Will Jesus Christ come back to earth again?

Hahahaha, that’s great. How did you figure that out, it's really cool. So yeah not very probable.
does the christ ever say he is returning to human form in the bible? i cant remember i think some one may have been screwing with my delta waves.
Jesus' second coming is a time when supossedly he will met his believers in mid air. They will at this time recieve new bodies. I do not believe that he will be in human form.
well if he's not in human form wouldnt he be able to come and go as he pleases.
He is already omnipresent, but he will have to come in a form that some one can see him in. perhaps only the christians will see him.
M*W: According to Elaine Pagels, The Gnostic Gospels, Jesus was ever present to Mary Magdalen and his immediate family, but Peter and the other disciples (students) were not able to envision Jesus as a presence still living among them. They believed in Jesus only in rememberance but not in spirit.

"Some gnostics called the literal view of resurrection the 'faith of fools'" 1

1 E. Pagels, The Johannine Gospel in Gnostic Exegesis (Nashville, 1973); The Gnostic Paul: Gnostic Exegesis of the Pauline Letters (Philadelphia, 1978).

"The resurrection, they insisted, was not a unique event in the past; instead, it symbolized how Christ's presence could be experienced in the present. What mattered was not literal seeing, but spiritual vision. 2

2 E. Pagels, with H. Koester, "Report on the Dialogue of the Savior" (CG III.5), in R. McL. Wilson, Nag Hammadi and Gnosis (Leiden, 1978), 66-74.

"Many people who witnessed the events of Jesus' life remained blind to their meaning. The disciples themselves often misunderstood what Jesus said: those who announced that their dead master had come back physically to life mistook a spiritual a spiritual truth for an actual event." 3

3 G. Garitte, Le Museon (1960), 214, cited in Robinson, "The Jung COdex," 29.

"But the true disciple may never have seen the earthly Jesus, having been born at the wrong time, as Paul said of himself." 4

4 Tertullian, Adversus Valentinianos 7.

So, in the days following Jesus's 'departure' from the presence of his family and close associates, Mary Magdalen experienced ecstatic trances and saw his presence with her, but his disciples only saw him in the past tense. Mary was able to communicate with her vision of Jesus, but his disciples were not able to do that. They doubted MM's visions and chastised her, yet Peter wanted to know every word that Jesus had spoken to MM. When MM explained to Peter what the Lord had said to her, he became jealous of her and doubted that Jesus would speak to MM, a mere woman, about spiritual matters but did not speak directly to him. In this context, Jesus has already made his second "return."
Medicine Woman said:
The resurrection, they insisted, was not a unique event in the past; instead, it symbolized how Christ's presence could be experienced in the present. What mattered was not literal seeing, but spiritual vision...

Yes, I'm inclined to think that interpretation is more in line with what Jesus taught. Although, I find it highly improbable that no one with a similar gift for insight as Jesus will ever be born again on Earth. It happens once in a while, but they may be called a guru, or professor, or may not even be recognized.
Enigma'07: > "Jesus' second coming is a time when supossedly he will met his believers in mid air. They will at this time recieve new bodies. I do not believe that he will be in human form."

battig1370:> What Christians call 'The Rapture' is the absolute worst use of Biblical prophecy, is to create some monsterous revenge fantacy where an audience is allowed to gleefully imagine how all of their enemies will soon be tortured and destroyed. And these sick novels allow its audience to savor every pathologically lurid detail. Such books are not only false theologically, but they are extremely sinful and destructive in that they encourage a hateful and vengeful attitude towards others, rather than encouraging Christian tolerance and a love of your neighbor. They are based upon the idea that fundamentalist Christians won't have to go through the tribulation - only those who disagree with them will. The doctrine of the Rapture comes from Saul/St.Paul's writings. Just because these Christian fundamentalist say, Lord, Lord, they believe themselves to be saved, and will be raptured. It will a Big Surprize when christians find out that Saul/St.Paul's is the greastest false prophet of christianity.

Peace be with you, Paul
Saint said:
Base on probality of maths,
what is the chance he will come back ?

According to those who believe in re-incarnation believe that Jesus already came back but just not as Jesus.
Saint said:
why? buddha is buddha, his teaching is different from jesus'.
buddha does not teach First Cause.

how could you possibly know what buddha teaches? or jesus? were just going on what weve been told. if anyone comes back who knows what theyll teach exactly? i had a talk with a christian street preacher in olympia wa. one nite. of course he stopped me on my bike to you know, lead me to salvation or something, but it was a great conversation. we ended it by agreeing that perhaps the coming of the buddha maitreya and jesus were going to end up being the same person. i think in buddhist prophesy thats supposed to happen in about 1800 years, so dont get too comfy thinking the lord is coming to whisk you away to the heavens in diamond covered chariot in this life time. GET YE TO CHURCH ! or worship in own church, yourself, any day, all day, all things.
VossistArts said:
how could you possibly know what buddha teaches? or jesus? were just going on what weve been told. if anyone comes back who knows what theyll teach exactly? ...

Jesus didn't write, Buddha was the author of countless sutras, so you can figure out what Buddha taught, if you study them. My feeling is that they both taught a philosophy of personal transformation which results in a profound awareness of unity with everything. Both discouraged intoxication, promiscuous sex, and violence, both incouraged the solitary cultivation of insight, independence of thought, and compassion for others.
If Jesus Christ comes back to earth again, I believe that religious christians would get a tongue lashing on why they are not living the life that Jesus commended, "A new commandment I give to you, that you love one another; as I have loved you, that you also love one another." - (John 13:34) "You have heard that it was said, 'You shall love your neighbor and hate your enemy.' But I say unto you, "Love your enemies, ---" - ( Matt.5:43-48 )

Peace be with you, Paul
If Jesus comes back will he be in human body or will be a spirit? Will he die after some time or not?
Maybe the 2nd coming of Jesus means that we find Him (our true self) within ourselves.