Why you should not convert to Sharia Islam

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I don't disagree, but what do you base this claim on?

The Coran and the Bible.

Mohammed was a good prophet, but when Muslims took the Coran, and made it the official Government manifesto, interestingly, all this stuff about making Islam the only religion and warfare came up. The imperialist government use this to manipulate the people. This was not the original Coran.

Christianity was a good thing, there were hundreds of scriptures about Jesus. But then, came the Romans, made it official, and all the stuff about "only Christians go to heaven and the rest go to hell" appeared.

Everytime a religion is mixed up with a government, the holly scriptures are mysteriously changed to fit the political agenda of the government.
The Coran and the Bible.

Mohammed was a good prophet, but when Muslims took the Coran, and made it the official Government manifesto, interestingly, all this stuff about making Islam the only religion and warfare came up. The imperialist government use this to manipulate the people. This was not the original Coran.

Christianity was a good thing, there were hundreds of scriptures about Jesus. But then, came the Romans, made it official, and all the stuff about "only Christians go to heaven and the rest go to hell" appeared.

Everytime a religion is mixed up with a government, the holly scriptures are mysteriously changed to fit the political agenda of the government.

So what you are saying is that people prefer their own system to that of any other?

That is insightful.;)
So what you are saying is that people prefer their own system to that of any other?

That is insightful.;)

Well, people not only prefer their own beliefs, that is not a problem. The problem is the non-acceptance of other people beliefs, that is a huge problem. It is discrimination.
Well, people not only prefer their own beliefs, that is not a problem. The problem is the non-acceptance of other people beliefs, that is a huge problem. It is discrimination.

THAT is the main problem. The non-acceptance or intolerance of a belief that is different from your own. Unfortunately the concept of negative reinforcement and punishment has become endemic in our society.:(
argh i h8 religion and more than most the islamic one and before any of you canhave ago at me no matter what you canot change my mind.
Sam's mantra seems to be communism = atheism.

Communism is an active political movement and force. Atheism is simply possessing no belief in a god.
Sam's mantra seems to be communism = atheism.

Communism is an active political movement and force. Atheism is simply possessing no belief in a god.

Actually I said a government without religion.

Feel free to indulge in your fantasies however.
I thought this had been solved with church-state separation?

Then again, religions and politics tend to stick their noses into everything, including each other. So unless one is prepared to give way . . .
The LTTE are Hindu Marxists.

The Sinhalese Buddhists are bombing churches.:shrug:

They are exceptions to the rule. The number of theistic terrorist organizations in the entire world that are not islamic can literally be counted on one finger.

If you really do - as you profess - consider the separation of mosque and state a good thing, then it is a good thing, independently of any action any other nation takes. It isn't a real answer to say that "people prefer their own system to that of any other"; the islamic legal system is, notably, not the "system of" the dhimmi, but rather of the system that oppresses them. I doubt they would much prefer it.
A world with no human nature would be closer to peace too. But for that I suspect we'd need to remove the humans.
That's probably all part of the cosmic balance, yada yada.

But as a human I have an unreasonable desire for our survival to continue. There is (almost) always a solution better than self annihilation. If the cosmic balance disagrees with that, the cosmic balance can stuff it where the sun don't shine.
That's probably all part of the cosmic balance, yada yada.

But as a human I have an unreasonable desire for our survival to continue. If the cosmic balance disagrees with that, the cosmic balance can stuff it where the sun don't shine.

i dont believe in any such things as cosmic balance, but i have no doubt that unless something radical is done, humanity will self destruct.
Well yes. Choose wrong and humans will make way for the next intelligent species. That's evolution, isn't it? Nobody said we can't affect its course ;)
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