Witnesses For UFO Congressional hearing

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Registered Senior Member
"Originally posted to World Events and Politics -- This post was moved to Pseudoscience by an uninformed moderator."

If only 1 statement made by these High Clearanced individuals holds to be true.

This could be the most important video you ever watched. I also
find it disturbing that this was released 2 years ago and yet being an avid reader and news watcher heard nothing of this and only found this video through my own Internet searching and diligence.


Anyone with common sense. And a little investigation could see that these are real events. But all I hear are arguments concerning speed of light travel Einsteins Theory etc.

It's nice to see scientific minds in action :bugeye:

But who cares whether or not Humans (earthlings) can comprehend faster than light travel. The issue here is that High ranking Individuals with their fingers on the button to nuclear warheads, beleive we are currently being visited and or disarmed by UFO's. I personally have researched the majority of witnesses described in


and found they are who they say they are. And were where they said they were. Which tells me this topic needs to be disclosed no matter what the outcome. There is nothing here to debunk. Only the very stupid could watch this video and come to the conclusion it needs no further examination. I have read that when originally broadcast the first hour was jammed or blacked out. If you have any Information relating to this. I would love to hear from you
Another related site created by Dr. Steven Greer in his effort to disclose UFO power sources can be found at http://www.seaspower.com

Warning not heeded so far !
President Eisenhower 1961
"In the councils of Government, we must guard against the acquisition of unwarranted influence, whether sought or unsought, by the Military Industrial Complex. The potential for the disastrous rise of misplaced power exists, and will persist. We must never let the weight of this combination endanger our liberties or democratic processes. We should take nothing for granted. Only an alert and knowledgeable citizenry can compel the proper meshing of the huge industrial and military machinery of defense with our peaceful methods and goals so that security and liberty may prosper together.”

Dr. Ted Loder Interviewed by EV World (www.EVworld.com)
the morning of August 14, 2003

[Alternative Real One Player can be d/l http://www.freecodecs.com download alternative real audio

Part 1 of EV World Interview http://www.seaspower.com/tloder1.ram
Part 2 of EV World Interview
Part 3 of EV World Interview
Part 4 of EV World Interview
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i was thinking.... doesBush know about all the secret shit in area 51?

he IS the president, no?
and after his term when he'll be a civilian, is there anything preventing him from "revealing" all the supposed alien findings?
Our "weapons" on these staggeringly remote shores are going to anger the ETs! The gods are getting very angry!

We must disclose the facts before our National Security is compromised!

Resident W and other shadowy and powerful people are on board with this!

Actually, this oogabooga is more plausible and palatable than the War on Terror on War on Terror on War... This should be a campaign issue.

Let's guard against the little green men instead of human "threats", and things are certain to improve for all of us.
Free anal-probes and brain-implants for all!!! Think we'll get Elvis back? (note sarcasm)
Fear is why this subject isnt acknowledged

There is some Phycological mass paranoia that allows this phenomenon to go unchecked. There is also a fear of the thousands of oil related jobs and economic changes that would occur if these Zero Point Energy devices became available. Imagine Free power for your home and car forever with no need to pay for them anymore. A device that is both portable and yet supplys enough power to feed a 10 story building. Imagine the freedom it would allow, to build a home in remote locations with out the the need for power lines. Cars that float why build roads - return the world to it's natural beauty. Think of all the jobs it would create, A whole new economy. Companys that cant afford to grow due to power and heating costs would benefit dramatically. Space travel in your lifetime to other planets. Starvation would be wiped out. The world would know a peace that never existed before. But thats the problem. Were not the people that we think we are, that startrek type vision is bullshit. Were all about who has the power. And right now it's Exxon Mobile Getty and the rest of the 45 trillion dollar a year power industry. And they are not going willingly give it up. But with this deep seeded fear its easy to hide something no one wants to see.
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Fluid, one problem is that I like chaos. I want everything imaginable, the whole spectrum from good to evil, to be happening somewhere. I fear little more than I fear a Utopia. It means the end of change and then makes us a prime target for extiction. All of mankind's glory is built of blood and bones.

Another problem is that the population will always grow exponentially until it is at the brink of starvation and is wriddled by plague. Increase the rescources and the population will grow to accomodate it and then some.

Finally, people just don't like each other. If history dosn't give you a reason to hate the guy next door then you make one up. People will kill each other over a sports team or being cut off in traffic. Once that stops I doubt we will still be human.

Not to mention that at least one species out there is an even faster reproduces and are bigger sons-of- than we are and is allready looking for prime oxygen-bearing realestate.
Have you seen the amount of americans who believe in UFO's, the percentage is shockingly high, america is a frightened country that needs to end all this.
Fear Utopia ?

