
NRA. National Rifle Association. Funny how they're so concerned with handguns.

That was a very disgusting scene in Bowling for Columbine. When a tragedy occurs in a town and the NRA bloodsuckers come in to hold their protest. What fools these mortals be...

Charlton Heston, that´s it.

Yeah, that's the ticket.
At a large international Model United Nations conference in The Hague; the UN's specialist in small arms came to talk to the Dissarmament Comission for an hour about the illicit trade of these...

when the questions time came, one dude (who represented Macedonia FYR) asked him; "So what's your stance on weapons of mass destruction?"

Needless to say he was laughed at as the poor keynote speaker stared back at him blankly...
I think it was because the United States was built on top of an Indian burial ground!!!! :p
Canada has just as many guns per capita as the states.
So it's got to be the grave yard thing. :confused:
/\/\/\ people often seem to forget that.

A: anyway, i should be able to carry as many guns around as i want!! full autos? why not, how else am i gonna defend myself?
Q: from what? theres was an amnesty. (there is in my country, dont know about yours)
A: shutup, my mates neighbour has an rpg. what if he came and tried to stick me up?
Q: first, hes 40 years old white suburban middle class. small chance.
second, ever seen him use it?
A: no, not really.
Q: then shove it up your arse, cause nothing else is gonna be done with it.

as Micheal Moore told that bloke who had a magnum under his pillow, ever heard of Ghandi?
id have just told him he was a wanker and, if it was a free country (yeah right) id have shot him in the foot to teach him how fuckin stupid guns are. the military need guns. you dont. the only thing guns are used for nowadays is for street fights between gangs and stoopid kevs who keep them in the bottom of their sock drawer in case their mum finds it, and then flash it to their mates at school.
when asked, well do something eit it, they then mutter something idiotic bout shit.

to answer the first question, (and to stop my rant) i think that the difference in gun shootings is different mainly due to fundamental societal differences and laws, etc. blah blah, thats just what everyone else said.
Invert, while I agree it was in questionable taste for the NRA to come to Denver right after Columbine, it wasn't a protest, and they had the event scheuled months in advance.

Oh, and guns aren't the problem. I believe it's Switzerland that has mandatoru gun ownership, and I believe it's Switzerland that's one of the safest countries in Europe.

I think gun deaths in America are much higher for the same reason religious belief is much higher ... America is still a young, immature country compared to Europe. Furthermore, the people who came to America were obviously, as a group, more aggresive and more prone to risk-taking than the ones who stayed behind.
United States- 11,127

Why do you think there is such a difference in these numbers?
Or is this number just a little bit above the norm and should not be of concern?
What make the U.S. so different in this regard?
Becuase the American is a spoiled brat to whom nothing is denied by a government that knows spoiling is the key to enslavement.

Also, the average American is likely to pull on a door that clearly says "PUSH" in big, capital letters right in front of his nose. He will remain pulling for at least 2 whole minutes before he notices the problem.
This is the kind of person we find handling guns.
This is your neighbor.

Americans had a constitution that was meant to allow each american a sword... not a hydrogen bomb. It's all about defining "arms" and about getting a little constitution update every few years. As necessary as a car check or dental appointment methinks.
Not so- the second article of the Bill of Rights says
"A well regulated militia, being necessary to the security of a Free state, the right of the people to keep and bear arms, shall not be infringed."

A well regulated militia- that's who presumebly bears the right to bear arms without infringement.
There is nothing in the Consitution that prohibits federal officials to make laws either controlling of forbidding guns for the individual that is not part of a miltia- meaning you and everyone else in here.

Timothy McVeigh had every right to his weapons. I don't.
Of course its true- I said it.
And anyone who thinks what I say is not true is a martyr.
Ofcourse you should be able to shoot someone thats on your property, you pay like 500 grand for a house these days, whats the point if low lifes can come and walk all over your front lawn?
Territories must remain sacred or we have lost touch with our animal selves. You should be able to have all sorts of crazy weapons at home but not be allowed to take them outside of your own yard.
Outside you must fight with your hands, and whatever makeshift weapon you can get your hands on during the scuffle (rock, broomstick, sock with an orange in it, etc).
About Canadians and the Moore film, I love the part where he's asking Canadians if they lock their doors. Everyone (all the ones he showed anyway) said they didn't. Even the ones that had been robbed refused to lock their doors. That says something right there. If you won't even lock your doors after being robbed and vandalized, I don't know what to say about you.

I also find it interesting that as he walked about "testing" this unlocked doors phenomenon, he did it during the day time. Now, my view is you lock the doors at night, but most people don't lock the doors during the daytime. Unless maybe you live in scumtown where everybody's stealing from everyone else. I've never personally lived in a place like that. And I've lived all over the western US. So, he could walk around most places in the US and achieve the exact same "unlocked doors madness" that he found in Canada. But if asked, I think most Americans would say of course we lock our doors assuming that he means when we're not home or at night.

