Why you should not convert to Sharia Islam

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I find it difficult to believe that we're the only intelligent species that will ever live in this universe, but that's speculation on my part so I suppose the discussion ends here.

Sorry for derailing the thread.
I find it difficult to believe that we're the only intelligent species that will ever live in this universe, but that's speculation on my part so I suppose the discussion ends here.

Sorry for derailing the thread.

if its not clear, i never said we are the only intelligent species in the universe.
Yeah without religion, governments are so much better. Like Communism, such a benevolent system.

It's funny you should once again toss out the 'Communism' strawman, considering you've done so before several times, each time getting an explanation as to why the argument is a strawman.

Yet, here you are again.

So, are you here to place in concrete the fact that the delusional Muslim never learns?
It's funny you should once again toss out the 'Communism' strawman, considering you've done so before several times, each time getting an explanation as to why the argument is a strawman.

Yet, here you are again.

So, are you here to place in concrete the fact that the delusional Muslim never learns?

Feel free to indulge in your fantasies.
Feel free to continue posting strawmen arguments and pretending to know what's going on.
I'm a communist. But I don't feel any need to defend the actions of Stalin or the like, or find tu quoque excuses as to why they don't deserve censure.
Glass houses and stones?

If everyone is doing the bad things then picking on one subject in isolation without considering what other subjects are doing/have done to them, what is that called?

If it's independent of the first subject? Tu quoque.
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