Will Jesus Christ come back to earth again?

If Jesus was crusified on the cross, that means that he died once and then resurrected, if he returns back that means that in order to leave the earth he will have to die again. However, I haven't came across with any proofs that human or whoever he is can die twice. This implies that:
1. Jesus was not crusified.
2. Jesus won't die in his second coming.
3. He is an exception from the general rules.

What our theologists think on this matter.
still waitng 2150AD

Jesus is gone, nobody cares

The sound of his name just brings indifferent stares.

People grew tired of his vanishing act

and finally decided he ain't coming back.

Relieved of the burden of fancy and fable

Society since brought great minds to the table

Biological research brought extension to life

To those who had once lived in pain and in strife

Society still has its few who believe

They cling to the myth that there is no reprieve

They just sit and stare at the moon in great awe

While men in white coats feed them meals through a straw.

Why do people keep asking these questions here anyway? don’t they understand that the science people (foundation of the forum) would much rather talk about something that can actually be proven. Although, if you ask me, I feel Christianity has already been proven wrong.
cato: > "if you ask me, I feel Christianity has already been proven wrong."

Battig1370: > To who has Christianity already been proven wrong?

Peace be with you, Paul