with religion we have infected our own evolutionary process


First off, your sad treatise on the destruction of your country by evil Christians is very pointless. Evil done in Jesus' name does not make Jesus evil. Jesus taught the concept of love and meekness. This is a fact that a Biblical scholar such as yourself should know well.

Still, I enjoy the fact that you have left the silly inanities behind, and decided to make clearly stated mature posts. This is good.

However, you say you ARE NOT mistaking fear (as in reverence) with fear (as in being scared), and yet you persist in mischaracterizing Biblical fear.

It is not fear as in being terrified. It is fear as in honor respect, revere. Or most clearly "standing in awe". In the Hebrew it is "yare" meaning "to be afraid, stand in awe, fear". This word can connote "dread" but in this sense it is usually used with the word "not" as in "fear not", or "do not dread".

In the Greek the word "phobos" literally means "that which causes flight", and is often used to connote "reverential fear", or "respect" for God. There are many forms of the word "fear". Can you cite a verse in the Bible that best sums up your example of God attempting to scare the bigeezuz out of us, using the word "fear"?

His purpose is not to terrify us for his amusement. We should be scared of God in the sense of deep and abiding respect. He is Holy. We are not. When we come to a Holy God, unholy as we are, there had better be some grace involved.

For someone who claims to be an expert at Christianity and Theology, you betray precious little affinity with the scripture. Others may think your post was wonderful, but respectfully, I found it to be very misinformed and mostly laboring under a gross misunderstanding of the Biblical definition of "fear".

Before you make decisions that effect your eternal soul, why not go ahead and do a legitimate indepth word study? Aww, I know you won't so why do I bother? I guess because somewhere deep inside I care about you.


PS. Emily Litella was a character on the 70's American T.V. show Saturday Night Live. She would go on and on about things, only to be told she had misunderstood a word. Here is one such sketch:

Chevy Chase: Weekend Update recognizes its obligation to present responsible opposing viewpoints to our editorials. Here to reply to a recent editorial, is Emily Litella.

Emily Litella: I'm here tonight to speak out against busting schoolchildren. Busting schoolchildren is a terrible, terrible thing. I hear this is going on all over the country. Mean policemen arrest little children and put them in jail in the wrong neighborhood, so they can't even play with their little friends. Imagine, busting schoolchildren! The food in jail isn't good, and even though they get bread, I don't believe they can get toast. Or nice cake. Now, who will tuck them in? Where will they hang their leggings? Where will they set up their little lemonade stands? Well, they don't have toys in jail, except maybe..

Chevy Chase: [ interrupting ] Miss Litella?

Emily Litella: Yes?

Chevy Chase: I'm sorry. The editorial was on bussing schoolchildren. Bussing. Not busting.

Emily Litella: Oh. I'm sorry. Never mind.

Your post on fear reminds me of this. ;)


Firstoff, groovy posts. But I think you're wrong on a few things.

wrong...a God loving homosexual won't get into heaven....heard of Sodom and Ghomor? Homosexuality is a sin in the bible.

Sodom and Gommorah's sin was more likely that of inhospitability, not homosexuality. Justifying this interpretation would take an entire post, and it's relatively off topic.

So I just leave you with this (admittedly biased) link

First off, your sad treatise on the destruction of your country by evil Christians is very pointless. Evil done in Jesus' name does not make Jesus evil. Jesus taught the concept of love and meekness. This is a fact that a Biblical scholar such as yourself should know well.

Sorry Avatar, I must agree with Mike a bit here. Remember how the Nazis used our Freddy to justify the Final Solution?

It does not say anything bad about Nietzsche, because we know he would not have supported them. I don't think that Jesus would have supported the Christians.

"There has been one true Christian, and he died on the Cross"

It is not fear as in being terrified. It is fear as in honor respect, revere. Or most clearly "standing in awe". In the Hebrew it is "yare" meaning "to be afraid, stand in awe, fear". This word can connote "dread" but in this sense it is usually used with the word "not" as in "fear not", or "do not dread".

What about Jer 5:22:
Fear ye not me? saith the LORD: will ye not tremble at my presence, which have placed the sand for the bound of the sea by a perpetual decree, that it cannot pass it: and though the waves thereof toss themselves, yet can they not prevail; though they roar, yet can they not pass over it?