Fortunately I disagree. Fear has allowed you to give up your rights to govern your own perceptions of reality. You therefore depend on your government to protect you from that 1939 war of the world hysteria that must certainly accompany any UFo event.
No one says that the majority of the american population as a whole should be considered as the brightest bulbs in the lamp.
Millions upon millions of americans have given their lives to fight for the freedoms we now enjoy. Yet due to the 2,972 people who died at the World Trade Centers. The Fear driven population is sheepishly allowing laws such as the patriot act to push us into some pseudo 1984 "government In your living room scenerio". Which will take years to reverse if even possible. We need to spend trillions on our space based weapons yet our homeless stay homeless. You deeply beleive you can sleep safe at night because your government is looking out for your best interest ?
Do you think your government / politicians are as concerned with what you think as they are with what Exxon ,Getty or Mobile think? Billions and Billions of dollars spent on this war in Iraq.
Where a small percentage of that would feed all our homeless
and fix our power infrastructure. But theres all those defence contractors we need to keep rich. And the 45 trillion dollar a year Power industry. Their opinions are so much more important.
Because without an oil Crisis or a War on terror or a War on drugs
or some other bullshit. They would have no control over the mass population of sheep. Can you day Baaaaaaaaah!
It's a Fear based society not an intellectual one.
Im not a sheep i have done my home work. Something most debunkers have not.
Change is coming and it's coming soon. Sooner ya get yer head out of the sand the better we all will be.
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I think a utopia (world encompassing county where there is no more violence, starvation, or fear of men) would only come about when one power has total media control, has eliminated all immediate enemies, and can just make trouble groups "dissapear" overnight. By definition the peasants would have to be sheep, doing whatever their government/god tells them for a Utopia to exist. Any speck of mindlessness you see in the west would streach to the horizon.

As long as I see change and dissent I see hope, even If I don't like the acts themselves. But there must ALLWAYS be change, for better or worse. If we ever hit utopia they change would never come.

You know if aliens do come what do you want to bet they are going to treat Earth the way some people accuse the West of treating the third world?
Thank you

Thank you very much for this information Fluid.
I am really at a loss of words on what to say exactly.
Even though I have seen these crafts with my own eyes,with a freind,up close,in broad daylight,I consistantly have a hard time accepting the full implications of what this will ultimately mean to us as a race.

Why has this video not received more attention?
It isn't right.
We are 2 steps away from entering the world of science fiction,without the fiction.

I can understand why most people would be skeptical of this reality.
It goes against evrything they have grown up to beleive and have grown comfortable with.

I admire every one of those people who stood up and testified.
I can't stand to be bothered refuting anybody on this forum,
let alone go out face to face publicly,into the media and all.

I feel more enriched that I was able to watch that presentation.
I honestly beleive that was/is going to be one of the most defining moments in our human history.

That was a huge step forward.

I am excited.
To all my freinds that beleive,......the time draws near.
Peace Out

Many thanks again for sharing your discoveries with us.
Originally posted by Clockwood
I think a utopia (world encompassing county where there is no more violence, starvation, or fear of men) would only come about when one power has total media control, has eliminated all immediate enemies, and can just make trouble groups "dissapear" overnight. By definition the peasants would have to be sheep, doing whatever their government/god tells them for a Utopia to exist. Any speck of mindlessness you see in the west would streach to the horizon.

As long as I see change and dissent I see hope, even If I don't like the acts themselves. But there must ALLWAYS be change, for better or worse. If we ever hit utopia they change would never come.

You know if aliens do come what do you want to bet they are going to treat Earth the way some people accuse the West of treating the third world?

That has got to be the strangest and least mainstream take on utopia I have ever seen. Do you truly believe this, or is it merely what you want to tell others?

I agree with your earlier sentiment that diversity, including suffering and sloth, is a good thing, for different reasons though. Everything that can possibly happen should happen, otherwise what is the purpose of existance? IMHO, god himself would probably end the universe if nothing new were to ever happen.
For crying out loud chaosin.
You obviously didn't watch the video in the first given site.
To come out at the end of this forum with nothing to say but spew on utopia,.......nevermind.

I am sorry, I have just realized this is your first post.
Peace Out
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Originally posted by moementum7
For crying out loud chaosin.
You obviously didn't watch the video in the first given site.
To come out at the end of this forum with nothing to say but spew on utopia,.......nevermind.

Well, you see, if I make any aknowlegments towards such a subject it will hurt my credibility. Sad I know, but this is the situation that has been created. A crude and effective tool really, a less deadly variety of the which hunt technique.

Also, I dislike that video format and refuse to help its propagation. Why can't people use something like Xvid?

Don't be afraid to "stop and smell the roses" mentally.
Weak in which way?
And for someone who gets so angry at me for making this thread slightly and temporarily deviate, you sure fucked it's course up yourself.

It seems to me that you are either bored and giving yourself some amusement, or are very serious about the subject and are deeply offended. I don't really care which is the case.

Now as to the whole alien subject, fine, I admit that I did once seem a UFO. It was during the daytime, and was clearly visible. Very shiny metal they use, and it appeared to either use some camouflaging technology to vanish, or it "flew" away at sufficient speed to make it seem instantanious. This did seriously effect me for a couple or hours, since I was a non-believer before the sighting, but the impact quickly faded as there was nothing to be done about it.

Feel free to bring things back on topic anytime now.
“Why has this video not received more attention?”
Might it damage the integrity of the upstanding United States government?
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