'Will Jesus descend to earth?'

When the Son of Man is revealed He will be visible to everybody like lightning is visible from horizon to horizon.
For a man of even 2m tall that's only about 5km in either direction.

There will not be much of a sign to reveal that the time is near (even though there may be signs people will not recognise them),...
Sounds like my latest alarm-clock! Always late for work!

... but people will continue to marry, and continue with their daily lives.
Sounds like after the Martians landed in "War of the Worlds" (the book, not the films).

But on that day, they will not have time to gather their belongings, two people is there, one will be left behind and one will be taken away.
The heartless b'stard!! Let's all make sure we're standing next to someone we really dislike - and paint a target on their back.

It will happen where the scavagers is meeting around the dead (or something like that).
So it could be when they're meeting around the living? Or something like that?

Further, Gods Kingdom will not come to a place which can be called 'here' or 'there', but Gods Kingdom will come from inside.
We'll throw it up? A new euphemism for vomiting: "Welcoming the Kingdom of God" :D

I have to add that I'm from Sweden and as such this is freely translated into the words that come nearest to their swedish equivalence of the words in english that I know of.
Why not just use an English translation of the Bible? The chapters and verses don't change.
For a man of even 2m tall that's only about 5km in either direction.

Sounds like my latest alarm-clock! Always late for work!

Sounds like after the Martians landed in "War of the Worlds" (the book, not the films).

The heartless b'stard!! Let's all make sure we're standing next to someone we really dislike - and paint a target on their back.

So it could be when they're meeting around the living? Or something like that?

We'll throw it up? A new euphemism for vomiting: "Welcoming the Kingdom of God" :D

Why not just use an English translation of the Bible? The chapters and verses don't change.
Well, the simple answer to all those questions is that you don't understand it do you?
'Will Jesus descend to earth, and if so, why, how, and when?

Despite the near zero probability of this ever happening, I have to say that I hope so: can you just imagine the size of the crater that'll make?

Despite the near zero probability of this ever happening, I have to say that I hope so: can you just imagine the size of the crater that'll make?


Is there no end to your ignorance ? It says clerly in Eugenics 23.14 that" He shall arrive under the canopy of heaven and his landing shall be soft"

Canopy of heaven obviously refers to a parachute the size of the sky.