Does not "trembling" imply fear in our modern sense?

His purpose is not to terrify us for his amusement. We should be scared of God in the sense of deep and abiding respect. He is Holy. We are not. When we come to a Holy God, unholy as we are, there had better be some grace involved.

Yeah yeah yeah, how's about you show some evidence backing your contention that "yare" is meant in the sense of reverence, when there are other perfectly good Hebrew words (kabad, for one) to convey reverence/honour/glory?
Last edited:
First off, your sad treatise on the destruction of your country by evil Christians is very pointless. Evil done in Jesus' name does not make Jesus evil.
Oh, man. Show me atleast one place where I said that Yeshua was evil. I've never said that. I've always said that Yeshua was a phylosopher misunderstood. I am against organised religion and church that uses Yeshua for its cover. (Mind that Yeshua himself demolated that temple, look at nowaday churches- see resemblance....Christians have built a religion that is equal to that what Yeshua tried to destroy/was against)
However, you say you ARE NOT mistaking fear (as in reverence) with fear (as in being scared), and yet you persist in mischaracterizing Biblical fear.
You see, there are some problems in this. Fear- nomatter what- is fear. There is not such a big difference...And how do you think from where comes that reverence? From a loving god that organises mass genocides? Here is how one ancient person can think->
God is allpowerful->he can do good and bad things-> last I heard he nuked two cities-> what if he does that to me?-> PRAISE THE ALLMIGHTY LORD!
His purpose is not to terrify us for his amusement.
Don't you think we were created exactly for god's amusement (if you believe in god).
should be scared of God in the sense of deep and abiding respect.
For what??? I have more respect to my local gods. Because of them , no mass killings or smth like that was organised. (OOOO, varenais Perkon, satriec drumslas iekarotaju dievnamus!)
He is Holy. We are not.
What bullshit! In the garden of Eden he hid truth from Adam and Eve. How do you know he isn't hiding smth from you to this day... I am holy.:cool: we all are or we all including your god are not. we are all a part of universe, we are all made of star stuff, we are all made of energy, we are all equal.
there had better be some grace involved.
see. fear and mazohism (sp)
Others may think your post was wonderful, but respectfully, I found it to be very misinformed and mostly laboring under a gross misunderstanding of the Biblical definition of "fear".
pleeeeeeeez. fear in its basis remains fear, nomatter how you interpret it.
Before you make decisions that effect your eternal soul
I haven't seen no soul. If you refer to my electromagnetical field , then it'll have some problems existing after my brain dies. And even if it is not gone after my death (which isn't recorded but I take the possibility) - why should I care about your god. He is not my god, I don't accept his authority. There are so much gods and religions. It is close minded to think that exactly yours is the true one.
why not go ahead and do a legitimate indepth word study?
to be truthful, I have had a little enough of christianity and now I'm studying in depth our (Latvian) ancient mythology, beliefs and customs.
Your post on fear reminds me of this
lol, I don't agree
Sodom and Gommorah's sin was more likely that of inhospitability, not homosexuality. Justifying this interpretation would take an entire post, and it's relatively off topic.
ok, we could agree here, but mind that god has said that homosexuality is amoral alongside with fucking animals. God rejected homosexuality....maybe it wasn't the case of Sodom and Gomorah..I'll read your link.
Xev wrote:
What about Jer 5:22:
Fear ye not me? saith the LORD: will ye not tremble at my presence, which have placed the sand for the bound of the sea by a perpetual decree, that it cannot pass it: and though the waves thereof toss themselves, yet can they not prevail; though they roar, yet can they not pass over it?

Does not "trembling" imply fear in our modern sense?

Xev, it is the hebrew word yare used here. The definition of which is "reverence".

Many human emotions can cause trembling, especially intense ones. Trust me God has the potential to scare (as in terrify) us. He is Holy and we are not. He is much more powerful than I am. But he tempers this potential for frightening us with his love.

Keep in mind too, as far as context goes, this passage is God speaking to the nation of Judah. They had turned from worshipping him to worshipping idols. Judah and Israel together were God's chosen people. It was through them (the Jews) that the Messiah would be born. So God protected and punished them as a loving human Father would protect and punish his children.

In Jeremiah 5:22 he is basically saying: "Do you not respect me? [In light of your sins] you should tremble before me."

