Why would theists talk about God to non-theists, if not to proselytize?

Dont call me dense, i understand all these concepts.
Evidently you don't because despite numerous posts telling you otherwise you still seem to think agnostic = don't believe either way.

You are saying there is no god - atheist
Theist is saying there is a god
Now you're getting it.
But atheist also includes "don't believe in god".

You say Theist is delusional...because they cannot know a god exist
Why isnt the atheist delusional? They dont know god doesnt exist.
Because atheism ALSO includes simply "not believing". Plus, of course, there's the balance of probabilities.
Theists persist in making claims that something exists: which cannot be shown to exist... :rolleyes:
Theists persist in making claims that something exists: which cannot be shown to exist... :rolleyes:

But dont you see the problem?

You say theists make claim (believe) which cannot be shown to exist

But the atheist make claim (believe) something does not exist which cannot be shown to not exist

you can call it god but in reality we are talking about some other being aka creator.

this is a problem.
Why dont you do this:

Copy the definitions - Theist- Atheist - Agnostic. Post them here and we will go through them.
But dont you see the problem?
One more time: theism/ atheism are statements of belief
Which part of this do you not understand?

You say theists make claim (believe) which cannot be shown to exist

But the atheist make claim (believe) something does not exist which cannot be shown to not exist

you can call it god but in reality we are talking about some other being aka creator.
What balls. What do you mean "in reality"? WTF do you think "god" means?

this is a problem.
There's certainly a problem: your understanding, or rather, lack of same.
Why dont you do this:

Copy the definitions - Theist- Atheist - Agnostic. Post them here and we will go through them.
Because you're too lazy to click on a link?
You prefer to maintain your state of "blissful" ignorance?
One more time: theism/ atheism are statements of belief
Which part of this do you not understand?

when i say "i believe i have the answer" am i saying i have the answer?

or am i saying i think i have the answer, but could be wrong?
Now look here:


ag·nos·tic (g-nstk)
a. One who believes that it is impossible to know whether there is a God.
b. One who is skeptical about the existence of God but does not profess true atheism.
2. One who is doubtful or noncommittal about something.

I added the emphasis on key terms but i am seeing overlapping, a redundancy, and what is "true atheism"?
I still cannot understand why we need atheism when we have agnosticims.
Evidently it's because you're stupid and fail completely to understand that the two have nothing to do with each other.
Atheism is not believing in god. Agnosticism is doubting god is provable. :rolleyes:
Either you, as you stated, have not 'wrapped your head around it" or you dont have the answers. Since you dont have the answers your claim of atheism is false. Why is it false? Because you just dont know and that is an agnostic.

It's possible to simultaneously be an atheist and an agnostic. I probably fit that description.

Agnosticism is an epistemological view. It's the idea that knowledge about something is lacking (weak agnosticism) or most likely impossible (strong agnosticism).

I'm a strong agnostic about hypothetical transcendental realities since I know of no way that a finite mortal human could know about them.

Atheism is an ontological view. It's the belief that gods (the greek theos) don't exist. (There's a whole argument at that point about strong and weak atheism that I'm going to skip over.)

I consider myself a strong atheist about the Judeo-Christian God since I believe that it's vanishingly unlikely that whatever the unknown (see my agnosticism above) ultimate principle(s) of the universe is/are, that they will turn out to a "person" named "Yahweh", with a very human-like psychology (and seeming psychiatric problems), who selected the ancient Hebrews as his "chosen people" and whose subsequent actions are uniquely recorded in the Bible.

So, if the subject of conversation is whatever the ultimate source of being is and why there's something rather than nothing, then I'm an agnostic. I'm agnostic about what other kinds of being might exist in addition to the space-time physical universe that we inhabit. But I'm a pretty strong atheist when it comes to Judeo-Christian mythology. (Or Islamic mythology for that matter.) I don't believe that the Biblical Yahweh or the Quranic Allah corresponds to anything real. I believe that they are figures from ancient mythological tradition, not unlike Zeus, Ra and Marduk.

To be true to yourself you must then proclaim yourself agnostic because if theism (as it stands now) is delusion then atheism is also delusion. one cannot have it both ways. otoh, if theism is correct then atheism is wrong....but we really dont know do we?...and it is that simple.

I just explained why and how I'm both an atheist and an agnostic. It appears that if (as I myself believe) traditional Biblical theism is a delusion, then the proposition 'the Biblical God doesn't exist' would be true. So atheism would be correct.

