Will Science Eventually Drown Religion?

What a bizarre post...

I just can't imagine what goes in in the mind of someone as delusional as yourself that somehow thinks that science will end up proving your silly Christian religion true.

I love it it when someone brings a different persepctive, and suddenly he or she is immediately deemed "delusional".

Science is all about opening your mind... you should try it.
Science is all about opening your mind... you should try it.

Bzzzzzzzt. Sorry, wrong, please try again.

Science is about empirical observation and logical reasoning. If an idea is not supported by empirical observation or logical reasoning, it is scientific to close your mind to it.
Bzzzzzzzt. Sorry, wrong, please try again.

Science is about empirical observation and logical reasoning. If an idea is not supported by empirical observation or logical reasoning, it is scientific to close your mind to it.

Are you sure you know what you're talking about as well as you like to suggest? "Bzzzzzzzt."

Science operates under the assumption that it is not completely right about everything. An illogical idea with no evidence to back it up may in a flash reveal itself to be correct; such is the nature of empirical knowledge, that it is neither predictable nor complete. Unless it directly contradicts an observation you're making right now, or unless there is some way to offer an a priori disproof, to close your mind to anything -- that is, to with a sense of finality disregard its possibility -- is indeed the opposite of science.
I believe Richard Dawkins put it quite it nicely in his interview with TIME:

"If there is a God, it's going to be a whole lot bigger and a whole lot more incomprehensible than anything that any theologian of any religion has ever proposed."

To think that science would prove only one religion true is pure fallacy.

Or alternatively the atheists view (and perhaps even the view of your run of the mll theist) of god's nature does not tally with what is presented in scripture
That the point, insn't it? There is no proper state for religion. It's the most tired cop-out of them all: The "True Scotsman" fallacy. It isn't real communism, it isn't real christianity, it isn't real islam, it isn't real hinduism. Apparently, nothing is.

Well, that's just silly. I can and do blame religion in whatever state it comes in for immense suffering. I don't give a flying fuck if you have some idealised version of it in mind. This is the real world.

For example a debate forum may be the arena for the performance of a sock puppet or group of sock puppets - but such entities owe their existence to something primal (ie an actual person with needs, interests and concerns in the real world).

Of course if one accepted the sock puppet debate forum as reality it would be easy to understand how they have immediately disqualified themselves from the real world.

For example a debate forum may be the arena for the performance of a sock puppet or group of sock puppets - but such entities owe their existence to something primal (ie an actual person with needs, interests and concerns in the real world).

Of course if one accepted the sock puppet debate forum as reality it would be easy to understand how they have immediately disqualified themselves from the real world.

I'll accept an accusation from James R, because he's the moderator, but not from a self-rightious [deleted] with a poor grasp on reality.

So. You wanna elaborate? Otherwise, I suggest you shut the fuck up.
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Science will never replace religion. 86% of the worlds population believes in God and Jesus. That only leaves 14% that don't believe. I would think with the way this world has done in war and other things, that if religion has survived all that has happened, it will survive the scientific aspect of belief as well. I believe in God and Jesus, but I also believe in the scientific viewpoints that have been discussed in the past. How do we know that God did not begin life with a pool of omiba? And that in turn as life advanced became what we know in the bible as Adam and Eve. The Bible doesn't say that Adam and Eve's intellegence was good or bad. It simple states that, "That" is were he began his teachings. We have no way of knowing other than what the Bible teaches us as to how long the Earth was hear before Adam and Eve arrived, except for what the scientific community has told us. Who knows, both sides could be combined and be true as well.
Science will never replace religion. 86% of the worlds population believes in God and Jesus. That only leaves 14% that don't believe.

I think you have your figures wrong. The actual estimates are that only about a third of the world's population gives any credence to the notion of "god and jesus."

The rest are Muslim (about 21%), Hindu (14%), miscellaneous cults (19%), and the non-religious (16%).

In the industrialized Western world, the atheists and agnostics (part of that "non-religious" group) comprise about 1/3 of the population. And growing.


David B. Barrett, et al., (2001). World Christian Encyclopedia : A Comparative Survey of Churches and Religions in the Modern World. Oxford University Press.
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I think you have your figures wrong. The actual estimates are that only about a third of the world's population gives any credence to the notion of "god and jesus."

The rest are Muslim (about 21%), Hindu (14%), miscellaneous cults (19%), and the non-religious (16%).

In the industrialized Western world, the atheists and agnostics (part of that "non-religious" group) comprise about 1/3 of the population. And growing.
There's also statistical evidence to suggest that theism is undergoing a renaissance in industrialized society since the promises of a new age through technology have come to pass.
There is also statistical evidence to suggest that social statistics of global phenomenas, particularly in relation to topics of theistic/atheistic values, are grossly inaccurate since most demographic researchers shy away from india, china and latin america (ie places where most of the world's population live).

So words like "actual estimates" mean different things to different people
Why would theism undergo a renaissance because of technology? Is it a reaction to technology, since most are scientifically illiterate? Does science challenge traditional values, leading to a rise in fundamentalism?
Why would theism undergo a renaissance because of technology? Is it a reaction to technology, since most are scientifically illiterate? Does science challenge traditional values, leading to a rise in fundamentalism?

No - its more a case of people being disillusioned of arriving at a perfect world through material advancements - like currently we are quite materially advanced - we can combine matter in many amazing ways - industrialized society may make people more materially advanced but it certainly doesn't make people more advanced in jolliness (the statistics of people's theistic inclination can be difficult to determine but the statistics on suicide/mental illness definitely indicate that its more prevelant in industrialized nations)
There's also statistical evidence to suggest that theism is undergoing a renaissance in industrialized society since the promises of a new age through technology have come to pass.
There is also statistical evidence to suggest that social statistics of global phenomenas, particularly in relation to topics of theistic/atheistic values, are grossly inaccurate since most demographic researchers shy away from india, china and latin america (ie places where most of the world's population live).

So words like "actual estimates" mean different things to different people

Care to cite these statistics. I ask because I'm genuinely interested.
I'm interested in knowing whether you think religious ideology will eventually be replaced by a scientific one. Currently there are many world religions each dedicated to finding the truth about society / faith. What we see is a skew between them however in the reality behind them. This offers us a few conclusions:

1. Religions will eventually fade away in favour of scientific principles.

2. Religions will become more mundane or eccentric depending on the social structure in place.

Give your opinions.
No, I think stupidity will always be around.

Where man is ignorant he feels insecure.
There he imagines benevolent gods.