Picture a kid who just totaled the family sedan while driving drunk. He staggers uninjured from the wreckage and collapses on the lawn. He looks up to see his strict, yet loving Father standing before him. That basically is the image depicted here in the Bible. Judah had misbehaved terribly.

Xev wrote:
Yeah yeah yeah, how's about you show some evidence backing your contention that "yare" is meant in the sense of reverence, when there are other perfectly good Hebrew words (kabad, for one) to convey reverence/honour/glory?

Just by context. I'm not going to say God never firightens anyone. I will tell you it is fright based on the knowledge one has dishonored God, not God scaring us for fun. And "fear" is usually "yare".

"kabad", or "kabod" or "kabed" can mean "weighty", "heavy", "honor", etc. :)



PS. You had a good take on Sodom and Gomorra. Later...
Hello Avatar.

With all the followers, it looks like you might have the beginnings of a new religion -

based on fear -

of religion!:eek:
Avatar wrote:
Oh, man. Show me at least one place where I said that Yeshua was evil. I've never said that.

Avatar you wrote this "...are you sane? I know the history of my nation probably better than you know yours. Christians settled here in 1201..murdered oh so many my ancestors. used cheating and killed general population...took complete control of our land in 200 years. Killed any freethinkers or rebels. With all means tried to destroy our culture. We vere attacked...before 1200 noone had never heard of christianity over here.. this is just one example from all over the world." Your implication is that Christianity is evil. I simply made a destinction that people who do evil in Jesus name are not following Jesus' teaching and are not therefore TRUE Christians in the real sense. Jesus IS Christianity and Christianity IS Jesus. What is evil is people doing evil things in Jesus' name. Do you agree with this?

Avatar wrote:
I've always said that Yeshua was a phylosopher misunderstood.

No. He claimed to be God. He was either who he said he was or a mad man.

Avatar wrote:
I am against organised religion and church that uses Yeshua for its cover.

Try the Muslims then. They are disorganized and love Muhammed. Perfect for you.

Avatar wrote:
(Mind that Yeshua himself demolated that temple, look at nowaday churches- see resemblance....Christians have built a religion that is equal to that what Yeshua tried to destroy/was against)

What would you do if you went home and found that your neighbor had snuck in and changed your house into a boutique. Livestock being sold. People milling around shopping. Raiding your refrigerator. Would you run them out? That is what Jesus did in his "house".

Avatar wrote:
You see, there are some problems in this. Fear- nomatter what- is fear. There is not such a big difference...And how do you think from where comes that reverence? From a loving god that organises mass genocides?

Think of the person you respect and revere more than anyone else. Do you love and respect him/her because they practice mass genocide? Again you have misunderstood the concept of respect vs. terror.

Avatar wrote:
Here is how one ancient person can think->
God is allpowerful->he can do good and bad things-> last I heard he nuked two cities-> what if he does that to me?-> PRAISE THE ALLMIGHTY LORD! Don't you think we were created exactly for god's amusement (if you believe in god). For what??? I have more respect to my local gods. Because of them , no mass killings or smth like that was organised. (OOOO, varenais Perkon, satriec drumslas iekarotaju dievnamus!) What bullshit! In the garden of Eden he hid truth from Adam and Eve. How do you know he isn't hiding smth from you to this day...

Take a breath man. Calm down. You make more sense when you are calm. Thanks.

Avatar wrote:
I am holy. We all are or we all including your god are not.


Avatar wrote:
we are all a part of universe, we are all made of star stuff, we are all made of energy, we are all equal.

Unless you are Christian then you are a stupid fool made of "star stuff", right?

Avatar wrote:
see. fear and mazohism (sp) pleeeeeeeez. fear in its basis remains fear, nomatter how you interpret it.

Sorry. What language do you speak? I'm sure you speak another language besides English. Therefore, you of all people should know the importance of proper accurate translation. Without it your meaning is vague or misunderstood.

Avatar wrote:
I haven't seen no soul. If you refer to my electromagnetical field , then it'll have some problems existing after my brain dies. And even if it is not gone after my death (which isn't recorded but I take the possibility) - why should I care about your god.

Have you "seen" your electromagnetic field? Why should you care about God? Because this is HIS universe. You don't have to care about God. It is your choice. It's your life. And afterlife.

