Why you should not convert to Sharia Islam

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Valued Senior Member
Lina Joy is a 42 year old Malaysian woman in fear of her life because she dared to convert to Christianity from Islam.

For the past 6 years she has been through a legal ordeal in Malaysia’s courts seeking to be allowed to legally change her religion to Christianity and has now been denied that right by Malaysia’s highest court. She now has no legal recourse left to her in Malaysia.

You can’t at whim and fancy convert from one religion to another.
- Malaysia’s Chief Justice Ahmad Fairuz Sheikh Abdul Halim

Lina Joy’s problem is that she was born an ethnic Malay. According to the Malaysian Constitution anyone born an ethnic Malay is a Muslim, whether they like it or not. All Muslims automatically fall under the jurisdiction of Sharia Law, which prohibits a Muslim from converting.

Rather predictably, Lina Joy’s family disowned her, the lawyer handling her case received death threats and a frenzied irrational Islamic horde screamed "Allah Akbar" (God is Great) outside the court when they heard the final ruling.

In an ironic twist, the Malaysian Constitution claims to guarantee religious freedom.

Okay, so explain to me again how your god is great? I just don’t see it. What am I missing here?


Savages :(
Hold up. The Chief Justice of Malaysia, having been thru legal training and certification, doesn't see how you CAN at whim and fancy convert among religions?

How is it that religion is suddenly a genetic trait? Is there a chromosome or DNA bit that has a crescent moon on it?

Stupid humans. It's a good thing I'm a starship.
At least she isn't a cartoonist, or the author of the Satanic Verses. She gets to live (for now).

Another bit of evidence for the oppressive and completely inhumane and, of course, stupid delusion that's called Islam is the story in Malaysia about the man who was separated from his wife of 21 years because it came to the attention of the Islamic nutbars running the country that his wife was adopted by an Islamic couple when she was young because her parents were killed.

After 21 years and 6 kids into a marriage, the Hindu couple and their Hindu children were separated and the kids and wife each sent to concentration camps for "re-education" and brainwashing. Eventually, the Islamic court allowed the kids to return to the father, but the wife is still kidnapped by the government and being tortured into submitting to the Islamic delusion.

She should be permitted her own delusions, as should all people. It was bad enough that they raised their children to believe they were "Hindu," which is probably child abuse in and of itself, but to have the whole family separated and a religious delusion forced upon them is the problem with theocracy to begin with.

And this is exactly the kind of thing that many religious fundamentalists in the United States would like to see occur. They would like nothing other than to ensure that Christianity be considered the state religion and apostacy restricted by law. If religious fundamentalists could legally restrict Muslim evangelism, they would do so. This is why its important for free thinking and rationally minded people to speak out against the delusions and nonsense claims of religion.
Not just the government... things such as this are embedded in the Bible and Koran themselves.

Yeap, this started when Religion was mixed with the Government. Thank God is not like that in our countries anymore. But it was still the government that did those things, not the prophets.

Another bit of evidence for the oppressive and completely inhumane and, of course, stupid delusion that's called Islam is the story in Malaysia about the man who was separated from his wife of 21 years because it came to the attention of the Islamic nutbars running the country that his wife was adopted by an Islamic couple when she was young because her parents were killed.

After 21 years and 6 kids into a marriage, the Hindu couple and their Hindu children were separated and the kids and wife each sent to concentration camps for "re-education" and brainwashing. Eventually, the Islamic court allowed the kids to return to the father, but the wife is still kidnapped by the government and being tortured into submitting to the Islamic delusion.

She should be permitted her own delusions, as should all people. It was bad enough that they raised their children to believe they were "Hindu," which is probably child abuse in and of itself, but to have the whole family separated and a religious delusion forced upon them is the problem with theocracy to begin with.

And this is exactly the kind of thing that many religious fundamentalists in the United States would like to see occur. They would like nothing other than to ensure that Christianity be considered the state religion and apostacy restricted by law. If religious fundamentalists could legally restrict Muslim evangelism, they would do so. This is why its important for free thinking and rationally minded people to speak out against the delusions and nonsense claims of religion.

I agree with you in everything you said here.
Religion should NOT be mixed with the Government, because is the historical case of Government manipulating people using their beliefs as a hook, it is the worst kind of oppresion.
Yeah without religion, governments are so much better. Like Communism, such a benevolent system.
Yeah without religion, governments are so much better. Like Communism, such a benevolent system.

I´m not saying that you should totally take out religion. But to make religion the highest power of the Government is what is not a good idea at all.
Interesting bit of fallacious bullshit. It doesn't, however, explain why there are so many governments that do *not* have religion afflicting them that do extremely well. In fact, the more non-religious a society is, the better their society appears to be for it.

But there will always be contrary and argumentative types that are afflicted with religious delusions of their own that will bring up communism as an example of "the atheist society." In spite of the utter stupidity of the argument itself.
Interesting bit of fallacious bullshit. It doesn't, however, explain why there are so many governments that do *not* have religion afflicting them that do extremely well. In fact, the more non-religious a society is, the better their society appears to be for it.

But there will always be contrary and argumentative types that are afflicted with religious delusions of their own that will bring up communism as an example of "the atheist society." In spite of the utter stupidity of the argument itself.

The governments that do well do not deal with many issues or are monocultural enough that it does not matter; its when you have a mixed society that such factors become evident.
One need only look at the oppression and violence fostered in every single Muslim theocracy that exists. The evidence will smack you in the face.
One need only look at the oppression and violence fostered in every single Muslim theocracy that exists. The evidence will smack you in the face.

Yes, all the wars have been fought in and by Muslim societies. It is the Muslim societies worldwide that are monocultural; notice how they keep enforcing their beliefs and views on others as though they were the only right ones.:rolleyes:
The governments that do well do not deal with many issues or are monocultural enough that it does not matter; its when you have a mixed society that such factors become evident.

Complete and utter BS. There is plenty of multiculturalism in these countries and they do very well. In fact, it is the introduction of the delusion of Islam that is creating violence and disorder in these nations. Muslim fanatics have no problem immigrating to these countries and taking advantage of their freedoms and liberties, but they want them curtailed in their favor, making it illegal to criticize Islam and to continue to allow Islamic atrocities against women and others (honor killings, physical abuse, arranged marriages, etc.) in these countries in spite of existing laws.
Complete and utter BS. There is plenty of multiculturalism in these countries and they do very well. In fact, it is the introduction of the delusion of Islam that is creating violence and disorder in these nations. Muslim fanatics have no problem immigrating to these countries and taking advantage of their freedoms and liberties, but they want them curtailed in their favor, making it illegal to criticize Islam and to continue to allow Islamic atrocities against women and others (honor killings, physical abuse, arranged marriages, etc.) in these countries in spite of existing laws.

O really? You seem to be highly confused as to what entails doing well. I do not consider using power and force to exploit people on a worldwide scale as a benevolent governance, but what do I know. O wait a minute, you mean they are chummy with the people that follow their rules and notions of a correct society, but consider all others as collateral damages? Wow, that is original.:rolleyes:
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