If so since it is in fact a being, how did it come to be without there first being something alive before it ?

Does the text address this question ? ”

“ Chapter 10, Verse 8.
I am the source of all spiritual and material worlds. Everything emanates from Me. The wise who know this perfectly engage in My devotional service and worship Me with all their hearts.

Again is not an answer. So the texts don't address what was before this being came to be ?

We are minute parts and parcels of God. This means we are qualitively
the same as God, but quantatively different. Because of this we have a free will, because God has a free will. Due to misuse of this free will, we decend into the material atmosphere where we play out our fantasies in various guises. God bothers with us because He wants us to give up these fantasies and return to our natural position (pure spirit)

The above represents claims of knowledge. Don't you see, all of these statements you are making about god are claims of knowledge and your are thus defining god. How can you know this ?

“ It states that it came to be at the beginning of our existence. ”

I don't get you.
Please explain by using texts.


"Within the text of the Bhagavad Gītā itself, Lord Krishna states that the knowledge of Yoga contained in the Gītā was first instructed to mankind at the very beginning of their existence."

But then goes on-

"Therefore, the history and choronology of Bhagavad Gita may be taken to be clear from the text itself, by its adherents. Although it may seem to some that the original date of composition of the Bhagavad Gita is not clear, its teachings are considered timeless and the exact time of revelation of the scripture is considered of little spiritual significance by religiously-motivated scholars such as Bansi Pandit, and Juan Mascaro.[1][21] Swami Vivekananda dismisses concerns about differences of opinion regarding the historical events as unimportant for study of the Gita from the point of acquirement of Dharma"

Yet, the date of the texts appears to be around 500BC

"As with all of the Mahabharata, the text of the Gītā cannot be dated with certainty. The entire epic went through a lengthy process of accumulation and redaction during roughly the 5th century BCE to the 5th century CE. Scholarship has tended to place the composition of the Gītā within the earlier phase of this period, between roughly the 5th and the 2nd century BCE"

So those who don't want to have pesky facts that could contradict the claim of "at the moment of our existence" just call in unimportant.

This is the problem I have with religious texts. They are making claims of knowledge yet when facts learned afterwards don't line up they just wave their hands around like they don't matter. And I want to say, don't matter WTF, your basing your entire belief system on these things. Don't matter give me a break.


This from here I like, http://www.swami-krishnananda.org/disc/disc_147.html

and what is being missed in all of the belief systems IMO.

Krishna was not distressed at the agonising condition of the mind of Arjuna. He did not weep, cry or beat his breast. He spoke words of wisdom laden with the profundity of the experience of life which, incidentally, opened up the gates for a solution to all conflicts in life. Not merely Arjuna's conflict, but your conflict, my conflict, and anyone's conflict at any time found a solution herein. All problems, all conflicts, all disharmonies, in everyone’s mind, in every pattern of society, and for all times, were dealt with effectively. Thus it is that the Bhagavadgita became a scripture of universal significance. Though it arose on account of a historical context, it gradually bordered upon timeless questions and the eternal problems of mankind, or humanity as a whole. The Bhagavadgita teaches not the Hindu religion, but religion as such. It is not my religion, or your religion, but it is the religion of the human soul that is spoken in the words of the Bhagavadgita. It is an answer to the questions of mankind, not merely the themes of some religion, cult or creed. It is 'man' putting a question to God. Not any particular person or any particular faith or association or affiliation raising a problem, but man, signifying humanity, raising a problem before the Maker of all things

These are tales not to be taken literally and not to be concerned with details and not to cling to as facts but to learn the moral of the story. Often missed in the details of insignificance is the moral. Which we then too often forget.

These are not mean't to be claims of knowledge in god but to be educational tools for us in how we live with each other, treat each other etc.

That is their value.

Which is why those who teach it don't care about any of the pesky facts because they see it as insignifant as well. The point being, they are simply teaching a way to be that they feel brings them closer to one with the universe or god.

We has humans need to learn to get along so that we can move forward, we don't need religion to do this. If it works for some, great. But obviously many use it as a wedge to create problems instead of solutions.

This the greatest difficulty with the subject of religions. The ability and capacity to do so much good and so much bad at the same time. And it comes down to us, not the religion we use as a guide or no religion.