Avatar wrote:
He is not my god, I don't accept his authority.

You can reject it, just don't attempt to redefine it.

Avatar wrote:
There are so much gods and religions. It is close minded to think that exactly yours is the true one.

I know in my mind, and believe, that Christianity is the one true religion on this planet. And that I am saved. Name another religion whose main figure rose from the dead?

Avatar wrote:
to be truthful, I have had a little enough of christianity and now I'm studying in depth our (Latvian) ancient mythology, beliefs and customs.

Why are you so intolerant of Christianity? What are you afraid of? Take a chill pill. Relax. You do what you want. Live and let live. But please stop attacking Christianity.

Hey Avatar... news flash: Not all Christians are evil anti-Avatar stormtroopers, you know.

Jesus IS Christianity and Christianity IS Jesus.
not really. Yeshua had nothing to do with christianity. It was his followers who established it.
No. He claimed to be God. He was either who he said he was or a mad man./QUOTE] I can't recall the exact place, but you'll know it. Yeshua claimed that we are all children of god. He also, but he was one of us. It was his words that we are all children of god. point final.
Try the Muslims then. They are disorganized and love Muhammed. Perfect for you.
Islam is an organised religion also. My start post was dirrected towards all organised religion.
What would you do if you went home and found that your neighbor had snuck in and changed your house into a boutique. Livestock being sold. People milling around shopping. Raiding your refrigerator. Would you run them out? That is what Jesus did in his "house".
wrong. He said that it was a house of GOD and that those traders are blaspheming its idea. I don't think he would be happy to see people selling different souveneers (sp) and church ritual stuff in nowaday churches.
Do you love and respect him/her because they practice mass genocide?
I don't love him BECAUSE of mass genocides. And I don't fear your deity. He's not mine and even if he/she/it decides to attact me, I have my many deities to backup me.
Take a breath man. Calm down. You make more sense when you are calm. Thanks.
I was perfectly calm. Didn't you understand wat I said?
Just playeing with the - we all are equal idea.
Unless you are Christian then you are a stupid fool made of "star stuff", right?
Watch your language softie, we don't want anybody harmed. We all are made of star stuff, christian or not.
Sorry. What language do you speak? I'm sure you speak another language besides English. Therefore, you of all people should know the importance of proper accurate translation. Without it your meaning is vague or misunderstood.
the word I didn't spell right was - "masochism"
Have you "seen" your electromagnetic field?
Yes I have. At Riga Technical University lab.
Why should you care about God? Because this is HIS universe.
No- universe belongs to noone. We are a part of nature. We all are. Even if your god existed, he would be only a part of everything.
You don't have to care about God. It is your choice. It's your life. And afterlife.
First I have to see that afterlife. Then I'll act acording to the situation.
You can reject it, just don't attempt to redefine it.
He hasn't given his own definition, humans have.
I know in my mind, and believe, that Christianity is the one true religion on this planet.
No evidence though - right?:rolleyes:
Name another religion whose main figure rose from the dead?
Rising from the dead is against natures laws. Besides, everyday in the world people rise from the clinical death. Nobody worships them though;)
Avatar wrote:
to be truthful, I have had a little enough of christianity and now I'm studying in depth our (Latvian) ancient mythology, beliefs and customs.

Why are you so intolerant of Christianity? What are you afraid of? Take a chill pill. Relax. You do what you want. Live and let live. But please stop attacking Christianity.
You don't understand. I don't see why I had to devote all my life to christianity. INTOLERANT? I just want to research something new, that's all. Because our mythology is very close to me, I chose it. And I'm not attacking christianity, I'm against organised religion.
Hello Avatar.
With all the followers, it looks like you might have the beginnings of a new religion -
based on fear -
of religion!
great idea, but let's call it- mind evolution cult:p
I don't like the word "religion";)

With the halp of Lykan I have aguired even a poster for my cult:cool:


cheers ya all

You and I have two different perspectives on things. Which in and of itself is not bad. However, it makes communication, darn near impossible.

If I said "The sky is blue." You would probably say "No it just appears blue." Well, we are both right (fundementally).

If I said "You have a spirit." You'd say "No, I have an electromagnetic field".

If I said "This is God's universe." You'd say "No, this is nature's universe".

