evil they can be. I am sure plenty of males they meet are just as bad as many females are.

There is something rotten in most people and they love it. If you people want it and accept it, thats your bag, but i am glad i stayed well clear of it and did my best in my life to ignore all female contact.

I would think most people are horrible really, so both genders have there fair share. So to just say females are evil is not fair as most males can be very bad too. They are welcome to each other as far as i am concerned.

I am glad i wanted nout to do with females, you horrible people out there are welcome to each other.

I have nothing against gays Andy but only wonder if you are gay?

That aside, just a yes or no will do, could you tell us why you think humans are so bad.

We, in the last 20 years have taken a full billion out of poverty and they forecast another billion in the next 20 years.

In moral terms, we have improved quite a bit.

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