“ If you believe in evolution that would be over 100,000 years ago. Do you believe the text to be that old ? ”

I don't believe in Darwins theory of evolution

Why, it has no relevance on your religion and it's supported by so much evidence that it's beyond a reasonable doubt that we evolved.

“ Or do you believe all fossil evidence and the like are fraudulent ? ”

I haven't really given it much thought.
But how do you know that what you're being told is correct?
You should read a book called ''Forbidden Archeology''.

What I am being told ?

Science isn't basing these ideas off pure story telling. Science presents the evidence for all to see. If something can be shown to change the storyline based on evidence then it becomes part of this evidenced based story. Not something made up and has to be taken on faith.

It's interesting that you bring up the book "Forbidden Archaeology" to question the idea of evolution. When it in fact should make you question the whole idea of the beliefs in the hindu religion. If we have been here many times over, 40,000,000 million years + then we should be finding human fossils throughout all of that time as well, but we are not.

This is the biggest joke about that book. His argument is actually making his belief invalid because his case is so weak on the one side but the evidence on the other is overwhelming. On top of that, most of his arguments don't if true have any impact on the theory of evolution anyway. So it's nonsense.

Here: http://ncse.com/rncse/19/3/review-forbidden-archaeologys-impact

for a more in depth commentary.

I believe you are being fooled into thinking everything can and should be explained by modern science.

But you are not being fooled into believing everthing can be explained by religious texts which were never mean't to explain the how's and when's but the why only.

You don't believe in God, so what do you expect a God inspired text to look and sound like.

Something that is not a story created by man.

You, I, or anyone do not have the brains or intelligence to scrutinize God.

Correct, nor define him.

You may as well not bother about God, and get on with material life.
But somehow I don't think you will, as you know there is something to all of this. That is my opinion anyway.

Of course there is, but I don't look at god to explain this, I am more interested in what is out there in the universe (we can call that god) and what is going on with my family and friends and those that I can have an impact either positive or negative. It's important to stay grounded as best you can, which is what I believe most religions want to teach anyway.

The story of Darwinian evolution is being forcibly shown to every child who have access to books, tv's, cinemas, video games.
These stories cannot be proven or shown to be correct, they have to be taken at (cgi) face value

Wrong, they are being shown and children are being educated with the information because it has evidence to support it and anyone who chooses to look and learn can take it as far as the information available will take them. With more to come I am sure about that. The case for evolution I am sure will get stronger and stronger as time goes by. With every new find the picture will be more complete.

“ Again, nobody can know if there is a god or not so what's the point in fighting about such unknowns. ”

What makes you think individual people cannot know if there is a god

I think people can think they know there is a god. They can delude themselves or mis-interpret an experience.

But if people can know there is god, it would be able to be defined, it would be testable and thus proveable.

Since nobody has been able to prove there is a god, then nobody has proven to know there is a god.

Religions are a different matter, as I stated, they are making claims of knowledge which is the same as me saying there is no god as fact, not a lack of belief. ”

Can you elaborate on this?
Give an example of what you mean by ''they are making claims of knowledge''.

Yes see here, your very next statement.

There is only one God.

Religion, as I stated before, is supposed to be an education for the conditioned soul, to learn how to come to the platform of goodness


In this way God becomes accessable. That is the idea.

That is the idea and a claim of knowledge that god can become accesable.

Has anybody accessed this god ? Ever ?

If so how would you know they are not lying to you ?

“ Based on me questioning my understanding of all of my experiences of what I deem as reality, the only god that I could believe exists is one that would be indistinguishable from the universe itself. ”

This is flawed. You don't know all you experiences'
What experiences you do know are but a minute part of your being.
Since the moment you were concieved, your experiences began. Every single
moment, you are experiencing (maybe moments are too big a time measurement), and have been ever since, and will be right up to the moment your body stops (assuming we're talking about bodily experience).
To base your life on your waking experience could be like basing you understanding of a photograph by a pixel or two IMO.

There is nothing logical about what you said to claim that my statement is flawed.

you said:
If so since it is in fact a being, how did it come to be without there first being something alive before it ?

Does the text address this question

me said:
Chapter 10, Verse 8.
I am the source of all spiritual and material worlds.
Everything emanates from Me.
The wise who know this perfectly engage in My devotional service and worship Me with all their hearts.

you said:
Again is not an answer. So the texts don't address what was before this being came to be ?

Dude! Krishna says that He is source of all worlds.
Everything emanates from Him.
That means He is present before the cosmic manifestation
Stop wasting my time.