We have, therefore a failure to communicate. I suspect you are being argumentative, not with the intent to convince me, or others who are undecided, but to simply argue for argument's sake.

Ergo, I must conclude that you are a "nay-sayer". When I say "Yea.", you automatically conclude, regardless of evidence "Nay." So that you are always in a contrary position to any assertion I make.

Anyone who objectively reads our posts will see this.
I suspect you are being argumentative, not with the intent to convince me, or others who are undecided, but to simply argue for argument's sake.
actually , you are very wrong in this. But my intention is not to convince, my intention is to tell my opinion, my assumptions, analysis. The choice is yours to make. I am being very honest on-net.

Ergo, I must conclude that you are a "nay-sayer". When I say "Yea.", you automatically conclude, regardless of evidence "Nay." So that you are always in a contrary position to any assertion I make
I'm happy to tell that your conclusion is wrong. We are simply to different people, who preceive things differently.

get over it.

You and I have two different perspectives on things. Which in and of itself is not bad. However, it makes communication, darn near impossible.


If I said "The sky is blue." You would probably say "No it just appears blue." Well, we are both right (fundementally).

It depends on the nature of your statement. If you were making said statement in a scientific context, I'm quite sure that he would say what you said he would, however if a child had asked you the colour of the sky, I'm sure he wouldn't disagree (or something similar to this at least)

If I said "You have a spirit." You'd say "No, I have an electromagnetic field".

Actually, I don't think that "spirit" and "electromagnetic field" can be used interchangably, because your "spirits" live on after the brain dies and go to heaven or hell, whereas his and my "electromagnetic fields" cease to exist (at least to our knowledge, I am quite sure of this, there's no evidence they go elsewhere) when brain activity ceases completely.

If I said "This is God's universe." You'd say "No, this is nature's universe".

Here again, you seem to make that "God" and "nature" are the same thing. However, according to you, God created "nature", and according to him, there IS no God, and his definition of "nature" is NOT a divine being, or an entity (let alone a concious one), but rather a concept, an idea, a thing.

We have, therefore a failure to communicate. I suspect you are being argumentative, not with the intent to convince me, or others who are undecided, but to simply argue for argument's sake.

He no longer has the intent to convince you of anything, from what I can see, because you are impossible to convince. If there was hard evidence that your God didn't exist, you would find some way to contradict it ie "Ðe Lord Almighty, God and His Son Jesus, hæþ Fæbricateþ ðys evidence." or, in a more likely way, "Billy Bob Gahd æn 'is Suhn Billy Bob Jeeziz done made this 'ere evidence t' fool uz inter thinkin' thæ ar Krischin doctrain aint not true"

Ergo, I must conclude that you are a "nay-sayer". When I say "Yea.", you automatically conclude, regardless of evidence "Nay." So that you are always in a contrary position to any assertion I make.

No, when you say "Yea", he only says "Nay" if he actually disagrees with you, he doeþ not so automatically.

Anyone who objectively reads our posts will see this.

Ahh, but I see fit to make the assertion that perhaps you yourself are, in fact, the naysayer?

Idiot infidel, Cthulhu will eat you first! :p

GB-GIL Trans-global:

Ok, calm down, Ekimklaw is right in the sense that they both have different perspectives here.

Different perspectives sometimes conflict. As he demonstrated.

GB-GIL Trans-global that was unneeded of you to do that. You simply missed the point.

Ekimklaw never said God and nature are the same thing in his post that you quoted there. Don't try to needlessly pick fights now. Nothing warrants the word "idiot" either and those big letters.
Re: errrr....

GB-GIL Trans-global:

Ok, calm down, Ekimklaw is right in the sense that they both have different perspectives here.

XQQ me, but it would seem you've misinterpreted Ekimklaw-- Ekimklaw was saying that, regardless of evidence, Avatar simply says the opposite of him for the sake of arguementitaveness. Not different perspectives.

Different perspectives sometimes conflict. As he demonstrated.

Gee, a negative post is really needed. If I recall correctly, your first responce to any one of my posts was negative, and my first impression of you was an snivelling idiot who feels the need to assert their superiority by making discreet negative comments about whoever makes them upset. And as of yet, I've found that's usually not far from the truth.

