with religion we have infected our own evolutionary process

I observed that in some threads that are ongoing now are being touched problems described here
(basically - fear and beliefs and christianity).

I thought that it would hurt noone to bring this discussion back and not to start new threads about same problems, questions.


(oh and please- don't start a flame war- have smthig to say- discuss, need to flame- do that through pm)

do i really have to read the whole thread?
Well, Im not exactly an advocate of religion, but the only way to "destroy" religion is to educate people. It is kinda over the top to want to -destroy- the evil, eliminate the hericy (spelling, sorry). It seems that part of you is just as religious as ever.

But once again i agree with you post, blah blah blah.

One thing that caught my attention is that if we wait too long we will be overcrowded. It seems that people only look for one answer to a problem, then once they found it, they stop looking.

One simple answer to the overcrowding problem is:
Dont put anymore people here.

One way to accomplish that is to move people to other planets and such. Another way is to stop making so many frikkin people.

If we made laws discouraging having too many kids. Our pop. would be quite stable. Of course religious people would consider birth sacred.... well. My mom had 5 brothers and 1 sister, that is what makes the world overcrowded.

IF you lower taxes for people with 1 or 2 kids and neutralize taxes for people with 3 kids then make people pay more tax for more than 3 kids, we will have control of people by greed.

Sorry, sorry, I shouldn't have said greed, because now i have to define it. Dah, well all humans are selfish (this is my philosophy). People wont do something if it wont help them. what most people use for the word greed is getting something that doesn't benifit others.

We use greed for stealing, and non-greed as an example would be trading. But with trading the motive is still selfish.

Even in helping a friend the motive is selfish. You feel good when you help someone. That feeling is the comodity. You trade your help for feeling good, therefore you gained something.

SO where was i, oh yeah, you have to control people with their selfishness, which is mainly governed by their morals. When religion was used as a control mechanism, people wanted salvation and so followed the path to it.

Now we mostly use morality to control. People mostly know what they shouldn't do because it is in their morals. For people without those morals there are punishments.

Ive said too much already, this topic is clasified:rolleyes: yeaah. so dont tell anyone, this is between you and me.
Mis dos centavos!!.

My two cents:

Avatar, after demolishing the english language you still managed to come out a winner with this one!!.

You touched upon something that I also been studying, history and religion. You are correct in your assumption I believe, however it is not religion of which is evil. It's mysticism.

*Mysticism is the acceptance of allegations without evidence or proof, either apart from or against the evidence of one's senses and one's reason. Mysticism is the claim to something non-sensory, non-rational, non-definable, non-identifiable means of knowledge such as "instinct," "intuition," "revelation," or any form of "just knowing."
Reason is the perception of reality, and rests on a single axiom: the Law of Identity.
Mysticism is the claim to the perception of some other reality--other than the one in which we live--whose definition is only that it is not natural, it is "supernatural", and is to be perceived by some form of unnatural or supernatural means.* Ayn Rand
yes- you are right- mysticism

to all happy christians- religion is a part of mysticism

Avatar, after demolishing the english language you still managed to come out a winner with this one!!.
How did I demolish english language?:D (cool)
with my grammar or smth?

since there are many new people here....
I have thought about this one aspect before
Humans are addicted to fear and pain
I think the reason for this is obvious.
All animals live considerably painful and scary lives. Before the creature comforts and security that comes with civilisation, our ancestors would have lived painful and frightening lives also.
Today we don't, we are earth's pansies if you will, we have unrivalled safety and painless lives. We still experience pain and fear but no where near the amount animals do or our ancestors would have.
Its almost like we subconciously feel guilty or something, we put ourselves in dangers way on purpose, no other animals do that or if they do there is a driving force like food or something, not "fun". I doubt our ancestors would have either because they had more than enough "fun" to deal with in their day to day lives.

I agree with the title of this thread thats for sure. The reason there is civilisation is because of religion and civilisation goes against what evolution is about.
I've talked about this before, we don't live by survival of the fittest, our weak survive and breed, we keep everyone we can alive and do everything we can to stop ourselves from falling prey to predators. We do this because the bible(and religion in general) has deeply ingrained the message into our minds that "humans are devine higher beings", this makes us take care of people we don't even know, the idea of a human suffering is the most horrible thing society can think of.
Individual humans are decidedly more important than the future of the planet now. World peace is important, forget about overpopulation, whats overpopulation? I just don't want that guy to get hurt because it will make me sad and he is a HUMAN BEING! HUMAN BEING! OMG human beings can't die! They are human beings for gods sake!

Thats how society in general thinks and its all thanks to religion. Its made us live unnatural lives. Comfortable? Yes. Happy? Well yeah and fun. But its not "right". Right is a matter of opinion they say but I'm not so sure in this case. I tend to think lions and seals and fish and everything are doing whats right. They would know, they've been making the planet work for millions of years. We are inexperienced and it shows.
reasons for religion

was to explain the unknown in nature
thousands of years ago when primitive people didn't know what makes the world turn,etc,
now as we have more knowledge about everything there's really no need for it,IMO,
unfortunately God believers are very easily hypnotized/brainwashed or just plain unevolved to be able to think for themselves,
therefore easy to control/exploit financialy!
hard to give that up for those money grabing hustler televangelists,;);)
religion stops the thinking mind