The above represents claims of knowledge. Don't you see, all of these statements you are making about god are claims of knowledge and your are thus defining god. How can you know this ?

Why shouldn't I be able to define God?
What is the point of scriptures?
What is the point of dictionaries.

This is the problem I have with religious texts. They are making claims of knowledge yet when facts learned afte Often missed in the details of insignificance is the moral. Which we then too often forgetrwards don't line up they just wave their hands around like they don't matter.

Such as?

These are tales not to be taken literally and not to be concerned with details and not to cling to as facts but to learn the moral of the story.. These are not mean't to be claims of knowledge in god but to be educational tools for us in how we live with each other, treat each other etc.
That is their value.

That's cool. Go ahead.
But I see it differenetly to you.
Is that alright with you?

Which is why those who teach it don't care about any of the pesky facts because they see it as insignifant as well. The point being, they are simply teaching a way to be that they feel brings them closer to one with the universe or god.

What do you mean by ''pesky facts''?

We has humans need to learn to get along so that we can move forward, we don't need religion to do this. If it works for some, great. But obviously many use it as a wedge to create problems instead of solutions.

Thanks for your opinion, but it is of no importance in this discussion.

Science presents the evidence for all to see.

What have you seen why you so easily accept this evidence to mean evolution of the macro kind?

If something can be shown to change the storyline based on evidence then it becomes part of this evidenced based story. Not something made up and has to be taken on faith.

Alot of new paleontological evidence came to light which was ignored by mainstream science. Why?

It's interesting that you bring up the book "Forbidden Archaeology" to question the idea of evolution.

There's nothing wrong with questioning the idea of evolution is there?

When it in fact should make you question the whole idea of the beliefs in the hindu religion.

Way to go with the not so slick subject change. :rolleyes:

If we have been here many times over, 40,000,000 million years + then we should be finding human fossils throughout all of that time as well, but we are not.

But it's not dealing with the hindu religion. It's dealing with the dodgy dealings
of the mainstream science brigage. :)

This is the biggest joke about that book. His argument is actually making his belief invalid because his case is so weak on the one side but the evidence on the other is overwhelming. On top of that, most of his arguments don't if true have any impact on the theory of evolution anyway. So it's nonsense.

These guys spent alot of time and effort on this book. They have been very thorough and transparent, knowing the reaction they would face. They even followed up the book with another book giving the scientific community to rebutt their claims. :)
It has become obvious that the whole thing is a farce, and it doesn't matter
what evidence is brought foreward to question it, it will never be accepted.

Who is Tom Morrow?

But you are not being fooled into believing everthing can be explained by religious texts which were never mean't to explain the how's and when's but the why only.

I can accept both, you can't or wont.

Something that is not a story created by man.

How would you understand it?
You are human aren't you?

Correct, nor define him.

We can defin Him, just not totally.
To scrutinize Him, we must totally know Him.

Of course there is, but I don't look at god to explain this, I am more interested in what is out there in the universe (we can call that god) and what is going on with my family and friends and those that I can have an impact either positive or negative. It's important to stay grounded as best you can, which is what I believe most religions want to teach anyway.

Your worldview.
You can't go beyond that can you?

The case for evolution I am sure will get stronger and stronger as time goes by. With every new find the picture will be more complete.

Of course it will.
I think that's quite obvious.

I think people can think they know there is a god. They can delude themselves or mis-interpret an experience.

Because God doesn't exist. Right?

But if people can know there is god, it would be able to be defined, it would be testable and thus proveable.

So if God can't be tested and scrutinizes by modern science, He doesn't exist. Right?
Hmm, sounds familiar.

There is nothing logical about what you said to claim that my statement is flawed.

Maybe there are poeple who are aware of all of their experiences.


Dude! Krishna says that He is source of all worlds.
Everything emanates from Him.
That means He is present before the cosmic manifestation
Stop wasting my time.

Still doesn't answer what was before Krishna. Again as you say life can not come from non-life.

So I will just leave it at this. You don't have an answer and neither do I.

Why shouldn't I be able to define God?
What is the point of scriptures?
What is the point of dictionaries.

Definitions of god are claims of knowledge about god. Which is claiming to know about it specifically. How can you know this ?

Scriptures are that claim, that someone can make those claims because of such contact.

Are all the other religions wrong ? Is everyone who ever claimed to be in contact with god other than what your religion is based on wrong ?

