will jewish people be fooled by the antichrist?

samcdkey said:
Does the Torah predict the anti-Christ?

Yes the Torah does predict the anti-christ but it does not call Him the anti-christ but he is called the "King of the North". He is mentioned by the prophet Daniel.

All Praise The Ancient Of Days
spidergoat said:
I don't think the Torah has a concept of an anti-christ.

Note that at the time, the non-Jews didn't believe christ was the messiah either, and some Jews did (his disciples).

Besides that, I think the anti-christ (cough, cough...Bush...cough) will fool the Christians too.

I agree with you that the anti-christ will deceive many so called "christians" but, cough cough i don't think mr bush is the man.

All Praise The Ancient Of Days
nubianconcubine said:
i agree

the bible says that "true" christians will know the difference. but then i don't know if that's religious vanity or not.

No it is not religious vanity, because true Christians will not come to discern the truth because of their own intellectual powers, They will be lead to and will be given the understanding by the Holy Spirit at the appropriate time. The glory and wisdom is Gods not our own. As the prophecy says the great deception will be so powerful that even the elect of God would be fooled if it was not for the intervention of God.

All Praise The Ancient Of Days
nubianconcubine said:
hey, i've already said i wasn't sure about the bible because it was written by men. :rolleyes:

so then does that mean that jewish people are all antichrists?

Well that’s a hard one to answer.

Simple answer No. many Jews have accepted Jesus/Yeshua as Messiah. Many of the remaining Jews have never been properly introduced to Jesus and therefore you cannot really reject someone you do not really know about. There are of coerce Jews who are anti-christs, But you cannot make a blanket statement that All Jews are anti-christs.

All Praise The Ancient Of Days
samcdkey said:
do you know the antichrist is predicted in the Quran?

He will be discredited by Jesus, who will return for this purpose.

Oddly enough i believe the muslims will be destroyed by the Anti-christ, a part of his effort to win over the Jews to accept Him as Messiah. But the muslims will be lead into battle by an evil one who is called the King of the South in the book of Daniel, muslims will accept this man as the Medi (might be wrong spelling) and He will lead them into disaster.

All Praise The Ancient Of Days
There seems to be a muddle between anti-christs (Strongs word 500) which is a very literal translation of the Greek anti-christos which simply means against Christ and therefore is almost self evident in the 1 John passages. What is being said is that if you are not for Jesus Christ, you are against him -no middle gorund - quite simple really.

The Anti-Christ that most people think of is actually the 'False Prophet' (Strongs word 5578), this again is a very literal translation of the Greek pseudoprophetes. This is one person working for 'The Beast' (Strongs word 2342) 'therion' literally a dangerous or venomous wild animal, in this case referring to Satan.

The only other use of pseudoprophetes (5578) is in Acts 13 and refers to a man called Barjesus in Hebrew. It is as follows (NIV translation):

6.They travelled through the whole island until they came to Paphos. There they met a Jewish sorcerer and false prophet named Bar-Jesus,

7 who was an attendant of the proconsul, Sergius Paulus. The proconsul, an intelligent man, sent for Barnabas and Saul because he wanted to hear the word of God.

8 But Elymas the sorcerer (for that is what his name means) opposed them and tried to turn the proconsul from the faith.

9 Then Saul, who was also called Paul, filled with the Holy Spirit, looked straight at Elymas and said,

10 You are a child of the devil and an enemy of everything that is right! You are full of all kinds of deceit and trickery. Will you never stop perverting the right ways of the Lord?

11 Now the hand of the Lord is against you. You are going to be blind, and for a time you will be unable to see the light of the sun. Immediately mist and darkness came over him, and he groped about, seeking someone to lead him by the hand.

12 When the proconsul saw what had happened, he believed, for he was amazed at the teaching about the Lord.

This person has to claim to be a prophet, one anointed by God and so I cannot see how Bush could fit the bill, whatever you think of him.

Many people will be deceived (according to Revelation) so that could easily include people from all religions. Whether the majority of Jews are likely to regard him as their awaited messiah I am not really able to say (as I am not Jewish) but it would seem a pretty tall order to get one person who would appeal to the secular non religious westernised world and to orthodox Jews at the same time. For the latter, he would have to be Jewish of course and there is no mention of this, which is surprising if that is to be so.

