Why would theists talk about God to non-theists, if not to proselytize?


But if knowledge of God is paramount for people

Yet they tend to refuse to do so, and tend to blame the people for not coming to the proper knowledge of God.

That's where the rub is Signal, it's not about coming to the proper knowledge of god, whatever that means, it's about belief. Not questioning.

Questions lead to more questions. How do you place definitions on an omnipotent being ?
To feel superior. Or to simply inform or make conversation. Not all theists care if other people believe. I think Jews are fairly ambivalent about it.

Spidey !! Touching your heritage are we !! ?? You don't love Me any more . You never talk to Me . I still love you and even think of you as my personal savior. I read just about all your posts . I let them seep into my brain and I make em part of Me . Artist will do that to a person .

“ Then where did god come from and who created it ? ”

God is.
He is neither created or destroyed. Such is His nature.

Then you have contradicted yourself and your god itself can not exist.

"Life coming from dead matter is." Nonsense as you say.

So once again without hand waving away the question, where did god come from ?

Then you have contradicted yourself and your god itself can not exist.

"Life coming from dead matter is." Nonsense as you say.

So once again without hand waving away the question, where did god come from ?

If that is a rebuttal, then you need to clarify.
Pretence does not count.

If that is a rebuttal, then you need to clarify.
Pretence does not count.


Sigh, face it Jan, you don't have an answer, never have and never will. This is why someone who is honest with themselves remains agnostic. You can state a strong belief but can not know.

Care to try again. Where did god come from ?

If as you say, life can not come from dead matter.
Sigh, face it Jan, you don't have an answer, never have and never will. This is why someone who is honest with themselves remains agnostic. You can state a strong belief but can not know.

Care to try again. Where did god come from ?

If as you say, life can not come from dead matter.

Are you basing your rebuttal on the idea that I KNOW what I speak to be
a FACT, or are you challenging my belief??

Just for the record, nobody actually knows.

Now for the last time, my answer to your question is that God is not
created or destroyed. That is my understanding.
Now, can you respond to that in kind, or are you going to insist in putting
a spanner in the works?

There's nothing to say about the opening post as it assumes a kind of generalisation and is dependant on the individuals personal experiences.

Why do you, as a theist, talk to non-theist about God?

There is no generalization.

However, I will say that you should listen to Lori.

Why is it so difficult at this forum to have a philosophical conversation with theists??

The topics I bring up are also topics that professional philosophers are interested in - for example: http://plato.stanford.edu/entries/religious-pluralism/ So it's not simply my personal problems or quirks.
And yet so often at this forum, the theists simplify the topic, turn it into an ad personam, so that the topic is quickly dismissed - while they nonetheless maintain an air of superiority and rightness.

Why? If theists are so sure about God, why then can they not explain things to others in such a way that others would understand?

Its all interpersonal politics . The question is what direction are you going to go ? What circle of influence are you going to associate with? I dropped out my self cause. I can't get on board with the agendas. I am more like a one man force. I can feel people standing behind Me though. Carpenters do have eyes in the back of there heads . It comes from people cheating us out of our wages and time . We look behind us to see who is sticking there plastic dildo up our asses is why. So now the people I feel behind Me are different . They support Me and cheer for my success . They don't know that I know they are there , but I do. I can feel there sweet breath on my soul . When I go to sleep I can feel there hands touching my body with comfort . Giving Me the love I missed from my own rejection caused by my personal conditioning .

So yeah politics is it . The problem is people are in it for them selves . Sometimes they are loving towards there friends and family . It is easy to love the ones who love you . How hard is it to make the first step out of ones personal circle of influence . To over come peer presser can be harder than one thinks . I just got my hair cut . If it was up to Me I would have let it be . I liked it . The problem is my community didn't . The rumors got back to me fairly quick as I do have a lot of people that care about my image. So the talk is . Mikel looks like a home less person . What is up with that . I will tell you how the rumor mill works . I got my hair cut and trimmed my beard Sunday . This morning I see Butch as the lumber store . He has not seen Me for a while so his reference of my hair is skewed . He says to Me " When you going to cut that wild hair and re join the human race Mike . Can you see what has happened ? The group made a collective decision to intervene. The rumor of Mike"s falling had spread though the community. Now they didn't plan anything . The knowledge and the commitment was made by words not spoken directly to . The image of Mike's Hair was conveyed . They love Me so they intervene based on what they heard , even though my hair was cut already Butch was still on his mission to tell me something .
True, not consciously directly, but of a fixation upon one's self and species as necessarily special.