GB-GIL Trans-global that was unneeded of you to do that. You simply missed the point.

Did I? Or did you?

Ekimklaw never said God and nature are the same thing in his post that you quoted there.

No, but he did liken Avatar's definition of nature to his definition of God.

Don't try to needlessly pick fights now. Nothing warrants the word "idiot" either and those big letters.

Err... You're the idiot now, I think. Is there no point in using emoticons? I might as well edit that ":p" out of there...


Why is the general essence of your posts usually negative? The only other person anywhere on the Internet I've seen who makes posts like this recognises efforts to help him, and responds negatively. Instead of "thanks, but no thanks" he says "I don't need that" or "I don't want it", and in general the tone of his posts are negative (although as he is dyslexic and English is his 3rd language, they are sometimes hard to understand)
Re: Re: errrr....

Originally posted by GB-GIL Trans-global
GB-GIL Trans-global:

Ok, calm down, Ekimklaw is right in the sense that they both have different perspectives here.

XQQ me, but it would seem you've misinterpreted Ekimklaw-- Ekimklaw was saying that, regardless of evidence, Avatar simply says the opposite of him for the sake of arguementitaveness. Not different perspectives.

Different perspectives sometimes conflict. As he demonstrated.

Gee, a negative post is really needed. If I recall correctly, your first responce to any one of my posts was negative, and my first impression of you was an snivelling idiot who feels the need to assert their superiority by making discreet negative comments about whoever makes them upset. And as of yet, I've found that's usually not far from the truth.

GB-GIL Trans-global that was unneeded of you to do that. You simply missed the point.

Did I? Or did you?

Ekimklaw never said God and nature are the same thing in his post that you quoted there.

No, but he did liken Avatar's definition of nature to his definition of God.

Don't try to needlessly pick fights now. Nothing warrants the word "idiot" either and those big letters.

Err... You're the idiot now, I think. Is there no point in using emoticons? I might as well edit that ":p" out of there...
Re: Re: errrr....

Originally posted by GB-GIL Trans-global
XQQ me, but it would seem you've misinterpreted Ekimklaw-- Ekimklaw was saying that, regardless of evidence, Avatar simply says the opposite of him for the sake of arguementitaveness. Not different perspectives.

What did I say again GB? I said, in the sense that they both have different perspectives here.

Gee, a negative post is really needed. If I recall correctly, your first responce to any one of my posts was negative, and my first impression of you was an snivelling idiot who feels the need to assert their superiority by making discreet negative comments about whoever makes them upset. And as of yet, I've found that's usually not far from the truth.

How am I a snivelling idiot who feels the need to assert their superiority by making discreet negative comments?

You did not upset me at all, but it seems that you are upset.

First response negative? Could you clarify and point that out?

Did I? Or did you?

Why are you speaking for Avatar? He already mentioned that he did not do it for the sake of argumentative's sake.

No, but he did liken Avatar's definition of nature to his definition of God.

So now you change your stance on the argument. Ok, how did he liken Avatar's definition to his definition of God? Quote and cite.

Err... You're the idiot now, I think. Is there no point in using emoticons? I might as well edit that ":p" out of there...

I'm an idiot now?

Emoticons doesn't matter when it comes to insults, IMO, remember this thread?

I saw the joke in your post with the disoriented langauge, however most of the forum members took it the other way.

Hey GB you're a fuckin idiot little immature bastard...:D

Did that feel good? Will you take that as a joke?


Why is the general essence of your posts usually negative? The only other person anywhere on the Internet I've seen who makes posts like this recognises efforts to help him, and responds negatively. Instead of "thanks, but no thanks" he says "I don't need that" or "I don't want it", and in general the tone of his posts are negative (although as he is dyslexic and English is his 3rd language, they are sometimes hard to understand)

Negative? I don't think so, I'm just voicing my opinion, and I believed you wronged Ekimklaw to an extent.

English is his 3rd lang? Huh? :confused:
Re: Re: Re: errrr....

What did I say again GB? I said, in the sense that they both have different perspectives here.

...that's what I said you said, and I responded accordingly.

How am I a snivelling idiot who feels the need to assert their superiority by making discreet negative comments?

You did not upset me at all, but it seems that you are upset.

First response negative? Could you clarify and point that out?