As you said there is only one god. So by this I assume that yours is the only correct one.

I asked in a response to you previously, show me a scripture that can only be from god and not created by man.

Furthermore, relying on the scriptures is nothing more than faith. Faith in the original as truly being the words of god. Without any evidence of any kind to support it other than the story itself. But as we have been touching on, there is actual evidence against.

So we have zero evidence for, and evidence against and per you there is only one true god. Hmmn.

“ Science presents the evidence for all to see. ”

What have you seen why you so easily accept this evidence to mean evolution of the macro kind?

Here for starters:


“ If something can be shown to change the storyline based on evidence then it becomes part of this evidenced based story. Not something made up and has to be taken on faith. ”

Alot of new paleontological evidence came to light which was ignored by mainstream science. Why?

For example ?

There's nothing wrong with questioning the idea of evolution is there?

No. Not at all and if it can't stand on it's own it will be replaced with a better theory. Most importantly is not what supports only but what questions. So yes questioning is important. But the questions have to be legitimate and have merit.

“ When it in fact should make you question the whole idea of the beliefs in the hindu religion. ”

Way to go with the not so slick subject change.

Well you brought up the book, which brings up the issue, which raises more questions. Sorry.

“ If we have been here many times over, 40,000,000 million years + then we should be finding human fossils throughout all of that time as well, but we are not. ”

But it's not dealing with the hindu religion. It's dealing with the dodgy dealings
of the mainstream science brigage.

Nonsense. You're expecting science to solve the issue of why we haven't found human remains that are evidence of humans being here many times over, millions and 50 millions of years ago because it would support your beliefs.

That's not how it works, we follow the evidence.

These guys spent alot of time and effort on this book. They have been very thorough and transparent, knowing the reaction they would face. They even followed up the book with another book giving the scientific community to rebutt their claims.
It has become obvious that the whole thing is a farce, and it doesn't matter
what evidence is brought foreward to question it, it will never be accepted.

Most of it was spent on illogical ramblings that wouldn't have any impact on the theory anyway. For example if we found bigfoot.

They didn't bring any evidence that would impact the theory or the timeline. This is their problem. Don't blame science for their failings. They unfortunately, came to it with a pre-determined position to provide evidence to support their beliefs. That again is not how it works. If the evidence is not there, you move in the better direction. Furthermore, the evidence to suggest otherwise is overwhelming, at least at this point.

“ But you are not being fooled into believing everthing can be explained by religious texts which were never mean't to explain the how's and when's but the why only. ”

I can accept both, you can't or wont.

I can accept they are an attempt to explain the why's we are here. They don't explain the how's and when's as the evidence contradicts them.

Here is the bottom line in my opinion. They were an attempt to explain the unknown. This is the difference between us Jan.

Nobody knows. I choose not to create answers or make up answers where none exists. You either do or are willing to accept those answers created by others to explain these things which I contend nobody can know.

That is your choice as it is mine.
The above represents claims of knowledge. Don't you see, all of these statements you are making about god are claims of knowledge and your are thus defining god. How can you know this ?

Why shouldn't I be able to define God?
What is the point of scriptures?
What is the point of dictionaries.

The thing is that somehow, you don't doubt that what you read in scriptures really is about what it claims to be about, and you also presume to know what it is about.
You accept them, as naturally as a child accepts the claims of his mother.

But many of us don't have this sort of natural, unquestioning trust in scriptures (or dictionaries).
Instead, we experience ourselves as ontological and epistemological instances who yet need to find a justification for why to trust the scriptures.

When this is pointed out to you (and some other theists), you reply with a reasoning along the lines of "stop wasting my time" and "take responsibility for yourself" or "make a choice, come to a conclusion."

There is a level of skepticism that you and many other theists seem to be impervious to, even though it is the level of skepticism typical for the philosophy of religion, esp. for the epistemology of religion.

I'm not sure there can be much discussion here. The way many theists dismiss inquiries from non-theists, does leave me with the impression that theism is primarily about some kind of superiorism, and also mysticism.
The way many theists dismiss inquiries from non-theists, does leave me with the impression that theism is primarily about some kind of superiorism, and also mysticism.

Heh, we're all bozos in this clown car.

But I thought that spirituality was about a deep emotional connection to deity. Therefore a mystic (emotional) as opposed to a religious (logical) experience.


What the hell do I know?