It would be detrimental not to do so.

RD Laing's understanding is that an ontologically insecure person "cannot take the realness, aliveness, autonomy and identity of himself and others for granted" (*).

I also don't think there is something wrong with considering ourselves special.
But when some people are more special than others, and this being more special than others is paramount to the eternal destiny of mankind, then those being more special have greater responsibility toward those who are less.

Why do you, as a theist, talk to non-theist about God?

Because it happens to be the subject matter.

Why is it so difficult at this forum to have a philosophical conversation with theists??

The difficulty comes from yourself.

The topics I bring up are also topics that professional philosophers are interested in - for example: http://plato.stanford.edu/entries/religious-pluralism/ So it's not simply my personal problems or quirks.
And yet so often at this forum, the theists simplify the topic, turn it into an ad personam, so that the topic is quickly dismissed - while they nonetheless maintain an air of superiority and rightness.

You've been given enough answers, enough time, over many years, yet
you ask the same old questions as if for the first time.
Accept the answers, because they are always the same (dead givaway), and
come to some conclusions.

Philosophy is useless if you can't come to conclusions.
It becomes nothing more than mind games.
Some of us don't have time for that.

Why? If theists are so sure about God, why then can they not explain things to others in such a way that others would understand?

Stop generalising.
Not all theists are ''sure'' about God.
Try and listen.
For example I have just said ''Not all theists are sure about God'', so now you
shouldn't ever generalise that again.


Are you basing your rebuttal on the idea that I KNOW what I speak to be
a FACT, or are you challenging my belief??

You can believe what you want. It was a simple question however that should have you challenge your own beliefs.

Just for the record, nobody actually knows.

I agree.

Now for the last time, my answer to your question is that God is not
created or destroyed. That is my understanding.

That is your understanding. Where did this understanding come from ?

If you ask yourself the original question with honesty in your answer, it is I don't know. So with this, where does anyone have the audacity to take it to a statement of knowledge and essentially preach that this is the way.

This is where it all goes south for me. When people want to discuss the idea or concept of god, no problem, when they want to throw their religion in there, PROBLEM. The later indicating knowledge and facts are in play when they can't be, by virtue of the question of how god came to be and the question of defining said god.
You've been given enough answers, enough time, over many years, yet
you ask the same old questions as if for the first time.

I don't understand the answers. They don't make sense to me.
Is that a crime?

Stop generalising.
Not all theists are ''sure'' about God.
Try and listen.
For example I have just said ''Not all theists are sure about God'', so now you
shouldn't ever generalise that again.

I wasn't generalizing. The sentence from my post that you are replying to began with an "If".

By not being sure about God (by your own admission), and yet discussing about God and accusing people of this and that in relation to God (especially atheists)
you behave like a cheater.

You come here talking about God, and as if you knew the solution to mankind's problems - but then you don't give it to them. This is cheating.

You can believe what you want. It was a simple question however that should have you challenge your own beliefs.

I agree.

That is your understanding. Where did this understanding come from ?

If you ask yourself the original question with honesty in your answer, it is I don't know. So with this, where does anyone have the audacity to take it to a statement of knowledge and essentially preach that this is the way.

This is where it all goes south for me. When people want to discuss the idea or concept of god, no problem, when they want to throw their religion in there, PROBLEM. The later indicating knowledge and facts are in play when they can't be, by virtue of the question of how god came to be and the question of defining said god.

We have to believe something.
Claiming ''agnosticsm'' is purely an intellectual position and cannot function.
You real position is atheist, as you do not believe in God.

There are no in-betweens.

I believe in God for many reasons, it's not just an intellectual pursuit.
For me it makes complete sense (simply put).
You may not believe for your own reasons, but it is not for me push my belief
on to you. And guess what? I don't.

Why don't you believe in God?

God was a wish from the past . Am I the only one who sees that . Prophets rise up and make the wishes of the past come true by determination . That is what the Pharaohs wish is all about . The God Person comes into being by the wishes from the past . I know you all have a hard time with believing in spirits and ghosts . Consider this : You read a book written by a dead person . Does that dead person become part of you and your personal thinking? The dead person lives and the possessions of that dead person are in you .