This was my first impression of you, and what I still think. However, I'm not calling you that, I'm just telling you that's what I think of you as. As for first responce, I cannot search on this forum for the first thread that both of us posted on, if I could I'd quote it here. Perhaps I'll look later today...

Why are you speaking for Avatar? He already mentioned that he did not do it for the sake of argumentative's sake.

I'm not speaking for Avatar. I'm telling Ekimklaw that he should stop saying such things.

So now you change your stance on the argument. Ok, how did he liken Avatar's definition to his definition of God? Quote and cite.

I never changed my stance. I just asserted that what I had meant was different from what you had thought I meant.

I'm an idiot now?

Emoticons doesn't matter when it comes to insults, IMO, remember this thread?

Yes, I remember that thread. As for emoticons-- I didn't use an emoticon on that thread, if I recall correctly.

I saw the joke in your post with the disoriented langauge, however most of the forum members took it the other way.

Which was because, at the time, most members hadn't met me and didn't know my general position on issues, and thought perhaps I was for real. However, nowadays I think most members would reply differently, as I'm quite an active poster now.

Hey GB you're a fuckin idiot little immature bastard...:D

I don't recall using that emoticon, in this context I don't think the grin can be used as a joke quantifier...

Did that feel good? Will you take that as a joke?

No, you used the wrong emoticon. If you had used the "stick out tongue" smilie, I'd take it as a joke...

Negative? I don't think so, I'm just voicing my opinion, and I believed you wronged Ekimklaw to an extent.

I'm not talking about this post, I'm talking about your attitude in general. Did you not see my reference to the first reply to a post of mine you ever made?

English is his 3rd lang? Huh? :confused:

That means that said person learned two languages before English.
sseeeeesh guys, you really are into this. Don't mind EM, he's just an overreligious punk and discussions with him are not productive.

btw, thanx for the defence while I was away GB;):)

Ok, how did he liken Avatar's definition to his definition of God?
actually he did. I can' t recall the exact place though. Can't ask me to emember ALL the discussions 1:1

and don't fight over EM, he's not worth it.
Re: Re: Re: Re: errrr....

Originally posted by GB-GIL Trans-global
...that's what I said you said, and I responded accordingly.

You said I misinterpreted Ekimklaw's post, now where did I?

This was my first impression of you, and what I still think. However, I'm not calling you that, I'm just telling you that's what I think of you as. As for first responce, I cannot search on this forum for the first thread that both of us posted on, if I could I'd quote it here. Perhaps I'll look later today...

Impression? Yes, I'm wondering what the reasons are...:confused:

I'm not speaking for Avatar. I'm telling Ekimklaw that he should stop saying such things.

Fair enough.

I never changed my stance. I just asserted that what I had meant was different from what you had thought I meant.

Really? So did Ekimklaw say God and nature are the same thing?

Yes, I remember that thread. As for emoticons-- I didn't use an emoticon on that thread, if I recall correctly.

So, but I could tell you were joking, others can't, that's my point.

A joke to one or a few isn't a joke to all.

Which was because, at the time, most members hadn't met me and didn't know my general position on issues, and thought perhaps I was for real. However, nowadays I think most members would reply differently, as I'm quite an active poster now.

I hadn't met you yet, I could tell you were joking. :)

I don't recall using that emoticon, in this context I don't think the grin can be used as a joke quantifier...

That is your perspective. There a rule for that? :D

I'm not talking about this post, I'm talking about your attitude in general. Did you not see my reference to the first reply to a post of mine you ever made?

I don't remember, maybe it was when I talked about how I doubted Adam is looking a religious evidence with an honest and open mind.

Then you blew up on me.

Same goes here, you are defending Avatar when it is not needed, but this time you didn't blow up at me.

That means that said person learned two languages before English.

Yes, I know that, so how does that post relate to me though?
Thumbs up Avatar!

But you say humans are godlike. No!

Humans are not godly, their 4 corner stage metamorphic seasons proves them Cubic. They're just educated stupid.

Gene Ray
no, unfortunately humans are not godlike, GeneRay. But they can become like that...in time, with enough technological and mind advancement.

by your nick I can tell that you lay your hope in genetics. Wel, I better like technological solution, like nanotechnology....like nanites in Deus Ex.

oh and , Welcome to Sciforums!:)