Will Science Eventually Drown Religion?


I'm interested in knowing whether you think religious ideology will eventually be replaced by a scientific one. Currently there are many world religions each dedicated to finding the truth about society / faith. What we see is a skew between them however in the reality behind them. This offers us a few conclusions:

1. Religions will eventually fade away in favour of scientific principles.

2. Religions will become more mundane or eccentric depending on the social structure in place.

Give your opinions.
1) Religion will only ever "go away" when it's replaced with something that gives the same warm fuzzy to the masses. Science ain't it bub.

2) Yes.
Religion won't go anywhere unless the cycle of indoctrination is broken.
If the human race matures then religion will go away.
1) Religion will only ever "go away" when it's replaced with something that gives the same warm fuzzy to the masses. Science ain't it bub. QUOTE]

What masses are you talking about? If your talking about control over populations, science and it's creations can and does fit that bill quite nicely. What part of say, The Ten Commandments, would give a person a warm fuzzy?
1) Religion will only ever "go away" when it's replaced with something that gives the same warm fuzzy to the masses. Science ain't it bub.

What masses are you talking about? If your talking about control over populations, science and it's creations can and does fit that bill quite nicely. What part of say, The Ten Commandments, would give a person a warm fuzzy?
What do the ten commandments have to do with this? The "warm fuzzy" I'm talking about is a father figure/protector in the sky who promises eternal life. I imagine when science conquers aging and humans can live healthy for many hundreds or thousands of years, religion will go the way of the CRT in the age of LCD and plasma TV's.
I'm interested in knowing whether you think religious ideology will eventually be replaced by a scientific one. Currently there are many world religions each dedicated to finding the truth about society / faith. What we see is a skew between them however in the reality behind them. This offers us a few conclusions:

1. Religions will eventually fade away in favour of scientific principles.

2. Religions will become more mundane or eccentric depending on the social structure in place.

Give your opinions.

sderenzi, are religions dedicated to finding truth, or revealing it?

My opinion, since you asked, is that religious beliefs are going to get more and more important the more science describes the universe.
I find in this forum that there is a general idea among atheists that people are religous because they misunderstand the science of the universe, or because not understanding the science, they developed religion.
I may not have a very scientific background, but my beliefs have nothing to do with trying to understand the scientific nature of the universe. The ways and whys of the universe are totally independent of my belief in a deity.
I am not very scholarly on religions, either. But, I believe that I am far from being alone.
The "warm fuzzy" I'm talking about is a father figure/protector in the sky who promises eternal life. QUOTE]

I wholeheartedly agree with the bogusness of this belief. Though the promise of eternal life remains.
How's that, please?

Plus, you keep messing up your quotes. Is that deliberate or what?

The idea of a father figure/protector in the sky being some sort of 'warm fuzzy'. I believe it is a mutual effort. If you take the promise, and disregard the prerequisite, it does appear warm and fuzzy.

No I am not deliberately messing up the quotes. Sorry if I have caused any confusion.
Someday...Hopefully all the texts aren't lost though, for philosophical purposes.
The idea of a father figure/protector in the sky being some sort of 'warm fuzzy'. I believe it is a mutual effort. If you take the promise, and disregard the prerequisite, it does appear warm and fuzzy.

No I am not deliberately messing up the quotes. Sorry if I have caused any confusion.
No, I meant the promise of eternal life part.

To quote, make sure you have an opening quote
followed by a closing one
[ /QUOTE ]
You seem to have two opening quotes followed by only one closing quote. Use the "go advanced" feature and preview your post. You'll see what I'm talking about.
Not at all.

a really small girl?

What exactly is your question?

I posted:

superluminal said:
The "warm fuzzy" I'm talking about is a father figure/protector in the sky who promises eternal life.

And you replied:

I wholeheartedly agree with the bogusness of this belief. Though the promise of eternal life remains.

So, I understand that you find belief in a father figure in the sky (god) to be a bogus belief. Yet you say the promise of eternal life still remains. I was wondering how you envision eternal life without a god to facilitate it.
Religions will eventually fade away in favour of scientific principles.

Yes! unfortunately not in my lifetime!

Religions will become more mundane or eccentric depending on the social structure in place.

I think that's happening already, Haven't you seen the number of atheist's websites, videos on youtube, etc..?