

~^~You First~^~
Registered Senior Member
Just watched Bowling for Columbine.
And the statistics on deaths caused by guns was quite interesting.

Germany- 381
France- 255
Canada- 165
United Kingdom- 68
Australia- 65
Japan- 39
United States- 11,127

Why do you think there is such a difference in these numbers?
Or is this number just a little bit above the norm and should not be of concern?
What make the U.S. so different in this regard?

Very curious to have the members of Sci-Forums opinions on this.
Peace Out
Because there are more guns than people and the laws are so relaxed there that having a gun on you is like having a wallet.
The MM video?????Never saw it.
More guns than people!!!!!!!!!
Yah, that might make a difference.
I've never been to the States, but all of my freinds who have been there say it seems to be like Canada, just more tense.
The Marylin Manson video clip for the Fight Song. I'm listening to the CD just now...

It's added as a special feature in the DVD and it shows a good deal in the actually movie.

highlight of the movie; the cartoon history of America.
Because there are more guns than people and the laws are so relaxed there that having a gun on you is like having a wallet.

But, that's not true. We not gunslingers strutting around town with pistols strapped to our sides. The people that are doing the shooting are generally in possession of illegally owned guns. There are a number of "hunting accidents" and kids blowing out their brains playing with daddy's gun that add to the figures though.

Although it's not the norm, I think that there are states (Texas for one) where you can strap on a sidearm and be completely legal. As long as it's not concealed. But today's rage is permit to carry concealed weapons. It's easy to get if you're not a felon and have a legitimate reason to need to do so.
I have a theory, Americans have more guns than is good for them. Actually, in some of those countries (I only know Japan and Germany) it is rather hard to aquire a gun. Also laws are more strict on shooting people around here. I have heard that you may shoot someone in America if he tresspasses on your property, you just have to call a warning first. Or something like that. Here in Germany, such behaviour would be highly unlawful...
Americans had a constitution that was meant to allow each american a sword... not a hydrogen bomb. It's all about defining "arms" and about getting a little constitution update every few years. As necessary as a car check or dental appointment methinks.
If someone is breaking into your window and you shoot them and they fall outside, you better drag their dead ass back inside. :p

I think the law does get kinda sticky, there needs to be a valid self-defense reason. Like if you shoot someone who's not carrying a weapon... But, if they're breaking into your house, you don't know what they have and you've got the right to defend yourself.

The trespassing thing I'm not sure of. There are places where you can see signs that say trespassers will be shot. So if you see those signs, why tempt fate?
jadedflower said:
Americans had a constitution that was meant to allow each american a sword... not a hydrogen bomb. It's all about defining "arms" and about getting a little constitution update every few years. As necessary as a car check or dental appointment methinks.

Well, I think they did not have swords in mind... rather something convenient that shoots over long distances....

A sword would be no problem, you can aquire one here in Germany without problems, be it razor sharp or dull. But that´s not the point.

Wasn´t the statistic in Bowling for Columbine something like 250,000,000 guns were sold all over the USA? I think that is way too much.
It's all about defining "arms" and about getting a little constitution update every few years.

We've had many "updates" to the constitution. The problem is that many of these changes have only made things worse and no-one wants to lose their guns. And it is perfectly understandable, as well. Many people supplement their food by hunting. We are a nation full of wide open spaces and we still need guns to defend and feed ourselves at times. Hand guns don't serve much purpose though.
Did it make the news? Is the whole country absolutely scared out of their minds? I think that's the main point in Bowling for Comlumbine. Fear. The media has become straight up fearmongerers to get us to consume. We're afraid so we buy guns, we buy bullets, we buy alarm systems, we buy fences, guard dogs, etc... What's the media like in Portugal, Jaded?
No problems with hunting. You can get a permission for that quite easily around here if you want to have a rifle for hunting. But why keep all the other guns. Handguns machine-pistols and whatever. When there are less handguns, there is less need to keep one yourself.
Personally, I never met someone who had a handgun on him, or even at home... And the worst I have met was some guy with a knife. Very seldom someone dies because he was shot. Most of the time people are injured by blades...
Nah... I'm jaded of shoot outs too... I've seen too many people die to have it make that much of an impact. And yes; all over the news. Always.

We don't have a papparazzi... sensationalist media exists but not the celebrity-stalking type... there are very few good news sources.

Expresso = Express;
Publico = Public;
Diario de Noticias = Daily News ...

And these are the good newspapers.

Only 2 TV channels are decent...

Sic Noticias = Sic News

And the best is by far State TV; RTP 1...

Things like TVI = Independent TV and Sic are owned by people who are the major supportes of the Government and so are corrupted. TVI is bastardized by sensationalism and you really just want to spit on it... amazingly enough it has the largest audience shares.

Retarded gross shows with moronic presenters seem to be all the rage here...
Handguns machine-pistols and whatever.

Fully automatic weapons are illegal, highly illegal. You can get semi-automatic though. And it's easy to acquire the know-how to convert it to fully auto.

Maybe handguns will be banned when what's-his-name dies... You know... Moses... "From my cold dead hands..." Damn, why am I blanking on his name? I keep thinking Chuck Conners and Kurt Douglas, but I know it's neither of those. He's an idiot anyway.

Edit: Jaded, Why did you remove "the Shitty'? :p Man, it'd suck to live in such a television dead zone. Not that I watch much tv. I usually keep it on as background noise, but don't actually watch it. 200 channels of shit. I remember when there were 13 channels of shit. Now are options are much more plentiful.