All Christians (forearmed with both Daniel and the Book of Revelation) certainly should not be fooled - but there will be great economic pressure to follow the False Prophet so although we know that some will not be fooled, we cannot say more than that - only God knows. There are prophecies of a widespread return to God and an acknowledgement of Jesus by Jews in the last days and there is no doubt that even though it is still very small, messianic Judaism (Jews who have become christians) is increasing steadily.
bush doesn't proclaim himself to be a prophet, true, but he does claim to be doing "God's" work; a strong implication of holy justification. and even then, the people of america believe him to be a strong symbol of christianity perservering against the "muslim menace" (sorry, sam. no offense, just sarcasm :D ). most americans see islam as a threat to their way of life (which at this particular blip in recorded history is christianity), much like people use to view communism. therefore, wouldn't claiming to be a tool of God in keeping the world safe from terrorism (yes, i believe it's a crock of shit) be uncomfortably similar to being a prophet, albeit, false?
nubianconcubine said:
so when the antichrist comes and performs his miracles, will they believe in him. what does that mean for them?

Why concern yourself as to the jewish people being fooled by the antichrist, when you haven't even translated the word antichrist into english yet, so your being fooled.

Not to mention, the government told about in the Bible has been made into religions.
FieryIce said:
Why concern yourself as to the jewish people being fooled by the antichrist, when you haven't even translated the word antichrist into english yet, so your being fooled.

i concern myself because i feel that knowing is half the battle (bet you don't remember those famous words, do you? :D ) and i would like to be one of the ones that knows what is going on when it goes down.

Not to mention, the government told about in the Bible has been made into religions.

and what religions would those be? are you referring to christianity, islam, hinduism?
pick on people in the "god's existence threads. :p

interesting site, by the way. you know, of course, that there are millions of people that could make the same connections with anyone.
but i'll grasp at any straws to implicate bush as the evil bastard son of satan himself. :D

...i wonder of bush sr. knows what his wife has been up to?...
nubianconcubine said:
THE RELIGION OF THIS DISCUSSION IS NOT OPEN FOR DEBATE. in this thread, we will assume that religion is valid.
i've often wondered how the end of days will happen. the jews didn't believe jesus chris was the messiah. so when the antichrist comes and performs his miracles, will they believe in him. what does that mean for them?
The Jews do not say that Jesus Christ is not the messiah.

The Jews believe that there will be a messiah,
they just don't know who or what it will be, maybe Jesus, maybe not?
D'ster said:
The Jews do not say that Jesus Christ is not the messiah.
yes, they do. unanimously. otherwise, they are christians.

D'ster said:
The Jews believe that there will be a messiah,
not all of them.
D'ster said:
they just don't know who or what it will be, maybe Jesus, maybe not?
not jesus, maybe someone else. depends on what flavor of jew you ask.
i know these things to be fact, being jewish myself.
D'ster said:
The Jews believe that there will be a messiah,
they just don't know who or what it will be, maybe Jesus, maybe not?

in the bible, the jews believed jesus was an imposter.
and that's the point. when the antichrist comes, will jews believe him to be the messiah, effectively marking them all as advocates of the devil?
The Devil Inside said:
not jesus, maybe someone else. depends on what flavor of jew you ask.
i know these things to be fact, being jewish myself.

hey, cool. someone knowledgeable. :D

what flavor of jew are you then?
you mean you weren't born a jew?

*note: didn't follow the link before i wrote. extension...*

okay. so those guys believe jesus was the messiah he claimed to be. you don't? if not, what exactly is a messiahnic jew?

btw, i've considered becoming a jew. i was under the impression that god loved jews more because, well...read the bible. :p
anyway, i was wondering if it was very hard to learn everything and if you were held to higher standards for not being born into it.
nubianconcubine said:
you mean you weren't born a jew?
nope, i am turkish/french by heritage.

nubianconcubine said:
okay. so those guys believe jesus was the messiah he claimed to be. you don't? if not, what exactly is a messiahnic jew?
they believe that jesus was the messiah that christians claim he was.
no i dont. that would be idolatry according to the religion i belong to (deuteronomy 4:15).
a messianic jew is a jew that believes a messiah will come to deliver israel and israelites from war and oppression. nothing more. not a god. a man of god.

nubianconcubine said:
btw, i've considered becoming a jew.
it is a serious undertaking that you should not consider lightly. it is a very difficult thing to do successfully.

nubianconcubine said:
i was under the impression that god loved jews more because, well...read the bible. :p
there is no reason to think this. the "chosen people" myth is one that is propogated by non-jews and/or zionist jews. it is traditionally interpreted as meaning that the jews have a greater responsibility toward elevating the spirituality of the world's people. basically, that they are to be teachers that are held more accountable for their actions than the rest of humanity by the almighty.

nubianconcubine said:
anyway, i was wondering if it was very hard to learn everything and if you were held to higher standards for not being born into it.
i taught myself biblical hebrew in about 3-4 months, and went from there. when i was going through the conversion process (usually 2-3 years long, realistically), i was held to a high standard, but not a standard that all jews shouldnt be held to, if you know what i mean.