Anyway, locks only keep honest people honest.
Dreamwalker said:
Very seldom someone dies because he was shot. Most of the time people are injured by blades...

Haha with all due respect, if I were living in an environment where people are often stabbed or slashed, then I'd like to Cary around a hand gun.
invert_nexus said:
Fully automatic weapons are illegal, highly illegal. You can get semi-automatic though. And it's easy to acquire the know-how to convert it to fully auto.

Nope, you gotta' check your state laws, fully auto weapons are legal in many places throught the United States.
invert_nexus said:
About Canadians and the Moore film, I love the part where he's asking Canadians if they lock their doors. Everyone (all the ones he showed anyway) said they didn't. Even the ones that had been robbed refused to lock their doors. That says something right there. If you won't even lock your doors after being robbed and vandalized, I don't know what to say about you.

I also find it interesting that as he walked about "testing" this unlocked doors phenomenon, he did it during the day time. Now, my view is you lock the doors at night, but most people don't lock the doors during the daytime. Unless maybe you live in scumtown where everybody's stealing from everyone else. I've never personally lived in a place like that. And I've lived all over the western US. So, he could walk around most places in the US and achieve the exact same "unlocked doors madness" that he found in Canada. But if asked, I think most Americans would say of course we lock our doors assuming that he means when we're not home or at night.

Anyway, locks only keep honest people honest.

yes he could do that but he would get shot in america
Fuck you guys are hilarious.
Yah that open door policy makes sense during the day.
I was wondering about that.
If people in the states always kept their doors locked even while they were home in the day time.
I never lock mine(knock on wood)
No you can't have my address Gendanken.

P.s. Yah, that american cartoon is friggin hilarious.
Mystech said:
Haha with all due respect, if I were living in an environment where people are often stabbed or slashed, then I'd like to Cary around a hand gun.

I did not say that people get stabbed often, I just stated that it is more common that people are injured by blades rather than guns.
And then there is one problem, if you would carry a gun, all the other would probably carry one around too. So instead of getting slashed by a knife, you get shot... great deal.

I was only once threatened with a knife myself, and I walk around at night through all kinds of run down areas without getting much problems.
The guy with the knife could not do much, you have to be able to use a knife properly to kill someone fast. But if you have a gun, you just point at your target and pull the trigger, a child could do that. Personally, I would rather be threatened by someone with a knife than by someone with a gun...
I did not say that people get stabbed often, I just stated that it is more common that people are injured by blades rather than guns.....

Personally, I would rather be threatened by someone with a knife than by someone with a gun...
Knives are more comomnly used on relatives- domestic violence is far more brutal than street crime.

* Stabbings are far prettier than gun shots- the passion is slow and prolonged, with the human dripping its blood warm on your hand. So yes, I'd rather you get stabbed with a knife than shot with a gun as well.

Damn you people are boring.
moementum7 said:
Why do you think there is such a difference in these numbers?
Or is this number just a little bit above the norm and should not be of concern?
What make the U.S. so different in this regard?
Well, one thing to keep in mind is that the US has much larger populations than all those other countries. There are about ten times as many people in the US as Canada, so it follows that there will be fewer shootings in Canada than the US. Another thing to keep in mind is that in many of those countries (the U.K., France, and Japan for instance) it's nearly impossible for private citizens to own hand guns. This naturally means that there will be fewer shooting deaths. Note that this does not mean that there are fewer murders; it just means that people use different weapons to kill each other. For example, while it's true that there were only 68 shootings in the UK, there were over a thousand murders. The way More presents the statistics are somewhat misleading.
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Dreamwalker said:
I have a theory, Americans have more guns than is good for them. Actually, in some of those countries (I only know Japan and Germany) it is rather hard to aquire a gun. Also laws are more strict on shooting people around here.
Then again, in Switzerland nearly half of the population is in the national guard and required to keep an assault rifle in their home, but the Swiss seem to have a pretty low murder rate. This (as well as a ton of other evidence) indicates that access to guns isn't a decisive factor in murder rates.
I have heard that you may shoot someone in America if he tresspasses on your property, you just have to call a warning first. Or something like that. Here in Germany, such behaviour would be highly unlawful...
Generally in the U.S. you're only allowed to shoot someone if you have reasonable cause to be afraid for your life. What's 'reasonable' is left open to interpretation by the police. Usually if someone breaks into your house to rob you then you can shoot them, but it would be pretty difficult to convince the police in most places that you were afraid for your life because some random person was just wandering around in your yard and wouldn't leave when you told them to.