will jewish people be fooled by the antichrist?


Registered Senior Member
THE RELIGION OF THIS DISCUSSION IS NOT OPEN FOR DEBATE. in this thread, we will assume that religion is valid.
i've often wondered how the end of days will happen. the jews didn't believe jesus chris was the messiah. so when the antichrist comes and performs his miracles, will they believe in him. what does that mean for them?
...i don't know. all i know is that the bible (and i don't know how truly reliable that is) says the jews crucified him for falsely claiming to be the messiah and the history channel says that they did it for that as well as political reasons. do you know?
I don't think the Torah has a concept of an anti-christ.

Note that at the time, the non-Jews didn't believe christ was the messiah either, and some Jews did (his disciples).

Besides that, I think the anti-christ (cough, cough...Bush...cough) will fool the Christians too.
1 john 4:3 says And every spirit that confesseth not that Jesus Christ is come in the flesh is not of God: and this is that spirit of antichrist, whereof ye have heard that it should come; and even now already is it in the world.

underlined and bolded for emphasis

Basically anyone that doesn't believe that Jesus came in the flesh is the anti christ.
but there no such thing as a "true" christian, so if the bible is right nobody will know the difference.
And Bible was written by very holy men,.therefore every word is of God.
Wow!! the power of blind faith.
Vega said:
And Bible was written by very holy men,.therefore every word is of God.
Wow!! the power of blind faith.

hey, i've already said i wasn't sure about the bible because it was written by men. :rolleyes:

so then does that mean that jewish people are all antichrists?
do you know the antichrist is predicted in the Quran?

He will be discredited by Jesus, who will return for this purpose.
samcdkey said:
do you know the antichrist is predicted in the Quran?

He will be discredited by Jesus, who will return for this purpose.

i didn't know that. i saw (history channel again) that the Quran seems to follow with the bible closely though. it even tells about king soloman and the queen from...ethiopia was it?
The historical references in the Quran are related to biblical stories and we believe in all the Abrahamic prophets as equal to Mohammed; in fact we are forbidden to make distinctions between them; that is why Muslims never speak against Jesus, only his worship (we believe he was one of the prophets and hence same as Mohammed)
oh! *lightbulb*
too bad christians don't handle things the same way. honestly, sam. sometimes i find myself ashamed to be one. all the schisms in it are getting really redundant and confusing. arguing over things like dress code for heaven's sake! :rolleyes:
in any case, i try to follow the old testament rules. all those things that are "duh", like no killing, stealing, lying, etc. and leave the grey areas up to intuition. :D
I can hardly extol the virtues of Muslims; making such a mess of such a simple religion.
i know nothing of islam and therefore cannot even fake an intelligent opinion on it. :D
is it true that in arab countries, women can be punished with death for showing skin? :eek:
nubianconcubine said:
i know nothing of islam and therefore cannot even fake an intelligent opinion on it. :D
is it true that in arab countries, women can be punished with death for showing skin? :eek:

I don't know about that, but most of them feel naked without their veils; too used to them I guess. More like a cultural thing, but only in the KSA and Oman. Other countries like Turkey, Morocco, only the conservatives follow that.

Anyway, its not in the Quran, men redefine modesty every few years and the women are foolish to play along.
i suppose (being in the situation at present and loathing it) that women feel that the one who sustains the family should be the one to make the rules. from what i've seen and read, most of the families there are sustained by the males.
my husband has been to iraq twice and he says that the men there are hotheads about the virtue of women. even the visiting female marines.
Ya they like to know who the babies they are responsible for actually belong to.

I used to have an escort, a car and a driver all the four years I was there.

Never had to worry about transportation or carrying packages.
nubianconcubine said:
THE RELIGION OF THIS DISCUSSION IS NOT OPEN FOR DEBATE. in this thread, we will assume that religion is valid.
i've often wondered how the end of days will happen. the jews didn't believe jesus chris was the messiah. so when the antichrist comes and performs his miracles, will they believe in him. what does that mean for them?

This is what i believe will happen from reading prophecy. The Jews (well the orthodox Jews) will accept the anti-christ as the Messiah up until the time the anti-christ declares Himself God on earth.

It is satans desire to have the descendants of Abraham worship Him as God its the great deception talked about in the book of Revelation.

All Praise The Ancient Of Days